Example #1
// sig_out is a pointer to a 0x3c byte buffer which will be filled with the data payload's signature
// ap_cert_out is a pointer to a 0x180 byte buffer which will be filled with the temporal AP certificate
// title_id is the title responsible for the signing
// data is a pointer to the buffer of data to sign
// data_size is the length of the buffer
// NG_priv is the device-unique private key to use
// NG_id is the device-unique id to use
// if NG_priv is nullptr or NG_id is 0, it will use builtin defaults
void get_ap_sig_and_cert(u8 *sig_out, u8 *ap_cert_out, u64 title_id, u8 *data, u32 data_size, const u8 *NG_priv, u32 NG_id)
	u8 hash[20];
	u8 ap_priv[30];
	char signer[64];
	char name[64];

	if ((NG_id==0)||(NG_priv == nullptr))
		NG_priv = default_NG_priv;
		NG_id = default_NG_id;

	memset(ap_priv, 0, 0x1e);
	ap_priv[0x1d] = 1;
	// setup random ap_priv here if desired
	// get_rand_bytes(ap_priv, 0x1e);
	// ap_priv[0] &= 1;

	memset(ap_cert_out+4, 0, 60);

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", NG_id);
	sprintf(name, "AP%08x%08x", (u32)(title_id>>32), (u32)(title_id&0xffffffff));
	make_blanksig_ec_cert(ap_cert_out, signer, name, ap_priv, 0);

	sha1(ap_cert_out + 0x80, 0x100, hash);
	generate_ecdsa(ap_cert_out+4, ap_cert_out+34, NG_priv, hash);

	sha1(data, data_size, hash);
	generate_ecdsa(sig_out, sig_out + 30, ap_priv, hash);
Example #2
// sig_out is a pointer to a 0x3c byte buffer which will be filled with the data payload's signature
// ap_cert_out is a pointer to a 0x180 byte buffer which will be filled with the temporal AP
// certificate
// title_id is the title responsible for the signing
// data is a pointer to the buffer of data to sign
// data_size is the length of the buffer
// NG_priv is the device-unique private key to use
// NG_id is the device-unique id to use
// if NG_priv is nullptr or NG_id is 0, it will use builtin defaults
void MakeAPSigAndCert(u8* sig_out, u8* ap_cert_out, u64 title_id, u8* data, u32 data_size,
                      const u8* NG_priv, u32 NG_id)
  u8 hash[20];
  u8 ap_priv[30];
  char signer[64];
  char name[64];

  if ((NG_id == 0) || (NG_priv == nullptr))
    NG_priv = default_NG_priv;

  memset(ap_priv, 0, 0x1e);
  ap_priv[0x1d] = 1;
  // setup random ap_priv here if desired
  // get_rand_bytes(ap_priv, 0x1e);
  // ap_priv[0] &= 1;

  memset(ap_cert_out + 4, 0, 60);

  sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", NG_id);
  sprintf(name, "AP%016" PRIx64, title_id);
  MakeBlankSigECCert(ap_cert_out, signer, name, ap_priv, 0);

  mbedtls_sha1(ap_cert_out + 0x80, 0x100, hash);
  generate_ecdsa(ap_cert_out + 4, ap_cert_out + 34, NG_priv, hash);

  mbedtls_sha1(data, data_size, hash);
  generate_ecdsa(sig_out, sig_out + 30, ap_priv, hash);
void WiiSave::writeCerts(Uint32 filesSize, Uint32 ngId, Uint8* ngPriv, Uint8* ngSig, Uint32 ngKeyId)
    Uint8  sig[0x40];
    Uint8  ngCert[0x180];
    Uint8  apCert[0x180];
    Uint8* hash;
    Uint8  apPriv[30];
    Uint8  apSig[60];
    char   signer[64];
    char   name[64];
    Uint8* data;
    Uint32 dataSize;

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002");
	sprintf(name, "NG%08x", ngId);
	make_ec_cert(ngCert, ngSig, signer, name, ngPriv, ngKeyId);

	memset(apPriv, 0, 30);
	apPriv[10] = 1;

	memset(apSig, 81, 30);

