static int init_static_vars(int argc, char ** args) { GError *err; if (argc<4) { g_printerr("Failed to init the address and container_id : 4 tokens expected (IP, PORT, CONTAINER_ID, SERVICE_NAME)\r\n"); abort(); } err = NULL; if (!metacnx_init(&cnx, args[0], atoi(args[1]), &err)) { g_printerr("Failed to init address : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err)); abort(); } cnx.timeout.req = cnx.timeout.cnx = 5000; if (!container_id_hex2bin(args[2],strlen(args[2]),&cid,&err)) { g_printerr("Failed to read the container_id : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err)); abort(); } else { gchar str_cid[STRLEN_CONTAINERID]; container_id_to_string(cid,str_cid,sizeof(str_cid)); g_printerr("Using container [%s]\n", str_cid); } g_strlcpy(service_name,args[3],sizeof(service_name)); return 4; }
static void allservice_check_start_HT(struct namespace_data_s *ns_data, GHashTable *ht) { gsize offset; struct taskdata_checksrv_s td_scheme; GHashTableIter iter_serv; gpointer k, v; TRACE_POSITION(); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter_serv, ht); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter_serv, &k, &v)) { struct service_info_s *si = v; memset(&td_scheme, 0x00, sizeof(td_scheme)); offset = g_snprintf(td_scheme.task_name, sizeof(td_scheme.task_name), "%s.", TASK_ID); addr_info_to_string(&(si->addr), td_scheme.task_name+offset, sizeof(td_scheme.task_name)-offset); g_strlcpy(td_scheme.ns_name, ns_data->name, sizeof(td_scheme.ns_name)-1); if (!_agent_check_enabled(si)) { GRID_DEBUG("Task [%s] disabled by " NAME_TAGNAME_AGENT_CHECK, td_scheme.task_name); } else if (!is_task_scheduled(td_scheme.task_name)) { GError *error_local = NULL; task_t *task = NULL; struct taskdata_checksrv_s *task_data; TRACE_POSITION(); agent_get_service_key(si, td_scheme.srv_key, sizeof(td_scheme.srv_key)); g_strlcpy(td_scheme.srv_key, (gchar*)k, sizeof(td_scheme.srv_key)-1); /* prepare the task structure */ task_data = g_memdup(&td_scheme, sizeof(td_scheme)); if (!task_data) { ERROR("Memory allocation failure"); continue; } task = create_task(period_check_services, td_scheme.task_name); task = set_task_callbacks(task, _check_tcp_service_task, g_free, task_data); if (!task) { ERROR("Memory allocation failure"); continue; } /* now start the task! */ if (add_task_to_schedule(task, &error_local)) INFO("Task started: %s", td_scheme.task_name); else { ERROR("Failed to add task to scheduler [%s] : %s", td_scheme.task_name, gerror_get_message(error_local)); g_free(task); } if (error_local) g_clear_error(&error_local); } } TRACE_POSITION(); }
static void monitoring_loop(service_info_t *si) { long jiffies = 0; GTimer *timer; GError *error = NULL; guint proc_count; timer = g_timer_new(); monitor_get_status(svc_mon, si); _add_custom_tags(si); proc_count = supervisor_children_startall(NULL, NULL); DEBUG("First started %u processes", proc_count); for (;;) { /* main loop */ struct timeval tv_sleep; if (flag_restart_children) { if (auto_restart_children) { supervisor_children_repair(CHILD_KEY); supervisor_children_enable(CHILD_KEY, TRUE); proc_count = supervisor_children_startall(NULL,NULL); DEBUG("Started %u processes", proc_count); flag_restart_children = !!proc_count; } else { DEBUG("One of my children died, I will die too (auto_restart_children=%d)", auto_restart_children); break; } } if (!flag_running) break; if (g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL) >= 1.0) { if (!((++jiffies) % monitor_period)) { monitor_get_status(svc_mon, si); _add_custom_tags(si); } if (!register_namespace_service(si, &error)) { ERROR("Failed to register the service: %s", gerror_get_message(error)); g_clear_error(&error); } g_timer_reset(timer); } tv_sleep.tv_sec = 1L; tv_sleep.tv_usec = 0L; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv_sleep); errno = 0; } supervisor_children_stopall(4); supervisor_children_catharsis(NULL, NULL); g_free(timer); }
