Example #1
int main()
	gdImagePtr im;
	int white, black;
	char *path;

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(6, 6);
	white = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 255);
	black = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 0);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0,0, 5,5, white);

	gdImageLine(im, 4,4, 4,4, black);
	gdImageLine(im, 1,4, 2,4, black);
	gdImageLine(im, 4,1, 4,2, black);

	gdImageSetAntiAliased(im, black);
	gdImageLine(im, 1,1, 1,1, gdAntiAliased);

	path = gdTestFilePath2("gdimageline", "bug00315_exp.png");
	gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(path, im);


	return gdNumFailures();
Example #2
int main()
	gdImagePtr im;
	int error = 0;
	char path[2048];
	const char *file_exp = "bug00111_exp.png";

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(10, 10);
	if (!im) {
		printf("can't get truecolor image\n");
		return 1;

	gdImageLine(im, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0xFFFFFF);
	gdImageLine(im, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0xFFFFFF);

	gdImageLine(im, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF);

	sprintf(path, "%s/gdimageline/%s", GDTEST_TOP_DIR, file_exp);
	if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(path, im)) {
		error = 1;
		printf("Reference image and destination differ\n");


	return error;
Example #3
int main()
 	gdImagePtr im;
	const char *exp = "bug00077_exp.png";
	const int files_cnt = 4;
	FILE *fp;
	int i = 0;
	int error = 0;

	char path[1024];

	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(11, 11);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0xFFFFFF);
	gdImageSetThickness(im, 1);

	gdImageLine(im, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0x0);
	gdImageLine(im, 5, 10, 5, 0, 0x0);
	gdImageLine(im, 10, 5, 0, 5, 0x0);
	gdImageLine(im, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0x0);

	sprintf(path, "%s/gdimageline/%s", GDTEST_TOP_DIR, exp);

	if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(path, im)) {
		error = 1;


	return error;
Example #4
File: charts.c Project: fm4dd/edacs
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void init_monthgraph(char *title) {
   int i  = 0;
   int xsize = 670;
   int ysize = 160;

   imgbuf_mon = gdImageCreate(xsize,ysize);

   /* allocate color maps, background color first (grey) */
   grey    = gdImageColorAllocate(imgbuf_mon, 204, 204, 204);
   dkblue  = gdImageColorAllocate(imgbuf_mon, 0, 0, 153);
   white   = gdImageColorAllocate(imgbuf_mon, 255, 255, 255);
   dkgrey  = gdImageColorAllocate(imgbuf_mon, 128, 128, 128);
   black   = gdImageColorAllocate(imgbuf_mon, 0, 0, 0);

   /* makes shadow effect around the image, 2 pixels wide */
   for (i=0; i<2 ;i++) { /* do shadow effect around the image, 2 pixels wide */
      gdImageLine(imgbuf_mon, i, i, xsize-i, i, white);
      gdImageLine(imgbuf_mon, i, i, i, ysize-i, white);
      gdImageLine(imgbuf_mon, i, ysize-i-1, xsize-i-1, ysize-i-1, dkgrey);
      gdImageLine(imgbuf_mon, xsize-i-1, i, xsize-i-1, ysize-i-1, dkgrey);

   /* draw the inner frame around the data, 2 pixels wide */
   gdImageRectangle(imgbuf_mon, 19, 20, xsize-19, ysize-27, black);
   gdImageFilledRectangle(imgbuf_mon, 20, 21, xsize-20, ysize-28, white);

   /* draw the outermost black frame line around the image, 1 pixel wide */
   gdImageRectangle(imgbuf_mon, 0, 0, xsize-1, ysize-1, black);

   /* display the graph title */
   gdImageString(imgbuf_mon, gdFontMediumBold, 26, 5, (unsigned char*) title, dkblue);
   if(DEBUG>=2) printf("Finished init_monthgraph().\n");
Example #5
void GdImageRenderer::drawTimeAxisLabels() const
    const int marker_height = 10;

    // Time interval between axis markers (seconds)
    const int axis_label_interval_secs = getAxisLabelScale();

    // Time of first axis marker (seconds)
    const int first_axis_label_secs = MathUtil::roundUpToNearest(start_time_, axis_label_interval_secs);

    // Distance between waveform start time and first axis marker (seconds)
    const double axis_label_offset_secs = first_axis_label_secs - start_time_;

