Example #1
//Injecting mouse movements and clicks
void SixenseManager::emulateMouse(PalmData* palm, int index) {
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    MyAvatar* avatar = application->getAvatar();
    QGLWidget* widget = application->getGLWidget();
    QPoint pos;
    Qt::MouseButton bumperButton;
    Qt::MouseButton triggerButton;

    if (Menu::getInstance()->getInvertSixenseButtons()) {
        bumperButton = Qt::LeftButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::RightButton;
    } else {
        bumperButton = Qt::RightButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::LeftButton;

    if (OculusManager::isConnected()) {
        pos = application->getApplicationOverlay().getOculusPalmClickLocation(palm);
    } else {
        // Get directon relative to avatar orientation
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(avatar->getOrientation()) * palm->getFingerDirection();

        // Get the angles, scaled between (-0.5,0.5)
        float xAngle = (atan2(direction.z, direction.x) + M_PI_2);
        float yAngle = 0.5f - ((atan2(direction.z, direction.y) + M_PI_2));

        // Get the pixel range over which the xAngle and yAngle are scaled
        float cursorRange = widget->width() * getCursorPixelRangeMult();

        pos.setX(widget->width() / 2.0f + cursorRange * xAngle);
        pos.setY(widget->height() / 2.0f + cursorRange * yAngle);


    //If we are off screen then we should stop processing, and if a trigger or bumper is pressed,
    //we should unpress them.
    if (pos.x() == INT_MAX) {
        if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);


            _bumperPressed[index] = false;
        if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);


            _triggerPressed[index] = false;

    //If position has changed, emit a mouse move to the application
    if (pos.x() != _oldX[index] || pos.y() != _oldY[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(static_cast<QEvent::Type>(CONTROLLER_MOVE_EVENT), pos, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, 0);

        //Only send the mouse event if the opposite left button isnt held down.
        //This is specifically for edit voxels
        if (triggerButton == Qt::LeftButton) {
            if (!_triggerPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
        } else {
            if (!_bumperPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
    _oldX[index] = pos.x();
    _oldY[index] = pos.y();

    //We need separate coordinates for clicks, since we need to check if
    //a magnification window was clicked on
    int clickX = pos.x();
    int clickY = pos.y();
    //Checks for magnification window click
    application->getApplicationOverlay().getClickLocation(clickX, clickY);
    //Set pos to the new click location, which may be the same if no magnification window is open

    //Check for bumper press ( Right Click )
    if (palm->getControllerButtons() & BUTTON_FWD) {
        if (!_bumperPressed[index]) {
            _bumperPressed[index] = true;
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

    } else if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);


        _bumperPressed[index] = false;

    //Check for trigger press ( Left Click )
    if (palm->getTrigger() == 1.0f) {
        if (!_triggerPressed[index]) {
            _triggerPressed[index] = true;

            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);

    } else if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);


        _triggerPressed[index] = false;
Example #2
//Injecting mouse movements and clicks
void SixenseManager::emulateMouse(PalmData* palm, int index) {
    MyAvatar* avatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
    auto glCanvas = Application::getInstance()->getGLWidget();
    QPoint pos;
    Qt::MouseButton bumperButton;
    Qt::MouseButton triggerButton;

    unsigned int deviceID = index == 0 ? CONTROLLER_0_EVENT : CONTROLLER_1_EVENT;

    if (_invertButtons) {
        bumperButton = Qt::LeftButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::RightButton;
    } else {
        bumperButton = Qt::RightButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::LeftButton;

    if (Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::SixenseLasers) 
        || Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::EnableVRMode)) {
        pos = qApp->getApplicationOverlay().getPalmClickLocation(palm);
    } else {
        // Get directon relative to avatar orientation
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(avatar->getOrientation()) * palm->getFingerDirection();

        // Get the angles, scaled between (-0.5,0.5)
        float xAngle = (atan2(direction.z, direction.x) + M_PI_2);
        float yAngle = 0.5f - ((atan2(direction.z, direction.y) + M_PI_2));

        // Get the pixel range over which the xAngle and yAngle are scaled
        float cursorRange = glCanvas->width() * getCursorPixelRangeMult();

        pos.setX(glCanvas->width() / 2.0f + cursorRange * xAngle);
        pos.setY(glCanvas->height() / 2.0f + cursorRange * yAngle);


    //If we are off screen then we should stop processing, and if a trigger or bumper is pressed,
    //we should unpress them.
    if (pos.x() == INT_MAX) {
        if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

            qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

            _bumperPressed[index] = false;
        if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);

            qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

            _triggerPressed[index] = false;

    //If position has changed, emit a mouse move to the application
    if (pos.x() != _oldX[index] || pos.y() != _oldY[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, 0);

        //Only send the mouse event if the opposite left button isnt held down.
        if (triggerButton == Qt::LeftButton) {
            if (!_triggerPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
                qApp->mouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
        } else {
            if (!_bumperPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
                qApp->mouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
    _oldX[index] = pos.x();
    _oldY[index] = pos.y();

    //We need separate coordinates for clicks, since we need to check if
    //a magnification window was clicked on
    int clickX = pos.x();
    int clickY = pos.y();
    //Set pos to the new click location, which may be the same if no magnification window is open

    //Check for bumper press ( Right Click )
    if (palm->getControllerButtons() & BUTTON_FWD) {
        if (!_bumperPressed[index]) {
            _bumperPressed[index] = true;
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

            qApp->mousePressEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
    } else if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

        qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

        _bumperPressed[index] = false;

    //Check for trigger press ( Left Click )
    if (palm->getTrigger() == 1.0f) {
        if (!_triggerPressed[index]) {
            _triggerPressed[index] = true;

            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);

            qApp->mousePressEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
    } else if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);

        qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

        _triggerPressed[index] = false;