/** * set size of frame (and the platform representation) * @param width new width * @param height new height * @return true on success */ bool CFrame::setSize (CCoord width, CCoord height) { if ((width == getViewSize ().getWidth ()) && (height == getViewSize ().getHeight ())) return false; CRect newSize (getViewSize ()); newSize.setWidth (width); newSize.setHeight (height); if (getEditor ()) { if (getEditor ()->beforeSizeChange (newSize, getViewSize ()) == false) return false; } if (platformFrame) { if (platformFrame->setSize (newSize)) { CViewContainer::setViewSize (newSize); return true; } return false; } CViewContainer::setViewSize (newSize); return true; }
void Spinner::setEditable(bool Editable) { if(getEditor() != NULL && getEditor()->getType().isDerivedFrom(SpinnerEditor::getClassType())) { dynamic_cast<SpinnerEditor*>(getEditor())->setEditable(Editable); } }
void FileReader::setParameter (int parameterIndex, float newValue) { switch (parameterIndex) { //Change selected recording case 0: setActiveRecording (newValue); break; //set startTime case 1: startSample = millisecondsToSamples (newValue); currentSample = startSample; static_cast<FileReaderEditor*> (getEditor())->setCurrentTime (samplesToMilliseconds (currentSample)); break; //set stop time case 2: stopSample = millisecondsToSamples(newValue); currentSample = startSample; static_cast<FileReaderEditor*> (getEditor())->setCurrentTime (samplesToMilliseconds (currentSample)); break; } }
void ComboBox::updateSelectionFromEditor(void) { if(getEditable() && getEditor() != NULL) { const boost::any& EditorItem = getEditor()->getItem(); std::string EditorString; std::string ModelItemString; bool ExitLoop(false); for(UInt32 i(0) ; i<getModel()->getSize() && !ExitLoop ; ++i) { try { EditorString = lexical_cast(EditorItem); ModelItemString = lexical_cast(getModel()->getElementAt(i)); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { //Could not convert to string } if(EditorString.compare(ModelItemString) == 0) { ExitLoop = true; getModel()->setSelectedItem(i); } } } }
void ComboBox::handleMenuItemActionPerformed(ActionEventDetails* const e) { //Called by the MenuItems in my popupMenu //Need to determine the index of this MenuItem UInt32 i(0); while(i<getComboListPopupMenu()->getNumItems() && getComboListPopupMenu()->getItem(i) != dynamic_cast<MenuItem*>(e->getSource())) { ++i; } if(i < getComboListPopupMenu()->getNumItems()) { getModel()->setSelectedItem(i); if(getEditable() && getEditor() != NULL && getEditor()->getEditorComponent() != NULL) { getEditor()->selectAll(); getEditor()->getEditorComponent()->takeFocus(); } if(!getEditable() && getComponentGeneratorSelectedItem() != NULL) { getComponentGeneratorSelectedItem()->takeFocus(); } } }
// ********************************************************************************************************* bool CDisplayerLua::init(const CLuaObject ¶meters) { //H_AUTO(R2_CDisplayerLua_init) // parameters should be a function that create the lua displayer CLuaStackChecker lsc(parameters.getLuaState()); _ToLua._LuaTable.release(); if (parameters.isString()) { getEditor().getEnv()[parameters.toString()].push(); // get method from the R2 env } else { parameters.push(); } CLuaState &ls = *parameters.getLuaState(); getEditor().getEnv().push(); // this is a method call if (CLuaIHM::executeFunctionOnStack(ls, 1, 1)) { _ToLua._LuaTable.pop(ls); } else { nlwarning("<CDisplayerLua::init> Error while calling displayer ctor (parameter should be a r2 method, or the *name* of a r2 method) : param is : "); parameters.dump(); return false; } return CDisplayerBase::init(parameters); }
void DefaultComboBoxEditor::selectAll(void) { if(getEditor() != NULL) { getEditor()->selectAll(); } }
