Expression *ASTBuilder::parseIdentifierExpression() { std::string ident = getNextToken()->getData(); if(getCurrentToken()->getData().compare("(")) { // function call // get all of the arguments std::vector<Expression *> args; getNextToken(); // eat the open bracket Token *t = getNextToken(); while(t != NULL && t->getData().compare(")") != 0) { Expression *e = parseExpression(); if(e == NULL) return NULL; args.push_back(e); t = getCurrentToken(); if(t->getData().compare(",") != 0) { cout << "Error: astbuilder.h:96" << endl; } t = getNextToken(); } return new CallExpression(ident, args); } else { // reference to a variable return new VarExpression(ident); } }
void expression(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { Token cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); int negate = 0; switch (cur.type) { case minussym: negate = 1; case plussym: nextToken(tokens); } term(tokens, code, tree); if (negate) generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, // op 0, // L OPR_NEG); // M cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); while (cur.type == plussym || cur.type == minussym) { int operation; if (cur.type == plussym) operation = OPR_ADD; else operation = OPR_SUB; nextToken(tokens); term(tokens, code, tree); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, // op 0, // L operation); // M cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); } }
void term(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { int operation; factor(tokens, code, tree); while ( getCurrentToken(tokens).type == multsym || getCurrentToken(tokens).type == slashsym) { operation = getCurrentToken(tokens).type; nextToken(tokens); factor(tokens, code, tree); if (operation == multsym) generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, OPR_MUL); //Multiplication else generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, OPR_DIV); //Division. } //end while. }
Expression *ASTBuilder::parseExpression() { Token *t = getCurrentToken(); std::string data = t->getData(); if(isSymbol(data)) return parseIdentifierExpression(); if(isInteger(data)) return parseIntegerExpression(); if(!"(")) return parseParensExpression(); return NULL; }
void factor(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { Token cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); Symbol *sym; int val; switch (cur.type) { case identsym: sym = getSymbolFromTree(tree, cur.lexeme); if (sym->kind == KIND_VAR) generateInstruction(code, INSTR_LOD, tree->level-sym->level, sym->adr); else if (sym->kind == KIND_CONST) generateInstruction(code, INSTR_LIT, 0, sym->val); else if (sym->kind == KIND_PROC) die(ERR_PROC_NOT_FACTOR, "Procedures cannot be used as a value"); break; case numbersym: val = atoi(cur.lexeme); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_LIT, 0, val); break; case lparentsym: nextToken(tokens); expression(tokens, code, tree); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur.type != rparentsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "expected ')' after expression"); break; default: die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Dangling factor"); } nextToken(tokens); }
void var_declaration(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { Token cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); // positions 0, 1, and 2 are reserved for the SL DL and RA int address = 3; if (cur.type == intsym) { do { nextToken(tokens); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur.type != identsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'int'"); Symbol *sym = createSymbol(KIND_VAR, //kind cur.lexeme, //name 0, //value tree->level, //lexi-level address); //address insertIntoSymbolTree(tree, sym); address++; nextToken(tokens); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); } while (cur.type == commasym); if (cur.type != semicolonsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected ';' after declaration"); nextToken(tokens); } //allocate all the variables at once generateInstruction(code, INSTR_INC, 0, address); }
void proc_declaration(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { Token cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); while (cur.type == procsym) { nextToken(tokens); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur.type != identsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'procedure'"); int proc_beginning = getCodePosition(code); Symbol *sym = createSymbol(KIND_PROC, //kind cur.lexeme, //name 0, //value tree->level, //lexi-level proc_beginning); //address insertIntoSymbolTree(tree, sym); nextToken(tokens); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur.type != semicolonsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected ';' after procedure declaration"); SymbolTree *proc_tree = addLexiLevel(tree); nextToken(tokens); block(tokens, code, proc_tree); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur.type != semicolonsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected ';' after procedure definition"); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, OPR_RTN); nextToken(tokens); cur = getCurrentToken(tokens); } }
