BTSV_API void btRegisterSpawnAlias(char *srcname, char *dstname) { int i; if(!btge_spawn_alias_src) { btge_spawn_alias_src=gcalloc(64*sizeof(char *)); btge_spawn_alias_dst=gcalloc(64*sizeof(char *)); btge_spawn_m_alias=64; } for(i=0; i<btge_spawn_n_alias; i++) if(!strcmp(btge_spawn_alias_src[i], srcname)) { btge_spawn_alias_dst[i]=dystrdup(dstname); return; } if((btge_spawn_n_alias+1)>=btge_spawn_m_alias) { i=btge_spawn_m_alias+(btge_spawn_m_alias>>1); btge_spawn_alias_src=gcrealloc( btge_spawn_alias_src, i*sizeof(char *)); btge_spawn_alias_dst=gcrealloc( btge_spawn_alias_dst, i*sizeof(char *)); btge_spawn_m_alias=i; }
/*-- Cat pdnet;NET;Sock Form VADDR *NET_Str2Addr(char *str, int proto); Description Parses the address from a string. proto identifies the expected protocol. --*/ VADDR *NET_Str2Addr(char *str, int proto) { VADDR *tmp; char *s; switch(proto) { case PROTO_IPV4UDP: case PROTO_IPV4TCP: tmp=gcalloc(sizeof(VADDR)); tmp->proto=proto; // tmp->ipv4.addr=htonl(str2ipv4(str, &tmp->ipv4.port)); tmp->ipv4.port=htons(tmp->ipv4.port); break; case PROTO_IPV6UDP: case PROTO_IPV6TCP: tmp=gcalloc(sizeof(VADDR)); tmp->proto=proto; s=str2ipv6(tmp->ipv6.addr, str); sscanf(s, ":%d", &tmp->ipv6.port); tmp->ipv6.port=htons(tmp->ipv6.port); break; default: tmp=NULL; break; } return(tmp); }
int BTLZA_BitEnc_EncodeBlock(BGBBTJ_BTLZA_Context *ctx, byte *ibuf, int isz, int last) { int i; i=isz; if(!ctx->lz_tbuf || (isz>ctx->lz_tsz)) { if(ctx->lz_tbuf)gcfree(ctx->lz_tbuf); if(ctx->lz_mbuf)gcfree(ctx->lz_mbuf); ctx->lz_tsz=i; ctx->lz_msz=(i+7)/8; ctx->lz_tbuf=gcalloc(ctx->lz_tsz); ctx->lz_mbuf=gcalloc(ctx->lz_msz); } if(ctx->lz_maxdist>65536) { ctx->lbase=btlza_lbase3; ctx->lextra=btlza_lextra3; return(BTLZA_BitEnc_EncodeBlockBTLZH(ctx, ibuf, isz, last)); }else { if(ctx->lz_maxdist>32768) { ctx->lbase=btlza_lbase2; ctx->lextra=btlza_lextra2; } else { ctx->lbase=btlza_lbase1; ctx->lextra=btlza_lextra1; } return(BTLZA_BitEnc_EncodeBlockDynamic(ctx, ibuf, isz, last)); } }
LBXGL_NoiseContext *LBXGL_Noise_CreateContext( int ord, int sz, s64 seed) { LBXGL_NoiseContext *tmp; float f, g; int i, j, k, l; //create context tmp=gctalloc("lbxgl_noisectx_t", sizeof(LBXGL_NoiseContext)); tmp->ord=ord; tmp->sz=sz; tmp->seed=seed; //eat initial values for(i=0; i<sz; i++) LBXGL_Noise_Random(tmp); //create arrays and fill them with random values for(i=0; i<ord; i++) { tmp->arr[i]=gcalloc(sz*sizeof(float)); tmp->parr[i]=gcalloc(sz*sizeof(int)); for(j=0; j<sz; j++) { tmp->arr[i][j]=LBXGL_Noise_SRandom(tmp); tmp->parr[i][j]=j; } } //normalize values if applicable if(ord>1) { for(i=0; i<sz; i++) { g=0; for(j=0; j<ord; j++) { f=tmp->arr[j][i]; g+=f*f; } f=sqrt(g); for(j=0; j<ord; j++) { tmp->arr[j][i]/=f; } } } //randomize permutation arrays for(i=0; i<ord; i++) { for(j=0; j<sz; j++) { k=LBXGL_Noise_Random(tmp)*sz; k=(k<0)?0:((k>sz)?sz:k); //clamp range //swap elements l=tmp->parr[i][j]; tmp->parr[i][j]=tmp->parr[i][k]; tmp->parr[i][k]=l; } } return(tmp); }