    // Distance between waveform start time and first axis marker (samples)
    const int axis_label_offset_samples = secondsToSamples(axis_label_offset_secs);

    // Distance between waveform start time and first axis marker (pixels)
    const int axis_label_offset_pixels = axis_label_offset_samples / samples_per_pixel_;

    assert(axis_label_offset_pixels >= 0);

    gdFontPtr font = gdFontGetSmall();

    int secs = first_axis_label_secs;

    for (;;) {
        const int x = axis_label_offset_pixels +
            (secs - first_axis_label_secs) * sample_rate_ / samples_per_pixel_;

        assert(x >= 0);

        if (x >= image_width_) {

        gdImageLine(image_, x, 0, x, marker_height, border_color_);
        gdImageLine(image_, x, image_height_ - 1, x, image_height_ - 1 - marker_height, border_color_);

        char label[50];
        const int label_length = TimeUtil::secondsToString(label, ARRAY_LENGTH(label), secs);

        const int label_width = font->w * label_length;
        const int label_x = x - (label_width / 2) + 1;
        const int label_y = image_height_ - 1 - marker_height - 1 - font->h;

        if (label_x >= 0) {
                reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(label),

        secs += axis_label_interval_secs;
Example #6
static void DrawTickLines(gdImagePtr im)
    gdImageLine (im, 50,  60, 150,  60, darkgrey);
    gdImageLine (im, 50, 120, 150, 120, darkgrey);
    gdImageLine (im, 50, 180, 150, 180, darkgrey);
    gdImageLine (im, 50, 240, 150, 240, darkgrey);
    gdImageLine (im, 50, 300, 150, 300, darkgrey);
Example #7
File: gddemo.c Project: fm4dd/edacs
int main() {
  /* Declare the image */
  gdImagePtr im;

  /* Declare output files */
  FILE *pngout, *jpegout;

  /* Declare color indexes */
  int black;  int white; int cyan; int orange;

  /* Allocate the image: 64 pixels across by 64 pixels tall */
  im = gdImageCreate(64, 64);

   /* Allocate the color black (red, green and blue all minimum).
      Since this is the first color in a new image, it will
      be the background color. */
  black = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 0);

  /* Allocate the color white (red, green and blue all maximum). */
  white = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 255);

  /* Allocate the color cyan and orange. */
  cyan    = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 192, 255);
  orange  = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 128, 0);

  /* Draw a line from the upper left to the lower right,
     using white color index. */
  gdImageLine(im, 0, 0, 63, 63, white);
  gdImageLine(im, 15, 0, 15, 63, cyan);
  gdImageLine(im, 31, 0, 31, 63, orange);

  /* Open a file for writing. "wb" means "write binary", important
     under MSDOS, harmless under Unix. */
  pngout = fopen("test.png", "wb");

  /* Do the same for a JPEG-format file. */
  jpegout = fopen("test.jpg", "wb");

  /* Output the image to the disk file in PNG format. */
  gdImagePng(im, pngout);

  /* Output the same image in JPEG format, using the default
     JPEG quality setting. */
  gdImageJpeg(im, jpegout, -1);

  /* Close the files. */

  /* Destroy the image in memory. */

Example #8
FILE *piechart_init(char *filename) {
  FILE *pieoutf;
  int xsize, ysize, b1, b2;

  if ((pieoutf = FOPENWB(filename)) == NULL) {
    warn('F', TRUE, "Failed to open pie chart file %s for writing: "
	 "ignoring it", filename);
  debug('F', "Opening %s as pie chart file", filename);
#ifdef RISCOS
  _swix(OS_File, _INR(0,2), 18, filename, 0xb60);  /* set PNG filetype */