static void monitoring_loop(service_info_t *si) { long jiffies = 0; GTimer *timer; GError *error = NULL; guint proc_count; timer = g_timer_new(); monitor_get_status(svc_mon, si); _add_custom_tags(si); proc_count = supervisor_children_startall(NULL, NULL); GRID_DEBUG("First started %u processes", proc_count); while (flag_running) { /* main loop */ if (flag_restart_children) { if (auto_restart_children) { supervisor_children_repair(CHILD_KEY); supervisor_children_enable(CHILD_KEY, TRUE); proc_count = supervisor_children_startall(NULL,NULL); GRID_DEBUG("Started %u processes", proc_count); flag_restart_children = !!proc_count; } else { GRID_DEBUG("One of my children died, I will die too (auto_restart_children=%d)", auto_restart_children); break; } } if (!flag_running) break; gdouble elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL); if (elapsed >= 1.0) { if (!((++jiffies) % monitor_period)) { monitor_get_status(svc_mon, si); _add_custom_tags(si); } if (!register_namespace_service(si, &error)) { GRID_WARN("Failed to register the service: %s", gerror_get_message(error)); g_clear_error(&error); } g_timer_reset(timer); elapsed = 0.0; } g_usleep (1000000UL - ((gulong)elapsed)); } supervisor_children_stopall(4); supervisor_children_catharsis(NULL, NULL); g_free(timer); }
static int test_flush(void) { GError *error_local; GSList *services_used, *remaining_services; error_local = NULL; if (!meta2_remote_container_open(&(cnx.addr), cnx.timeout.req, &error_local, cid)) { g_printerr("Failed to open the distant container : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(error_local)); g_clear_error(&error_local); return 0; } services_used = NULL; if (!meta2_remote_service_flush(&cnx, cid, service_name, &services_used, &error_local)) { g_printerr("Container flush failed for service type [%s] : %s\r\n", service_name, gerror_get_message(error_local)); g_clear_error(&error_local); return 0; } remaining_services = meta2_remote_service_get_all_used(&cnx, cid, service_name, &error_local); if (error_local) { _gfree_list(&services_used); g_printerr("Failed to list the services of type [%s] : %s\r\n", service_name, gerror_get_message(error_local)); g_clear_error(&error_local); return 0; } if (remaining_services) { g_printerr("Bad container flsh, some services remain [%d]\r\n", g_slist_length(remaining_services)); _gfree_list(&remaining_services); _gfree_list(&services_used); return 0; } return 1; }
static enum scanner_traversal_e check_chunk_and_sleep(const char *chunk_path, void *data) { GError *local_error = NULL; struct chunk_checker_data_s *cc_data; cc_data = data; if (!check_chunk(chunk_path, cc_data->volume_path, &local_error)) { ERROR("check_chunk(%s) : %s", chunk_path, gerror_get_message(local_error)); g_clear_error(&local_error); } sleep(cc_data->sleep_time); return SCAN_CONTINUE; }
static void exec_scheduled_tasks(task_t *task) { int rc; GError *error; error = NULL; if (!task->task_handler) return; rc = task->task_handler(task->udata, &error); if (!rc) { ERROR("Failed to execute task=[%s]: %s", task->id, gerror_get_message(error)); task->busy = FALSE; } if (error) g_clear_error(&error); }
static void allservice_check_start_HT(struct namespace_data_s *ns_data, GHashTable *ht) { gsize offset; struct taskdata_checksrv_s td_scheme; GHashTableIter iter_serv; gpointer k, v; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter_serv, ht); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter_serv, &k, &v)) { struct service_info_s *si = v; gboolean srv_check_enabled = TRUE; /* Services can disable TCP checks (enabled by default) */ service_tag_t *tag = service_info_get_tag(si->tags, NAME_TAGNAME_AGENT_CHECK); if (tag) { GError *err = NULL; if (tag->type == STVT_BOOL) { service_tag_get_value_boolean(tag, &srv_check_enabled, &err); } else { gchar buf[64] = {0}; service_tag_get_value_string(tag, buf, sizeof(buf), &err); srv_check_enabled = metautils_cfg_get_bool(buf, TRUE); } g_clear_error(&err); } memset(&td_scheme, 0x00, sizeof(td_scheme)); offset = g_snprintf(td_scheme.task_name, sizeof(td_scheme.task_name), "%s.", TASK_ID); addr_info_to_string(&(si->addr), td_scheme.task_name+offset, sizeof(td_scheme.task_name)-offset); g_strlcpy(td_scheme.ns_name, ns_data->name, sizeof(td_scheme.ns_name)-1); if (!srv_check_enabled) { GRID_DEBUG("Task [%s] disabled by " NAME_TAGNAME_AGENT_CHECK, td_scheme.task_name); } else if (!is_task_scheduled(td_scheme.task_name)) { GError *error_local = NULL; task_t *task = NULL; struct taskdata_checksrv_s *task_data; agent_get_service_key(si, td_scheme.srv_key, sizeof(td_scheme.srv_key)); g_strlcpy(td_scheme.srv_key, (gchar*)k, sizeof(td_scheme.srv_key)-1); /* prepare the task structure */ task_data = g_memdup(&td_scheme, sizeof(td_scheme)); if (!task_data) { ERROR("Memory allocation failure"); continue; } task = create_task(period_check_services, td_scheme.task_name); task = set_task_callbacks(task, _check_tcp_service_task, g_free, task_data); if (!task) { ERROR("Memory allocation failure"); continue; } /* now start the task! */ if (add_task_to_schedule(task, &error_local)) INFO("Task started: %s", td_scheme.task_name); else { ERROR("Failed to add task to scheduler [%s] : %s", td_scheme.task_name, gerror_get_message(error_local)); g_free(task); } if (error_local) g_clear_error(&error_local); } } }
