Example #1
OGRBoolean OGRLinearRing::isPointOnRingBoundary(const OGRPoint* poPoint, int bTestEnvelope) const
    if ( NULL == poPoint )
        CPLDebug( "OGR", "OGRLinearRing::isPointOnRingBoundary(const  OGRPoint* poPoint) - passed point is NULL!" );
        return 0;

    const int iNumPoints = getNumPoints();

    // Simple validation
    if ( iNumPoints < 4 )
        return 0;

    const double dfTestX = poPoint->getX();
    const double dfTestY = poPoint->getY();

    // Fast test if point is inside extent of the ring
    if( bTestEnvelope )
        OGREnvelope extent;
        if ( !( dfTestX >= extent.MinX && dfTestX <= extent.MaxX
            && dfTestY >= extent.MinY && dfTestY <= extent.MaxY ) )
            return 0;

    double prev_diff_x = getX(0) - dfTestX;
    double prev_diff_y = getY(0) - dfTestY;

    for ( int iPoint = 1; iPoint < iNumPoints; iPoint++ ) 
        const double x1 = getX(iPoint) - dfTestX;
        const double y1 = getY(iPoint) - dfTestY;

        const double x2 = prev_diff_x;
        const double y2 = prev_diff_y;

        /* If the point is on the segment, return immediatly */
        /* FIXME? If the test point is not exactly identical to one of */
        /* the vertices of the ring, but somewhere on a segment, there's */
        /* little chance that we get 0. So that should be tested against some epsilon */

        if ( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 == 0 )
            /* If iPoint and iPointPrev are the same, go on */
            if( !(x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) )
                return 1;

        prev_diff_x = x1;
        prev_diff_y = y1;

    return 0;
bool RepeatedTimeData::insertSignalValue(quint64 index, qreal value) {
    bool retval=false;
    const qreal * envelopData;
    qreal *_s=signalData();
    RepeatedTimeDataParams* _params=dynamic_cast<RepeatedTimeDataParams*>(getDataParameters());
    quint64 _sampleSingleShotDuration=qFloor((_params->duration()+_params->blankTime())*_params->sampleRate());

    quint64 lowestIndex=lowestSampleIndexForModification();
    bool _envEnable=getEnvelopeParameters()->isEnabledEnvelope();
    if (_envEnable) {
    qreal _tVal;
    if ((lowestIndex<=index) && (index<=highestSampleIndexForModification())  ) {
        _tVal=(_envEnable ? value*envelopData[index-lowestIndex] : value);
        quint64 i;
        for (unsigned int _rep=0; _rep < m_repetitions; _rep++) {
            // Q_ASSERT(i<=getSampleNumber());
            if (i<=getSampleNumber())
                _s[i]= _tVal;
    return retval;
Example #3
OGRBoolean OGRLinearRing::isPointInRing(const OGRPoint* poPoint, int bTestEnvelope) const
    if ( NULL == poPoint )
        CPLDebug( "OGR", "OGRLinearRing::isPointInRing(const  OGRPoint* poPoint) - passed point is NULL!" );
        return 0;

    const int iNumPoints = getNumPoints();

    // Simple validation
    if ( iNumPoints < 4 )
        return 0;

    const double dfTestX = poPoint->getX();
    const double dfTestY = poPoint->getY();

    // Fast test if point is inside extent of the ring
    if (bTestEnvelope)
        OGREnvelope extent;
        if ( !( dfTestX >= extent.MinX && dfTestX <= extent.MaxX
            && dfTestY >= extent.MinY && dfTestY <= extent.MaxY ) )
            return 0;

	// For every point p in ring,
    // test if ray starting from given point crosses segment (p - 1, p)
    int iNumCrossings = 0;

    for ( int iPoint = 1; iPoint < iNumPoints; iPoint++ ) 
        const int iPointPrev = iPoint - 1;

        const double x1 = getX(iPoint) - dfTestX;
        const double y1 = getY(iPoint) - dfTestY;

        const double x2 = getX(iPointPrev) - dfTestX;
        const double y2 = getY(iPointPrev) - dfTestY;

        if( ( ( y1 > 0 ) && ( y2 <= 0 ) ) || ( ( y2 > 0 ) && ( y1 <= 0 ) ) ) 
            // Check if ray intersects with segment of the ring
            const double dfIntersection = ( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 ) / (y2 - y1);
            if ( 0.0 < dfIntersection )
                // Count intersections

    // If iNumCrossings number is even, given point is outside the ring,
    // when the crossings number is odd, the point is inside the ring.
    return ( ( iNumCrossings % 2 ) == 1 ? 1 : 0 );
Example #4
void OGRCurveCollection::getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const
    OGREnvelope3D         oEnv3D;
    psEnvelope->MinX = oEnv3D.MinX;
    psEnvelope->MinY = oEnv3D.MinY;
    psEnvelope->MaxX = oEnv3D.MaxX;
    psEnvelope->MaxY = oEnv3D.MaxY;