void condition(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == oddsym){ //Then we are performing ("odd" expression). nextToken(tokens); expression(tokens, code, tree); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, OPR_ODD); } else { //Then we are performing (expression rel-op expression). expression(tokens, code, tree); //rel-op. int operation = getCurrentToken(tokens).type; if (operation != eqsym && operation != neqsym && operation !=lessym && operation != leqsym && operation != gtrsym && operation != geqsym){ //Then a relational operator was not found. Generate an error and exit. die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Relational operator expected"); } else { //Then a relational operator was found. //Convert operation to OPR_xxx equivalent. switch (operation){ case eqsym: operation = OPR_EQL; break; case neqsym: operation = OPR_NEQ; break; case lessym: operation = OPR_LSS; break; case leqsym: operation = OPR_LEQ; break; case gtrsym: operation = OPR_GTR; break; case geqsym: operation = OPR_GEQ; break; } //end switch. nextToken(tokens); expression(tokens, code, tree); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, operation); } } //end (expression rel-op expression). }
/* JON */ void program(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { block(tokens, code, tree); // periodsym was not found. Generate an error. if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != periodsym){ die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'.' expected"); } generateInstruction(code, INSTR_OPR, 0, OPR_RTN); //NULL instruction denotes end of instruction buffer (used for printing) generateInstruction(code, 0, 0, 0); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // same as nextToken, but skips whitespace, comments and optionally parenthesis bool SqlTokenizer::jumpToken(bool skipParenthesis) { int parencount = 0; while (true) { if (!nextToken()) return false; SqlTokenType stt = getCurrentToken(); if (stt == tkPARENOPEN && skipParenthesis) parencount++; if (stt != tkWHITESPACE && stt != tkCOMMENT && parencount == 0) break; if (stt == tkPARENCLOSE && skipParenthesis) parencount--; if (parencount < 0) parencount = 0; } return true; }
Expression *ASTBuilder::parseTopLevelStatement() { // get the type Token *type = getNextToken(); if(type == NULL) return NULL; Token *symbolName = getCurrentToken(); if(symbolName == NULL) return NULL; if(!isSymbol(symbolName->getData())) { cout << "Error: astbuilder.cpp:33" << endl; } // next need to check what comes after, // an equals => variable assigment, // an argument list => function definition, // another typename => variable definition w/out assigment Token *next = peekNextToken(); // there's not another token if(next == NULL) { return new VarExpression(symbolName->getData()); }else if(!next->getData().compare("=")) { getNextToken(); // eat the name Token *t = getNextToken(); // and the '=' return new BinaryExpression('=', new VarExpression(symbolName->getData()), parseExpression()); } else if(!next->getData().compare("|")) { return parseFunctionDefinition(); } else if(isBuiltinTypeName(next->getData())) { getNextToken(); return new VarExpression(symbolName->getData()); } return NULL; }
void ASTBuilder::parse() { // parse top level stuff // either variable declaration/assignment or function definition Token *t; while((t = getCurrentToken()) != NULL) { // TODO: check that the first token is a type name, otherwise syntax error, // or the parsing is broken somehow Expression *primary = parseTopLevelStatement(); if(primary == NULL) { std::cout << "Error: astbuilder.cpp:24" << std::endl; } else { tree.push_back(primary); } if(peekNextToken() == NULL) break; } for(int a = 0; a < tree.size(); ++a) { Expression *e = tree[a]; std::cout << "String representation: " << e->getStrRep() << std::endl; } }
void statement(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == identsym){ //then perform (ident ":=" expression). //Save the current token. Token myToken; myToken = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != identsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'const'"); nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != becomessym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "':=' expected"); nextToken(tokens); expression(tokens, code, tree); //Retrieve L and M before generating instruction on next line. Symbol *mySymbol = getSymbolFromTree(tree, myToken.lexeme); if (mySymbol->kind != KIND_VAR) die(ERR_BAD_ASSIGNMENT, "After ':=', only variables can be assigned to"); int L = tree->level - mySymbol->level; int M = mySymbol->adr; generateInstruction(code, INSTR_STO, L, M); } //end (ident ":=" expression). else if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == beginsym){ //then perform ("begin" statement {";" statement} "end"). nextToken(tokens); statement(tokens, code, tree); while (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == semicolonsym){ nextToken(tokens); statement(tokens, code, tree); } if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != endsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'end' expected"); nextToken(tokens); } //end ("begin" statement {";" statement} "end"). else if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == ifsym){ //then perform ("if" condition "then" statement ["else" statement]). int cx1; nextToken(tokens); condition(tokens, code, tree); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != thensym){ //Then thensym was not found. Generate an error. die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'then' expected"); } else { //Then thensym was found. nextToken(tokens); } cx1 = getCodePosition(code); //cx1 = cx. generateInstruction(code, INSTR_JPC, 0, 0); //M will be updated soon. Initially 0. statement(tokens, code, tree); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == elsesym){ //Then there is an ["else" statement]. nextToken(tokens); int cx2 = getCodePosition(code); //cx2 = cx. generateInstruction(code, INSTR_JMP, 0, 0); //M will be updated soon. Initially 0. statement(tokens, code, tree); //Update Instructions for an if-then-else statement: code->buf[cx1].m = cx2+1; //code[cx1].m = cx2+1. code->buf[cx2].m = getCodePosition(code); //code[cx2].m = cx. } else{ //Then there is not an ["else" statement]. //Update Instructions for an if-then statement: code->buf[cx1].m = getCodePosition(code); //code[cx1].m = cx. } } //end ("if" condition "then" statement ["else" statement]). else if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == whilesym){ //then perform ("while" condition "do" statement). int cx1, cx2; cx1 = getCodePosition(code); //cx1 = cx;. nextToken(tokens); condition(tokens, code, tree); cx2 = getCodePosition(code); //cx2 = cx;. generateInstruction(code, INSTR_JPC, 0, 0); //M will be changed soon. Initially 0. if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != dosym){ //Then dosym was not found. Generate an error. die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'do' expected"); } else { //Then dosym was found. nextToken(tokens); } statement(tokens, code, tree); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_JMP, 0, cx1); code->buf[cx2].m = getCodePosition(code); //code[cx2].m = cx;. } //end ("while" condition "do" statement). else if(getCurrentToken(tokens).type == callsym) { nextToken(tokens); Token cur_token = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (cur_token.type != identsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'call'"); Symbol *sym = getSymbolFromTree(tree, cur_token.lexeme); if (sym->kind != KIND_PROC) die(ERR_NO_SUCH_PROC, "Identifier is not a procedure or cannot be accesed from here"); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_CAL, (tree->level)-(sym->level), sym->adr); nextToken(tokens); } //end ("call" ident). else if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == insym){ //Then perform ("in" ident). nextToken(tokens); //Save the current token. Token myToken; myToken = getCurrentToken(tokens); if (myToken.type != identsym){ //Then identsym was not found. Generate an error. die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'in'"); } else{ //Then identsym was found. Proceed. nextToken(tokens); } Symbol *mySymbol = getSymbolFromTree(tree, myToken.lexeme); if (mySymbol->kind != KIND_VAR) die(ERR_BAD_ASSIGNMENT, "After 'in', only variables can be assigned to"); //Retrieve L and M before generating the instructions. int L = tree->level - mySymbol->level; int M = mySymbol->adr; generateInstruction(code, INSTR_SIO_R, 0, SIO_READ); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_STO, L, M); } //end ("in" ident). else if(getCurrentToken(tokens).type == outsym) { nextToken(tokens); expression(tokens, code, tree); generateInstruction(code, INSTR_SIO_W, 0, SIO_WRITE); } //end ("out" expression). }
void const_declaration(TokenBuffer *tokens, InstructionBuffer *code, SymbolTree *tree) { //Optional Constant Declaration. if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == constsym){ int number; nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != identsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected identifier after 'const'"); //ident. Save the current token. Token myToken; myToken = getCurrentToken(tokens); nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != eqsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'=' expected"); nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != numbersym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected number during constant declaration."); //Get number. Token temp = getCurrentToken(tokens); number = atoi(temp.lexeme); //Add constant to symbol table. //TODO. Double Check This. Symbol *sym = createSymbol(KIND_CONST, //kind myToken.lexeme, //name number, //value tree->level, //lexi-level 0); //address insertIntoSymbolTree(tree, sym); //End Add constant to symbol table. nextToken(tokens); while (getCurrentToken(tokens).type == commasym){ nextToken(tokens); //ident. Save the current token. Token myToken; myToken = getCurrentToken(tokens); nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != eqsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "'=' expected"); nextToken(tokens); if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != numbersym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "Expected number during constant declaration."); //Get number. Token temp = getCurrentToken(tokens); number = atoi(temp.lexeme); //Add constant to symbol table. //TODO. Double Check This. Symbol *sym = createSymbol(KIND_CONST, //kind myToken.lexeme, //name number, //value tree->level, //lexi-level 0); //address insertIntoSymbolTree(tree, sym); //End Add constant to symbol table. nextToken(tokens); } //end while. if (getCurrentToken(tokens).type != semicolonsym) die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, "';' expected"); nextToken(tokens); } //end Optional Constant Declaration. }