static inline FAR const struct nx_fontset_s * nxf_getglyphset(uint16_t ch, FAR const struct nx_fontpackage_s *package) { FAR const struct nx_fontset_s *fontset; /* Select the 7- or 8-bit font set */ if (ch < 128) { /* Select the 7-bit font set */ fontset = &package->font7; } else if (ch < 256) { #if CONFIG_NXFONTS_CHARBITS >= 8 /* Select the 8-bit font set */ fontset = &package->font8; #else gdbg("8-bit font support disabled: %d\n", ch); return NULL; #endif } else { /* Someday, perhaps 16-bit fonts will go here */ gdbg("16-bit font not currently supported\n"); return NULL; } /* Then verify that the character actually resides in the font */ if (ch >= fontset->first && ch < fontset->first +fontset->nchars) { return fontset; } gdbg("No bitmap for code %02x\n", ch); return NULL; }
static FAR void *vnc_updater(FAR void *arg) { FAR struct vnc_session_s *session = (FAR struct vnc_session_s *)arg; FAR struct vnc_fbupdate_s *srcrect; int ret; DEBUGASSERT(session != NULL); gvdbg("Updater running for Display %d\n", session->display); /* Loop, processing updates until we are asked to stop. * REVISIT: Probably need some kind of signal mechanism to wake up * vnc_remove_queue() in order to stop. Or perhaps a special STOP * message in the queue? */ while (session->state == VNCSERVER_RUNNING) { /* Get the next queued rectangle update. This call will block until an * upate is available for the case where the update queue is empty. */ srcrect = vnc_remove_queue(session); DEBUGASSERT(srcrect != NULL); updvdbg("Dequeued {(%d, %d),(%d, %d)}\n", srcrect->rect.pt1.x, srcrect->rect.pt1.y, srcrect->rect.pt2.x, srcrect->rect.pt2.y); /* Attempt to use RRE encoding */ ret = vnc_rre(session, &srcrect->rect); if (ret == 0) { /* Perform the framebuffer update using the default RAW encoding */ ret = vnc_raw(session, &srcrect->rect); } /* Release the update structure */ vnc_free_update(session, srcrect); /* Break out and terminate the server if the encoding failed */ if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: Encoding failed: %d\n", ret); break; } } session->state = VNCSERVER_STOPPED; return NULL; }
FAR struct lcd_dev_s *qemu_vga_initialize(void) { int ret = init_graph_vga(VGA_XRES, VGA_YRES, 1); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: init_graph_vga returned %d\n",ret); } memset(g_pscreen, 0, VGA_XRES * VGA_YRES); return &g_lcddev; }
void qemu_vga(void) { int ret = init_graph_vga(VGA_XRES, VGA_YRES, 1); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: init_graph_vga returned %d\n",ret); } memset(g_pscreen, g_bg_color, VGA_XRES * VGA_YRES); (void)register_driver("/dev/lcd", &g_vgaops, 0666, NULL); }
void nxcon_redraw(NXCONSOLE handle, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect, bool more) { FAR struct nxcon_state_s *priv; int ret; int i; DEBUGASSERT(handle && rect); gvdbg("rect={(%d,%d),(%d,%d)} more=%s\n", rect->pt1.x, rect->pt1.y, rect->pt2.x, rect->pt2.y, more ? "true" : "false"); /* Recover our private state structure */ priv = (FAR struct nxcon_state_s *)handle; /* Get exclusive access to the state structure */ do { ret = nxcon_semwait(priv); /* Check for errors */ if (ret < 0) { /* The only expected error is if the wait failed because of it * was interrupted by a signal. */ DEBUGASSERT(errno == EINTR); } } while (ret < 0); /* Fill the rectangular region with the window background color */ ret = priv->ops->fill(priv, rect, priv->wndo.wcolor); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("fill failed: %d\n", errno); } /* Then redraw each character on the display (Only the characters within * the rectangle will actually be redrawn). */ for (i = 0; i < priv->nchars; i++) { nxcon_fillchar(priv, rect, &priv->bm[i]); } (void)nxcon_sempost(priv); }
static inline FAR struct fb_vtable_s *ov2640_lcd_initialize(void) { FAR struct fb_vtable_s *vplane; int ret; /* Initialize the frame buffer device */ ret = up_fbinitialize(); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: up_fbinitialize failed: %d\n", -ret); return NULL; } vplane = up_fbgetvplane(0); if (!vplane) { gdbg("ERROR: up_fbgetvplane failed\n"); } return vplane; }
static int board_initthread(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; /* Perform NSH initialization here instead of from the NSH. This * alternative NSH initialization is necessary when NSH is ran in user-space * but the initialization function must run in kernel space. */ #if defined(CONFIG_NSH_LIBRARY) && !defined(CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT) ret = board_app_initialize(); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: board_app_initialize failed: %d\n", ret); } #endif /* Initialize the NX server */ #ifdef HAVE_NXSTART ret = nx_start(); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nx_start failed: %d\n", ret); } #endif /* Initialize the touchscreen */ #ifdef HAVE_TCINIT ret = board_tsc_setup(CONFIG_NXWM_TOUCHSCREEN_DEVNO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: board_tsc_setup failed: %d\n", ret); } #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int ov2640_reset(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *i2c) { int ret; ret = ov2640_putreglist(i2c, g_ov2640_reset, OV2640_RESET_NENTRIES); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: ov2640_putreglist failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } up_mdelay(5); return OK; }