int main_http_config(const gchar *hn, int fd) { int rc; GError *error = NULL; GByteArray *gba_services = NULL; GByteArray *gba_files = NULL; ne_session *http_session; set_sighandlers(); fd_out = fd; DEBUG("Starting a new configuration process"); rc = -1; bzero(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if (!hn) gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname)); else g_strlcpy(hostname, hn, sizeof(hostname)-1); http_session = ne_session_create("http", gridconf_host, gridconf_port); ne_set_connect_timeout(http_session, 1); ne_set_read_timeout(http_session, 4); /*downlaod each file*/ if (!is_running) goto label_error; gba_files = download_file_list(http_session, &error); if (!gba_files) { ERROR("Failed to get the files list file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; gba_services = download_file_services(http_session, &error); if (!gba_services) { ERROR("Failed to get the services definition file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; if (!download_each_configuration_file(http_session, gba_files, &error)) { ERROR("Failed to download a configuration file : %s", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (!is_running) goto label_error; if (!dump_gba(gba_services, fd_out, &error)) { ERROR("Failed to dump the configuration to fd=%d : %s", fd_out, gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } rc = 0; label_error: ne_session_destroy(http_session); metautils_pclose(&fd_out); if (gba_services) g_byte_array_free(gba_services, TRUE); if (gba_files) g_byte_array_free(gba_files, TRUE); DEBUG("http_config child pid=%d exiting with rc=%d", getpid(), rc); return rc; }
apr_status_t chunk_bucket_read(apr_bucket *b, const char **str, apr_size_t *len, apr_read_type_e block) { apr_size_t written=0, length=0; apr_size_t offset = 0; apr_int64_t total64, remaining64, done64; apr_int64_t bl64, w64; ssize_t w; dav_resource_private *ctx; apr_status_t rc; rc = APR_SUCCESS; (void) block; *str = NULL; /* in case we die prematurely */ *len = 0; /*dummy bucket*/ if (b->length == (apr_size_t)(-1) || b->start == (apr_off_t)(-1)) return APR_SUCCESS; ctx = b->data; offset = b->start - ctx->; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Reading data for this bucket start at current position + %"APR_SIZE_T_FMT, offset); DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Bucket length %"APR_SIZE_T_FMT, b->length); total64 = g_ascii_strtoll(ctx->cp_chunk.uncompressed_size, NULL, 10); done64 = b->start; bl64 = b->length; remaining64 = MIN(total64 - done64, bl64); DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Data already returned=%"APR_INT64_T_FMT", remaining=%"APR_INT64_T_FMT, done64, remaining64); if (remaining64 <= 0){ DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "No remaining data, end of resource delivering."); apr_bucket_heap_make(b, NULL, *len, apr_bucket_free); return APR_SUCCESS; } else { /* determine the size of THIS bucket */ if (remaining64 > APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE) length = APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE; else length = remaining64; } *len = length; guint8 *buf = apr_bucket_alloc(length, b->list); for (written=0; written < length ;) { GError *gerror; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Trying to read at most %"APR_SSIZE_T_FMT" bytes (%"APR_SSIZE_T_FMT" received)", length - written, written); gerror = NULL; w = ctx->comp_ctx.data_uncompressor(&ctx->cp_chunk, offset, buf+written, length-written, &gerror); offset = 0; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0 , "%"APR_SSIZE_T_FMT" bytes read from local resource", w); if (w < 0) { DAV_ERROR_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Read from chunk failed : %s", gerror_get_message(gerror)); if (gerror) g_error_free(gerror); apr_bucket_free(buf); return APR_INCOMPLETE; } if (gerror) g_error_free(gerror); if (w == 0) { DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "No bytes read from local resource whereas we" " must read again, this should never happened"); apr_bucket_free(buf); return APR_INCOMPLETE; } written += w; } *len = written; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Bucket done (%"APR_SSIZE_T_FMT" bytes, rc=%d)", written, rc); w64 = written; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Status info : %"APR_INT64_T_FMT" written , %"APR_INT64_T_FMT" length total", w64, bl64); apr_bucket_heap_make(b, (char*)buf, *len, apr_bucket_free); if(w64 < bl64) { apr_bucket *bkt; DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Creating bucket info: bkt->length = %"APR_INT64_T_FMT", bkt->start =" " %"APR_INT64_T_FMT", bkt->data = %p, bkt->list = %p\n", remaining64, done64 + w64, &(ctx->cp_chunk), b->list); bkt = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*bkt), b->list); bkt->type = &chunk_bucket_type; bkt->length = remaining64 - w64; bkt->start = done64 + w64; bkt->data = ctx; bkt->free = chunk_bucket_free_noop; bkt->list = b->list; APR_BUCKET_INSERT_AFTER(b, bkt); DAV_DEBUG_REQ(ctx->request, 0, "Starting a new RAWX bucket (length=%"APR_SIZE_T_FMT" start=%"APR_INT64_T_FMT")", bkt->length, bkt->start); } *str = (char*)buf; return rc; }
static gboolean manage_service(struct service_info_s *si) { GError *error_local; struct service_info_s *old_si = NULL; struct service_tag_s *tag_first = NULL; struct namespace_data_s *ns_data; gsize key_size; gchar key[LIMIT_LENGTH_SRVTYPE + STRLEN_ADDRINFO], str_addr[STRLEN_ADDRINFO]; if (!si) { ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return FALSE; } key_size = agent_get_service_key(si, key, sizeof(key)); grid_addrinfo_to_string(&(si->addr), str_addr, sizeof(str_addr)); /*this service must refer to known namespace and service type*/ error_local = NULL; if (!(ns_data = get_namespace(si->ns_name, &error_local))) { ERROR("Namespace unavailable for service [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s] : %s", si->ns_name, si->type, str_addr, gerror_get_message(error_local)); if (error_local) g_error_free(error_local); return FALSE; } /*Info trace when a service of a new type is used */ if (error_local) g_error_free(error_local); if (!conscience_get_srvtype(ns_data->conscience, &error_local, si->type, MODE_STRICT)) { /*to avoid traces flooding, if the service already exists, no trace is sent */ if (!g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->local_services, key) && !g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->down_services, key)) { INFO("New service type discovered [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s]", ns_data->name, si->type, str_addr); } } /*replace MACRO tags by their true values */ if (error_local) g_clear_error(&error_local); metautils_srvinfo_ensure_tags (si); si->score.value = SCORE_UNSET; si->score.timestamp = oio_ext_real_time() / G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND; /*then keep the score */ g_hash_table_remove(ns_data->down_services, key); /* save first lauched tag if still in old si */ old_si = g_hash_table_lookup(ns_data->local_services, key); if (old_si != NULL) { tag_first = service_info_get_tag(old_si->tags, NAME_TAGNAME_RAWX_FIRST); if (tag_first != NULL) service_tag_set_value_boolean(service_info_ensure_tag(si->tags, NAME_TAGNAME_RAWX_FIRST), tag_first->value.b); } service_tag_set_value_boolean(service_info_ensure_tag(si->tags, "tag.up"), TRUE); g_hash_table_insert(ns_data->local_services, g_strndup(key, key_size), si); DEBUG("Service registration [ns=%s type=%s addr=%s]", ns_data->name, si->type, str_addr); if (error_local) g_error_free(error_local); return TRUE; }
