static QVariant fcnLog( const QVariantList& values, QgsFeature* , QgsExpression* parent ) { double b = getDoubleValue( 0 ), parent ); double x = getDoubleValue( 1 ), parent ); if ( x <= 0 || b <= 0 ) return QVariant(); return QVariant( log( x ) / log( b ) ); }
double CSSPrimitiveValue::computeSeconds() { ASSERT(isTime() || (isCalculated() && cssCalcValue()->category() == CalcTime)); UnitType currentType = isCalculated() ? cssCalcValue()->expressionNode()->typeWithCalcResolved() : type(); if (currentType == UnitType::Seconds) return getDoubleValue(); if (currentType == UnitType::Milliseconds) return getDoubleValue() / 1000; ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; }
bool CSSPrimitiveValue::getDoubleValueInternal(UnitTypes requestedUnitType, double* result) const { if (!isValidCSSUnitTypeForDoubleConversion(static_cast<UnitTypes>(m_primitiveUnitType)) || !isValidCSSUnitTypeForDoubleConversion(requestedUnitType)) return false; UnitTypes sourceUnitType = static_cast<UnitTypes>(primitiveType()); if (requestedUnitType == sourceUnitType || requestedUnitType == CSS_DIMENSION) { *result = getDoubleValue(); return true; } UnitCategory sourceCategory = unitCategory(sourceUnitType); ASSERT(sourceCategory != UOther); UnitTypes targetUnitType = requestedUnitType; UnitCategory targetCategory = unitCategory(targetUnitType); ASSERT(targetCategory != UOther); // Cannot convert between unrelated unit categories if one of them is not UNumber. if (sourceCategory != targetCategory && sourceCategory != UNumber && targetCategory != UNumber) return false; if (targetCategory == UNumber) { // We interpret conversion to CSS_NUMBER as conversion to a canonical unit in this value's category. targetUnitType = canonicalUnitTypeForCategory(sourceCategory); if (targetUnitType == CSS_UNKNOWN) return false; } if (sourceUnitType == CSS_NUMBER) { // We interpret conversion from CSS_NUMBER in the same way as CSSParser::validUnit() while using non-strict mode. sourceUnitType = canonicalUnitTypeForCategory(targetCategory); if (sourceUnitType == CSS_UNKNOWN) return false; } double convertedValue = getDoubleValue(); // First convert the value from m_primitiveUnitType to canonical type. double factor = conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(sourceUnitType); convertedValue *= factor; // Now convert from canonical type to the target unitType. factor = conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(targetUnitType); convertedValue /= factor; *result = convertedValue; return true; }
//! //! Processes the node's input data to generate the node's output table. //! void VTKGraphLayoutNode::refreshOutput() { if (!m_inGraph) { Log::info(QString("No graph defined."), "VTKGraphLayoutNode::~refreshOutput"); return; } vtkGraphLayout *layout = vtkGraphLayout::New(); int zRange = getDoubleValue(m_zRangeParameterName); layout->SetZRange(zRange); layout->SetInput( m_inGraph ); if (!m_layoutInstance) { Log::info(QString("No layout strategy defined."), "VTKGraphLayoutNode::~refreshOutput"); return; } layout->SetLayoutStrategy(m_layoutInstance); layout->Update(); m_outputTable = createTableFromGraph(layout->GetOutput(0)); // process the output vtk table VTKTableParameter * outputParameter = dynamic_cast<VTKTableParameter*>(getParameter(m_ouputVTKTableParameterName)); if (outputParameter && outputParameter->getVTKTable() != m_outputTable) { outputParameter->setVTKTable(m_outputTable); outputParameter->propagateDirty(0); } }
double CSSPrimitiveValue::computeDegrees() { switch (m_primitiveUnitType) { case CSS_DEG: return getDoubleValue(); case CSS_RAD: return rad2deg(getDoubleValue()); case CSS_GRAD: return grad2deg(getDoubleValue()); case CSS_TURN: return turn2deg(getDoubleValue()); default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } }
void binary_operation(VarType type, R (*binaryFunction)(T const &, T const &)) { auto left = popVariable(); auto right = popVariable(); T leftValue, rightValue; if (type == VT_DOUBLE) { leftValue = left.getDoubleValue(); rightValue = right.getDoubleValue(); } else { leftValue = left.getIntValue(); rightValue = right.getIntValue(); } pushVariable(binaryFunction(leftValue, rightValue)); }