void ComboBox::setEmptyDescText(const std::string& text) { if(getEditor() != NULL && getEditor()->getEditorComponent() != NULL && getEditor()->getEditorComponent()->getType().isDerivedFrom(TextField::getClassType())) { dynamic_cast<TextField*>(getEditor()->getEditorComponent())->setEmptyDescText(text); } }
/** @brief Get the canvas for this panel */ CtrlrPanelCanvas *CtrlrPanel::getCanvas() { if (getEditor()) { return (getEditor()->getCanvas()); } return (0); }
// ********************************************** void CToolPick::updateAfterRender() { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolPick_updateAfterRender) // See if the mouse is over a valid position _ValidPos = false; sint32 mouseX, mouseY; getMousePos(mouseX, mouseY); if (!isInScreen(mouseX, mouseY)) { getEditor().setFocusedInstance(NULL); setMouseCursor(_CursCannotPickPos); return; } _CandidateInstance = NULL; CInstance *instanceUnder = checkInstanceUnderMouse(); bool ignoreInstanceUnder = false; if(instanceUnder && _IgnoreInstances.size()>0) { for(uint i=0; i<_IgnoreInstances.size(); i++) { if(instanceUnder->isKindOf(_IgnoreInstances[i])) { ignoreInstanceUnder = true; break; } } } if (!instanceUnder || ignoreInstanceUnder) { if (isMouseOnUI() && !isMouseOnContainer()) { setMouseCursor(DEFAULT_CURSOR); } else { CTool::CWorldViewRay worldViewRay; computeWorldViewRay(mouseX, mouseY, worldViewRay); CVector inter; _ValidPos = (ValidPacsPos == computeLandscapeRayIntersection(worldViewRay, _Intersection)); setMouseCursor(_ValidPos ? _CursCanPickPos : _CursCannotPickPos); getEditor().setFocusedInstance(NULL); } return; } getEditor().setFocusedInstance(instanceUnder); if (canPick(*instanceUnder)) { _CandidateInstance = instanceUnder; setMouseCursor(_CursCanPickInstance); } else { setMouseCursor(_CursCannotPickInstance); } }
void CActionHistoric::CRequestInsertNode::undo(IDynamicMapClient *dmc, CScenario &scenario) { //H_AUTO(R2_CRequestInsertNode_undo) nlassert(scenario.getHighLevel()); // if this assert fires, then 'clear' was called with a NULL pointer ! The action historic need a start scenario to have undo capability nlassert(dmc); // if there's a key here, not good for us :( // so try to find another shorter name for this object... if (!_Key.empty()) { std::string instanceId; std::string attrName; sint32 position; CObject *currObj = scenario.find(_InstanceId, _AttrName, _Position, _Key); if (!currObj) return; if (currObj->getShortestName(instanceId, attrName, position)) { // modify local version scenario.eraseNode(instanceId, attrName, position); // send to network dmc->doRequestEraseNode(instanceId, attrName, position); CLuaIHM::push(getEditor().getLua(), instanceId); getEditor().callEnvMethod("setUndoRedoInstances", 1, 0); } else { nlassert(0); // TMP : can this really happen in practice ? nlwarning("Can't build request insert node reciprocal"); } } else { // special here : if position is -1, requestEraseNode will erase the // table, not the last element! if (!_AttrName.empty() && _Position == -1) { CObject *parentTable = scenario.find(_InstanceId, _AttrName); if (parentTable && parentTable->isTable()) { uint index = parentTable->getSize() - 1; // modify local version scenario.eraseNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, index); // send to network dmc->doRequestEraseNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, index); } } else { // modify local version scenario.eraseNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, _Position); // send to network dmc->doRequestEraseNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, _Position); } } }
