virtual void updateTexturesAndMeshes(IGameDef *gamedef) { #ifndef SERVER infostream<<"ItemDefManager::updateTexturesAndMeshes(): Updating " <<"textures and meshes in item definitions"<<std::endl; ITextureSource *tsrc = gamedef->getTextureSource(); INodeDefManager *nodedef = gamedef->getNodeDefManager(); IrrlichtDevice *device = tsrc->getDevice(); video::IVideoDriver *driver = device->getVideoDriver(); for(std::map<std::string, ItemDefinition*>::iterator i = m_item_definitions.begin(); i != m_item_definitions.end(); i++) { ItemDefinition *def = i->second; bool need_node_mesh = false; // Create an inventory texture def->inventory_texture = NULL; if(def->inventory_image != "") { def->inventory_texture = tsrc->getTextureRaw(def->inventory_image); } else if(def->type == ITEM_NODE) { need_node_mesh = true; } // Create a wield mesh if(def->wield_mesh != NULL) { def->wield_mesh->drop(); def->wield_mesh = NULL; } if(def->type == ITEM_NODE && def->wield_image == "") { need_node_mesh = true; } else if(def->wield_image != "" || def->inventory_image != "") { // Extrude the wield image into a mesh std::string imagename; if(def->wield_image != "") imagename = def->wield_image; else imagename = def->inventory_image; def->wield_mesh = createExtrudedMesh( tsrc->getTextureRaw(imagename), driver, def->wield_scale * v3f(40.0, 40.0, 4.0)); if(def->wield_mesh == NULL) { infostream<<"ItemDefManager: WARNING: " <<"updateTexturesAndMeshes(): " <<"Unable to create extruded mesh for item " <<def->name<<std::endl; } } if(need_node_mesh) { /* Get node properties */ content_t id = nodedef->getId(def->name); const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(id); u8 param1 = 0; if(f.param_type == CPT_LIGHT) param1 = 0xee; /* Make a mesh from the node */ MeshMakeData mesh_make_data(gamedef); MapNode mesh_make_node(id, param1, 0); mesh_make_data.fillSingleNode(&mesh_make_node); MapBlockMesh mapblock_mesh(&mesh_make_data); scene::IMesh *node_mesh = mapblock_mesh.getMesh(); assert(node_mesh); setMeshColor(node_mesh, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); /* Scale and translate the mesh so it's a unit cube centered on the origin */ scaleMesh(node_mesh, v3f(1.0/BS, 1.0/BS, 1.0/BS)); translateMesh(node_mesh, v3f(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)); /* Draw node mesh into a render target texture */ if(def->inventory_texture == NULL) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim(64,64); std::string rtt_texture_name = "INVENTORY_" + def->name + "_RTT"; v3f camera_position(0, 1.0, -1.5); camera_position.rotateXZBy(45); v3f camera_lookat(0, 0, 0); core::CMatrix4<f32> camera_projection_matrix; // Set orthogonal projection camera_projection_matrix.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH( 1.65, 1.65, 0, 100); video::SColorf ambient_light(0.2,0.2,0.2); v3f light_position(10, 100, -50); video::SColorf light_color(0.5,0.5,0.5); f32 light_radius = 1000; def->inventory_texture = generateTextureFromMesh( node_mesh, device, dim, rtt_texture_name, camera_position, camera_lookat, camera_projection_matrix, ambient_light, light_position, light_color, light_radius); // render-to-target didn't work if(def->inventory_texture == NULL) { def->inventory_texture = tsrc->getTextureRaw(f.tname_tiles[0]); } } /* Use the node mesh as the wield mesh */ if(def->wield_mesh == NULL) { // Scale to proper wield mesh proportions scaleMesh(node_mesh, v3f(30.0, 30.0, 30.0) * def->wield_scale); def->wield_mesh = node_mesh; def->wield_mesh->grab(); } // falling outside of here deletes node_mesh } } #endif }
bool generate_image(std::string part_of_name, video::IImage *& baseimg, IrrlichtDevice *device, SourceImageCache *sourcecache) { video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); assert(driver); // Stuff starting with [ are special commands if(part_of_name.size() == 0 || part_of_name[0] != '[') { video::IImage *image = sourcecache->getOrLoad(part_of_name, device); if(image == NULL) { if(part_of_name != ""){ errorstream<<"generate_image(): Could not load image \"" <<part_of_name<<"\""<<" while building texture"<<std::endl; errorstream<<"generate_image(): Creating a dummy" <<" image for \""<<part_of_name<<"\""<<std::endl; } // Just create a dummy image //core::dimension2d<u32> dim(2,2); core::dimension2d<u32> dim(1,1); image = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); assert(image); /*image->setPixel(0,0, video::SColor(255,255,0,0)); image->setPixel(1,0, video::SColor(255,0,255,0)); image->setPixel(0,1, video::SColor(255,0,0,255)); image->setPixel(1,1, video::SColor(255,255,0,255));*/ image->setPixel(0,0, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); /*image->setPixel(1,0, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); image->setPixel(0,1, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); image->setPixel(1,1, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256));*/ } // If base image is NULL, load as base. if(baseimg == NULL) { //infostream<<"Setting "<<part_of_name<<" as base"<<std::endl; /* Copy it this way to get an alpha channel. Otherwise images with alpha cannot be blitted on images that don't have alpha in the original file. */ core::dimension2d<u32> dim = image->getDimension(); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); image->copyTo(baseimg); image->drop(); } // Else blit on base. else { //infostream<<"Blitting "<<part_of_name<<" on base"<<std::endl; // Size of the copied area core::dimension2d<u32> dim = image->getDimension(); //core::dimension2d<u32> dim(16,16); // Position to copy the blitted to in the base image core::position2d<s32> pos_to(0,0); // Position to copy the blitted from in the blitted image core::position2d<s32> pos_from(0,0); // Blit image->copyToWithAlpha(baseimg, pos_to, core::rect<s32>(pos_from, dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), NULL); // Drop image image->drop(); } } else { // A special texture modification /*infostream<<"generate_image(): generating special " <<"modification \""<<part_of_name<<"\"" <<std::endl;*/ /* This is the simplest of all; it just adds stuff to the name so that a separate texture is created. It is used to make textures for stuff that doesn't want to implement getting the texture from a bigger texture atlas. */ if(part_of_name == "[forcesingle") { // If base image is NULL, create a random color if(baseimg == NULL) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim(1,1); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); assert(baseimg); baseimg->setPixel(0,0, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); } } /* [crackN Adds a cracking texture */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,6) == "[crack") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generate_image(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } // Crack image number and overlay option s32 progression = 0; bool use_overlay = false; if(part_of_name.substr(6,1) == "o") { progression = stoi(part_of_name.substr(7)); use_overlay = true; } else { progression = stoi(part_of_name.substr(6)); use_overlay = false; } // Size of the base image core::dimension2d<u32> dim_base = baseimg->getDimension(); /* Load crack image. It is an image with a number of cracking stages horizontally tiled. */ video::IImage *img_crack = sourcecache->getOrLoad("crack.png", device); if(img_crack && progression >= 0) { // Dimension of original image core::dimension2d<u32> dim_crack = img_crack->getDimension(); // Count of crack stages s32 crack_count = dim_crack.Height / dim_crack.Width; // Limit progression if(progression > crack_count-1) progression = crack_count-1; // Dimension of a single crack stage core::dimension2d<u32> dim_crack_cropped( dim_crack.Width, dim_crack.Width ); // Create cropped and scaled crack images video::IImage *img_crack_cropped = driver->createImage( video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim_crack_cropped); video::IImage *img_crack_scaled = driver->createImage( video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim_base); if(img_crack_cropped && img_crack_scaled) { // Crop crack image v2s32 pos_crack(0, progression*dim_crack.Width); img_crack->copyTo(img_crack_cropped, v2s32(0,0), core::rect<s32>(pos_crack, dim_crack_cropped)); // Scale crack image by copying img_crack_cropped->copyToScaling(img_crack_scaled); // Copy or overlay crack image if(use_overlay) { overlay(baseimg, img_crack_scaled); } else { img_crack_scaled->copyToWithAlpha( baseimg, v2s32(0,0), core::rect<s32>(v2s32(0,0), dim_base), video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); } } if(img_crack_scaled) img_crack_scaled->drop(); if(img_crack_cropped) img_crack_cropped->drop(); img_crack->drop(); } } /* [combine:WxH:X,Y=filename:X,Y=filename2 Creates a bigger texture from an amount of smaller ones */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,8) == "[combine") { Strfnd sf(part_of_name);":"); u32 w0 = stoi("x")); u32 h0 = stoi(":")); infostream<<"combined