Example #1
JsonServerGenerator::JsonServerGenerator(std::string ifile, Info & info) {
	Interface i = parseXml(ifile);
	std::string stub = generateStub(i, info);

		std::ofstream of(info.getServerDst("Json").c_str());
		of << stub << std::endl;
Example #2
InterfaceGenerator::InterfaceGenerator(std::string ifile, Info & info) {
	Interface i = parseXml(ifile);
	std::string stub = generateStub(i, info);

		std::ofstream of(info.getInterfaceDst().c_str());
		of << stub << std::endl;

	std::string cppstub = generateCppStub(i, info);

		std::ofstream of(info.getInterfaceSourceDst().c_str());
		of << cppstub << std::endl;
Example #3
void JavaCodeGenerator::generate(TalkyUnit* unit, string path) {
    fs::path dir(path);
    if (unit->currentPackage != "") {
        string packagePath = unit->currentPackage;
        // std::replace(packagePath.begin(), packagePath.end(), ".", "/");
        boost::replace_all(packagePath, ".", "/");
        dir += "/" + packagePath;
        cout << "final path:" << dir << endl;
    if (!fs::exists(dir)) {
        cout << "java generator output dir does not exist:" << dir << endl;

    dir = fs::canonical(dir);
    path = dir.native();

    cout << "generating java source to:" << path << endl;

    map<string, Definition*>& definitions = unit->definitions;

    for ( map<string, Definition*>::iterator it = definitions.begin(); it != definitions.end(); ++it ) {
        Definition* definition = it->second;
        string name = definition->name;
        DefinitionType type = definition->getType();
        if (type == DFT_ENUM) {
            ofstream ofs(path + "/" + name + ".java");
            if (unit->currentPackage != "") {
                ofs << "package " << unit->currentPackage << ";" << endl;
            ofs << "public class " << name << "{" << endl;

            Enum& theEnum = *dynamic_cast<Enum*>(definition);

            for (int i = 0; i < theEnum.members.size(); i++) {
                ofs << "public final static int " << theEnum.members[i] << "=" << i << ";" << endl;

            ofs << "public final static int MAX_VALUE=" << theEnum.members.size() << ";" << endl;

            ofs << "public static String toString(byte value){" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < theEnum.members.size(); i++) {
                ofs << "if(value == " << theEnum.members[i] << "){" << endl;
                ofs << "return \"" << theEnum.members[i] << "\";" << endl;
                ofs << "}" << endl;
            ofs << "return null;" << endl;

            ofs << "}" << endl;

            ofs << "public static int toValue(String name){" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < theEnum.members.size(); i++) {
                ofs << "if(name.equals(\"" << theEnum.members[i] << "\")){" << endl;
                ofs << "return " << theEnum.members[i] << ";" << endl;
                ofs << "}" << endl;
            ofs << "return -1;" << endl;

            ofs << "}" << endl;

            ofs << "}" << endl;
        } else if (type == DFT_STRUCTURE) {
            ofstream ofs(path + "/" + name + ".java");
            if (unit->currentPackage != "") {
                ofs << "package " << unit->currentPackage << ";" << endl;


            ofs << "public class " << name << "{" << endl;

            Structure& theStructure = *dynamic_cast<Structure*>(definition);
            std::vector<TypeDeclaration*>& fields = theStructure.members;
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                TypeDeclaration& theField = *fields[i];
                string dataTypeName = getTypeName(theField);
                ofs << "public " << dataTypeName << " " << theField.name << ";" << endl;

            ofs << "public void serialize(DataOutputStream dos) throws Exception{" << endl;

            //mark fields that need serialization
            int fieldMarkSize = (fields.size() + 7) / 8;
            ofs << "FieldMark fm = new FieldMark(" << fieldMarkSize << ");" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                TypeDeclaration& theField = *fields[i];
                if (theField.declarationType == DLT_ARRAY
                        || theField.declarationType == DLT_BYTE_ARRAY) {
                    //fm.mark(name == null || name.length == 0 ? false : true);
                    ofs << "fm.mark(" << theField.name << " != null && " << theField.name << ".length > 0);" << endl;
                } else if (theField.declarationType == DLT_USER) {
                    ofs << "fm.mark(true);" << endl;
                } else if (theField.declarationType == DLT_PRIMITIVE) {
                    if (theField.dataType == DT_INT64
                            || theField.dataType == DT_UINT64
                            || theField.dataType == DT_DOUBLE
                            || theField.dataType == DT_FLOAT
                            || theField.dataType == DT_INT32
                            || theField.dataType == DT_UINT32
                            || theField.dataType == DT_INT16
                            || theField.dataType == DT_UINT16
                            || theField.dataType == DT_INT8) {
                        ofs << "fm.mark(" << theField.name << " != 0);" << endl;
                    } else if (theField.dataType == DT_BOOL) {
                        ofs << "fm.mark(true);" << endl;
                    } else if (theField.dataType == DT_STRING) {
                        ofs << "fm.mark(" << theField.name << " != null && " << theField.name << ".length() > 0);" << endl;
            // serialize the field mark
            ofs << "dos.write(fm.getData());" << endl;
            //actual serilization code
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                TypeDeclaration& theField = *fields[i];
                ofs << "if(fm.isMarked(" + __ITOA(i) + ")){" << endl;
                serializeField(ofs, theField);
                ofs << "}" << endl;

            // ofs << "}" << endl;
            ofs << "}" << endl;

            ofs << "public void deserialize(DataInputStream dis) throws Exception{" << endl;
            ofs << "FieldMark fm = new FieldMark(" << fieldMarkSize << ");" << endl;
            ofs << "dis.read(fm.getData());" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                TypeDeclaration& theField = *fields[i];
                ofs << "if(fm.readMark()){" << endl;
                deserializeField(ofs, theField);
                ofs << "}" << endl;
            ofs << "}" << endl;

            ofs << "}" << endl;
        } else if (type == DFT_INTERFACE) {
            Interface& theInterface = *dynamic_cast<Interface*>(definition);

            generateProxy(path + "/" + name + "Proxy" + ".java", unit, theInterface);

            generateStub(path + "/" + name + "Stub" + ".java", unit, theInterface);

            generateDispatcher(path + "/" + name + "Dispatcher" + ".java", unit, theInterface);