static int ovr2640_chipid(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *i2c) { uint8_t pidl; uint8_t pidh; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_GRAPHICS uint8_t midh; uint8_t midl; #endif int ret; /* Check and show product ID and manufacturer ID */ ret = ov2640_putreg(i2c, 0xff, 0x01); /* Select the sensor address bank */ if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: ov2640_putreg failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } pidl = ov2640_getreg(i2c, 0x0a); /* Product ID (MS) */ pidh = ov2640_getreg(i2c, 0x0b); /* Product ID (LS) */ #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_GRAPHICS midh = ov2640_getreg(i2c, 0x1c); /* Manufacturer ID (high) = 0x7f */ midl = ov2640_getreg(i2c, 0x1d); /* Manufacturer ID (low) = 0xa2 */ #endif if (pidl != OVR2640_PRODUCT_IDL || pidh != OVR2640_PRODUCT_IDH) { gdbg("ERROR: Unsupported PID=%02x$02x MID=%02x%02x\n", pidh, pidl, midh, midl); return -ENOSYS; } gvdbg("PID=%02x$02x MID=%02x%02x\n", pidh, pidl, midh, midl); return OK; }
static inline void nxmu_blocked(FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd, FAR void *arg) { struct nxclimsg_blocked_s outmsg; int ret; outmsg.msgid = NX_CLIMSG_BLOCKED; outmsg.wnd = wnd; outmsg.arg = arg; ret = nxmu_sendclient(wnd->conn, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxclimsg_blocked_s)); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("nxmu_sendclient failed: %d\n", errno); } }
int nx_filltrapezoid(NXWINDOW hwnd, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *clip, FAR const struct nxgl_trapezoid_s *trap, nxgl_mxpixel_t color[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES]) { FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd = (FAR struct nxbe_window_s *)hwnd; struct nxsvrmsg_filltrapezoid_s outmsg; int ret; int i; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG if (!wnd || !wnd->conn || !trap || !color) { errno = EINVAL; return ERROR; } #endif /* Format the fill command */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_FILLTRAP; outmsg.wnd = wnd; if (clip) { nxgl_rectcopy(&outmsg.clip, clip); } else { memset(&outmsg.clip, 0, sizeof(struct nxgl_rect_s)); } nxgl_trapcopy(&outmsg.trap, trap); for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NX_NPLANES; i++) { outmsg.color[i] = color[i]; } /* Forward the fill command to the server */ ret = mq_send(wnd->conn->cwrmq, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_filltrapezoid_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); } return ret; }
static void nxtool_redraw(NXWINDOW hwnd, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect, bool more, FAR void *arg) { nxgl_mxpixel_t color[CONFIG_NX_NPLANES]; int ret; gvdbg("hwnd=%p rect={(%d,%d),(%d,%d)} more=%s\n", hwnd, rect->pt1.x, rect->pt1.y, rect->pt2.x, rect->pt2.y, more ? "true" : "false"); color[0] = CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXCON_TBCOLOR; ret = nxtk_filltoolbar(hwnd, rect, color); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("nxtk_filltoolbar failed: %d\n", errno); } }
static int board_initthread(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; /* Perform NSH initialization here instead of from the NSH. This * alternative NSH initialization is necessary when NSH is ran in user-space * but the initialization function must run in kernel space. */ #if defined(CONFIG_NSH_LIBRARY) && !defined(CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT) ret = nsh_archinitialize(); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nsh_archinitialize failed: %d\n", ret); } #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int up_fbinitialize(void) { int ret; gvdbg("Allocating framebuffers\n"); ret = dm320_allocvideomemory(); if (ret != 0) { gdbg("Failed to allocate video buffers\n"); return ret; } /* Initialize the hardware */ gvdbg("Initializing hardware\n"); dm320_hwinitialize(); return 0; }
int nx_raise(NXWINDOW hwnd) { FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd = (FAR struct nxbe_window_s *)hwnd; struct nxsvrmsg_raise_s outmsg; int ret; /* Send the RAISE message */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_RAISE; outmsg.wnd = wnd; ret = mq_send(wnd->conn->cwrmq, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_raise_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); } return ret; }