  xsize = normalchart?XSIZE:SHORTXSIZE;
  ysize = normalchart?YSIZE:SHORTYSIZE;
  im = gdImageCreate(xsize, ysize);
  /* The first colour allocated in a new image is the background colour. */
  white = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 255);           /* white */
  black = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 0);                 /* black */
  grey = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 128, 128, 128);            /* grey */
  lightgrey = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 217, 217, 217);       /* light grey */
  col = 0;
  /* Wedge colours. If these change, so must images/sq*. */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 0, 0);      /* red */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 255);      /* mid blue */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 128, 0);      /* green */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 128, 0);    /* orange */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 128);      /* navy blue */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 255, 0);      /* pale green */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 128, 128);  /* pink */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 255, 255);    /* cyan */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 128, 0, 128);    /* purple */
  colours[col++] = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 0);    /* yellow */
  col = 0;
  totangle = 0.75;  /* starting at the top */
  boxesy = BOXESTOP;
  b1 = xsize - 1 - BORDER;
  b2 = ysize - 1 - BORDER;
  /* Plot outline of pie, and border of image */
  gdImageArc(im, XCENTRE, YCENTRE, DIAMETER + 2, DIAMETER + 2, 0, 360, black);
  gdImageRectangle(im, BORDER, BORDER, b1, b2, black);
  gdImageLine(im, xsize - 1, 0, b1, BORDER, black);
  gdImageLine(im, 0, ysize - 1, BORDER, b2, black);
  gdImageFill(im, 0, 0, lightgrey);
  gdImageFill(im, xsize - 1, ysize - 1, grey);
  gdImageLine(im, 0, 0, BORDER, BORDER, black);
  gdImageLine(im, xsize - 1, ysize - 1, b1, b2, black);
	const JBoolean		incr[],
	const JCharacter*	fileName
	gdImagePtr image = gdImageCreate(256, kImageHeight);
	assert( image != NULL );

	unsigned long rgb[3] = {0,0,0};
	for (JCoordinate x=0; x<256; x++)
		const int colorIndex = gdImageColorAllocate(image, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
		assert( colorIndex != -1 );

		gdImageLine(image, x,0, x,kImageHeight-1, colorIndex);

		for (JIndex i=0; i<3; i++)
			if (incr[i])

	FILE* output = fopen(fileName, "wb");
	assert( output != NULL );
	gdImageGif(image, output);
	assert( ferror(output) == 0 );

Example #10
static void drawLines (MULTICHART_ID id)
    register int    i, j;
    int             x1, x2, y1, y2;

    gdImageSetThickness (id->im, 2);

    for (i = 0; i < id->numpoints - 1; i ++)
        for (j = 0; j < id->numdatasets; j ++)
            if (id->dataset[j].valueset[i] <= ARCHIVE_VALUE_NULL ||
                id->dataset[j].valueset[i+1] <= ARCHIVE_VALUE_NULL)

            x1 = id->imtx + (int)((double)i * id->pointpixels);
            x2 = id->imtx + (int)((double)(i+1) * id->pointpixels);
            y1 = id->imby - (int)(id->ypixelconstant * (id->dataset[j].valueset[i] - id->min));
            y2 = id->imby - (int)(id->ypixelconstant * (id->dataset[j].valueset[i+1] - id->min));
            gdImageLine (id->im,
Example #11
//axis aligned circle for setting up brushes for thick lines
void rs_gdImageCircleForBrush(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int rad, RS_Color& color)
    int gdc = ConvertColor(im, color);
    float rad2 = (float)rad*rad;

    for (int j = -rad, k = y+j; j <= rad; j++, k++)
        float j_offset = j + 0.5f;

        float hlen = sqrt(rad2 - j_offset*j_offset);

        int solidwid = (int)hlen;

        if (solidwid)
            gdImageLine(im, x-solidwid, k, x+solidwid-1, k, gdc);

        float aalpha = hlen - solidwid;
        RS_Color ac = color;
        ac.alpha() = (int)(ac.alpha() * aalpha);
        int gdc2 = ConvertColor(im, ac);

        gdImageSetPixel(im, x-solidwid-1, k, gdc2);
        gdImageSetPixel(im, x+solidwid, k, gdc2);
Example #12
File: GD.c Project: drudru/cel
void GDlineX1Y1X2Y2Color(void)
    Proto  proto;
    Proto  tmp;
    Proto  blob;
    gdImagePtr imgPtr;
    char * p;
    int    x1,y1,x2,y2;
    int    index;
    proto = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 2);

    objectGetSlot(proto, stringToAtom("_gdp"), &blob);
    p = (char *) objectPointerValue(blob);
    memcpy(&imgPtr, p, sizeof(imgPtr));
    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 4);
    x1 = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 5);
    y1 = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 6);
    x2 = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 7);
    y2 = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    tmp = (Proto) stackAt(Cpu, 8);
    index = objectIntegerValue(tmp);

    gdImageLine(imgPtr, x1, y1, x2, y2, index);

    VMReturn(Cpu, (unsigned int) objectNewInteger(index), 8);
void GdImageRenderer::drawWaveform(const WaveformBuffer& buffer) const
    // Avoid drawing over the right border
    const int max_x = render_axis_labels_ ? image_width_ - 1 : image_width_;

