QString Address::toInsertSqlQuery() const { QString strF = "INSERT INTO %1 (BUILD_ID, BUILD, STREET_ID, STREET, " "TYPE_OF_STREET, KORP, LITERA, CORRECT, CITY1, " "TYPE_OF_CITY1, TYPE_OF_CITY2, CITY2, FSUBJ, DISTRICT, " "ADDITIONAL, RAW, TYPE_OF_FSUBJ) " "VALUES('%2', '%3', '%4', '%5', '%6', " "'%7', '%8', '%9', '%10', '%11', '%12', '%13', " "'%14', '%15', '%16', '%17', '%18'); "; QString str = strF .arg(TableName) .arg(QString::number(getBuildId())) .arg(getBuild()) .arg(QString::number(getStreetId())) .arg(getStreet()) .arg(getTypeOfStreet()) .arg(getKorp()) .arg(getLitera()) .arg(QString(isCorrect()?"1":"0")) .arg(getCity1()) .arg(getTypeOfCity1()) .arg(getTypeOfCity2()) .arg(getCity2()) .arg(getFsubj()) .arg(getDistrict()) .arg(getAdditional()) .arg(getRawAddress().join("\";\"").insert(0,'\"').append('\"')) .arg(getTypeOfFSubjInString()); return str; }
QString Address::toCsv() const { QString res; if(!isEmpty()) { res += "\""+ QString::number(getStreetId()) + "\";\""; res += QString::number(getBuildId()) + "\";\""; res += getRawAddress().join(';') + "\";\""; res += getTypeOfFSubjInString() + "\";\""; res += getFsubj() + "\";\""; res += getDistrict() + "\";\""; res += getTypeOfCity1() + "\";\""; res += getCity1() + "\";\""; res += getTypeOfCity2() + "\";\""; res += getCity2() + "\";\""; res += getTypeOfStreet() + "\";\""; res += getStreet() + "\";\""; res += getAdditional() + "\";\""; res += getBuild() + "\";\""; res += getKorp() + "\";\""; res += getLitera() + "\";\""; res += QString(isCorrect()?"1":"0") + "\""; } else { res += "Is empty\n"; } return res; }
void AppInfoPanel::createGui() { const wxBitmap appIconImage = IO::loadImageResource("AppIcon.png"); wxStaticBitmap* appIcon = new wxStaticBitmap(this, wxID_ANY, appIconImage); wxStaticText* appName = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "TrenchBroom"); appName->SetFont(appName->GetFont().Larger().Larger().Larger().Larger().Bold()); wxStaticLine* appLine = new wxStaticLine(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLI_HORIZONTAL); wxStaticText* appClaim = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "Level Editor"); wxString versionStr("Version "); versionStr << getBuildVersion() << " " << getBuildChannel(); wxString buildStr("Build "); buildStr << getBuildId() << " " << getBuildType(); wxStaticText* version = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, versionStr); wxStaticText* build = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, buildStr); #if !defined(_WIN32) version->SetFont(version->GetFont().Smaller()); build->SetFont(build->GetFont().Smaller()); #endif version->SetForegroundColour(wxColor(128, 128, 128)); build->SetForegroundColour(wxColor(128, 128, 128)); SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(appIcon, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(appName, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(appLine, 0, wxEXPAND); sizer->Add(appClaim, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(version, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(build, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); sizer->AddStretchSpacer(); SetSizerAndFit(sizer); }
QString Address::toDebug() const { QString res; res +="*** Address: ***\n"; res += "StreetID: " + QString::number(getStreetId()) + "\n"; res += "BuildID: " + QString::number(getBuildId()) + "\n"; res += "Type of Federal Subj: " + getTypeOfFSubjInString() + "\n"; res += "Federal subj: " + getFsubj() + "\n"; res += "District: " + getDistrict() + "\n"; res += "Type of City1: " + getTypeOfCity1() + "\n"; res += "City1: " + getCity1() + "\n"; res += "Type of City2: " + getTypeOfCity2() + "\n"; res += "City2: " + getCity2() + "\n"; res += "Type of Street: " + getTypeOfStreet() + "\n"; res += "Street: " + getStreet() + "\n"; res += "Additional: " + getAdditional() + "\n"; res += "Build: " + getBuild() + "\n"; res += "Korpus: " + getKorp() + "\n"; res += "Litera: " + getLitera() + "\n"; res += "Correct: " + QString(isCorrect()?"1":"0") + "\n"; return res; }