Example #1
     * @brief Database::depthTypeSearch
     * @param typeId
     * @return
    entity::SharedType Database::depthTypeSearch(const QString &typeId) const
        entity::SharedType result;

        for (auto &&scope : m_Scopes.values()) {
            getDepthType(scope, typeId, result);
            if (result)

        return result;
Example #2
     * @brief Database::getDepthType
     * @param scope
     * @param id
     * @param result
    void Database::getDepthType(const entity::SharedScope &scope, const QString &id, entity::SharedType &result) const
        if (scope->containsType(id)) {
            result = scope->type(id);
        } else if (scope->hasChildScopes()){
            for (auto &&child_scope : scope->scopes()) {
                if (result)
                getDepthType(child_scope, id, result);

Example #3
int WIGGLE::init(double p[], int n_args)
   const float outskip = p[0];
   const float dur = p[1];
   depth_type = (n_args > 4) ? getDepthType(p[4]) : NoModOsc;
   filter_type = (n_args > 5) ? getFiltType(p[5]) : NoFilter;

   float ringdur;
   if (filter_type == NoFilter) {
      nfilts = 0;
      ringdur = 0.0f;
   else {
      if (filter_type != LowPass && filter_type != HighPass)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Filter type (p5) must be 0, 1, or 2.");
      nfilts = (n_args > 6) ? int(p[6]) : 1;
      if (nfilts < 1 || nfilts > MAXFILTS)
         return die("WIGGLE",
                    "Steepness (p6) must be an integer between 1 and %d.",
      if (n_args > 7)
         do_balance = bool(p[7]);
      if (do_balance) {
         balancer = new Balance(SR);
      ringdur = 0.1f;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur + ringdur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (outputChannels() < 1 || outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("WIGGLE", "Output must be mono or stereo.");

   for (int i = 0; i < nfilts; i++)
      filt[i] = new Butter(SR);

   double *array = floc(AMP_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      int len = fsize(AMP_FUNC);
      amp_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);

   int len;
   if (n_args > 8)
      carwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &len);
   if (carwave_array == NULL) {
      carwave_array = floc(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
      if (carwave_array == NULL)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the carrier wavetable pfield (p8), "
                              "or make an old-style gen function in slot %d.",
      len = fsize(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
   carrier = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, carwave_array, len);

   array = floc(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      len = fsize(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
      cargliss_table = new TableN(SR, dur, array, len);

   if (depth_type != NoModOsc) {
      if (n_args > 9)
         modwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(9, &len);
      if (modwave_array == NULL) {
         modwave_array = floc(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         if (modwave_array == NULL)
            return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator wavetable pfield "
                                 "(p9), or make an old-style gen function "
                                 "in slot %d.", MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         len = fsize(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
      modulator = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, modwave_array, len);

      array = floc(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
         modfreq_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 11)    // no p10 mod freq
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator frequency pfield "
                              "(p10), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_FREQ_FUNC);

      array = floc(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
         moddepth_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 12)    // no p11 mod depth
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator depth pfield "
                              "(p11), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);

   if (filter_type != NoFilter) {
      array = floc(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
         filtcf_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 13)    // no p12 filter cf
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the filter cutoff frequency pfield "
                              "(p12), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", FILTER_CF_FUNC);

   if (outputChannels() == 2) {
      array = floc(PAN_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(PAN_FUNC);
         pan_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 14)    // no p13 pan
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the pan pfield (p13), or make an "
                              "old-style gen function in slot %d.", PAN_FUNC);

   cpsoct10 = cpsoct(10.0);

   return nSamps();