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", ngId);
	sprintf(name, "AP%08x%08x", 1, 2);
	make_ec_cert(apCert, apSig, signer, name, apPriv, 0);

	hash = getSha1(apCert + 0x80, 0x100);
	generate_ecdsa(apSig, apSig+30, ngPriv, hash);
	make_ec_cert(apCert, apSig, signer, name, apPriv, 0);
	delete[] hash;

	dataSize = filesSize + 0x80;
    data = new Uint8[dataSize];
    Uint8* rawData = m_writer->data();
	memcpy(data, rawData + 0xF0C0, dataSize);

	hash = getSha1(data, dataSize);
    Uint8* hash2 = getSha1(hash, 20);
	delete[] hash;
	delete[] data;

	generate_ecdsa(sig, sig+30, apPriv, hash2);
	int stuff = 0x2f536969;
	if (!isSystemBigEndian())
        stuff = swap32(stuff);

    *(Uint32*)(sig+60) = stuff;
	delete[] hash2;

	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)sig, 0x40);
	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)ngCert, 0x180);
	m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)apCert, 0x180);
Example #4
File: ec.c Project: lyvius/ps3tools
void ecdsa_sign(u8 *hash, u8 *R, u8 *S)
	generate_ecdsa(R, S, ec_k, hash);
Example #5
void CWiiSaveCrypted::do_sig()
	if (!b_valid) return;
	u8 sig[0x40];
	u8 ng_cert[0x180];
	u8 ap_cert[0x180];
	u8 hash[0x14];
	u8 ap_priv[30];
	u8 ap_sig[60];
	char signer[64];
	char name[64];
	u8 *data;
	u32 data_size;
	u32 NG_key_id = 0x6AAB8C59;

	u8 NG_priv[30] = { 0, 0xAB, 0xEE, 0xC1, 0xDD, 0xB4, 0xA6, 0x16, 0x6B, 0x70, 0xFD, 0x7E, 0x56, 0x67, 0x70,
					0x57, 0x55, 0x27, 0x38, 0xA3, 0x26, 0xC5, 0x46, 0x16, 0xF7, 0x62, 0xC9, 0xED, 0x73, 0xF2};

	u8 NG_sig[0x3C] = {0, 0xD8, 0x81, 0x63, 0xB2, 0x00, 0x6B, 0x0B, 0x54, 0x82, 0x88, 0x63, 0x81, 0x1C, 0x00,
					0x71, 0x12, 0xED, 0xB7, 0xFD, 0x21, 0xAB, 0x0E, 0x50, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0x78, 0xAD, 0x37,
					0x00, 0x71, 0x8D, 0x82, 0x41, 0xEE, 0x45, 0x11, 0xC7, 0x3B, 0xAC, 0x08, 0xB6, 0x83, 0xDC,
					0x05, 0xB8, 0xA8, 0x90, 0x1F, 0xA8, 0x2A, 0x0E, 0x4E, 0x76, 0xEF, 0x44, 0x72, 0x99, 0xF8};

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002");
	sprintf(name, "NG%08x", NG_id);
	make_ec_cert(ng_cert, NG_sig, signer, name, NG_priv, NG_key_id);

	memset(ap_priv, 0, sizeof ap_priv);
	ap_priv[10] = 1;

	memset(ap_sig, 81, sizeof ap_sig);	// temp

	sprintf(signer, "Root-CA00000001-MS00000002-NG%08x", NG_id);
	sprintf(name, "AP%08x%08x", 1, 2);
	make_ec_cert(ap_cert, ap_sig, signer, name, ap_priv, 0);

	sha1(ap_cert + 0x80, 0x100, hash);
	generate_ecdsa(ap_sig, ap_sig + 30, NG_priv, hash);
	make_ec_cert(ap_cert, ap_sig, signer, name, ap_priv, 0);

	data_size = Common::swap32(bkhdr.sizeOfFiles)  + 0x80;

	File::IOFile fpData_bin(pathData_bin, "rb");
	if (!fpData_bin)
		b_valid = false;
	data = new u8[data_size];

	fpData_bin.Seek(0xf0c0, SEEK_SET);
	if (!fpData_bin.ReadBytes(data, data_size))
		b_valid = false;

	sha1(data, data_size, hash);
	sha1(hash, 20, hash);
	delete []data;

	fpData_bin.Open(pathData_bin, "ab");
	if (!fpData_bin)
		b_valid = false;
	generate_ecdsa(sig, sig + 30, ap_priv, hash);
	*(u32*)(sig + 60) = Common::swap32(0x2f536969);
	fpData_bin.WriteArray(sig, sizeof(sig));
	fpData_bin.WriteArray(ng_cert, sizeof(ng_cert));
	fpData_bin.WriteArray(ap_cert, sizeof(ap_cert));

	b_valid = fpData_bin.IsGood();