Example #1
 void on_sender_open(proton::sender &sender) override {
     if (sender.source().dynamic()) {
         std::string addr = generate_address();
         senders[addr] = sender;
Example #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int predictions = 0;
	int mispredictions = 0;
	int index_width = atoi(argv[1]);
	int max_entries = 1;
	max_entries <<= index_width;
//since bhsr is only 4-bit, we'll mask out the remaining bits.
	int bhsr_mask = maskgen(4);

//allocate memory for table entries, ensure they start at 0	
	table_entry *table = calloc(max_entries, sizeof(table_entry));
	char *pc = malloc(9);
	char *current_counter;
	int bht_address;
	int taken;
	int pc_mask = maskgen(index_width);
	char *bhsr;
//process file, update total number of predictions read and mispredictions.

	while(!feof(stdin)) {
		scanf("%s %d",pc,&taken);

//		printf("%d: scanned %s, %d\n",predictions,pc,taken);

		bht_address = generate_address(pc, pc_mask);

		current_counter = &(table[bht_address]).pht[(table->bhsr)];

//		printf("%d: scanned %s, %d, counter: %d\n",predictions,pc,taken, *current_counter);
		bhsr = &table->bhsr;
		*bhsr <<= 1;
		*bhsr &= bhsr_mask;
//		printf("BHSR: %d\n",*bhsr);
		if(taken) {
//			printf("Taken loop entered\n");
			if(*current_counter < 2) { mispredictions++;	}

			if(*current_counter < 3) { (*current_counter)++;}
//			printf("New bhsr value: %d\n",*bhsr);
		else {
			if(*current_counter > 1) { mispredictions++; }

			if(*current_counter > 0) { (*current_counter)--; }

//file processing complete, let's crunch some numbers!

	float percent_mispredict = (float)mispredictions/predictions;
	percent_mispredict *= 100;
	printf("Percent mispredicted: %0.2f\n",percent_mispredict);

	return 0;	
void RegisterNameForm::newKey()
    gpm::public_key_t pub;
    gpm::private_key_t priv;

    std::string gen = generate_address( pub, priv );

    get_keychain().set( encode_address(pub), gpm::key_info( pub, priv ) );

    m_ui->key_name->insertItem( 0, gen.c_str() );
Example #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int predictions = 0;
	int mispredictions = 0;

	int max_entries = 1;
	int index_width = atoi(argv[1]);
	max_entries = max_entries << index_width;

//allocate memory for counters, ensure they start at 0	
	char *counters = calloc(max_entries,sizeof(char));
	char *pc = malloc(9);
	char *current_counter;
	int bht_address;
	int taken;
	int mask = maskgen(index_width);

//process file, update total number of predictions read and mispredictions.

	while(!feof(stdin)) {
		scanf("%s %d",pc,&taken);

//		printf("%d: scanned %s, %d\n",predictions,pc,taken);

		bht_address = generate_address(pc, mask);
		current_counter = &counters[bht_address];

//		printf("%d: scanned %s, %d, counter: %d\n",predictions,pc,taken, *current_counter);
		if(taken) {
			if(*current_counter < 2) { mispredictions++;	}

			if(*current_counter < 3) { (*current_counter)++;}
		else {
			if(*current_counter > 1) { mispredictions++; }

			if(*current_counter > 0) { (*current_counter)--; }

//file processing complete, let's crunch some numbers!

	float percent_mispredict = (float)mispredictions/predictions;
	percent_mispredict *= 100;
	printf("Percent mispredicted: %0.2f\n",percent_mispredict);

	return 0;	
 LIR_Address* generate_address(LIR_Opr base, int disp, BasicType type) {
   return generate_address(base, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, 0, disp, type);
Example #6
 void on_sender_open(proton::sender &sender) override {
     if (sender.remote_source().dynamic()) {
         senders[sender.local_source().address()] = sender;