int solveLinearSystemGJ(double * result , double * coefficients , unsigned int variables , unsigned int totalLines )
    fprintf(stderr,"solveLinearSystemGJ : Variables %u argument is not taken into account (?)",variables);

    char name[128]={0};
    //Make the system upper diagonal
    unsigned int i=0;
    for (i=0; i<totalLines; i++)
      if (! makeSureNonZero(coefficients,i,totalLines) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error making sure that we have a non zero element first ( %u ) \n", i ); break; }
      if (! createBaseOne(coefficients,i) )              { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating base one  ( %u ) \n", i ); break; }
      if (! subtractBase(coefficients,i,totalLines) )    { fprintf(stderr,"Error subtracting base  ( %u ) \n" , i ); break; }

      sprintf(name,"Echeloned Step %u",i);


    //Populate the results matrix
    return gatherResult(result,coefficients,totalLines);
void AdaptiveManifoldFilterN::filter(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray joint)
    CV_Assert(sigma_s_ >= 1 && (sigma_r_ > 0 && sigma_r_ <= 1));
    num_pca_iterations_ = std::max(1, num_pca_iterations_);

    initBuffers(src, joint);

    curTreeHeight = tree_height_ <= 0 ? computeManifoldTreeHeight(sigma_s_, sigma_r_) : tree_height_;

    sigma_r_over_sqrt_2 = (float) (sigma_r_ / sqrt(2.0));

    const double seedCoef = jointCn[0].at<float>(srcSize.height/2, srcSize.width/2);
    const uint64 baseCoef = numeric_limits<uint64>::max() / 0xFFFF;
    rnd.state = static_cast<int64>(baseCoef*seedCoef);
    Mat1b cluster0(srcSize, 0xFF);
    vector<Mat> eta0(jointCnNum);
    for (int i = 0; i < jointCnNum; i++)
        h_filter(jointCn[i], eta0[i], (float)sigma_s_);

    buildManifoldsAndPerformFiltering(eta0, cluster0, 1);

    gatherResult(src, dst);