Example #1
//TODO change it so with a key it can be skiped and not with mouse and so.
void TextBox::handleEvent(sf::Event e) {
    float delayx, delayy;
    delayx = sprite.getOrigin().x*sprite.getScale().x;
    delayy = sprite.getOrigin().y*sprite.getScale().y;
    sprite.move(-delayx, -delayy);
    if(e.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed) {

    if(e.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased) {
        if (e.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) {
            is_clicked = false;

    if(e.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
        if(e.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space) {
            clicked = true;
            is_clicked = true;
    if(e.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) {
        if(e.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space && !textFinished) {
            is_clicked = false;
    sprite.move(delayx, delayy);
Example #2
void FeTextPrimative::fit_string(
			const std::basic_string<sf::Uint32> &s,
			int position,
			int &first_char,
			int &len )
	if ( position < 0 )
		position = 0;
	else if ( position > (int)s.size() )
		position = s.size();

	const sf::Font *font = getFont();
	unsigned int charsize = getCharacterSize();
	float width = m_bgRect.getLocalBounds().width / m_texts[0].getScale().x;

	int running_total( charsize * 2 ); // measure of line's pixel width

	// start from "position", "i" measures to right, "j" to the left
	int i( (position == (int)s.size()) ? position : position + 1 );
	int j( position );
	int last_space( i );

	bool found_space( false );

	while (( running_total < width )
			&& (( i < (int)s.size() ) || ( !m_wrap && ( j > 0 ))))
		if ( i < (int)s.size() )
			sf::Glyph g = font->getGlyph( s[i], charsize, false );
			running_total += g.advance;

			if ( s[i] == L' ' )
				found_space = true;
				last_space = i;


		if (!m_wrap && ( j > 0 ) && ( running_total < width ))
			sf::Glyph g = font->getGlyph( s[j], charsize, false );
			running_total += g.advance;

	first_char = j;

	// If we are word wrapping and found a space, then break at the space.
	// Otherwise, fit as much on this line as we can
	if ( m_wrap && found_space && ( i != (int)s.size() ))
		len = last_space - j + 1;
		len = i - j + 1;
Example #3
File: Fonts.cpp Project: qdii/vcmi
size_t IFont::getStringWidth(const std::string & data) const
    size_t width = 0;

    for(size_t i=0; i<data.size(); i += getCharacterSize(data[i]))
        width += getGlyphWidth(data.data() + i);
    return width;
Example #4
sf::Vector2f FeTextPrimative::setString(
			const std::basic_string<sf::Uint32> &t,
			int position )
	// Cut string if it is too big to fit our dimension
	int first_char, len, disp_cpos;
	if ( m_wrap ) position = 0;

	fit_string( t, position, first_char, len );
	m_texts[0].setString( t.substr( first_char, len ) );
	disp_cpos = position - first_char;

	if ( m_texts.size() > 1 )
		m_texts.resize( 1 );

	if (( m_wrap ) && ( len < (int)t.size() ))
		// Calculate the number of lines we can fit in our RectShape
		unsigned int spacing = getCharacterSize() * m_texts[0].getScale().y;
		const sf::Font *font = getFont();
		if ( font )
			spacing = font->getLineSpacing( spacing );

		sf::FloatRect rectSize = m_bgRect.getLocalBounds();
		int line_count = rectSize.height / spacing;

		// Create the wrapped lines
		position = len;
		int i=0;
		while (( position < (int)t.size() - 1 ) && ( i < line_count ))
			fit_string( t, position, first_char, len );
			sf::Text new_text( m_texts[0] );
			new_text.setString( t.substr( first_char, len ) );
			position += len;
			m_texts.push_back( new_text );

	set_positions(); // we need to set the positions now for findCharacterPos() to work below
	return m_texts[0].findCharacterPos( disp_cpos );
Example #5
void FeTextPrimative::set_positions() const
	int spacing = getCharacterSize() * m_texts[0].getScale().y;

	const sf::Font *font = getFont();
	if (( font ) && ( font->getLineSpacing( spacing ) > spacing ))
		spacing = font->getLineSpacing( spacing );

	sf::Vector2f rectPos = m_bgRect.getPosition();
	sf::FloatRect rectSize = m_bgRect.getLocalBounds();

	for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_texts.size(); i++ )
		sf::Vector2f textPos;