NET_Struct *Verify_NewNetStruct(int max) { NET_Struct *tmp; tmp=gcalloc(sizeof(NET_Struct)); tmp->types=gcalloc(max*sizeof(char *)); tmp->names=gcalloc(max*sizeof(char *)); tmp->values=gcalloc(max*sizeof(long)); return(tmp); }
/* importvar -- import a single environment variable */ static void importvar(char *name0, char *value) { char sep[2] = { ENV_SEPARATOR, '\0' }; Ref(char *, name, name0); Ref(List *, defn, NULL); defn = fsplit(sep, mklist(mkstr(value + 1), NULL), FALSE); if (strchr(value, ENV_ESCAPE) != NULL) { List *list; gcdisable(); for (list = defn; list != NULL; list = list->next) { int offset = 0; const char *word = list->term->str; const char *escape; while ((escape = strchr(word + offset, ENV_ESCAPE)) != NULL) { offset = escape - word + 1; switch (escape[1]) { case '\0': if (list->next != NULL) { const char *str2 = list->next->term->str; char *str = gcalloc(offset + strlen(str2) + 1, &StringTag); memcpy(str, word, offset - 1); str[offset - 1] = ENV_SEPARATOR; strcpy(str + offset, str2); list->term->str = str; list->next = list->next->next; } break; case ENV_ESCAPE: { char *str = gcalloc(strlen(word), &StringTag); memcpy(str, word, offset); strcpy(str + offset, escape + 2); list->term->str = str; offset += 1; break; } } } } gcenable(); } vardef(name, NULL, defn); RefEnd2(defn, name); }
mstring wstrtocstr(wstring str) { size_t sz = wcstombs(NULL, str, 0); if (!~sz) { sz = wcslen(str); mstring ret = gcalloc(sz+1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) ret[i] = str[i]; return ret; } else { mstring ret = gcalloc(sz+1); wcstombs(ret, str, sz); return ret; } }
mwstring cstrtowstr(string str) { size_t sz = mbstowcs(NULL, str, 0); if (!~sz) { // Invalid byte string, fall back to ISO-8859-1 sz = strlen(str); mwstring ret = gcalloc((sz+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) ret[i] = ((wchar_t)str[i]) & (wchar_t)0xFF; return ret; } else { mwstring ret = gcalloc((sz+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); mbstowcs(ret, str, sz); return ret; } }
BSP_Face *BSP_ReadLeafFace(VFILE *fd) { float pt[3], dv[3], dn[4]; BSP_Face *tmp; int i, j; tmp=gcalloc(sizeof(BSP_Face)); memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(BSP_Face)); // BSP_ReadFourcc(fd); BSP_ReadInt32(fd); BSP_ReadNormal(fd, tmp->norm); tmp->nvecs=BSP_ReadInt16(fd); tmp->flags=BSP_ReadInt16(fd); tmp->vecs=gcatomic(tmp->nvecs*3*sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i<tmp->nvecs; i++) BSP_ReadVector(fd, tmp->vecs+i*3); tmp->evecs=gcatomic(4*tmp->nvecs*sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i<tmp->nvecs; i++) { j=(i+1)%tmp->nvecs; V3F_SUB(tmp->vecs+j*3, tmp->vecs+i*3, dv); V3F_CROSS(tmp->norm, dv, dn); V3F_NORMALIZE(dn, dn); dn[3]=V3F_DOT(tmp->vecs+i*3, dn); V4F_COPY(dn, tmp->evecs+i*4); } return(tmp); }