    // Avoid drawing over the top and bottom borders
    const int wave_bottom_y   = render_axis_labels_ ? image_height_ - 2 : image_height_ - 1;
    const int max_wave_height = render_axis_labels_ ? image_height_ - 2 : image_height_;

    const int buffer_size = buffer.getSize();

    // Avoid drawing over the left border
    int x = render_axis_labels_ ? 1 : 0;
    int i = render_axis_labels_ ? start_index_ + 1 : start_index_;

    for (; x < max_x && i < buffer_size; ++i, ++x) {
        // convert range [-32768, 32727] to [0, 65535]
        int low  = buffer.getMinSample(i) + 32768;
        int high = buffer.getMaxSample(i) + 32768;

        // scale to fit the bitmap
        int low_y  = wave_bottom_y - low  * max_wave_height / 65536;
        int high_y = wave_bottom_y - high * max_wave_height / 65536;

        gdImageLine(image_, x, low_y, x, high_y, waveform_color_);
Example #14
static  void
gd_bezier(point* A, int n, int arrow_at_start, int arrow_at_end)
	pointf		p0, p1, V[4];
	int		i, j, step;
	int		style[20]; 
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 0
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                           0,0,width-1, width-1, cstk[SP].pencolor);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		V[3].x = A[0].x; V[3].y = A[0].y;
		for (i = 0; i+3 < n; i += 3) {
			V[0] = V[3];
			for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
				V[j].x  = A[i+j].x; V[j].y = A[i+j].y;
			p0 = gdpt(V[0]); 
			for (step = 1; step <= BEZIERSUBDIVISION; step++) {
				p1 = gdpt(Bezier(V, 3, (double)step/BEZIERSUBDIVISION, NULL, NULL));
				gdImageLine(im, ROUND(p0.x), ROUND(p0.y),
					ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), pen);
				p0 = p1;
		if (brush)
Example #15
static  void
gd_polyline(point* A, int n)
	pointf		p, p1;
	int		i;
	int		style[20];
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 0
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
			width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		p.x = A[0].x;
		p.y = A[0].y;
		p = gdpt(p);
		for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			p1.x = A[i].x;
			p1.y = A[i].y;
			p1 = gdpt(p1);
			gdImageLine(im, ROUND(p.x), ROUND(p.y),
				ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), pen);
			p.x = p1.x;
			p.y = p1.y;
		if (brush)
Example #16
result_t Image::line(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2,
                     int32_t color)
    if (!m_image)

    gdImageLine(m_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
    return 0;
Example #17
void gdoLine(struct ADrawTag *ctx,
             unsigned int     x1,
             unsigned int     y1,
             unsigned int     x2,
             unsigned int     y2)
                x1, y1, x2, y2, getGdoPen(ctx));
Example #18
/* prints the arrow into the image poined to by the pointer with given
void ocin_vis_arrow::print(gdImagePtr im, float scale_val) {

  int thick = ((int)((float)thickness *scale_val)) + 1;

  int scaled_a_size = (int) ((float)(a_size - 4) *scale_val) + 4;

  // create points for arrow head based on scale factor
  if (dir == S) {
    points[1].x = x2 - scaled_a_size;
    points[1].y = y2 - scaled_a_size;
    points[2].x = x2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].y = y2 - scaled_a_size;
  } else if (dir == E) {
    points[1].x = x2 - scaled_a_size;
    points[1].y = y2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].x = x2 - scaled_a_size;
    points[2].y = y2 - scaled_a_size;
  } else if (dir == N) {
    points[1].x = x2 - scaled_a_size;
    points[1].y = y2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].x = x2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].y = y2 + scaled_a_size;
  } else if (dir == W) {
    points[1].x = x2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[1].y = y2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].x = x2 + scaled_a_size;
    points[2].y = y2 - scaled_a_size;
  // setup the arrow head points
  points[0].x = x2;             // first point is end of the line
  points[0].y = y2;

  // select the color for the arrow head
  int cnt = 255 - ((int)(250.0*scale_val));
  cnt = cnt &0xfffffffe;	// make sure we have an even number
				// (?)
  int color;
  color = gdImageColorResolve(im, cnt, cnt, cnt);

