void mtvm_menu_record_name(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) {
	switch_status_t status;
	vmivr_menu_profile_t menu = { "std_record_name" };

	char *tmp_filepath = generate_random_file_name(session, "protovm", "wav" /* TODO make it configurable */);

	/* Initialize Menu Configs */
	populate_profile_menu_event(profile, &menu);

	status = mtvm_menu_record(session, profile, menu, tmp_filepath);

	if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, tmp_filepath);
		mt_api_execute(session, profile->api_pref_recname_set, cmd);
Example #2
void vmivr_menu_record_greeting_with_slot(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) {

	vmivr_menu_t menu = { "std_record_greeting_with_slot" };

	const char *result;
	int gnum = -1;

	/* Initialize Menu Configs */
	menu_init(profile, &menu);

	result = vmivr_menu_get_input_set(session, profile, &menu, "X");

	if (result)
		gnum = atoi(result);

	/* If user entered 0, we don't accept it */
	if (gnum > 0) {
		vmivr_menu_t sub_menu = { "std_record_greeting" };
		char *tmp_filepath = NULL;
		const char *record_format = NULL;

		switch_status_t status;

		/* Initialize Menu Configs */
		menu_init(profile, &sub_menu);

		record_format = switch_event_get_header(menu.event_settings, "Record-Format");

		tmp_filepath = generate_random_file_name(session, "voicemail_ivr", record_format);

		status =  vmivr_menu_record(session, profile, &sub_menu, tmp_filepath);

		if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %d %s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, gnum, tmp_filepath);
			char *str_num = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%d", gnum);
			vmivr_api_execute(session, profile->api_pref_greeting_set, cmd);
			ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "selected_slot"), str_num, NULL, NULL, 0);



Example #3
void vmivr_menu_record_name(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) {
	switch_status_t status;
	vmivr_menu_t menu = { "std_record_name" };

	const char *tmp_filepath = NULL;
	const char *record_format = NULL;

	/* Initialize Menu Configs */
	menu_init(profile, &menu);

	record_format = switch_event_get_header(menu.event_settings, "Record-Format");

	tmp_filepath = generate_random_file_name(session, "voicemail_ivr", record_format);

	status = vmivr_menu_record(session, profile, &menu, tmp_filepath);

	if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, tmp_filepath);
		vmivr_api_execute(session, profile->api_pref_recname_set, cmd);
void mtvm_menu_record_greeting_with_slot(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) {

	vmivr_menu_profile_t menu = { "std_record_greeting_with_slot" };

	const char *result;
	int gnum = -1;

	/* Initialize Menu Configs */
	populate_profile_menu_event(profile, &menu);

	result = mtvm_menu_get_input_set(session, profile, menu, "X", NULL);

	if (result)
		gnum = atoi(result);

	/* If user entered 0, we don't accept it */
	if (gnum > 0) {
		vmivr_menu_profile_t sub_menu = { "std_record_greeting" };
		char *tmp_filepath = generate_random_file_name(session, "protovm", "wav" /* TODO make it configurable */);
		switch_status_t status;

		/* Initialize Menu Configs */
		populate_profile_menu_event(profile, &sub_menu);

		status =  mtvm_menu_record(session, profile, sub_menu, tmp_filepath);

		if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %d %s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, gnum, tmp_filepath);
			char *str_num = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%d", gnum);
			mt_api_execute(session, profile->api_pref_greeting_set, cmd);
			playbackBufferDTMF(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "selected_slot"), str_num, NULL, NULL, 0);



Example #5
void vmivr_menu_forward(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) {

	vmivr_menu_t menu = { "std_forward_ask_prepend" };
	switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
	const char *prepend_filepath = NULL;
	int retry;
	switch_bool_t forward_msg = SWITCH_FALSE;