BSP_Face *BSP_ReadTraceSurf(VFILE *fd, BSP_Node *node) { float pt[3], dv[3], dn[4]; BSP_Face *tmp; int i, j; tmp=gcalloc(sizeof(BSP_Face)); memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(BSP_Face)); BSP_ReadInt32(fd); tmp->nvecs=BSP_ReadInt16(fd); tmp->flags=BSP_ReadInt16(fd); V4F_COPY(node->norm, tmp->norm); if(tmp->flags&BSPFACE_FL_BACKSIDE) { V4F_SCALE(node->norm, -1, tmp->norm); } tmp->vecs=gcatomic(tmp->nvecs*3*sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i<tmp->nvecs; i++) BSP_ReadVector(fd, tmp->vecs+i*3); tmp->evecs=gcatomic(4*tmp->nvecs*sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i<tmp->nvecs; i++) { j=(i+1)%tmp->nvecs; V3F_SUB(tmp->vecs+j*3, tmp->vecs+i*3, dv); V3F_CROSS(tmp->norm, dv, dn); V3F_NORMALIZE(dn, dn); dn[3]=V3F_DOT(tmp->vecs+i*3, dn); V4F_COPY(dn, tmp->evecs+i*4); } return(tmp); }
static void JScriptMatrixInit(struct matrixinit *mi,Justify *js) { struct matrix_data *md; int k, cnt; Justify *jscript; memset(mi,0,sizeof(*mi)); mi->col_cnt = 4; mi->col_init = justify_ci; md = NULL; for ( k=0; k<2; ++k ) { cnt = 0; for ( jscript=js; jscript!=NULL; jscript = jscript->next ) { if ( k ) { md[4*cnt+0].u.md_str = copy(Tag2Str(jscript->script)); md[4*cnt+1].u.md_str = copy(jscript->extenders); /* Nothing in 4*cnt+2 */ md[4*cnt+3].u.md_addr = JstfLangsCopy(jscript->langs); } ++cnt; } if ( md==NULL ) md = gcalloc(4*(cnt+10),sizeof(struct matrix_data)); } mi->matrix_data = md; mi->initial_row_cnt = cnt; }
void LBXGL_Voxel_RecalcStaticLight( LBXGL_BrushWorld *world, LBXGL_VoxelChunk *chk) { int i, j, k, n; if(!chk->mesh) return; n=chk->mesh->n_face*3; if(n<=0)return; if(!chk->mesh->face_tlrgba) { // chk->mesh->face_tlrgba=gcalloc(n*4); k=chk->mesh->m_face*3; chk->mesh->face_tlrgba=gcalloc(k*4); } for(i=0; i<n; i++) for(j=0; j<4; j++) { k= chk->mesh->face_slrgba[i*4+j]+ chk->mesh->face_vlrgba[i*4+j]; if(k>255)k=255; chk->mesh->face_tlrgba[i*4+j]=k; } }
static void LookupMatrixInit(struct matrixinit *mi,char *lookupstr, SplineFont *sf, int col) { struct matrix_data *md; int j, k, cnt; char *temp; char *start, *end; memset(mi,0,sizeof(*mi)); mi->col_cnt = 1; mi->col_init = lookup_ci; lookup_ci[0].enum_vals = SFLookupArrayFromMask(sf,col==3 || col==6 ? (gpos_single_mask|gpos_pair_mask) : 0 ); md = NULL; for ( k=0; k<2; ++k ) { cnt = 0; if ( lookupstr!=NULL ) for ( start = lookupstr; *start; ) { for ( end=start; *end!='\0' && *end!=','; ++end ); if ( k ) { for ( j=0; (temp=(char *) (lookup_ci[0].enum_vals[j].text))!=NULL; ++j ) if ( strlen(temp)==end-start && strncmp(temp,start,end-start)==0 ) { md[1*cnt++ + 0].u.md_ival = (intpt) lookup_ci[0].enum_vals[j].userdata; break; } } else ++cnt; while ( *end==' ' || *end==',') ++end; start = end; } if ( md==NULL ) md = gcalloc(1*(cnt+10),sizeof(struct matrix_data)); } mi->matrix_data = md; mi->initial_row_cnt = cnt; }
static void GlyphMatrixInit(struct matrixinit *mi,char *glyphstr,SplineFont *sf) { struct matrix_data *md; int k, cnt; char *start, *end; memset(mi,0,sizeof(*mi)); mi->col_cnt = 1; mi->col_init = glyph_ci; md = NULL; for ( k=0; k<2; ++k ) { cnt = 0; if ( glyphstr!=NULL ) for ( start = glyphstr; *start; ) { for ( end=start; *end!='\0' && *end!=' ' && *end!=','; ++end ); if ( k ) { char *str = copyn(start,end-start); md[1*cnt+0].u.md_str = SFNameList2NameUni(sf,str); free(str); } ++cnt; while ( *end==' ' || *end==',' ) ++end; start = end; } if ( md==NULL ) md = gcalloc(1*(cnt+10),sizeof(struct matrix_data)); } mi->matrix_data = md; mi->initial_row_cnt = cnt; }