  // if (cnt < 0) {
  //   color = gdImageColorResolve(im, 0, 255+cnt, (cnt*-1));
  // } else {
  //   color = gdImageColorResolve(im, cnt, 255-cnt, 0);
  // }

  // draw the arrowhead first (why not)
  gdImageFilledPolygon(im, points, 3, color);

  // then the line
  gdImageSetThickness(im, thick);
  gdImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
Example #19
void gdoDottedLine(struct ADrawTag *ctx,
                   unsigned int     x1,
                   unsigned int     y1,
                   unsigned int     x2,
                   unsigned int     y2)
    gdImageLine(getGdoImg(ctx), x1, y1, x2, y2, gdStyled);
Example #20
void doLine(FILE *stream) {
  float x1, y1, x2, y2;
  int c;

  x1 = getFloat(stream);
  y1 = getFloat(stream);
  x2 = getFloat(stream);
  y2 = getFloat(stream);
  c = getColor(getNumber(stream));
  gdImageLine(image, viewx(x1), viewy(y1), viewx(x2), viewy(y2), c);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate (WIDTH, HEIGHT);
  int white = gdImageColorResolve (im, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), black = gdImageColorResolve (im, 0, 0, 0),
    red = gdImageColorResolve (im, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0xA0);
  FILE *out;

  /* filled arc - circle */
  gdImageFilledArc (im, WIDTH / 5, HEIGHT / 4, 200, 200, 45, 90, red, gdPie);
  gdImageArc (im, WIDTH / 5, HEIGHT / 4, 200, 200, 45, 90, black);

  /* filled arc - ellipse */
  gdImageFilledArc (im, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4, 200, 150, 45, 90, red, gdPie);
  gdImageArc (im, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4, 200, 150, 45, 90, black);

  /* reference lines */
  gdImageLine (im, 0, HEIGHT / 4, WIDTH, HEIGHT / 4, black);
  gdImageLine (im, WIDTH / 5, 0, WIDTH / 5, HEIGHT, black);
  gdImageLine (im, WIDTH / 2, 0, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT, black);
  gdImageLine (im, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4, WIDTH / 2 + 300, HEIGHT / 4 + 300, black);
  gdImageLine (im, WIDTH / 5, HEIGHT / 4, WIDTH / 5 + 300, HEIGHT / 4 + 300, black);

  /* TBB: Write img to test/arctest.png */
  out = fopen ("test/arctest.png", "wb");
  if (!out)
      fprintf (stderr, "Can't create test/arctest.png\n");
      exit (1);
  gdImagePng (im, out);
  fclose (out);
  fprintf (stderr, "Test image written to test/arctest.png\n");
  /* Destroy it */
  gdImageDestroy (im);

  return 0;
Example #22
int main()
    gdImagePtr im, tile;
    int im_white, im_black, tile_white, tile_black;
    int x,y, error = 0;
    FILE *fp;
    char path[1024];

    fputs("flag 0\n", stdout);
    im = gdImageCreate(150, 150);

    tile = gdImageCreateTrueColor(36, 36);

    tile_white = gdImageColorAllocate(tile,255,255,255);
    tile_black = gdImageColorAllocate(tile,55,0,0);
    im_white = gdImageColorAllocate(im,255,255,255);
    im_black = gdImageColorAllocate(im,0,0,0);

    gdImageFill(tile, 0,0, tile_white);
    gdImageColorTransparent(tile, tile_black);
    gdImageColorTransparent(im, im_black);

    /* create the dots pattern */
    for (x=0; x<36; x+=2) {
        for (y=0; y<36; y+=2) {

    gdImageRectangle(im, 9,9,139,139, im_black);
    gdImageLine(im, 9,9,139,139, im_black);
    gdImageFill(im, 11,12, gdTiled);

    fputs("flag 1\n", stdout);
    gdImageFill(im, 0, 0, 0xffffff);
    fputs("flag 2\n", stdout);
    gdImageFill(im, 0, 0, 0xffffff);
    fputs("flag 3\n", stdout);

    sprintf(path, "%s/gdimagefill/bug00002_3_exp.png", GDTEST_TOP_DIR);
    if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(path, im)) {
        error = 1;