static int ov2640_putreglist(FAR struct i2c_dev_s *i2c, FAR const struct ovr2640_reg_s *reglist, size_t nentries) { FAR const struct ovr2640_reg_s *entry; int ret; for (entry = reglist; nentries > 0; nentries--, entry++) { ret = ov2640_putreg(i2c, entry->regaddr, entry->regval); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: ov2640_putreg failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } } return OK; }
int nx_closewindow(NXWINDOW hwnd) { FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd = (FAR struct nxbe_window_s *)hwnd; FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn = wnd->conn; struct nxsvrmsg_closewindow_s outmsg; int ret; /* Request destruction of the window by the serer */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_CLOSEWINDOW; outmsg.wnd = wnd; ret = mq_send(conn->cwrmq, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_closewindow_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); } return ret; }
static inline void nxmu_disconnect(FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn) { struct nxclimsg_disconnected_s outmsg; int ret; /* Send the handshake message back to the client */ outmsg.msgid = NX_CLIMSG_DISCONNECTED; ret = nxmu_sendclient(conn, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxclimsg_disconnected_s)); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("nxmu_sendclient failed: %d\n", errno); } /* Close the outgoing client message queue */ (void)mq_close(conn->swrmq); }
void nx_disconnect(NXHANDLE handle) { FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn = (FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *)handle; struct nxsvrmsg_s msg; int ret; /* Inform the server that this client no longer exists */ msg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_CONNECT; msg.conn = conn; ret = mq_send(conn->cwrmq, &msg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); } /* We will finish the teardown upon receipt of the DISCONNECTED message */ }
void nx_disconnect(NXHANDLE handle) { FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn = (FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *)handle; struct nxsvrmsg_s outmsg; int ret; /* Inform the server that this client no longer exists */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_DISCONNECT; outmsg.conn = conn; /* We will finish the teardown upon receipt of the DISCONNECTED message */ ret = nxmu_sendserver(conn, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_s)); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nxmu_sendserver() returned %d\n", ret); } }
int nx_mousein(NXHANDLE handle, nxgl_coord_t x, nxgl_coord_t y, uint8_t buttons) { FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn = (FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *)handle; struct nxsvrmsg_mousein_s outmsg; int ret; /* Inform the server that this client no longer exists */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_MOUSEIN; = x; = y; outmsg.buttons = buttons; ret = mq_send(conn->cwrmq, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_mousein_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); } return ret; }
void nx_redrawreq(NXWINDOW hwnd, FAR const struct nxgl_rect_s *rect) { FAR struct nxbe_window_s *wnd = (FAR struct nxbe_window_s *)hwnd; struct nxsvrmsg_redrawreq_s outmsg; int ret; DEBUGASSERT(wnd && rect); /* Inform the server of the changed position */ outmsg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_REDRAWREQ; outmsg.wnd = wnd; nxgl_rectcopy(&outmsg.rect, rect); ret = nxmu_sendwindow(wnd, &outmsg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_redrawreq_s)); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nxmu_sendwindow failed: %d\n", errno); } }
static void ssd1351_select(FAR struct ssd1351_dev_s *priv) { FAR struct spi_dev_s *spi = priv->spi; /* Select the chip, locking the SPI bus in case there are multiple devices * competing for the SPI bus */ gdbg("SELECTED\n"); SPI_LOCK(spi, true); SPI_SELECT(spi, SPIDEV_DISPLAY, true); /* Now make sure that the SPI bus is configured for this device (it might * have gotten configured for a different device while unlocked) */ SPI_SETMODE(spi, CONFIG_SSD1351_SPIMODE); SPI_SETBITS(spi, SSD1351_SPIBITS); (void)SPI_HWFEATURES(spi, 0); (void)SPI_SETFREQUENCY(spi, CONFIG_SSD1351_SPIFREQ); }
static int tiff_datetime(FAR char *timbuf, unsigned int buflen) { struct timespec ts; struct tm tm; int ret; /* Get the current time */ ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("clock_gettime failed: %d\n", errno); return ERROR; } /* Break the current time up into the format needed by strftime */ (void)gmtime_r((FAR const time_t*)&ts.tv_sec, &tm); /* Comvert the current time in the TIFF format */ (void)strftime(timbuf, buflen, TIFF_DATETIME_FORMAT, &tm); return OK; }