BGBDY_API void *dycApplyStaticV(dycClass inf, dyt mth, char *sig, va_list args) { BGBGC_StubMethod *sinf; void *pv; dyt *abuf; dyt p; char *s, *ty; int i, j; ty=dygettype(mth); if(!strcmp(ty, "_raw_func_t")) { pv=dyllApplyRawFuncV((BGBGC_RawFunc *)mth, (dyt)inf, sig, args); return(pv); } if(!strcmp(ty, "_stubmethod_t")) { sinf=(BGBGC_StubMethod *)mth; abuf=gcalloc(32*sizeof(dyt)); i=dyllUnpackArgsSigUArgs(sig, args, (void **)abuf); pv=sinf->fcn(sinf, (dyt)inf, sig, (void **)abuf, i); gcfree(abuf); return(pv); } return(dyApplyMethodV((dyt)inf, mth, sig, args)); }
BGBDY_API dycArrayN dycNewArrayN(char *sig, int ord, int *sz) { dycArrayN tmp; void *p, *q; int i, cnt, asz, osz; cnt=1; for(i=0; i<ord; i++)cnt*=sz[i]; asz=dyllSigAlignSize(sig); osz=ord*sizeof(int); if(osz%asz)osz+=asz-(osz%asz); p=gcalloc(osz+cnt*asz); q=(void *)(((byte *)p)+osz); tmp=gctalloc("_sqrarray_t", sizeof(dycArray)); tmp->data=q; tmp->sig=dystrsym(sig); tmp->cnt=cnt; tmp->step=asz; tmp->ord=ord; tmp->psz=p; for(i=0; i<ord; i++)tmp->psz[i]=sz[i]; return(tmp); }
PDGLUI_API char *PDGLUI_BeginForm(char *type, char *id) { if(id) { pdglui_form=PDGLUI_Forms_Lookup(id); if(pdglui_form)return(NULL); }else { id=gcrsprint("form_%d", pdglui_formrover++); } if(!type)type="window"; pdglui_form=gcalloc(sizeof(PDGLUI_Form)); pdglui_form->name=dystrdup(id); pdglui_form->style=dystrdup(type); pdglui_form->fgcolor=pdglui_fgcolor; pdglui_form->bgcolor=pdglui_bgcolor; pdglui_form->wbgcolor=pdglui_wbgcolor; pdglui_form->next=pdglui_forms_root; pdglui_forms_root=pdglui_form; pdglui_stackpos=0; return(pdglui_form->name); }
BTGE_API BTGE_Brush *BTGE_Brush_CloneBrush(BTGE_Brush *brush) { BTGE_Brush *tmp; int n; BTGE_Brush_Init(); if(brush->mesh) { tmp=gctalloc("lbxgl_brush_t", sizeof(BTGE_Brush)); tmp->mesh=BTGE_Mesh_ClonePrim(brush->mesh); return(tmp); } tmp=gctalloc("lbxgl_brush_t", sizeof(BTGE_Brush)); tmp->n_face=brush->n_face; tmp->m_face=brush->m_face; tmp->flags=brush->flags; n=brush->m_face; tmp->norm=gcatomic(n*4*sizeof(float)); tmp->sdir=gcatomic(n*4*sizeof(float)); tmp->tdir=gcatomic(n*4*sizeof(float)); tmp->norg=gcatomic(n*3*sizeof(float)); tmp->tex=gcalloc(n*1*sizeof(char *)); memcpy(tmp->norm, brush->norm, n*4*sizeof(float)); memcpy(tmp->sdir, brush->sdir, n*4*sizeof(float)); memcpy(tmp->tdir, brush->tdir, n*4*sizeof(float)); memcpy(tmp->norg, brush->norg, n*3*sizeof(float)); memcpy(tmp->tex, brush->tex, n*1*sizeof(float)); return(tmp); }
void DelayEvent(void (*func)(void *), void *data) { struct delayed_event *info = gcalloc(1,sizeof(struct delayed_event)); info->data = data; info->func = func; GDrawRequestTimer(splashw,100,0,info); }
FRIR_ObjectContext *FRASM_AllocObject() { FRIR_ObjectContext *tmp; tmp=gcalloc("frasm_objectcontext_s", sizeof(FRIR_ObjectContext)); return(tmp); }