// ********************************************************************************************************* bool CDisplayerVisual::isActiveInCurrentAct() const { //H_AUTO(R2_CDisplayerVisual_isActiveInCurrentAct) // parent act should be the base act (always exists), or the selected act CInstance *parentAct = getDisplayedInstance()->getParentAct(); if (parentAct == getEditor().getBaseAct() || parentAct == getEditor().getCurrentAct()) { return true; } return false; }
bool Spinner::getEditable(void) const { if(getEditor() != NULL && getEditor()->getType().isDerivedFrom(SpinnerEditor::getClassType())) { return dynamic_cast<SpinnerEditor*>(getEditor())->getEditable(); } else { return false; } }
void DeleteSelectedBlocks::execute(QString, QString, QString, QString, QString) { QGraphicsScene* scene = getEditor()->getScene(); QList<BlockItem*> selectedBlocks = SceneDetective::getSelectedBlocks(scene); foreach(BlockItem* block, selectedBlocks) { getEditor()->runScriptCommand( QString("Delete the block %1") .arg(block->name()) ); }
void DefaultComboBoxEditor::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField, UInt32 origin, BitVector details) { Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details); if((whichField & EditorFieldMask) && getEditor() != NULL) { _TextFieldFocusGainedConnection = getEditor()->connectFocusGained(boost::bind(&DefaultComboBoxEditor::handleTextFieldFocusGained, this, _1)); _TextFieldFocusLostConnection = getEditor()->connectFocusLost(boost::bind(&DefaultComboBoxEditor::handleTextFieldFocusLost, this, _1)); } }
void CDynamicMapClient::onNpcAnimationTargeted(uint32 mode) { //H_AUTO(R2_CDynamicMapClient_onNpcAnimationTargeted) nlinfo("R2Cl: DSS_TARGET"); CLuaState &lua = getEditor().getLua(); CLuaStackChecker lsc(&lua); int initialStackSize = lua.getTop(); if (mode & CAnimationProp::Spawnable) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_despawn"); } if (mode & CAnimationProp::Alive) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_kill"); if (mode & CAnimationProp::Grouped) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_grp_kill"); } lua.push("r2ed_anim_add_hp"); if (mode & CAnimationProp::Grouped) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_grp_heal"); } } if (mode & CAnimationProp::Controlable) { if (mode & CAnimationProp::Controled ) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_stop_control"); } else { lua.push("r2ed_anim_control"); } } if (mode & CAnimationProp::Speaking) { if(mode & CAnimationProp::SpeakedAs) { lua.push("r2ed_anim_stop_speak"); } else { lua.push("r2ed_anim_speak_as"); } } // getEditor().callEnvMethod("updateAnimBarActions", lua.getTop() - initialStackSize); }
void CtrlrManager::valueTreePropertyChanged (ValueTree &treeWhosePropertyHasChanged, const Identifier &property) { if (property == Ids::ctrlrAutoSave) { if ((bool)getProperty (property) == true) { startTimer (TIMER_AUTO_SAVE, (int)getProperty (Ids::ctrlrAutoSaveInterval)*1000); } else { stopTimer (TIMER_AUTO_SAVE); } } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrAutoSaveInterval) { stopTimer (TIMER_AUTO_SAVE); if ((bool)getProperty (Ids::ctrlrAutoSave) == true) { startTimer (TIMER_AUTO_SAVE, (int)getProperty (Ids::ctrlrAutoSaveInterval)*1000); } } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrLogToFile) { ctrlrLog.setLogToFile ((bool)getProperty(property)); } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrLuaDebug) { for (int i=0; i<ctrlrPanels.size(); i++) { ctrlrPanels[i]->setLuaDebug((bool)getProperty(property)); } } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrLogOptions) { ctrlrLog.setMidiLogOptions (getProperty(property)); } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrNativeAlerts) { if (getCtrlrLookAndFeel()) { getCtrlrLookAndFeel()->setUsingNativeAlerts(getProperty(property)); } } else if (property == Ids::ctrlrUsingOpenGL) { if (getEditor()) { getEditor()->setUsingOpenGL (getProperty (property)); } } }