static inline int ov2640_camera_initialize(void) { FAR struct i2c_dev_s *i2c; uint32_t actual; int ret; /* Get the I2C driver that interfaces with the camers (OV2640_BUS)*/ i2c = up_i2cinitialize(OV2640_BUS); if (!i2c) { gdbg("ERROR: Failed to initialize TWI%d\n", OV2640_BUS); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Enable clocking to the ISI peripheral */ sam_isi_enableclk(); /* Configure OV2640 pins * * ISI: * - HSYNC, VSYNC, PCK * - 8 data bits for 8-bit color * PCK * - PCK1 provides OV2640 system clock */ sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_HSYNC); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_VSYNC); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_PCK); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D0); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D1); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D2); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D3); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D4); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D5); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D6); sam_configpio(PIO_ISI_D7); sam_configpio(PIO_PMC_PCK1); /* Configure and enable the PCK1 output */ actual = sam_pck_configure(PCK1, OV2640_FREQUENCY); gvdbg("Desired PCK1 frequency: %ld Actual: %ld\n", (long)OV2640_FREQUENCY, (long)actual); sam_pck_enable(PCK1, true); /* Configure the ISI peripheral */ #warning Missing Logic /* Initialize the OV2640 camera */ ret = ov2640_initialize(i2c); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: Failed to initialize the OV2640: %d\n", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
NXHANDLE nx_connectinstance(FAR const char *svrmqname) { FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *conn; struct nxsvrmsg_s msg; char climqname[NX_CLIENT_MXNAMELEN]; struct mq_attr attr; int ret; /* Sanity checking */ #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG if (!svrmqname) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } #endif /* Allocate the NX client structure */ conn = (FAR struct nxfe_conn_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct nxfe_conn_s)); if (!conn) { errno = ENOMEM; goto errout; } /* Create the client MQ name */ nxmu_semtake(&g_nxlibsem); conn->cid = g_nxcid++; nxmu_semgive(&g_nxlibsem); sprintf(climqname, NX_CLIENT_MQNAMEFMT, conn->cid); /* Open the client MQ for reading */ attr.mq_maxmsg = CONFIG_NX_MXCLIENTMSGS; attr.mq_msgsize = NX_MXCLIMSGLEN; attr.mq_flags = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_NX_BLOCKING conn->crdmq = mq_open(climqname, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0666, &attr); #else conn->crdmq = mq_open(climqname, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT|O_NONBLOCK, 0666, &attr); #endif if (conn->crdmq == (mqd_t)-1) { gdbg("mq_open(%s) failed: %d\n", climqname, errno); goto errout_with_conn; } /* Open the server MQ for writing */ attr.mq_maxmsg = CONFIG_NX_MXSERVERMSGS; attr.mq_msgsize = NX_MXSVRMSGLEN; attr.mq_flags = 0; conn->cwrmq = mq_open(svrmqname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666, &attr); if (conn->cwrmq == (mqd_t)-1) { gdbg("mq_open(%s) failed: %d\n", svrmqname, errno); goto errout_with_rmq; } /* Inform the server that this client exists */ msg.msgid = NX_SVRMSG_CONNECT; msg.conn = conn; ret = mq_send(conn->cwrmq, &msg, sizeof(struct nxsvrmsg_s), NX_SVRMSG_PRIO); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("mq_send failed: %d\n", errno); goto errout_with_wmq; } #if 0 /* Now read until we get a response to this message. The server will * respond with either (1) NX_CLIMSG_CONNECTED, in which case the state * will change to NX_CLISTATE_CONNECTED, or (2) NX_CLIMSG_DISCONNECTED * in which case, nx_message will fail with errno = EHOSTDOWN. */ do { ret = nx_eventhandler((NXHANDLE)conn); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("nx_message failed: %d\n", errno); goto errout_with_wmq; } usleep(300000); } while (conn->state != NX_CLISTATE_CONNECTED); #endif return (NXHANDLE)conn; errout_with_wmq: mq_close(conn->cwrmq); errout_with_rmq: mq_close(conn->crdmq); errout_with_conn: free(conn); errout: return NULL; }
static inline FAR struct nxcon_glyph_s * nxcon_renderglyph(FAR struct nxcon_state_s *priv, FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *fbm, uint8_t ch) { FAR struct nxcon_glyph_s *glyph = NULL; FAR nxgl_mxpixel_t *ptr; #if CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP < 8 nxgl_mxpixel_t pixel; #endif int bmsize; int row; int col; int ret; /* Allocate the glyph (always succeeds) */ glyph = nxcon_allocglyph(priv); glyph->code = ch; /* Get the dimensions of the glyph */ glyph->width = fbm->metric.width + fbm->metric.xoffset; glyph->height = fbm->metric.height + fbm->metric.yoffset; /* Get the physical width of the glyph in bytes */ glyph->stride = (glyph->width * CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP + 7) / 8; /* Allocate memory to hold the glyph with its offsets */ bmsize = glyph->stride * glyph->height; glyph->bitmap = (FAR uint8_t *)kmalloc(bmsize); if (glyph->bitmap) { /* Initialize the glyph memory to the background color using the * hard-coded bits-per-pixel (BPP). * * TODO: The rest of NX is