Example #1
/* The profile merging function for choosing the most common
   difference between two consecutive evaluations of the value.  It is
   given an array COUNTERS of N_COUNTERS old counters and it reads the
   same number of counters from the gcov file.  The counters are split
   into 4-tuples where the members of the tuple have meanings:

   -- the last value of the measured entity
   -- the stored candidate on the most common difference
   -- counter
   -- total number of evaluations of the value  */
__gcov_merge_delta (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  unsigned i, n_measures;
  gcov_type value, counter, all;

  gcc_assert (!(n_counters % 4));
  n_measures = n_counters / 4;
  for (i = 0; i < n_measures; i++, counters += 4)
      /* last = */ gcov_get_counter ();
      value = gcov_get_counter_target ();
      counter = gcov_get_counter ();
      all = gcov_get_counter ();

      if (counters[1] == value)
        counters[2] += counter;
      else if (counter > counters[2])
          counters[1] = value;
          counters[2] = counter - counters[2];
        counters[2] -= counter;
      counters[3] += all;
Example #2
/* The profile merging function for choosing the most common value.
   It is given an array COUNTERS of N_COUNTERS old counters and it
   reads the same number of counters from the gcov file.  The counters
   are split into 3-tuples where the members of the tuple have

   -- the stored candidate on the most common value of the measured entity
   -- counter
   -- total number of evaluations of the value  */
__gcov_merge_single (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  unsigned i, n_measures;
  gcov_type value, counter, all;

  gcc_assert (!(n_counters % 3));
  n_measures = n_counters / 3;
  for (i = 0; i < n_measures; i++, counters += 3)
      value = gcov_get_counter_target ();
      counter = gcov_get_counter ();
      all = gcov_get_counter ();

      if (counters[0] == value)
        counters[1] += counter;
      else if (counter > counters[1])
          counters[0] = value;
          counters[1] = counter - counters[1];
        counters[1] -= counter;
      counters[2] += all;
Example #3
__gcov_merge_icall_topn (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  unsigned i, j, k, m;

  gcc_assert (!(n_counters % GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS));
  for (i = 0; i < n_counters; i += GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS)
      gcov_type *value_array = &counters[i + 1];
      unsigned tmp_size = 2 * (GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS - 1);
      gcov_type *tmp_array 
          = (gcov_type *) alloca (tmp_size * sizeof (gcov_type));

      for (j = 0; j < tmp_size; j++)
        tmp_array[j] = 0;

      for (j = 0; j < GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS - 1; j += 2)
          tmp_array[j] = value_array[j];
          tmp_array[j + 1] = value_array [j + 1];

      /* Skip the number_of_eviction entry.  */
      gcov_get_counter ();
      for (k = 0; k < GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS - 1; k += 2)
          int found = 0;
          gcov_type global_id = gcov_get_counter_target ();
          gcov_type call_count = gcov_get_counter ();
          for (m = 0; m < j; m += 2)
              if (tmp_array[m] == global_id)
                  found = 1;
                  tmp_array[m + 1] += call_count;
          if (!found)
              tmp_array[j] = global_id;
              tmp_array[j + 1] = call_count;
              j += 2;
      /* Now sort the temp array */
      gcov_sort_n_vals (tmp_array, j);

      /* Now copy back the top half of the temp array */
      for (k = 0; k < GCOV_ICALL_TOPN_NCOUNTS - 1; k += 2)
          value_array[k] = tmp_array[k];
          value_array[k + 1] = tmp_array[k + 1];
Example #4
/* Time profiles are merged so that minimum from all valid (greater than zero)
   is stored. There could be a fork that creates new counters. To have
   the profile stable, we chosen to pick the smallest function visit time.  */
__gcov_merge_time_profile (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  unsigned int i;
  gcov_type value;

  for (i = 0; i < n_counters; i++)
      value = gcov_get_counter_target ();

      if (value && (!counters[i] || value < counters[i]))
        counters[i] = value;
__gcov_merge_dc (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  unsigned i;

  gcc_assert (!(n_counters % 2));
  for (i = 0; i < n_counters; i += 2)
      gcov_type global_id = gcov_get_counter_target ();
      gcov_type call_count = gcov_get_counter ();

      /* Note that global id counter may never have been set if no calls were
	 made from this call-site.  */
      if (counters[i] && global_id)
          /* TODO race condition requires us do the following correction.  */
          if (__gcov_is_gid_insane (counters[i]))
            counters[i] = global_id;
          else if (__gcov_is_gid_insane (global_id))
            global_id = counters[i];

          /* In the case of inconsistency, use the src's target.  */
          if (counters[i] != global_id)
            fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Inconsistent call targets in"
                     " direct-call profile.\n");
      else if (global_id)
	counters[i] = global_id;

      counters[i + 1] += call_count;

      /* Reset. */
      if (__gcov_is_gid_insane (counters[i]))
        counters[i] = counters[i + 1] = 0;

      /* Assert that the invariant (global_id == 0) <==> (call_count == 0)
	 holds true after merging.  */
      if (counters[i] == 0)
        counters[i+1] = 0;
      if (counters[i + 1] == 0)
        counters[i] = 0;
Example #6
/* The profile merging function that just adds the counters.  It is given
   an array COUNTERS of N_COUNTERS old counters and it reads the same number
   of counters from the gcov file.  */
__gcov_merge_ior (gcov_type *counters, unsigned n_counters)
  for (; n_counters; counters++, n_counters--)
    *counters |= gcov_get_counter_target ();