static int rawx_hook_post_config(apr_pool_t *pconf, apr_pool_t *plog, apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *server) { apr_status_t status; enum lock_state_e state; server_rec *s; server_addr_rec *a; dav_rawx_server_conf *conf; GError *gerr; int volume_validated = 0; (void) ptemp; DAV_XDEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "%s(%lx)", __FUNCTION__, (long)server); if (__rawx_is_first_call(server)) { DAV_DEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "First call detected"); return OK; } DAV_DEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "Second call detected"); gerr = NULL; conf = ap_get_module_config(server->module_config, &dav_rawx_module); DAV_XDEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "Checking the docroot XATTR lock for [%s]", conf->docroot); /* Runs the configured servers and check they do not serve * the grid docroot with an unauthorized IP:PORT couple */ for (s = server ; s ; s = s->next) { for (a = s->addrs ; a ; a = a->next) { apr_status_t status2; char *host = NULL, url[512]; if (gerr) g_clear_error(&gerr); if (a->host_port == 0) continue; host = NULL; status2 = apr_getnameinfo(&host, a->host_addr, NI_NUMERICSERV|NI_NUMERICHOST|NI_NOFQDN); if (status2 != APR_SUCCESS || host == NULL) { DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "getnameinfo() failed : %d", status2); continue; } apr_snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s:%d", host, a->host_port); DAV_DEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "xattr-lock : testing addr [%s]", url); state = rawx_get_volume_lock_state(conf->docroot, conf->ns_name, url, &gerr); switch (state) { case ERROR_LS: DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Failed to check the docroot ownership: %s", gerror_get_message(gerr)); goto label_error; case NOLOCK_LS: if (!rawx_lock_volume(conf->docroot, conf->ns_name, url, 0, &gerr)) { DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Failed to grab the docroot ownership: %s", gerror_get_message(gerr)); goto label_error; } DAV_DEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "Docroot now owned"); volume_validated = ~0; break; case OWN_LS: DAV_DEBUG_POOL(plog, 0, "Docroot already owned by the current server"); if (!rawx_lock_volume(conf->docroot, conf->ns_name, url, RAWXLOCK_FLAG_OVERWRITE, &gerr)) DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Failed to complete the docroot ownership: %s", gerror_get_message(gerr)); volume_validated = ~0; break; case OTHER_LS: DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Another RAWX already used the docroot (see XATTR)" " : %s", gerror_get_message(gerr)); goto label_error; } } } if (gerr) g_clear_error(&gerr); if (!volume_validated) { DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "No server found, could not validate the RAWX volume. " "Did you declare at least one VirtualHost ?"); goto label_error; } if (_create_shm_if_needed(conf->shm.path, server, plog) != APR_SUCCESS) { DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Failed to init the RAWX statistics support"); return DONE; } /* Init the stat support : doing this so late avoids letting orphan * SHM segments in the nature in case of previous errors */ status = server_init_master_stat(conf, pconf, plog); if (APR_SUCCESS != status) { DAV_ERROR_POOL(plog, 0, "Failed to init the RAWX statistics support"); return DONE; } else { /* This will be overwritten by the child_init */ conf->cleanup = _stat_cleanup_master; apr_pool_userdata_set(conf, apr_psprintf(pconf, "RAWX-config-to-be-cleaned-%d", i++), _stat_cleanup_to_register, pconf); } return OK; label_error: if (gerr) g_clear_error(&gerr); return DONE; }
static dav_error * dav_rawx_deliver(const dav_resource *resource, ap_filter_t *output) { dav_rawx_server_conf *conf; apr_pool_t *pool; apr_bucket_brigade *bb = NULL; apr_status_t status; apr_bucket *bkt = NULL; dav_resource_private *ctx; dav_error *e = NULL; apr_finfo_t info; DAV_XDEBUG_RES(resource, 0, "%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, resource_get_pathname(resource)); pool = resource->pool; conf = resource_get_server_config(resource); /* Check resource type */ if (DAV_RESOURCE_TYPE_REGULAR != resource->type) { e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_CONFLICT, 0, "Cannot GET this type of resource."); goto end_deliver; } if (resource->collection) { e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_CONFLICT, 0, "No GET on collections"); goto end_deliver; } ctx = resource->info; if (ctx->update_only) { /* Check if it is not a busy file. We accept reads during * compression but not attr updates. */ char *pending_file = apr_pstrcat(pool, resource_get_pathname(resource), ".pending", NULL); status = apr_stat(&info, pending_file, APR_FINFO_ATIME, pool); if (status == APR_SUCCESS) { e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 0, "File