configured to support multiple devices * with differing BPP. They logic should be extended to support * differing BPP's as well. */ #if CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP < 8 pixel = priv->wndo.wcolor[0]; # if CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP == 1 /* Pack 1-bit pixels into a 2-bits */ pixel &= 0x01; pixel = (pixel) << 1 | pixel; # endif # if CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP < 4 /* Pack 2-bit pixels into a nibble */ pixel &= 0x03; pixel = (pixel) << 2 | pixel; # endif /* Pack 4-bit nibbles into a byte */ pixel &= 0x0f; pixel = (pixel) << 4 | pixel; ptr = (FAR nxgl_mxpixel_t *)glyph->bitmap; for (row = 0; row < glyph->height; row++) { for (col = 0; col < glyph->stride; col++) { /* Transfer the packed bytes into the buffer */ *ptr++ = pixel; } } #elif CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP == 24 # error "Additional logic is needed here for 24bpp support" #else /* CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_BPP = {8,16,32} */ ptr = (FAR nxgl_mxpixel_t *)glyph->bitmap; for (row = 0; row < glyph->height; row++) { /* Just copy the color value into the glyph memory */ for (col = 0; col < glyph->width; col++) { *ptr++ = priv->wndo.wcolor[0]; } } #endif /* Then render the glyph into the allocated memory */ ret = RENDERER((FAR nxgl_mxpixel_t*)glyph->bitmap, glyph->height, glyph->width, glyph->stride, fbm, priv->wndo.fcolor[0]); if (ret < 0) { /* Actually, the RENDERER never returns a failure */ gdbg("nxcon_renderglyph: RENDERER failed\n"); nxcon_freeglyph(glyph); glyph = NULL; } } return glyph; }
static void dm320_hwinitialize(void) { /* Disable all planes */ dm320_disable(); /* Initialize the main video to correct the origin */ gvdbg("Setup main video origin:\n"); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_BASEX, DM320_OSD_BASEPX); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_BASEY, DM320_OSD_BASEPY); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_BASEPX: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_BASEPX)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_BASEPY: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_BASEPY)); /* Set up the frame buffer address registers */ gvdbg("Setup framebuffer addresses:\n"); putreg16(((dm320_osd1upperoffset() << 8) | dm320_osd0upperoffset()), DM320_OSD_OSDWINADH); putreg16(dm320_osd0loweroffset(), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0ADL); putreg16(dm320_osd1loweroffset(), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1ADL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWINADH: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWINADH)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0ADL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0ADL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1ADL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1ADL)); /* Set up VID WIN0 */ #if defined(CONFIG_DM320_VID0_DISABLE) || defined(CONFIG_DM320_VID1_DISABLE) putreg16(((dm320_vid1upperoffset() << 8) | dm320_vid0upperoffset()), DM320_OSD_VIDWINADH); #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DM320_VID0_DISABLE gvdbg("Initialize video win0:\n"); putreg16(dm320_vid0loweroffset(), DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0ADL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWINADH: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWINADH)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0ADL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0ADL)); dm320_blankscreen((uint8_t *)g_vid0base, DM320_VID0_FBLEN); #ifndef CONFIG_DM320_DISABLE_PINGPONG putreg16(dm320_vid0ppupperoffset(), DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADH); putreg16(dm320_vid0pploweroffset(), DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADH: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADH)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_PPVWIN0ADL)); dm320_blankscreen((uint8_t *)g_vid0ppbase, DM320_VID0_FBLEN); #endif putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID0_XPOS, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XP); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID0_YPOS, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YP); putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_VID0_XRES >> 4), DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0OFST); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID0_XRES, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XL); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID0_YRES, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0OFST: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0OFST)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0XL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN0YL)); #endif /* Set up VID WIN1 */ #ifndef CONFIG_DM320_VID1_DISABLE gvdbg("Initialize video