w="<<w0<<" h="<<h0<<std::endl; core::dimension2d<u32> dim(w0,h0); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); while(sf.atend() == false) { u32 x = stoi(",")); u32 y = stoi("=")); std::string filename =":"); infostream<<"Adding \""<<filename <<"\" to combined ("<<x<<","<<y<<")" <<std::endl; video::IImage *img = sourcecache->getOrLoad(filename, device); if(img) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim = img->getDimension(); infostream<<"Size "<<dim.Width <<"x"<<dim.Height<<std::endl; core::position2d<s32> pos_base(x, y); video::IImage *img2 = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); img->copyTo(img2); img->drop(); img2->copyToWithAlpha(baseimg, pos_base, core::rect<s32>(v2s32(0,0), dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), NULL); img2->drop(); } else { infostream<<"img==NULL"<<std::endl; } } } /* "[brighten" */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,9) == "[brighten") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generate_image(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } brighten(baseimg); } /* "[noalpha" Make image completely opaque. Used for the leaves texture when in old leaves mode, so that the transparent parts don't look completely black when simple alpha channel is used for rendering. */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,8) == "[noalpha") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generate_image(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } core::dimension2d<u32> dim = baseimg->getDimension(); // Set alpha to full for(u32 y=0; y<dim.Height; y++) for(u32 x=0; x<dim.Width; x++) { video::SColor c = baseimg->getPixel(x,y); c.setAlpha(255); baseimg->setPixel(x,y,c); } } /* "[makealpha:R,G,B" Convert one color to transparent. */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,11) == "[makealpha:") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generate_image(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } Strfnd sf(part_of_name.substr(11)); u32 r1 = stoi(",")); u32 g1 = stoi(",")); u32 b1 = stoi("")); std::string filename =""); core::dimension2d<u32> dim = baseimg->getDimension(); /*video::IImage *oldbaseimg = baseimg; baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); oldbaseimg->copyTo(baseimg); oldbaseimg->drop();*/ // Set alpha to full for(u32 y=0; y<dim.Height; y++) for(u32 x=0; x<dim.Width; x++) { video::SColor c = baseimg->getPixel(x,y); u32 r = c.getRed(); u32 g = c.getGreen(); u32 b = c.getBlue(); if(!(r == r1 && g == g1 && b == b1)) continue; c.setAlpha(0); baseimg->setPixel(x,y,c); } } /* [inventorycube{topimage{leftimage{rightimage In every subimage, replace ^ with &. Create an "inventory cube". NOTE: This should be used only on its own. Example (a grass block (not actually used in game): "[inventorycube{grass.png{mud.png&grass_side.png{mud.png&grass_side.png" */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,14) == "[inventorycube") { if(baseimg != NULL) { errorstream<<"generate_image(): baseimg!=NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } str_replace_char(part_of_name, '&', '^'); Strfnd sf(part_of_name);"{"); std::string imagename_top ="{"); std::string imagename_left ="{"); std::string imagename_right ="{"); // Generate images for the faces of the cube video::IImage *img_top = generate_image_from_scratch( imagename_top, device, sourcecache); video::IImage *img_left = generate_image_from_scratch( imagename_left, device, sourcecache); video::IImage *img_right = generate_image_from_scratch( imagename_right, device, sourcecache); assert(img_top && img_left && img_right); // Create textures from images video::ITexture *texture_top = driver->addTexture( (imagename_top + "__temp__").c_str(), img_top); video::ITexture *texture_left = driver->addTexture( (imagename_left + "__temp__").c_str(), img_left); video::ITexture *texture_right = driver->addTexture( (imagename_right + "__temp__").c_str(), img_right); assert(texture_top && texture_left && texture_right); // Drop images img_top->drop(); img_left->drop(); img_right->drop(); /* Draw a cube mesh into a render target texture */ scene::IMesh* cube = createCubeMesh(v3f(1, 1, 1)); setMeshColor(cube, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); cube->getMeshBuffer(0)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_top); cube->getMeshBuffer(1)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_top); cube->getMeshBuffer(2)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_right); cube->getMeshBuffer(3)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_right); cube->getMeshBuffer(4)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_left); cube->getMeshBuffer(5)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_left); core::dimension2d<u32> dim(64,64); std::string rtt_texture_name = part_of_name + "_RTT"; v3f camera_position(0, 1.0, -1.5); camera_position.rotateXZBy(45); v3f camera_lookat(0, 0, 0); core::CMatrix4<f32> camera_projection_matrix; // Set orthogonal projection camera_projection_matrix.