in pending mode."); goto end_deliver; } GError *error_local = NULL; /* UPDATE chunk attributes and go on */ const char *path = resource_get_pathname(resource); FILE *f = NULL; f = fopen(path, "r"); /* Try to open the file but forbids a creation */ if (!set_rawx_info_to_fd(fileno(f), &error_local, &(ctx->chunk))) { fclose(f); e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 0, apr_pstrdup(pool, gerror_get_message(error_local))); g_clear_error(&error_local); goto end_deliver; } fclose(f); } else { bb = apr_brigade_create(pool, output->c->bucket_alloc); if (!ctx->compression){ apr_file_t *fd = NULL; /* Try to open the file but forbids a creation */ status = apr_file_open(&fd, resource_get_pathname(resource), APR_READ|APR_BINARY|APR_BUFFERED, 0, pool); if (APR_SUCCESS != status) { e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 0, "File permissions deny server access."); goto end_deliver; } /* FIXME this does not handle large files. but this is test code anyway */ bkt = apr_bucket_file_create(fd, 0, (apr_size_t)resource->info->finfo.size, pool, output->c->bucket_alloc); } else { DAV_DEBUG_RES(resource, 0, "Building a compressed resource bucket"); gint i64; i64 = g_ascii_strtoll(ctx->cp_chunk.uncompressed_size, NULL, 10); /* creation of compression specific bucket */ bkt = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(struct apr_bucket)); bkt->type = &chunk_bucket_type; bkt->length = i64; bkt->start = 0; bkt->data = ctx; bkt->free = chunk_bucket_free_noop; bkt->list = output->c->bucket_alloc; } APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, bkt); /* as soon as the chunk has been sent, end of stream!*/ bkt = apr_bucket_eos_create(output->c->bucket_alloc); APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, bkt); if ((status = ap_pass_brigade(output, bb)) != APR_SUCCESS){ e = server_create_and_stat_error(conf, pool, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 0, "Could not write contents to filter."); /* close file */ if (ctx->cp_chunk.fd) { fclose(ctx->cp_chunk.fd); } goto end_deliver; } if (ctx->cp_chunk.buf){ g_free(ctx->cp_chunk.buf); ctx->cp_chunk.buf = NULL; } if (ctx->cp_chunk.uncompressed_size){ g_free(ctx->cp_chunk.uncompressed_size); ctx->cp_chunk.uncompressed_size = NULL; } /* close file */ if (ctx->cp_chunk.fd) { fclose(ctx->cp_chunk.fd); } server_inc_stat(conf, RAWX_STATNAME_REP_2XX, 0); server_add_stat(conf, RAWX_STATNAME_REP_BWRITTEN, resource->info->finfo.size, 0); } end_deliver: if (bb) { apr_brigade_destroy(bb); bb = NULL; } /* Now we pass here even if an error occured, for process request duration */ server_inc_request_stat(resource_get_server_config(resource), RAWX_STATNAME_REQ_CHUNKGET, request_get_duration(resource->info->request)); return e; }
// TODO: convert this to use metautils' common_main int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int rc = 1; service_info_t *service = NULL; setenv("GS_DEBUG_ENABLE", "0", TRUE); supervisor_children_init(); do { GError *err = NULL; regex_tag = g_regex_new("((stat|tag)\\.([^.=\\s]+))\\s*=\\s*(.*)", G_REGEX_CASELESS|G_REGEX_EXTENDED, 0, &err); if (!regex_tag) { FATAL("Cannot compile tag regex: %s", err->message); g_clear_error(&err); exit(-1); } regex_svc = g_regex_new("([^|]*)\\|([^|]*)\\|(.*)", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, &err); if (!regex_svc) { FATAL("Cannot compile svc regex: %s", err->message); g_clear_error(&err); exit(-1); } } while (0); static struct option long_options[] = { {"svc-id", 1, 0, 'i'}, {"monitor", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"svc-cmd", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"syslog-id", 1, 0, 's'}, {"auto-restart-children", 0, 0, 'a'}, {"monitor-period", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"no-tcp-check", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"tag", 1, 0, 't'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int c; int option_index = 0; gchar *optarg2 = NULL; gchar **kv = NULL; while (-1 != (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ac:i:m:np:s:t:", long_options, &option_index))) { switch (c) { case 'i': g_strlcpy(svc_id, optarg, sizeof(svc_id)-1); break; case 'm': g_strlcpy(svc_mon, optarg, sizeof(svc_mon)-1); break; case 'c': g_strlcpy(svc_cmd, optarg, sizeof(svc_cmd)-1); break; case 'n': kv = g_malloc0(3 * sizeof(gchar*)); kv[0] = g_strdup("tag.agent_check"); kv[1] = g_strdup("false"); custom_tags = g_slist_prepend(custom_tags, kv); break; case 'a': auto_restart_children = TRUE; break; case 'p': monitor_period = strtoll(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 's': g_strlcpy(syslog_id, optarg, sizeof(syslog_id)-1); break; case 't': if (!g_str_has_prefix(optarg, "tag.")) optarg2 = g_strdup_printf("tag.