win1:\n"); putreg16(dm320_vid1loweroffset(), DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1ADL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWINADH: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWINADH)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1ADL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1ADL)); dm320_blankscreen((uint8_t *)g_vid1base, DM320_VID1_FBLEN); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID1_XPOS, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XP); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID1_XPOS, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YP); putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_VID1_XRES >> 4), DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1OFST); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID1_XRES, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XL); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_VID1_YRES, DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YL); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1OFST: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1OFST)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1XL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWIN1YL)); #endif putreg16(DM320_VIDMODE, DM320_OSD_VIDWINMD); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_VIDWINMD: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_VIDWINMD)); /* Set up OSD WIN0 */ #ifndef CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_DISABLE gvdbg("Initialize OSD win0:\n"); dm320_blankscreen((uint8_t *)g_osd0base, DM320_OSD0_FBLEN); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_XPOS, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XP); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_YPOS, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YP); #ifdef CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_RGB16 putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_XRES >> 4), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0OFST); #else putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_XRES >> 5), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0OFST); #endif putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_XRES, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XL); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD0_YRES, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YL); putreg16(INITIAL_OSD0MODE, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0MD); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0OFST: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0OFST)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0XL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0YL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0MD: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN0MD)); #endif /* Set up OSD WIN1 */ #ifndef CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_DISABLE gvdbg("Initialize OSD win1\n"); dm320_blankscreen((uint8_t *)g_osd1base, DM320_OSD1_FBLEN); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_XPOS, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XP); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_YPOS, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YP); #ifdef CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_RGB16 putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_XRES >> 4), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1OFST); #else putreg16((CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_XRES >> 5), DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1OFST); #endif putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_XRES, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XL); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_OSD1_YRES, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YL); putreg16(INITIAL_OSD1MODE, DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1MD); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1OFST: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1OFST)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1XL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1YL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1MD: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDWIN1MD)); #endif /* Set up the rectangular cursor with defaults */ #ifdef CONFIG_FB_HWCURSOR gdbg("Initialize rectangular cursor\n"); putreg16(0, DM320_OSD_CURXP); putreg16(0, DM320_OSD_CURYP); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_RECTCURSOR_WIDTH, DM320_OSD_CURXL); putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_RECTCURSOR_HEIGHT, DM320_OSD_CURYL); /* DM320_RECTCURSOR_SETUP: * * Bit 0: 0=rectangular cursor inactive 1=on 0 * Bits 113: Vertical line height: {1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14} CONFIG_DM320_CURSORLINEHEIGHT * 4:6: Horizontal line width: {1,4,8,16,20,24,28} CONFIG_DM320_CURSORLINEWIDTH * 7: 0=ROM lookup