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH( 1.65, 1.65, 0, 100); video::SColorf ambient_light(0.2,0.2,0.2); v3f light_position(10, 100, -50); video::SColorf light_color(0.5,0.5,0.5); f32 light_radius = 1000; video::ITexture *rtt = generateTextureFromMesh( cube, device, dim, rtt_texture_name, camera_position, camera_lookat, camera_projection_matrix, ambient_light, light_position, light_color, light_radius); // Drop mesh cube->drop(); // Free textures of images driver->removeTexture(texture_top); driver->removeTexture(texture_left); driver->removeTexture(texture_right); if(rtt == NULL) { baseimg = generate_image_from_scratch( imagename_top, device, sourcecache); return true; } // Create image of render target video::IImage *image = driver->createImage(rtt, v2s32(0,0), dim); assert(image); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); if(image) { image->copyTo(baseimg); image->drop(); } } else { errorstream<<"generate_image(): Invalid " " modification: \""<<part_of_name<<"\""<<std::endl; } } return true; }
bool TextureSource::generateImage(std::string part_of_name, video::IImage *& baseimg) { video::IVideoDriver* driver = m_device->getVideoDriver(); assert(driver); // Stuff starting with [ are special commands if(part_of_name.size() == 0 || part_of_name[0] != '[') { video::IImage *image = m_sourcecache.getOrLoad(part_of_name, m_device); if(image == NULL) { if(part_of_name != ""){ errorstream<<"generateImage(): Could not load image \"" <<part_of_name<<"\""<<" while building texture"<<std::endl; errorstream<<"generateImage(): Creating a dummy" <<" image for \""<<part_of_name<<"\""<<std::endl; } // Just create a dummy image //core::dimension2d<u32> dim(2,2); core::dimension2d<u32> dim(1,1); image = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); assert(image); /*image->setPixel(0,0, video::SColor(255,255,0,0)); image->setPixel(1,0, video::SColor(255,0,255,0)); image->setPixel(0,1, video::SColor(255,0,0,255)); image->setPixel(1,1, video::SColor(255,255,0,255));*/ image->setPixel(0,0, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); /*image->setPixel(1,0, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); image->setPixel(0,1, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256)); image->setPixel(1,1, video::SColor(255,myrand()%256, myrand()%256,myrand()%256));*/ } // If base image is NULL, load as base. if(baseimg == NULL) { //infostream<<"Setting "<<part_of_name<<" as base"<<std::endl; /* Copy it this way to get an alpha channel. Otherwise images with alpha cannot be blitted on images that don't have alpha in the original file. */ core::dimension2d<u32> dim = image->getDimension(); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); image->copyTo(baseimg); } // Else blit on base. else { //infostream<<"Blitting "<<part_of_name<<" on base"<<std::endl; // Size of the copied area core::dimension2d<u32> dim = image->getDimension(); //core::dimension2d<u32> dim(16,16); // Position to copy the blitted to in the base image core::position2d<s32> pos_to(0,0); // Position to copy the blitted from in the blitted image core::position2d<s32> pos_from(0,0); // Blit /*image->copyToWithAlpha(baseimg, pos_to, core::rect<s32>(pos_from, dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), NULL);*/ blit_with_alpha(image, baseimg, pos_from, pos_to, dim); } //cleanup image->drop(); } else { // A special texture modification /*infostream<<"generateImage(): generating special " <<"modification \""<<part_of_name<<"\"" <<std::endl;*/ /* [crack:N:P [cracko:N:P Adds a cracking texture N = animation frame count, P = crack progression */ if(part_of_name.substr(0,6) == "[crack") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } // Crack image number and overlay option bool use_overlay = (part_of_name[6] == 'o'); Strfnd sf(part_of_name);":"); s32 frame_count = stoi(":")); s32 progression = stoi(":")); /* Load crack image. It is an image with a number of cracking stages horizontally tiled. */ video::IImage *img_crack = m_sourcecache.getOrLoad( "crack_anylength.png", m_device); if(img_crack && progression >= 0) { draw_crack(img_crack, baseimg, use_overlay, frame_count, progression, driver); img_crack->drop(); } } /* [combine:WxH:X,Y=filename:X,Y=filename2 Creates a bigger texture from an amount of smaller ones */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,8) == "[combine") { Strfnd sf(part_of_name);":"); u32 w0 = stoi("x")); u32 h0 = stoi(":")); infostream<<"combined w="<<w0<<" h="<<h0<<std::endl; core::dimension2d<u32> dim(w0,h0); if(baseimg == NULL) { baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); baseimg->fill(video::SColor(0,0,0,0)); } while(sf.atend() == false) { u32 x = stoi(",")); u32 y = stoi("=")); std::string filename =":"); infostream<<"Adding \""<<filename <<"\" to combined ("<<x<<","<<y<<")" <<std::endl; video::IImage *img = m_sourcecache.getOrLoad(filename, m_device); if(img) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim = img->getDimension(); infostream<<"Size "<<dim.Width <<"x"<<dim.Height<<std::endl; core::position2d<s32> pos_base(x, y); video::IImage *img2 = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); img->copyTo(img2); img->drop(); /*img2->copyToWithAlpha(baseimg, pos_base, core::rect<s32>(v2s32(0,0), dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), NULL);*/ blit_with_alpha(img2, baseimg, v2s32(0,0), pos_base, dim); img2->drop(); } else { infostream<<"img==NULL"<<std::endl; } } } /* "[brighten" */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,9) == "[brighten") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } brighten(baseimg); } /* "[noalpha" Make image completely opaque. Used for the leaves texture when in old leaves mode, so that the transparent parts don't look completely black when simple alpha channel is used for rendering. */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,8) == "[noalpha") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } core::dimension2d<u32> dim = baseimg->getDimension(); // Set alpha to full for(u32 y=0; y<dim.Height; y++) for(u32 x=0; x<dim.Width; x++) { video::SColor c = baseimg->getPixel(x,y); c.setAlpha(255); baseimg->setPixel(x,y,c); } } /* "[makealpha:R,G,B" Convert one color to transparent. */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,11) == "[makealpha:") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } Strfnd sf(part_of_name.substr(11)); u32 r1 = stoi(",")); u32 g1 = stoi(",")); u32 b1 = stoi("")); std::string filename =""); core::dimension2d<u32> dim = baseimg->getDimension(); /*video::IImage *oldbaseimg = baseimg; baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); oldbaseimg->copyTo(baseimg); oldbaseimg->drop();*/ // Set alpha to full for(u32 y=0; y<dim.Height; y++) for(u32 x=0; x<dim.Width; x++) { video::SColor c = baseimg->getPixel(x,y); u32 r = c.getRed(); u32 g = c.getGreen(); u32 b = c.getBlue(); if(!(r == r1 && g == g1 && b == b1)) continue; c.setAlpha(0); baseimg->setPixel(x,y,c); } } /* "[transformN" Rotates and/or flips the image. N can be a number (between 0 and 7) or a transform name. Rotations are counter-clockwise. 0 I identity 1 R90 rotate by 90 degrees 2 R180 rotate by 180 degrees 3 R270 rotate by 270 degrees 4 FX flip X 5 FXR90 flip X then rotate by 90 degrees 6 FY flip Y 7 FYR90 flip Y then rotate by 90 degrees Note: Transform names can be concatenated to produce their product (applies the first then the second). The resulting transform will be equivalent to one of the eight existing ones, though (see: dihedral group). */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,10) == "[transform") { if(baseimg == NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg==NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } u32 transform = parseImageTransform(part_of_name.substr(10)); core::dimension2d<u32> dim = imageTransformDimension( transform, baseimg->getDimension()); video::IImage *image = driver->createImage( baseimg->getColorFormat(), dim); assert(image); imageTransform(transform, baseimg, image); baseimg->drop(); baseimg = image; } /* [inventorycube{topimage{leftimage{rightimage In every subimage, replace ^ with &. Create an "inventory cube". NOTE: This should be used only on its own. Example (a grass block (not actually used in game): "[inventorycube{grass.png{mud.png&grass_side.png{mud.png&grass_side.png" */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,14) == "[inventorycube") { if(baseimg != NULL) { errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg!=NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } str_replace_char(part_of_name, '&', '^'); Strfnd sf(part_of_name);"{"); std::string imagename_top ="{"); std::string imagename_left ="{"); std::string imagename_right ="{"); // Generate images for the faces of the cube video::IImage *img_top = generateImageFromScratch(imagename_top); video::IImage *img_left = generateImageFromScratch(imagename_left); video::IImage *img_right = generateImageFromScratch(imagename_right); assert(img_top && img_left && img_right); // Create textures from images video::ITexture *texture_top = driver->addTexture( (imagename_top + "__temp__").c_str(), img_top); video::ITexture *texture_left = driver->addTexture( (imagename_left + "__temp__").c_str(), img_left); video::ITexture *texture_right = driver->addTexture( (imagename_right + "__temp__").c_str(), img_right); assert(texture_top && texture_left && texture_right); // Drop images img_top->drop(); img_left->drop(); img_right->drop(); /* Draw a cube mesh into a render target texture */ scene::IMesh* cube = createCubeMesh(v3f(1, 1, 1)); setMeshColor(cube, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); cube->getMeshBuffer(0)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_top); cube->getMeshBuffer(1)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_top); cube->getMeshBuffer(2)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_right); cube->getMeshBuffer(3)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_right); cube->getMeshBuffer(4)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_left); cube->getMeshBuffer(5)->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture_left); TextureFromMeshParams params; params.mesh = cube; params.dim.set(64, 64); params.rtt_texture_name = part_of_name + "_RTT"; // We will delete the rtt texture ourselves params.delete_texture_on_shutdown = false; params.camera_position.set(0, 1.0, -1.5); params.camera_position.rotateXZBy(45); params.camera_lookat.set(0, 0, 0); // Set orthogonal projection params.camera_projection_matrix.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH( 1.65, 1.65, 0, 100); params.ambient_light.set(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2); params.light_position.set(10, 100, -50); params.light_color.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); params.light_radius = 1000; video::ITexture *rtt = generateTextureFromMesh(params); // Drop mesh cube->drop(); // Free textures of images driver->removeTexture(texture_top); driver->removeTexture(texture_left); driver->removeTexture(texture_right); if(rtt == NULL) { baseimg = generateImageFromScratch(imagename_top); return true; } // Create image of render target video::IImage *image = driver->createImage(rtt, v2s32(0,0), params.dim); assert(image); // Cleanup texture driver->removeTexture(rtt); baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, params.dim); if(image) { image->copyTo(baseimg); image->drop(); } } /* [lowpart:percent:filename Adds the lower part of a texture */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,9) == "[lowpart:") { Strfnd sf(part_of_name);":"); u32 percent = stoi(":")); std::string filename =":"); //infostream<<"power part "<<percent<<"%% of "<<filename<<std::endl; if(baseimg == NULL) baseimg = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, v2u32(16,16)); video::IImage *img = m_sourcecache.getOrLoad(filename, m_device); if(img) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim = img->getDimension(); core::position2d<s32> pos_base(0, 0); video::IImage *img2 = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim); img->copyTo(img2); img->drop(); core::position2d<s32> clippos(0, 0); clippos.Y = dim.Height * (100-percent) / 100; core::dimension2d<u32> clipdim = dim; clipdim.Height = clipdim.Height * percent / 100 + 1; core::rect<s32> cliprect(clippos, clipdim); img2->copyToWithAlpha(baseimg, pos_base, core::rect<s32>(v2s32(0,0), dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), &cliprect); img2->drop(); } } /* [verticalframe:N:I Crops a frame of a vertical animation. N = frame count, I = frame index */ else if(part_of_name.substr(0,15) == "[verticalframe:") { Strfnd sf(part_of_name);":"); u32 frame_count = stoi(":")); u32 frame_index = stoi(":")); if(baseimg == NULL){ errorstream<<"generateImage(): baseimg!=NULL " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } v2u32 frame_size = baseimg->getDimension(); if (frame_count) frame_size.Y /= frame_count; video::IImage *img = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, frame_size); if(!img){ errorstream<<"generateImage(): Could not create image " <<"for part_of_name=\""<<part_of_name <<"\", cancelling."<<std::endl; return false; } // Fill target image with transparency img->fill(video::SColor(0,0,0,0)); core::dimension2d<u32> dim = frame_size; core::position2d<s32> pos_dst(0, 0); core::position2d<s32> pos_src(0, frame_index * frame_size.Y); baseimg->copyToWithAlpha(img, pos_dst, core::rect<s32>(pos_src, dim), video::SColor(255,255,255,255), NULL); // Replace baseimg baseimg->drop(); baseimg = img; } else { errorstream<<"generateImage(): Invalid " " modification: \""<<part_of_name<<"\""<<std::endl; } } return true; }