%s", optarg); else optarg2 = g_strdup(optarg); kv = g_strsplit(optarg2, "=", 2); if (kv && g_strv_length(kv) == 2) { custom_tags = g_slist_prepend(custom_tags, kv); } else { g_printerr("Invalid tag, must contain '=': %s", optarg); g_strfreev(kv); kv = NULL; } g_free(optarg2); optarg2 = NULL; break; default: g_printerr("Unexpected option: %c\n", c); break; } option_index = 0; } if (argc <= 1 || strlen(svc_id) == 0 || strlen(svc_cmd) == 0) { g_printerr("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]); g_printerr("Mandatory options:\n"); g_printerr("\t-i\t--svc-id <NS|type|ip:port>\n" "\t-c\t--svc-cmd </service/cmd/to/launch>\n\n" "Other options:\n" "\t-m\t--monitor </script/to/monitor>\n" "\t-p\t--monitor-period <seconds>\n" "\t-s\t--syslog-id <syslog-id>\n" "\t-t\t--tag <key=val>\n" "\t-a\t--auto-restart-children\n" "\t-n\t--no-tcp-check\n"); return 1; } if (*syslog_id) { logger_init_level(GRID_LOGLVL_INFO); logger_syslog_open(); g_log_set_default_handler(logger_syslog, NULL); } GError *error = NULL; if (!supervisor_children_register(CHILD_KEY, svc_cmd, &error)) { g_printerr("Child registration failure:\n\t%s\n", gerror_get_message(error)); goto label_error; } if (0 != supervisor_children_set_limit(CHILD_KEY, SUPERV_LIMIT_THREAD_STACK, 8192 * 1024)) WARN("Limit on thread stack size cannot be set: %s", strerror(errno)); if (0 != supervisor_children_set_limit(CHILD_KEY, SUPERV_LIMIT_MAX_FILES, 32 * 1024)) WARN("Limit on max opened files cannot be set: %s", strerror(errno)); if (0 != supervisor_children_set_limit(CHILD_KEY, SUPERV_LIMIT_CORE_SIZE, -1)) WARN("Limit on core file size cannot be set: %s", strerror(errno)); supervisor_children_set_respawn(CHILD_KEY, FALSE); supervisor_children_set_working_directory(CHILD_KEY, "/tmp"); supervisor_preserve_env(CHILD_KEY); service = g_malloc0(sizeof(service_info_t)); if (0 != init_srvinfo(svc_id, service)) { g_printerr("Internal error: failed to init srvinfo\n"); goto label_error; } freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin); NOTICE("%s restarted, pid=%d", argv[0], getpid()); signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGINT, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler_supervisor); signal(SIGCHLD, sighandler_supervisor); monitoring_loop(service); rc = 0; label_error: g_slist_free_full(custom_tags, (GDestroyNotify) g_strfreev); service_info_clean(service); supervisor_children_cleanall(); return rc; }
static int test_add_service(int argc, char ** args, int validation) { GSList *really_removed=NULL, *commit_failed=NULL, *services_used=NULL; struct service_info_s *si; GSList *paths; GError *err; if (argc<1) { g_printerr("Failed to add anything : expecting argument\r\n"); abort(); } err = NULL; if (!meta2_remote_container_open(&(cnx.addr), cnx.timeout.req, &err, cid)) { g_printerr("Failed to open the distant container : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err)); g_clear_error(&err); return 0; } paths = build_paths_list(argc,args); si = meta2_remote_service_add_contents(&cnx, cid, service_name, paths, &err); _display_strlist("\tAdd wanted: ", paths); if (si == NULL) { g_printerr("Failed to insert a path : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err)); } else { gchar str_addr[128]; addr_info_to_string(&(si->addr), str_addr, sizeof(str_addr)); g_printerr("Service found: %s\r\n", str_addr); } if (validation) { status_t rc0, rc1, rc2; /* COMMIT */ rc0 = meta2_remote_service_commit_contents(&cnx,cid,service_name,paths,&commit_failed,&err); _display_strlist("\tCommit wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tCommit succeeded: ", commit_failed); _gfree_list(&commit_failed); g_printerr("RESULT : %s\r\n", rc0 ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(err)); if (rc0) { GError *e; gboolean rc_local; /* Second-COMMIT */ e = NULL; rc_local = meta2_remote_service_commit_contents(&cnx,cid,service_name,paths,&commit_failed,&e); _display_strlist("\tSecond