		// we need to account for the scaling that we have applied to our text...
		sf::FloatRect textSize = m_texts[i].getLocalBounds();
		textSize.width *= m_texts[i].getScale().x;
		textSize.height *= m_texts[i].getScale().y;

		textPos.y = rectPos.y
				+ spacing * i
				+ ( rectSize.height - ( spacing * m_texts.size() )) / 2;

		// set x position
		switch ( m_align )
		case Left:
			textPos.x = rectPos.x + spacing/2;

		case Centre:
			textPos.x = rectPos.x + ( (rectSize.width - textSize.width) / 2 );

		case Right:
			textPos.x = rectPos.x + rectSize.width - textSize.width - spacing/2;

		sf::Transform trans;
		trans.rotate( m_bgRect.getRotation(), rectPos.x, rectPos.y );
		m_texts[i].setPosition( trans.transformPoint( textPos ) );
		m_texts[i].setRotation( m_bgRect.getRotation() );

	m_needs_pos_set = false;
Example #6
File: Fonts.cpp Project: qdii/vcmi
void CBitmapHanFont::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const
    int posX = pos.x;
    int posY = pos.y;


    for(size_t i=0; i<data.size(); i += getCharacterSize(data[i]))
        if (ui8(data[i]) < 0x80)
            renderCharacter(surface, getCharacterIndex(0xa3, data[i] + 0x80), color, posX, posY);
            renderCharacter(surface, getCharacterIndex(data[i], data[i+1]), color, posX, posY);
Example #7
File: Text.cpp Project: Jebbs/CSFML
unsigned int sfText_getCharacterSize(const sfText* text)
    CSFML_CALL_RETURN(text, getCharacterSize(), 0);
Example #8
sf::Vector2f FeTextPrimative::setString(
			const std::basic_string<sf::Uint32> &t,
			int position )
	// Cut string if it is too big to fit our dimension
	int first_char, len, disp_cpos;
	std::vector< int > fc_list;
	std::vector< int > len_list;

	if ( m_first_line >= 0 )
		position = 0;

	fit_string( t, position, first_char, len );

	fc_list.push_back( first_char );
	len_list.push_back( len );

	disp_cpos = position - first_char;

	if ( m_texts.size() > 1 )
		m_texts.resize( 1 );

	if (( m_first_line >= 0 ) && ( len < (int)t.size() ))
		// Calculate the number of lines we can fit in our RectShape
		unsigned int spacing = getCharacterSize() * m_texts[0].getScale().y;
		const sf::Font *font = getFont();
		if ( font )
			spacing = font->getLineSpacing( spacing );

		sf::FloatRect rectSize = m_bgRect.getLocalBounds();
		int line_count = rectSize.height / spacing;

		// Calculate the wrapped lines
		position += len;
		int i=0;
		int actual_first_line=0;
		while (( position < (int)t.size() - 1 ) && ( i < line_count + m_first_line ))
			if ( i >= line_count )

			fit_string( t, position, first_char, len );

			fc_list.push_back( first_char );
			len_list.push_back( len );
			position += len;

		m_first_line = actual_first_line;

		int actual_lines = ( (int)fc_list.size() < line_count ) ? fc_list.size() : line_count;
		int first_fc = fc_list.size() - actual_lines;

		// Now create the wrapped lines
		m_texts[0].setString( t.substr( fc_list[first_fc], len_list[first_fc] ) );
		for ( i = first_fc + 1; i < (int)fc_list.size(); i++ )
			m_texts.push_back( m_texts[0] );
			m_texts.back().setString( t.substr( fc_list[i], len_list[i] ) );
		// create the no-wrap or single non-clipped line
		m_texts[0].setString( t.substr( fc_list.front(), len_list.front() ) );

	set_positions(); // we need to set the positions now for findCharacterPos() to work below
	return m_texts[0].findCharacterPos( disp_cpos );