void ComboBox::updateSelectedItemComponent(void) { //Update the Editor if(getEditable() && getEditor() != NULL && getModel()->getSelectedItemIndex() >=0 ) { getEditor()->setItem(getModel()->getElementAt(getModel()->getSelectedItemIndex())); } //Update the Selected Item Component if( !getEditable() ) { updateComponentGeneratorSelectedItem(); } }
void WidgetsManager::changeListenerCallback( juce::ChangeBroadcaster *source) { // No other change broacaster than the processor for now! OPENMINI_ASSERT(&(getEditor()) == source); // Update UI components without sending back // notifications to the processor for (int param_id(0); param_id < widgets_.size(); ++param_id) { Widget* widget = widgets_[param_id]; widget->setValue(getEditor().GetParamValue(param_id), juce::dontSendNotification); } }
// *************************************************************** bool CToolSelectRotate::onMouseLeftButtonDown() { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectRotate_onMouseLeftButtonDown) bool result = CToolMaintainedAction::onMouseLeftButtonDown(); if (!result) return false; if (_State == ActionNotPossible) { CTool::TSmartPtr holder(this); cancel(); // for ergonomy, switch to the 'move' tool getEditor().setCurrentTool(new CToolSelectMove); return getEditor().getCurrentTool()->onMouseLeftButtonDown(); } return true; }
//*************************************************************** void CToolCreateEntity::updateAfterRender() { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolCreateEntity_updateAfterRender) if (_CreateState != DrawArray) { CToolChoosePos::updateAfterRender(); return; } switch(_ArrayWantedAction) { case ArrayActionNone: break; case ArrayActionValidate: { commitArray(); CTool::TSmartPtr hold(this); getUI().runActionHandler("r2ed_create_entity", NULL, "PaletteId="+_PaletteId); return; } break; case ArrayActionCancel: { CTool::TSmartPtr hold(this); cancel(); getEditor().setCurrentTool(NULL); return; } break; } updateArray(NULL); }
void LfpDisplayNode::setSampleRate(float r) { sampleRate = r; LfpDisplayEditor* editor = (LfpDisplayEditor*) getEditor(); editor->updateSampleRate(r); }
void OpenMaEditorTask::open() { if (stateInfo.hasError() || (maObject.isNull() && documentsToLoad.isEmpty())) { return; } if (maObject.isNull()) { Document* doc = documentsToLoad.first(); if(!doc){ stateInfo.setError(tr("Documet removed from project")); return; } if (unloadedReference.isValid()) { GObject* obj = doc->findGObjectByName(unloadedReference.objName); if (obj!=NULL && obj->getGObjectType() == type) { maObject = qobject_cast<MultipleAlignmentObject*>(obj); } } else { QList<GObject*> objects = doc->findGObjectByType(type, UOF_LoadedAndUnloaded); maObject = objects.isEmpty() ? NULL : qobject_cast<MultipleAlignmentObject*>(objects.first()); } if (maObject.isNull()) { stateInfo.setError(tr("Multiple alignment object not found")); return; } } viewName = GObjectViewUtils::genUniqueViewName(maObject->getDocument(), maObject); uiLog.details(tr("Opening MSA editor for object: %1").arg(maObject->getGObjectName())); MaEditor* v = getEditor(viewName, maObject); GObjectViewWindow* w = new GObjectViewWindow(v, viewName, false); MWMDIManager* mdiManager = AppContext::getMainWindow()->getMDIManager(); mdiManager->addMDIWindow(w); }
//*************************************************************** CAutoGroup::CAutoGroup() { CPrimLook primGroup; primGroup.init(getEditor().getEnv()["PrimRender"]["AutoGroupLook"]); _AutoGroup.setLook(primGroup); _AutoGroupEnabled = false; }