	/* Initialize Menu Configs */
	menu_init(profile, &menu);

	if (!menu.event_keys_dtmf || !menu.event_phrases) {
		switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Missing Menu Phrases or Keys in menu '%s'\n", menu.name);
		goto end;

	for (retry = menu.ivr_maximum_attempts; switch_channel_ready(channel) && retry > 0; retry--) {


		switch_event_add_header(menu.phrase_params, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "IVR-Retry-Left", "%d", retry);

		ivre_init(&menu.ivre_d, menu.dtmfa);

		ivre_playback(session, &menu.ivre_d, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "menu_options"), NULL, menu.phrase_params, NULL, menu.ivr_entry_timeout);

		if (menu.ivre_d.result == RES_TIMEOUT) {
			ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "timeout"), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
		} else if (menu.ivre_d.result == RES_INVALID) {
			ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "invalid"), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
		} else if (menu.ivre_d.result == RES_FOUND) {  /* Matching DTMF Key Pressed */
			const char *action = switch_event_get_header(menu.event_keys_dtmf, menu.ivre_d.dtmf_stored);

			/* Reset the try count */
			retry = menu.ivr_maximum_attempts;

			if (action) {
				if (!strcasecmp(action, "return")) { /* Return to the previous menu */
					retry = -1;
					forward_msg = SWITCH_FALSE;
				} else if (!strcasecmp(action, "prepend")) { /* Prepend record msg */
					vmivr_menu_t sub_menu = { "std_record_message" };
					const char *tmp_filepath = NULL;
					const char *record_format = NULL;

					switch_status_t status;

					/* Initialize Menu Configs */
					menu_init(profile, &sub_menu);
					record_format = switch_event_get_header(sub_menu.event_settings, "Record-Format");

					tmp_filepath = generate_random_file_name(session, "voicemail_ivr", record_format);

					status =  vmivr_menu_record(session, profile, &sub_menu, tmp_filepath);

					if (status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
						//char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %d %s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, gnum, tmp_filepath);
						//char *str_num = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%d", gnum);
						//vmivr_api_execute(session, profile->api_pref_greeting_set, cmd);
						//ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "selected_slot"), str_num, NULL, NULL, 0);
						prepend_filepath = tmp_filepath;
						retry = -1;
						forward_msg = SWITCH_TRUE;
					} else {
						ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "record_failed"), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

				} else if (!strcasecmp(action, "forward")) { /* Forward without prepend msg */
					retry = -1;
					forward_msg = SWITCH_TRUE;
				} else if (!strncasecmp(action, "menu:", 5)) { /* Sub Menu */
					void (*fPtr)(switch_core_session_t *session, vmivr_profile_t *profile) = vmivr_get_menu_function(action+5);
					if (fPtr) {
						fPtr(session, profile);


	/* Ask Extension to Forward */
	if (forward_msg) {
		for (retry = menu.ivr_maximum_attempts; switch_channel_ready(channel) && retry > 0; retry--) {
			const char *id = NULL;
			vmivr_menu_t sub_menu = { "std_forward_ask_extension" };

			/* Initialize Menu Configs */
			menu_init(profile, &sub_menu);
			switch_event_add_header(sub_menu.phrase_params, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "IVR-Retry-Left", "%d", retry);

			id = vmivr_menu_get_input_set(session, profile, &sub_menu, "X.");

			if (id) {
				const char *cmd = switch_core_session_sprintf(session, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s%s%s", profile->api_profile, profile->domain, profile->id, profile->current_msg_uuid, profile->domain, id, prepend_filepath?" ":"", prepend_filepath?prepend_filepath:"" );
				if (vmivr_api_execute(session, profile->api_msg_forward, cmd) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
					ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(sub_menu.event_phrases, "ack"), "saved", NULL, NULL, 0);
					retry = -1;
				} else {
					ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(sub_menu.event_phrases, "invalid_extension"), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
			} else {
				ivre_playback_dtmf_buffered(session, switch_event_get_header(menu.event_phrases, "invalid_input"), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
			/* TODO add Confirmation of the transfered number */
		/* TODO Ask if we want to transfer the msg to more person */