string Object::getValue() { if (isArray == 1) { getMapValue(); } if (value=="") return ""; if (type=="bool") { return to_string(getBoolValue()); } else if (type=="int") { return to_string(getIntValue()); } else if (type=="double") { std::ostringstream os; os << getDoubleValue(); return os.str(); } return getStringValue(); }
//! //! Change size scale of the entity. //! void Model2SceneNode::sizeChanged() { m_size.x = m_size.y = m_size.z = getDoubleValue("Size"); if (m_sceneNode) resizeNodes(m_sceneNode); }
void OrientedPoint::UseInformationPercent(const double Percent) { assert(Percent >= 0.0); assert(Percent <= 1.0); double total = getDoubleValue("TotalInformation"); double update = Percent * total; double remain = getDoubleValue("RemainingInformation"); if(remain < 0.0) remain = 0.0; setDoubleValue("RemainingInformation", remain); //RemainingInformation_ -= Percent * TotalInformation_; }
Equation* createEquation(HWND window, TCHAR operand) { Equation* equation = new Equation; equation->operand = operand; equation->value1 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE1); equation->value2 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE2); equation->value3 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE3); equation->value4 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE4); equation->value5 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE5); equation->value6 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE6); equation->value7 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE7); equation->value8 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE8); equation->value9 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE9); equation->value10 = getDoubleValue(window, IDC_VALUE10); return equation; }
double CSSPrimitiveValue::computeDegrees() const { ASSERT(isAngle() || (isCalculated() && cssCalcValue()->category() == CalcAngle)); UnitType currentType = isCalculated() ? cssCalcValue()->expressionNode()->typeWithCalcResolved() : type(); switch (currentType) { case UnitType::Degrees: return getDoubleValue(); case UnitType::Radians: return rad2deg(getDoubleValue()); case UnitType::Gradians: return grad2deg(getDoubleValue()); case UnitType::Turns: return turn2deg(getDoubleValue()); default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } }
Length CSSPrimitiveValue::convertToLength(const CSSToLengthConversionData& conversionData) { if (isLength()) return computeLength<Length>(conversionData); if (isPercentage()) return Length(getDoubleValue(), Percent); ASSERT(isCalculated()); return Length(cssCalcValue()->toCalcValue(conversionData)); }
double CSSPrimitiveValue::computeLengthDouble(RenderStyle* style, double multiplier, bool computingFontSize) { unsigned short type = primitiveType(); // We do not apply the zoom factor when we are computing the value of the font-size property. The zooming // for font sizes is much more complicated, since we have to worry about enforcing the minimum font size preference // as well as enforcing the implicit "smart minimum." In addition the CSS property text-size-adjust is used to // prevent text from zooming at all. Therefore we will not apply the zoom here if we are computing font-size. bool applyZoomMultiplier = !computingFontSize; double factor = 1.0; switch (type) { case CSS_EMS: applyZoomMultiplier = false; factor = computingFontSize ? style->fontDescription().specifiedSize() : style->fontDescription().computedSize(); break; case CSS_EXS: // FIXME: We have a bug right now where the zoom will be applied twice to EX units. // We really need to compute EX using fontMetrics for the original specifiedSize and not use // our actual constructed rendering font. applyZoomMultiplier = false; factor = style->font().xHeight(); break; case CSS_PX: break; case CSS_CM: factor = cssPixelsPerInch / 2.54; // (2.54 cm/in) break; case CSS_MM: factor = cssPixelsPerInch / 25.4; break; case CSS_IN: factor = cssPixelsPerInch; break; case CSS_PT: factor = cssPixelsPerInch / 72.0; break; case CSS_PC: // 1 pc == 12 pt factor = cssPixelsPerInch * 12.0 / 72.0; break; default: return -1.0; } double result = getDoubleValue() * factor; if (!applyZoomMultiplier || multiplier == 1.0) return result; // Any original result that was >= 1 should not be allowed to fall below 1. This keeps border lines from // vanishing. double zoomedResult = result * multiplier; if (result >= 1.0) zoomedResult = max(1.0, zoomedResult); return zoomedResult; }