void FileReader::process (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer) { const int samplesNeededPerBuffer = int (float (buffer.getNumSamples()) * (getDefaultSampleRate() / m_sysSampleRate)); m_samplesPerBuffer.set(samplesNeededPerBuffer); // FIXME: needs to account for the fact that the ratio might not be an exact // integer value // if cache window id == 0, we need to read and cache BUFFER_WINDOW_CACHE_SIZE more buffer windows if (bufferCacheWindow == 0) { switchBuffer(); } for (int i = 0; i < currentNumChannels; ++i) { // offset readBuffer index by current cache window count * buffer window size * num channels input->processChannelData (*readBuffer + (samplesNeededPerBuffer * currentNumChannels * bufferCacheWindow), buffer.getWritePointer (i, 0), i, samplesNeededPerBuffer); } setTimestampAndSamples(timestamp, samplesNeededPerBuffer); timestamp += samplesNeededPerBuffer; static_cast<FileReaderEditor*> (getEditor())->setCurrentTime(samplesToMilliseconds(startSample + timestamp % (stopSample - startSample))); bufferCacheWindow += 1; bufferCacheWindow %= BUFFER_WINDOW_CACHE_SIZE; }
//*************************************************************** CToolCreateEntity::CToolCreateEntity(uint ghostSlot, const std::string &paletteId, bool arrayMode) : CToolChoosePos(ghostSlot) { _PaletteId = paletteId; if (!arrayMode) { enableMultiPos(); } _CreateState = CreateSingle; _ArrayOrigin.set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); _ArrayEnd.set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); _ArrayDefaultAngle = 0.f; if (arrayMode) { CObject *paletteNode = getEditor().getDMC().getPaletteElement(paletteId); if (paletteNode) { std::string sheetClient = getString(paletteNode, "SheetClient"); if (isBotObjectSheet(CSheetId(sheetClient))) { _CreateState = ChooseArrayOrigin; } } } _ArrayWantedAction = ArrayActionNone; }
void CActionHistoric::CRequestInsertNode::redo(IDynamicMapClient *dmc, CScenario &scenario) { //H_AUTO(R2_CRequestInsertNode_redo) nlassert(dmc); if (scenario.getHighLevel()) { // modify local version scenario.insertNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, _Position, _Key, cloneObject(_Value)); } // send to network dmc->doRequestInsertNode(_InstanceId, _AttrName, _Position, _Key, _Value); CObject* nodeId = _Value->findAttr("InstanceId"); CLuaIHM::push(getEditor().getLua(), nodeId->toString()); getEditor().callEnvMethod("setUndoRedoInstances", 1, 0); }
// *************************************************************** void CToolSelectRotate::setEntityAngle(CEntityCL &/* entity */, CInstance &instance, float angle) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectRotate_setEntityAngle) CObjectNumber *angleObject = new CObjectNumber(angle); getEditor().requestSetLocalNode(instance.getId(), "Angle", angleObject); delete angleObject; }
bool SpikeDisplayNode::disable() { std::cout << "SpikeDisplayNode disabled!" << std::endl; SpikeDisplayEditor* editor = (SpikeDisplayEditor*) getEditor(); editor->disable(); return true; }
// ************************************************************************ bool CObjectRefIdClient::set(const std::string &key, const std::string & value) { //H_AUTO(R2_CObjectRefIdClient_set) //nlwarning("# Setting CObjectRefIdClient 0x%x value to %s", (int) this, value.c_str()); if (_Enabled) { nlassert(getValue().empty() == (_ObserverHandle == CEditor::BadInstanceObserverHandle)); } if (value == getValue()) return true; if (_Enabled) { removeObserverHandle(); } bool nodeSet = CObjectRefId::set(key, value); if (_Enabled) { if (!value.empty()) { _ObserverHandle = getEditor().addInstanceObserver(value, this); } nlassert(getValue().empty() == (_ObserverHandle == CEditor::BadInstanceObserverHandle)); } return nodeSet; }