void CodeEditor::setCodeFormats(QList<codeTokenFormat> formats, int defaultFormat) { if(formats.count()==0)gcerror("DEVERROR: No formats set to the code editor!"); codeTokenFormats = formats; defaultTokenFormat = defaultFormat; viewport()->repaint(); }
void AddFunction::on_okbutton_clicked() { pgsParser p; if(!argumentmode)p.setProject(project); //else we don't need a project pgsParser::tokenlist l = p.tokenize(ui->lineEdit->text()); bool valid=false; //to do: validation! //for now, only the name to be valid if(l.count()==1) if(l.at(0).kind==pgsParser::nameId)valid=true; if(!valid) { gcerror(tr("The function name is invalid or conflicts with something")); return; } //it's ok now name = l.at(0).text; switch(ui->varType->currentIndex()) { case 0: type="int";break; case 1: type="real";break; case 2: type="string";break; case 3: type="bool";break; case 4: type=theclass;break; case 5: type="void";break; } //store the arguments as well: if(!argumentmode) { vObject o; for(int i=0;i<ui->ArgumentList->topLevelItemCount();i++) { o[ui->ArgumentList->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)] = ui->ArgumentList->topLevelItem(i)->text(1); } args = o; } accept(); }
bool dllForExport::debug(QString projectfile, QString target) { if(pdebug!=0)return pdebug(projectfile, target); else gcerror(QString("The exporter %1's DEBUG function is not implemented").arg(exportername)); }
bool dllForExport::clean(QString projectfile, QString target) { if(pclean!=0)return pclean(projectfile, target); else gcerror(QString("The exporter %1's CLEAN function not exists").arg(exportername)); }
bool dllForExport::run(QString projectfile, QString target) { if(prun!=0)return prun(projectfile, target); else gcerror(QString("The exporter %1's RUN function is not implemented").arg(exportername)); }