Example #1
static void test_operators ()
    succeed_if (!gelektra_key_equal (g_key, g_bkey), "keys shouldn't be equal");
    succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (g_key, g_bkey) != 0, "keys shouldn't be equal");

    GElektraKey * key = gelektra_key_dup (g_key);
    succeed_if (gelektra_key_equal (g_key, key), "keys should be equal");
    succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (g_key, key) == 0, "keys should be equal");
    g_object_unref (key);
Example #2
static void test_iterating (void)
	GElektraKeySet * ks;
	GElektraKey *key1, *key2, *tmpkey;

	key1 = gelektra_key_new ("user/a", GELEKTRA_KEY_END);
	g_object_ref (key1);
	key2 = gelektra_key_new ("user/c", GELEKTRA_KEY_END);
	g_object_ref (key2);
	ks = gelektra_keyset_new (3, key1, gelektra_key_new ("user/b", GELEKTRA_KEY_END), key2, GELEKTRA_KEYSET_END);

	guint cnt = 0;
	gelektra_keyset_rewind (ks);
	while ((tmpkey = gelektra_keyset_next (ks)) != NULL)
		GElektraKey * curkey = gelektra_keyset_current (ks);
		succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (tmpkey, curkey) == 0, "iterators returned different keys");
		g_object_unref (curkey);

		succeed_if (gelektra_keyset_getcursor (ks) == cnt, "cursor is at unexpected position");

		g_object_unref (tmpkey);
	succeed_if (cnt == 3, "some keys are missing");

	tmpkey = gelektra_keyset_head (ks);
	succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (tmpkey, key1) == 0, "keyset_head returned unexpected key");
	g_object_unref (tmpkey);

	tmpkey = gelektra_keyset_tail (ks);
	succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (tmpkey, key2) == 0, "keyset_tail returned unexpected key");
	g_object_unref (tmpkey);

	tmpkey = gelektra_keyset_atcursor (ks, 0);
	succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (tmpkey, key1) == 0, "keyset_atcursor returned unexpected key");
	g_object_unref (tmpkey);

	gelektra_keyset_setcursor (ks, 1);
	succeed_if (gelektra_keyset_getcursor (ks) == 1, "cursor is at unexpected position");

	g_object_unref (key1);
	g_object_unref (key2);
	g_object_unref (ks);
Example #3
static void test_searching (void)
	GElektraKeySet * ks;
	GElektraKey *key1, *key2;
	const char * name = "user/bar";

	key1 = gelektra_key_new (name, GELEKTRA_KEY_END);
	g_object_ref (key1);
	ks = gelektra_keyset_new (3, gelektra_key_new ("user/foo", GELEKTRA_KEY_END), key1,
				  gelektra_key_new ("user/foobar", GELEKTRA_KEY_END), GELEKTRA_KEYSET_END);

	key2 = gelektra_keyset_lookup (ks, key1, GELEKTRA_KDB_O_NONE);
	succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (key1, key2) == 0, "lookup returned different key");
	g_object_unref (key2);

	key2 = gelektra_keyset_lookup_byname (ks, name, GELEKTRA_KDB_O_NONE);
	succeed_if (gelektra_key_cmp (key1, key2) == 0, "lookup returned different key");
	g_object_unref (key2);

	g_object_unref (key1);
	g_object_unref (ks);