GTextInfo *GetEncodingTypes(void) { GTextInfo *ti; int i, cnt; Encoding *item; EncodingInit(); cnt = 0; for ( item=enclist; item!=NULL ; item=item->next ) if ( !item->hidden ) ++cnt; i = cnt + sizeof(encodingtypes)/sizeof(encodingtypes[0]); ti = gcalloc(i+1,sizeof(GTextInfo)); memcpy(ti,encodingtypes,sizeof(encodingtypes)-sizeof(encodingtypes[0])); for ( i=0; i<sizeof(encodingtypes)/sizeof(encodingtypes[0])-1; ++i ) { ti[i].text = (unichar_t *) copy((char *) ti[i].text); } if ( cnt!=0 ) { ti[i++].line = true; for ( item=enclist; item!=NULL ; item=item->next ) if ( !item->hidden ) { ti[i].text = uc_copy(item->enc_name); ti[i++].userdata = (void *) item->enc_name; } } return( ti ); }
/* queueheredoc -- add a heredoc to the queue to process at the end of the line */ extern Boolean queueheredoc(Tree *t) { Tree *eof; Here *here; assert(hereq == NULL || hereq->marker->kind == nList); assert(t->kind == nList); assert(t->CAR->kind == nWord); #if !REISER_CPP assert(streq(t->CAR->u[0].s, "%heredoc")); #endif t->CAR->u[0].s = "%here"; assert(t->CDR->kind == nList); eof = t->CDR->CDR; assert(eof->kind == nList); if (eof->CAR->kind != nWord && eof->CAR->kind != nQword) { yyerror("here document eof-marker not a single literal word"); return FALSE; } here = gcalloc(sizeof (Here), NULL); here->next = hereq; here->marker = eof; hereq = here; return TRUE; }
struct font_name *_GDraw_HashFontFamily(FState *fonts,unichar_t *name, int prop) { struct font_name *fn; int ch; int b,i; ch = *name; if ( isupper(ch)) ch = tolower(ch); if ( ch<'a' ) ch = 'q'; else if ( ch>'z' ) ch='z'; ch -= 'a'; fn = fonts->font_names[ch]; while ( fn!=NULL ) { if ( u_strmatch(name,fn->family_name)==0 ) break; fn = fn->next; } if ( fn==NULL ) { fn = gcalloc(1,sizeof(struct font_name)); fn->family_name = u_copy(name); fn->ft = _GDraw_ClassifyFontName(fn->family_name,&b,&i); if ( !prop && fn->ft==ft_unknown ) fn->ft = ft_mono; fn->next = fonts->font_names[ch]; fonts->font_names[ch] = fn; } return( fn ); }
/*-- Cat pdnet;NET;Sock;UDP Form VFILE *UDP_OpenSocket(int port); Description Creates a new socket. Returns a VFILE representing the socket. --*/ BGBNET_API VFILE *UDP_OpenSocket(int port) { VFILE *tmp; int *hnd, sock; int t=1; sock=__UDP_OpenSocket(port); if(sock==-1) { printf("socket creation error.\n"); return(NULL); } ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &t); tmp=vfnew(); tmp->buffer=gcalloc(sizeof(int)); hnd=tmp->buffer; *hnd=sock; tmp->get_proc=&udpsock_get; tmp->send_proc=&udpsock_send; // tmp->getaddr=&udpsock_getaddr; return(tmp); }
static void JLanguageMatrixInit(struct matrixinit *mi, struct jstf_lang *jl) { struct matrix_data *md; int i, cnt; struct jstf_lang *jlang; memset(mi,0,sizeof(*mi)); mi->col_cnt = 7; mi->col_init = jstf_lang_ci; md = NULL; cnt = 0; for ( jlang = jl; jlang!=NULL; jlang=jlang->next ) cnt += jlang->cnt; md = gcalloc(mi->col_cnt*(cnt+10),sizeof(struct matrix_data)); cnt = 0; for ( jlang = jl; jlang!=NULL; jlang=jlang->next ) { for ( i=0; i<jlang->cnt; ++i ) { md[7*cnt+0].u.md_str = copy(Tag2Str(jl->lang)); md[7*cnt+1].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].enableExtend); md[7*cnt+2].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].disableExtend); md[7*cnt+3].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].maxExtend); md[7*cnt+4].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].enableShrink); md[7*cnt+5].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].disableShrink); md[7*cnt+6].u.md_str = OTList2Str(jl->prios[i].maxShrink); ++cnt; } } mi->matrix_data = md; mi->initial_row_cnt = cnt; }