Commit wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tSecond Commit failed: ", commit_failed); _gfree_list(&commit_failed); g_printerr("Second Commit RESULT : %s\r\n", rc_local ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(e)); } /* DELETE */ rc1 = meta2_remote_service_delete_contents(&cnx, cid, service_name, paths, &really_removed, &services_used, &err); _display_strlist("\tDelete wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tservices used: ", services_used); _display_strlist("\tcontent removed : ", really_removed); _gfree_list(&services_used); _gfree_list(&really_removed); g_printerr("RESULT : %s\r\n", rc1 ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(err)); /* COMMIT */ rc2 = meta2_remote_service_commit_contents(&cnx,cid,service_name,paths,&commit_failed,&err); _display_strlist("\tCommit wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tCommit succeeded: ", commit_failed); _gfree_list(&commit_failed); g_printerr("RESULT : %s\r\n", rc2 ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(err)); if (!rc0 || !rc1 || !rc2) goto error_label; } else { status_t rc0, rc1, rc2; rc0 = rc1 = rc2 = ~0; /* ROLLBACK */ rc0 = meta2_remote_service_rollback_contents(&cnx,cid,service_name,paths,&commit_failed,&err); _display_strlist("\tRollback wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tRollback failed: ", commit_failed); _gfree_list(&commit_failed); g_printerr("RESULT : %s\r\n", rc0 ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(err)); if (rc0) { GError *e; gboolean rc_local; /* Second-COMMIT */ e = NULL; rc_local = meta2_remote_service_rollback_contents(&cnx,cid,service_name,paths,&commit_failed,&e); _display_strlist("\tSecond Rollback wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tSecond Rollback failed: ", commit_failed); _gfree_list(&commit_failed); g_printerr("Second Rollback RESULT : %s\r\n", rc_local ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(e)); } /* DELETE */ rc1 = meta2_remote_service_delete_contents(&cnx, cid, service_name, paths, &really_removed, &services_used, &err); _display_strlist("\tDelete wanted: ", paths); _display_strlist("\tservices used: ", services_used); _display_strlist("\tcontent removed : ", really_removed); g_printerr("RESULT : %s\r\n", rc1 ? "ok" : gerror_get_message(err)); if (services_used || really_removed) { g_printerr("ADD+ROLLBACK content should not be found\n"); rc2 = 0; } if (!rc0 || !rc1 || !rc2) goto error_label; } meta2_remote_container_close_in_fd(cnx.fd, cnx.timeout.req, NULL, cid); return 1; error_label: g_slist_free(paths); meta2_remote_container_close_in_fd(cnx.fd, cnx.timeout.req, NULL, cid); g_clear_error(&err); return 0; }
static int add_event(gs_grid_storage_t * gs, const char *cName, const char *msg) { int rc = -1; gs_error_t **gserr = NULL; gs_error_t *locerr = NULL; struct gs_container_location_s *location = NULL; container_id_t cid; struct metacnx_ctx_s cnx; gchar *hexid = NULL; gchar * meta2_url = NULL; GError *gerr = NULL; metacnx_clear(&cnx); if (!gs || !cName || !msg) { PRINT_ERROR("Invalid parameter (%p %p %p)\n", gs, cName, msg); return rc; } location = gs_locate_container_by_name(gs, cName, &locerr); if (!location) { PRINT_ERROR("cannot find %s\n", cName); goto exit_label; } if (!location->m0_url || !location->m1_url || !location->m2_url || !location->m2_url[0]) { PRINT_ERROR("cannot find %s\n", cName); goto exit_label; } PRINT_DEBUG("%s found\n", cName); hexid = location->container_hexid; meta2_url = location->m2_url[0]; if (!container_id_hex2bin(hexid, strlen(hexid), &cid, &gerr)) { GSERRORCAUSE(gserr, gerr, "Invalid container id"); goto exit_label; } if (!metacnx_init_with_url(&cnx, meta2_url, &gerr)) { GSERRORCAUSE(gserr, gerr, "Invalid META2 address"); goto exit_label; } container_event_t event; bzero(&event, sizeof(event)); event.timestamp = time(0); g_strlcpy(event.type, "test", sizeof(event.type)); g_strlcpy(event.ref, "test", sizeof(event.type)); event.message = metautils_gba_from_string(msg); PRINT_DEBUG("Adding event [%s]", msg); rc = meta2_remote_add_container_event(&cnx, cid, &event, &gerr); g_byte_array_free(event.message, TRUE); event.message = NULL; metacnx_close(&cnx); metacnx_clear(&cnx); if (!rc) { PRINT_ERROR("Failed to add event : %s\n", gerror_get_message(gerr)); g_clear_error(&gerr); } exit_label: return rc; }