ClientCached* createClientCachedDirect(const std::string &name, IGameDef *gamedef) const { infostream<<"Lazily creating item texture and mesh for \"" <<name<<"\""<<std::endl; // This is not thread-safe assert(get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread); // Skip if already in cache ClientCached *cc = NULL; m_clientcached.get(name, &cc); if(cc) return cc; ITextureSource *tsrc = gamedef->getTextureSource(); INodeDefManager *nodedef = gamedef->getNodeDefManager(); IrrlichtDevice *device = tsrc->getDevice(); video::IVideoDriver *driver = device->getVideoDriver(); const ItemDefinition *def = &get(name); // Create new ClientCached cc = new ClientCached(); bool need_node_mesh = false; // Create an inventory texture cc->inventory_texture = NULL; if(def->inventory_image != "") { cc->inventory_texture = tsrc->getTextureRaw(def->inventory_image); } else if(def->type == ITEM_NODE) { need_node_mesh = true; } // Create a wield mesh assert(cc->wield_mesh == NULL); if(def->type == ITEM_NODE && def->wield_image == "") { need_node_mesh = true; } else if(def->wield_image != "" || def->inventory_image != "") { // Extrude the wield image into a mesh std::string imagename; if(def->wield_image != "") imagename = def->wield_image; else imagename = def->inventory_image; cc->wield_mesh = createExtrudedMesh( tsrc->getTextureRaw(imagename), driver, def->wield_scale * v3f(40.0, 40.0, 4.0)); if(cc->wield_mesh == NULL) { infostream<<"ItemDefManager: WARNING: " <<"updateTexturesAndMeshes(): " <<"Unable to create extruded mesh for item " <<def->name<<std::endl; } } if(need_node_mesh) { /* Get node properties */ content_t id = nodedef->getId(def->name); const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(id); u8 param1 = 0; if(f.param_type == CPT_LIGHT) param1 = 0xee; /* Make a mesh from the node */ MeshMakeData mesh_make_data(gamedef); MapNode mesh_make_node(id, param1, 0); mesh_make_data.fillSingleNode(&mesh_make_node); MapBlockMesh mapblock_mesh(&mesh_make_data); scene::IMesh *node_mesh = mapblock_mesh.getMesh(); assert(node_mesh); video::SColor c(255, 255, 255, 255); if(g_settings->getS32("enable_shaders") != 0) c = MapBlock_LightColor(255, 0xffff, decode_light(f.light_source)); setMeshColor(node_mesh, c); /* Scale and translate the mesh so it's a unit cube centered on the origin */ scaleMesh(node_mesh, v3f(1.0/BS, 1.0/BS, 1.0/BS)); translateMesh(node_mesh, v3f(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)); /* Draw node mesh into a render target texture */ if(cc->inventory_texture == NULL) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim(64,64); std::string rtt_texture_name = "INVENTORY_" + def->name + "_RTT"; v3f camera_position(0, 1.0, -1.5); camera_position.rotateXZBy(45); v3f camera_lookat(0, 0, 0); core::CMatrix4<f32> camera_projection_matrix; // Set orthogonal projection camera_projection_matrix.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH( 1.65, 1.65, 0, 100); video::SColorf ambient_light(0.2,0.2,0.2); v3f light_position(10, 100, -50); video::SColorf light_color(0.5,0.5,0.5); f32 light_radius = 1000; cc->inventory_texture = generateTextureFromMesh( node_mesh, device, dim, rtt_texture_name, camera_position, camera_lookat, camera_projection_matrix, ambient_light, light_position, light_color, light_radius); // render-to-target didn't work if(cc->inventory_texture == NULL) { cc->inventory_texture = tsrc->getTextureRaw(f.tiledef[0].name); } } else { if (m_driver == 0) m_driver = driver; m_extruded_textures.push_back(cc->inventory_texture); } /* Use the node mesh as the wield mesh */ // Scale to proper wield mesh proportions scaleMesh(node_mesh, v3f(30.0, 30.0, 30.0) * def->wield_scale); cc->wield_mesh = node_mesh; cc->wield_mesh->grab(); //no way reference count can be smaller than 2 in this place! assert(cc->wield_mesh->getReferenceCount() >= 2); } // Put in cache m_clientcached.set(name, cc); return cc; }