void CGridDlg::OnEnChangeEditCellSizeMM() { if(m_changeHandlerActive) return; m_changeHandlerActive = true; double value; if(getDoubleValue(IDC_EDITCELLSIZEMM, value)) { setCellSizeMM(value); } m_changeHandlerActive = false; }
void ConeTreeLayouterNode::setSpacing () { double spacing = getDoubleValue(m_SpacingNameParameter); if (m_Spacing == spacing) return; m_Spacing = spacing; M_LAYOUT->SetSpacing(m_Spacing); }
//! //! Set the various parameters from property editor //! void ConeTreeLayouterNode::setCompactness () { double compactness = getDoubleValue(m_CompactnessNameParameter); if (m_Compactness == compactness) return; m_Compactness = compactness; M_LAYOUT->SetCompactness(m_Compactness); }
void ClusteringLayouterNode::setRestDistance () { int restDistance = getDoubleValue("Set Rest Distance"); if (m_restDistance == restDistance) return; m_restDistance = restDistance; M_LAYOUT->SetRestDistance(m_restDistance); }
void ClusteringLayouterNode::setInitialTemperature () { int initialTemperature = getDoubleValue("Set Initial Temperature"); if (m_initialTemperature == initialTemperature) return; m_initialTemperature = initialTemperature; M_LAYOUT->SetInitialTemperature(m_initialTemperature); }
AMNumber CLSValueEditor::getValue() { AMNumber newValue = AMNumber(AMNumber::InvalidError); if (values_.isEmpty()) newValue = getDoubleValue(); else newValue = getEnumValue(); return newValue; }
/***************************************************** ** ** DateInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void DateInputField::formatValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); if ( Validate()) { value = getDoubleValue(); SetValue( formatter->getDateStringFromJD( value )); } else { SetValue( formatter->getDateStringFromJD( value )); } }
/***************************************************** ** ** DegMinSecInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void DegMinSecInputField::formatValue() { Formatter *formatter = Formatter::get(); if ( Validate()) { value = getDoubleValue(); SetValue( formatter->getDegreesFormatted( value, format )); } else { SetValue( formatter->getDegreesFormatted( value, format )); } }
double OrientedPoint::getDoubleValue(const std::string &ValueName) const { double value; bool valid = getDoubleValue(ValueName, value); if(valid) { return value; } else { std::cout << "There is no value named " << ValueName << "!" << std::endl; assert(0); exit(-1); } }
//! //! Callback when instance of this class is registered as Ogre::CompositorListener. //! //! \param pass_id Id to identifiy current compositor pass. //! \param mat Material this pass is currently using. //! void ScratchedFilmNode::notifyMaterialRender(Ogre::uint32 pass_id, Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat) { Ogre::TexturePtr inputTexture = getTextureValue("Input Map"); if (inputTexture.isNull()) return; // watercolor pass if (pass_id == 0000) { // set shader parameters Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr fpParams = getShaderParameters(mat); if (!fpParams.isNull()) { setShaderParameter(fpParams, "speed1", (Ogre::Real)(getDoubleValue("Speed1") / 100.0)); setShaderParameter(fpParams, "speed2", (Ogre::Real)(getDoubleValue("Speed2") / 100.0)); setShaderParameter(fpParams, "speed1", (Ogre::Real)(getDoubleValue("Speed1") / 100.0)); setShaderParameter(fpParams, "scratchIntensity", (Ogre::Real)(getDoubleValue("ScratchIntensity") / 100.0)); setShaderParameter(fpParams, "is", (Ogre::Real)(getDoubleValue("IS") / 100.0)); } // set texture name setTexture(mat, inputTexture, 0); } }