static void find_fonts_callback(GtkFileChooser *dialog) { GSList *files = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames(dialog); GSList *test; int len, cnt, i; char ***fonts, *pt, *text; if ( files==NULL || (cnt = g_slist_length(files))==0 ) gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(GTK_WIDGET(dialog),""); else { fonts = gcalloc(cnt,sizeof(char **)); cnt = len = 0; for ( test=files; test!=NULL; test=test->next, ++cnt) { fonts[cnt] = GetFontNames((char *) (test->data)); if ( fonts[cnt]!=NULL ) { len += 4*strlen((char *) (test->data))+1; /* allow space for utf8 conversion */ for ( i=0; fonts[cnt][i]!=NULL; ++i ) len += strlen( fonts[cnt][i])+2; } } pt = text = galloc(len+10); cnt = 0; for ( test=files; test!=NULL; test=test->next, ++cnt) { if ( fonts[cnt]!=NULL ) { /* If there is only one file selected, don't bother to name it */ if ( cnt!=0 || test->next!=NULL ) { gsize junk; char *temp = g_filename_to_utf8(GFileNameTail( (char *) (test->data) ), -1, &junk, &junk, NULL); strcpy(pt,temp); g_free(temp); pt += strlen(pt); *pt++ = '\n'; } for ( i=0; fonts[cnt][i]!=NULL; ++i ) { *pt++ = ' '; strcpy(pt,fonts[cnt][i]); free(fonts[cnt][i]); pt += strlen(pt); *pt ++ = '\n'; } free(fonts[cnt]); } } if ( pt>text && pt[-1]=='\n' ) pt[-1]='\0'; else *pt = '\0'; free(fonts); if ( *text=='\0' ) gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "???"); else { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), text); } free(text); } for ( test=files; test!=NULL; test=test->next) g_free(test->data); g_slist_free(files); }
static void BdfP_PopupMenuProps(struct bdf_dlg *bd, GEvent *e) { GMenuItem *mi; int i; for ( i=0 ; StandardProps[i].name!=NULL; ++i ); mi = gcalloc(i+3,sizeof(GMenuItem)); mi[0].ti.text = (unichar_t *) _("No Change"); mi[0].ti.text_is_1byte = true; mi[0].ti.fg = COLOR_DEFAULT; mi[0] = COLOR_DEFAULT; mi[1].ti.line = true; mi[1].ti.fg = COLOR_DEFAULT; mi[1] = COLOR_DEFAULT; for ( i=0 ; StandardProps[i].name!=NULL; ++i ) { mi[i+2].ti.text = (unichar_t *) StandardProps[i].name; /* These do not translate!!! */ mi[i+2].ti.text_is_1byte = true; mi[i+2].ti.fg = COLOR_DEFAULT; mi[i+2] = COLOR_DEFAULT; mi[i+2].invoke = BdfP_Invoked; } GMenuCreatePopupMenu(bd->v,e,mi); free(mi); }
static void AddMajorEdge(EdgeList *es, Spline *sp) { Edge *e, *pr; real m1; Spline1D *msp = &sp->splines[es->major], *osp = &sp->splines[es->other]; e = gcalloc(1,sizeof(Edge)); e->spline = sp; e->mmin = e->mmax = m1 = msp->d * es->scale - es->mmin; e->t_mmin = 0; e->t_mmax = 1; e->up = false; e->o_mmin = osp->d * es->scale; e->o_mmax = ( osp->a + osp->b + osp->c + osp->d ) * es->scale; if ( e->o_mmin == e->o_mmax ) { /* Just a point? */ free(e); return; } if ( e->mmin<0 ) IError("Grg!"); if ( ceil(e->m_cur)>e->mmax ) { free(e); return; } if ( es->majors==NULL || es->majors->mmin>=m1 ) { e->esnext = es->majors; es->majors = e; } else { for ( pr=es->majors; pr->esnext!=NULL && pr->esnext->mmin<m1; pr = pr->esnext ); e->esnext = pr->esnext; pr->esnext = e; } }