    /* Destroy it */
    return error;
Example #23
void gridPNG()
  int i, j;
  char buffer[8];

  if (g_grid > 0)
      i = g_grid;
      while (i < g_top)
	i += g_grid;
      for (; i < g_top + g_size; i += g_grid)
	gdImageLine(g_image, 92,  roundInt((i - g_top + 0.5) * g_dotSpacing) + 92, 484 + 92,  roundInt((i - g_top + 0.5) * g_dotSpacing) + 92, g_black);

      i = g_labels;
      while (i < g_top)
	i += g_labels;
      for (; i < g_top + g_size; i += g_labels)
	  sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
	  vertCenterPNG(buffer, i);

      j = g_grid;
      while (j < g_left)
	j += g_grid;
      for (; j < g_left + g_size; j += g_grid)
	gdImageLine(g_image, roundInt((j - g_left + 0.5) * g_dotSpacing) + 92, 92, roundInt((j - g_left + 0.5) * g_dotSpacing) + 92, 484 + 92, g_black);

      j = g_labels;
      while (j < g_left)
	j += g_labels;
      for (; j < g_left + g_size; j += g_labels)
	  sprintf(buffer, "%d", j);
	  horzCenterPNG(buffer, j);
Example #24
int gen_image(const char* filename, int idx, int reverse_x, int width, int height, int bgd)
   double gradient = height / (width*2.0);
   int offset = idx*width;
	int x1,y1,x2,y2, error = 0;

   gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width,height);
   if (bgd==1) {
		gdImageFilledRectangle(im,0,0,width-1,height-1, gdTrueColorAlpha(255, 255, 255, 0));
   } else {
   	gdImageFilledRectangle(im,0,0,width-1,height-1, gdTrueColorAlpha(255, 255, 0, 0));

   gdImageSetAntiAliased(im, gdTrueColorAlpha(0,0,0,0));

   test for potential segfault (introduced with AA improvements, fixed
	with the same patch - but I didn't notice it until later).*/

	x1 = floor(reverse_x * -width + 0.5);
	y1 = (offset-width) * gradient + 0.5;

	x2 = floor(reverse_x *  width*2 + 0.5);
	y2 = floor((offset+width*2) * gradient + 0.5);

   // draw an AA line
   gdImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, gdAntiAliased);

	gdImageLine(im, 0, im->sy - 1, im->sx, im->sy - 1, 0x40FF0000);

	if (!gdAssertImageEqualsToFile(filename, im)) {
		printf("%s failed\n", filename);
		error = 1;
   return error;
Example #25
static void imagePolyline(gdImagePtr im, shapeObj *p, int c)
    int i, j;

    for (i=0; i < p->numlines; i++) {
        lineObj *line = &(p->line[i]);
        for(j=1; j<line->numpoints; j++) {
            pointObj *point1 = &line->point[j-1];
            pointObj *point2 = &line->point[j];

            gdImageLine(im, (int) point1->x, (int) point1->y, (int) point2->x, (int) point2->y, c);
Example #26
plD_line_png(PLStream *pls, short x1a, short y1a, short x2a, short y2a)
    png_Dev *dev=(png_Dev *)pls->dev;
    int xx1 = x1a/dev->scale, yy1 = y1a/dev->scale;
    int xx2 = x2a/dev->scale, yy2 = y2a/dev->scale;
    yy1 = dev->pngy - yy1;
    yy2 = dev->pngy - yy2;

    #if GD2_VERS >= 2
      if (dev->smooth==1)
          gdImageLine(dev->im_out, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, gdAntiAliased);
          gdImageLine(dev->im_out, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dev->colour);
      gdImageLine(dev->im_out, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dev->colour);

Example #27
gdImagePtr  graph_dibujar_grid( int w, int h, int cw, int ch, int f, int b ){
    int i, j;

    gdImagePtr  gd = gdImageCreateTrueColor( h + 6, w + 6 );
    int  fondo  = gdImageColorAllocate( gd, b >> 16, ( b & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 , b & 0xFF );
    int  frente = gdImageColorAllocate( gd, f >> 16, ( f & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 , f & 0xFF );
    gdImageFilledRectangle( gd, 0, 0, w + 5, h + 5, fondo );
    gdImageSetThickness( gd, 1 ); // La linea de cuatro pixel que pienso dibujar por el borde
    // Dibujo un rectangulo alrededor de todo el tablero.
    // gdImageRectangle( gd, 0, 0, w + 3 , h + 3 , frente );
    gdImageRectangle( gd, 1, 1, w + 4 , h + 4 , frente );
    gdImageRectangle( gd, 2, 2, w + 3 , h + 3 , frente );
    gdImageRectangle( gd, 3, 3, w + 2 , h + 2 , frente );
    gdImageSetThickness( gd, 2 ); // La linea de dos pixel que pienso dibujar

    for( i = 1; i < cw - 1; i ++ ){
        gdImageLine( gd, 3 + cw * i, 3 + 0, 3 + cw * i, 3 + h, frente );
    for( i = 1; i < ch - 1; i ++ ){
        gdImageLine( gd, 3 + 0, 3 + ch * i, 3 + w, 3 + ch * i, frente );
    return  gd;