void Var::print() { switch (_type) { case VT_DOUBLE: cout << getDoubleValue(); break; case VT_INT: cout << getIntValue(); break; case VT_STRING: cout << getStringValue(); break; default: assert(false); } }
static R run(SimpleInterpreter *inter, void* f, T a) { auto p = inter->loadVariable(index); switch (p._type) { case VT_DOUBLE: return Collector<index + 1, size, R, decltype(tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getDoubleValue())))>:: run(inter, f, tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getDoubleValue()))); case VT_INT: return Collector<index + 1, size, R, decltype(tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getIntValue())))>:: run(inter, f, tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getIntValue()))); case VT_STRING: return Collector<index + 1, size, R, decltype(tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getStringValue())))>:: run(inter, f, tuple_cat(a, make_tuple(p.getStringValue()))); default: throw InterpretationError("Unknown type of " + to_string(index) + " function parameter"); } }
void unary_operation(VarType type, T (*unaryFunction)(T const &)) { auto var = popVariable(); TypedVariable result(type); T value; if (type == (VT_DOUBLE)) { value = var.getDoubleValue(); } else { value = var.getIntValue(); } T resultValue = unaryFunction(value); if (type == VT_DOUBLE) { result.setDoubleValue(resultValue); } else { result.setIntValue(resultValue); } pushVariable(result); }
double CSSPrimitiveValue::computeLengthDouble(const CSSToLengthConversionData& conversionData) { // The logic in this function is duplicated in MediaValues::computeLength // because MediaValues::computeLength needs nearly identical logic, but we haven't found a way to make // CSSPrimitiveValue::computeLengthDouble more generic (to solve both cases) without hurting performance. if (type() == UnitType::Calc) return m_value.calc->computeLengthPx(conversionData); double factor; switch (type()) { case UnitType::Ems: factor = conversionData.emFontSize(); break; case UnitType::Exs: factor = conversionData.exFontSize(); break; case UnitType::Rems: factor = conversionData.remFontSize(); break; case UnitType::Chs: factor = conversionData.chFontSize(); break; case UnitType::Pixels: factor = 1.0; break; case UnitType::Centimeters: factor = cssPixelsPerCentimeter; break; case UnitType::Millimeters: factor = cssPixelsPerMillimeter; break; case UnitType::Inches: factor = cssPixelsPerInch; break; case UnitType::Points: factor = cssPixelsPerPoint; break; case UnitType::Picas: factor = cssPixelsPerPica; break; case UnitType::ViewportWidth: factor = conversionData.viewportWidthPercent(); break; case UnitType::ViewportHeight: factor = conversionData.viewportHeightPercent(); break; case UnitType::ViewportMin: factor = conversionData.viewportMinPercent(); break; case UnitType::ViewportMax: factor = conversionData.viewportMaxPercent(); break; case UnitType::CalcPercentageWithLength: case UnitType::CalcPercentageWithNumber: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return -1.0; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return -1.0; } // We do not apply the zoom factor when we are computing the value of the font-size property. The zooming // for font sizes is much more complicated, since we have to worry about enforcing the minimum font size preference // as well as enforcing the implicit "smart minimum." double result = getDoubleValue() * factor; if (isFontRelativeLength()) return result; return result * conversionData.zoom(); }
void OrientedPoint::ResetInformation() { double total = getDoubleValue("TotalInformation"); setDoubleValue("RemainingInformation", total); //RemainingInformation_ = TotalInformation_; }
/***************************************************** ** ** IntegerInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void IntegerInputField::formatValue() { value = getDoubleValue(); setDoubleValue( value ); }
/***************************************************** ** ** DoubleInputField --- formatValue ** ******************************************************/ void DoubleInputField::formatValue() { value = getDoubleValue(); setDoubleValue( value ); }