table, 1=RAM lookup table 0 * 8:15: Rectangular cursor color pallette address CONFIG_DM320_CURSORCLUT */ putreg16(DM320_RECTCURSOR_SETUP, DM320_OSD_RECTCUR); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_CURXP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_CURXP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_CURYP: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_CURYP)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_CURXL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_CURXL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_CURYL: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_CURYL)); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_RECTCUR: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_RECTCUR)); #endif /* Set main window to the hardware default state. That initial * state is: * * FIELD SETTING * Bits 0-7: background color clut CONFIG_DM320_BKGDCLUT * Bit 8: background clut 0=ROM 1=RAM 0 * Bit 9: field signal 0=normal 1=inverted 0 * Bit 10: vid window H expansion: 1=x9/8 0 * Bit 11: vid window V expansion: 1=x6/5 0 * Bit 12: expansion filter 0=off 1=on 0 * Bit 13: osd window H expansion: 1=x9/8 0 * Bit 14: osd window V expansion: 1=x6/5 0 * Bit 1515: 0=offset binary, 1=complement of 2 0 */ putreg16(CONFIG_DM320_BKGDCLUT, DM320_OSD_OSDMODE); gvdbg("DM320_OSD_OSDMODE: %04x\n", getreg16(DM320_OSD_OSDMODE)); }
void nxcon_kbdin(NXCONSOLE handle, FAR const uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t buflen) { FAR struct nxcon_state_s *priv; ssize_t nwritten; int nexthead; char ch; int ret; gvdbg("buflen=%d\n"); DEBUGASSERT(handle); /* Get the reference to the driver structure from the handle */ priv = (FAR struct nxcon_state_s *)handle; /* Get exclusive access to the driver structure */ ret = nxcon_semwait(priv); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nxcon_semwait failed\n"); return; } /* Loop until all of the bytes have been written. This function may be * called from an interrupt handler! Semaphores cannot be used! * * The write logic only needs to modify the head index. Therefore, * there is a difference in the way that head and tail are protected: * tail is protected with a semaphore; tail is protected by disabling * interrupts. */ for (nwritten = 0; nwritten < buflen; nwritten++) { /* Add the next character */ ch = buffer[nwritten]; /* Calculate the write index AFTER the next byte is add to the ring * buffer */ nexthead = priv->head + 1; if (nexthead >= CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_KBDBUFSIZE) { nexthead = 0; } /* Would the next write overflow the circular buffer? */ if (nexthead == priv->tail) { /* Yes... Return an indication that nothing was saved in the buffer. */ gdbg("ERROR: Keyboard data overrun\n"); break; } /* No... copy the byte */ priv->rxbuffer[priv->head] = ch; priv->head = nexthead; } /* Was anything written? */ if (nwritten > 0) { int i; /* Are there threads waiting for read data? */ sched_lock(); for (i = 0; i < priv->nwaiters; i++) { /* Yes.. Notify all of the waiting readers that more data is available */ sem_post(&priv->waitsem); } /* Notify all poll/select waiters that they can write to the FIFO */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_POLL nxcon_pollnotify(priv, POLLIN); #endif sched_unlock(); } nxcon_sempost(priv); }
int nxcon_poll(FAR struct file *filep, FAR struct pollfd *fds, bool setup) { FAR struct inode *inode = filep->f_inode; FAR struct nxcon_state_s *priv; pollevent_t eventset; int ret; int i; /* Some sanity checking */ DEBUGASSERT(inode && inode->i_private); priv = inode->i_private; /* Get exclusive access to the driver structure */ ret = nxcon_semwait(priv); if (ret < 0) { gdbg("ERROR: nxcon_semwait failed\n"); return ret; } /* Are we setting up the poll? Or tearing it down? */ if (setup) { /* This is a request to set up the poll. Find an available * slot for the poll structure reference */ for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_NPOLLWAITERS; i++) { /* Find an available slot */ if (!priv->fds[i]) { /* Bind the poll structure and this slot */ priv->fds[i] = fds; fds->priv = &priv->fds[i]; break; } } if (i >= CONFIG_NXCONSOLE_NPOLLWAITERS) { gdbg("ERROR: Too many poll waiters\n"); fds->priv = NULL; ret = -EBUSY; goto errout; } /* Should immediately notify on any of the requested events? * This driver is always available for transmission. */ eventset = POLLOUT; /* Check if the receive buffer is empty */ if (priv->head != priv->tail) { eventset |= POLLIN; } if (eventset) { nxcon_pollnotify(priv, eventset); } } else if (fds->priv) { /* This is a request to tear down the poll. */ struct pollfd **slot = (struct pollfd **)fds->priv; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG if (!slot) { gdbg("ERROR: No slot\n"); ret = -EIO; goto errout; } #endif /* Remove all memory of the poll setup */ *slot = NULL; fds->priv = NULL; } errout: nxcon_sempost(priv); return ret; }