Example #28
// Prints the error string if in debug, otherwise generates an error image
void Error(const char *pcText) {
	if (g_oCGI.Debug()) {
		printf("Error: %s\n\n", pcText);
		printf("Usage: id=<counter_id> [font=<font_name>] [digits=<num_of_digits>]\n");
		printf("Note: out.gif will be placed in %s\n", COUNTER_ROOT);
	else {
		gdImagePtr pOutImg = NULL;
		pOutImg = gdImageCreate(20, 20);
		if (pOutImg) {
			int iBlack = gdImageColorAllocate(pOutImg, 0, 0, 0);
			int iRed = gdImageColorAllocate(pOutImg, 255, 0, 0);
			gdImageFill(pOutImg, 0, 0, iBlack);
			gdImageLine(pOutImg, 0, 0, 19, 19, iRed);
			gdImageLine(pOutImg, 19, 0, 0, 19, iRed);
			gdImageInterlace(pOutImg, 1);
#ifdef WIN32
			_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
			printf("Content-type: image/gif\n\n");
			gdImageGif(pOutImg, stdout);
} // Error
int main(void) {
	// Create IP connection
	IPConnection ipcon;

	// Create device object
	OLED64x48 oled;
	oled_64x48_create(&oled, UID, &ipcon);

	// Connect to brickd
	if(ipcon_connect(&ipcon, HOST, PORT) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect\n");
		return 1;
	// Don't use device before ipcon is connected

	// Clear display

	// Draw rotating line
	gdImagePtr image = gdImageCreate(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
	int black = gdImageColorAllocate(image, 0, 0, 0);
	int white = gdImageColorAllocate(image, 255, 255, 255);
	int origin_x = WIDTH / 2;
	int origin_y = HEIGHT / 2;
	int length = HEIGHT / 2 - 2;
	int angle = 0;

	printf("Press ctrl+c exit\n");

	while (true) {
		double radians = M_PI * angle / 180.0;
		int x = (int)(origin_x + length * cos(radians));
		int y = (int)(origin_y + length * sin(radians));

		gdImageFilledRectangle(image, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, black);
		gdImageLine(image, origin_x, origin_y, x, y, white);

		draw_image(&oled, image);


	ipcon_destroy(&ipcon); // Calls ipcon_disconnect internally
	return 0;
Example #30
void doGene(FILE *stream) {
  int i, start, end, rstart, rend, y, strand, nsmall, nlarge, color;
  int *small, *large;

  start  = getNumber(stream);
  end    = getNumber(stream);
  y      = getNumber(stream);
  strand = getNumber(stream);	/* 0, 1, or -1 */
  color  = getNumber(stream);
  rstart = viewx(start);
  rend   = viewx(end);
  y      = viewy(y);

  // fprintf(stderr, "%d->%d, %d->%d\n", start, rstart, end, rend);

  gdImageLine(image, rstart, y, rend, y, color);
  if (strand == 1) {
    for (i = rstart+2; i < rend-2; i = i+5) {
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i, y-1, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i-1, y-2, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i, y+1, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i-1, y+2, color);
  } else if (strand == -1) {
    for (i = rstart+2; i < rend-2; i = i+5) {
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i, y-1, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i+1, y-2, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i, y+1, color);
      gdImageSetPixel(image, i+1, y+2, color);
  nsmall = getNumber(stream);
  for (i = 0; i < nsmall; i++) {
    start = getNumber(stream);
    end   = getNumber(stream);
    gdImageFilledRectangle(image, viewx(start), y-4, viewx(end), y+4, color);

  nlarge = getNumber(stream);
  for (i = 0; i < nlarge; i++) {
    start = getNumber(stream);
    end   = getNumber(stream);
    // fprintf(stderr, "%d->%d, %d->%d\n", start, viewx(start), end, viewx(end));
    gdImageFilledRectangle(image, viewx(start), y-6, viewx(end), y+6, color);