struct MATH *MathTableNew(SplineFont *sf) { struct MATH *math = gcalloc(1,sizeof(struct MATH)); /* Too big for chunkalloc */ int emsize = sf->ascent+sf->descent; DBounds b; SplineChar *sc; math->ScriptPercentScaleDown = 80; math->ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown = 60; math->DelimitedSubFormulaMinHeight = emsize*1.5; /* No default given for math->DisplayOperatorMinHeight */ /* No default given for math->AxisHeight */ sc = SFGetChar(sf,'x',NULL); if ( sc!=NULL ) { SplineCharFindBounds(sc,&b); math->AccentBaseHeight = b.maxy; } sc = SFGetChar(sf,'I',NULL); if ( sc!=NULL ) { SplineCharFindBounds(sc,&b); math->FlattenedAccentBaseHeight = b.maxy; } if ( sf->pfminfo.subsuper_set ) math->SubscriptShiftDown = sf->pfminfo.os2_subyoff; math->SubscriptTopMax = math->AccentBaseHeight; /* X-height */ /* No default given for math->SubscriptBaselineDropMin */ if ( sf->pfminfo.subsuper_set ) math->SuperscriptShiftUp = sf->pfminfo.os2_supyoff; /* No default given for math->SuperscriptShiftUpCramped */ math->SuperscriptBottomMin = math->AccentBaseHeight; /* X-height */ /* No default given for math->SuperscriptBaselineDropMax */ math->SubSuperscriptGapMin = 4*sf->uwidth; /* 4* default rule thickness */ math->SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript = math->AccentBaseHeight; /* X-height */ math->SpaceAfterScript = emsize/24; /* .5pt at 12pt */ math->StackGapMin = 3*sf->uwidth; /* 3* default rule thickness */ math->StackDisplayStyleGapMin = 7*sf->uwidth; math->StretchStackGapAboveMin = math->UpperLimitGapMin; math->StretchStackGapBelowMin = math->LowerLimitGapMin; math->FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp = math->StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp; math->FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown = math->StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown; math->FractionNumeratorGapMin = sf->uwidth; math->FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin = 3*sf->uwidth; math->FractionRuleThickness = sf->uwidth; math->FractionDenominatorGapMin = sf->uwidth; math->FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin = 3*sf->uwidth; math->OverbarVerticalGap = 3*sf->uwidth; math->OverbarRuleThickness = sf->uwidth; math->OverbarExtraAscender = sf->uwidth; math->UnderbarVerticalGap = 3*sf->uwidth; math->UnderbarRuleThickness = sf->uwidth; math->UnderbarExtraDescender = sf->uwidth; math->RadicalVerticalGap = sf->uwidth; math->RadicalExtraAscender = sf->uwidth; math->RadicalKernBeforeDegree = 5*emsize/18; math->RadicalKernAfterDegree = -10*emsize/18; math->RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent = 60; math->MinConnectorOverlap = emsize/50; return( math ); }
BGBGC_WorkerInfo *pdgl_worker_spawn(void *data) { BGBGC_WorkerInfo *inf; inf=gcalloc(sizeof(BGBGC_WorkerInfo)); inf->begin=pdgl_worker_begin; inf->end=pdgl_worker_end; return(inf); }