// einen Token einwerfen void Game::put(int slot) { // wenn Spiel nicht zuende if (!end) { // Spielertoken einwerfen Board::Result result = board->put(slot, getFieldType(false)); // wenn Einwurf erfolgreich if (result != Board::Error) // AI Token einwerfen end = (result == Board::Win) || (board->put(ai->getSlot(), getFieldType(true)) == Board::Win); } }
const T& getUniform( const std::string& name ) const { vgAssertN( getFieldType(name) == typeid(vgd::field::TSingleField<T>), "Try to get the uniform named '%s' with the wrong type '%s' instead of '%s'.", name.c_str(), typeid(vgd::field::TSingleField<T>).name(), getFieldType(name).name() ); vgd::field::EditorRO< vgd::field::TSingleField<T> > uniform = getFieldRO< vgd::field::TSingleField<T> >( name ); const T& value = uniform->getValue(); return value; }
QVariant LS3Datastore::getFieldDefault(QString field) const { switch(getFieldType(field)) { case FTInt: return QVariant(0); case FTFloat: return QVariant(0.0); default: return QVariant(QString("")); } }
void VRMLFile::beginFieldDecl(const Char8 *szFieldType, const UInt32 uiFieldTypeId, const Char8 *szFieldName) { Inherited::beginFieldDecl(szFieldType, uiFieldTypeId, szFieldName); getFieldType(szFieldName); beginField(szFieldName, uiFieldTypeId); }
/*! * Update field information using VTKFieldMetaData class */ void VTKField::importMetaData( const VTKFieldMetaData &data){ if( data.getSize() != -1 ){ setDataType( VTKTypes::whichType(data.getType()) ); if( getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::SCALAR ){ setElements( data.getSize() ) ; } else if (getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::VECTOR) { setElements( data.getSize() /3 ) ; } else if (getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::CONSTANT) { setElements( data.getSize() / components ); } else if (getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::VARIABLE) { setElements( data.getSize() ); } }; return ; };
static QString getFieldType(QString xmlType, unsigned bits, QString otherType, const QMap<QString, QString>& extraTypes) { Q_UNUSED(bits); Q_UNUSED(otherType); if (xmlType == "unsigned") return "unsigned"; else if (xmlType == "signed") return "int"; else if (xmlType == "float" || xmlType == "fixed") return "double"; else if (xmlType == "bool") return "bool"; else if (xmlType == "bytestring" || xmlType == "unicodestring" || xmlType == "unicodechars") return "QString"; else if (xmlType == "blob") return "QByteArray"; else if (xmlType == "uuid") return "QUuid"; else if (extraTypes.contains(xmlType)) return getFieldType(extraTypes[xmlType], bits, otherType, extraTypes); return "ERROR"; }
// startet das Spiel void Game::run() { // Spielkomponenten initialisieren init(); // wenn AI startet if (AI_STARTS) // Spalte berechnen und Token einwerfen board->put(ai->getSlot(), getFieldType(true)); // solange Spiel nicht zuende while (!quit) { // Spielkomponenten aktualisieren und zeichnen update(); draw(); window.flip(1); CL_KeepAlive::process(); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string* addr = new string(""); uint16_t port = 7766; //Determines whether the program is executed in the sender or receiver role m_nPID = atoi(argv[1]); //the number of OTs that are performed. Has to be initialized to a certain minimum size due to uint64_t numOTs = 1000000; //bitlength of the values that are transferred - NOTE that when bitlength is not 1 or a multiple of 8, the endianness has to be observed uint32_t bitlength = 8; uint32_t runs = 1; //Use elliptic curve cryptography in the base-OTs m_eFType = ECC_FIELD; //The symmetric security parameter (80, 112, 128) uint32_t m_nSecParam = 128; //Number of threads that will be used in OT extension m_nNumOTThreads = 1; //Specifies which OT flavor should be used snd_ot_flavor stype = Snd_OT; rec_ot_flavor rtype = Rec_OT; m_nBaseOTs = 190; m_nChecks = 380; m_bUseMinEntCorAssumption = false; m_eProt = IKNP; read_test_options(&argc, &argv, &m_nPID, &numOTs, &bitlength, &m_nSecParam, addr, &port, &m_eProt, &stype, &rtype, &m_nNumOTThreads, &m_nBaseOTs, &m_nChecks, &m_bUseMinEntCorAssumption, &runs); /*int32_t read_test_options(int32_t* argcp, char*** argvp, uint32_t* role, uint64_t* numots, uint32_t* bitlen, uint32_t* secparam, string* address, uint16_t* port, ot_ext_prot* protocol, snd_ot_flavor* sndflav, rec_ot_flavor* rcvflav, uint32_t* nthreads, uint32_t* nbaseots, uint32_t* nchecks, bool* usemecr, uint32_t* runs) {*/ crypto *crypt = new crypto(m_nSecParam, (uint8_t*) m_cConstSeed[m_nPID]); if(m_nPID == SERVER_ID) //Play as OT sender { InitOTSender(addr->c_str(), port, crypt); CBitVector delta, X1, X2; //The masking function with which the values that are sent in the last communication step are processed m_fMaskFct = new XORMasking(bitlength, delta); //creates delta as an array with "numOTs" entries of "bitlength" bit-values and fills delta with random values delta.Create(numOTs, bitlength, crypt); //Create X1 and X2 as two arrays with "numOTs" entries of "bitlength" bit-values and resets them to 0 X1.Create(numOTs, bitlength, crypt); X2.Create(numOTs, bitlength, crypt); #ifndef BATCH cout << getProt(m_eProt) << " Sender performing " << numOTs << " " << getSndFlavor(stype) << " / " << getRecFlavor(rtype) << " extensions on " << bitlength << " bit elements with " << m_nNumOTThreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(m_eFType) << " and" << (m_bUseMinEntCorAssumption ? "": " no" ) << " min-ent-corr-robustness " << runs << " times" << endl; #endif for(uint32_t i = 0; i < runs; i++) { ObliviouslySend(X1, X2, numOTs, bitlength, stype, rtype, crypt); } } else //Play as OT receiver { InitOTReceiver(addr->c_str(), port, crypt); CBitVector choices, response; //The masking function with which the values that are sent in the last communication step are processed m_fMaskFct = new XORMasking(bitlength); //Create the bitvector choices as a bitvector with numOTs entries choices.Create(numOTs, crypt); //Pre-generate the respose vector for the results response.Create(numOTs, bitlength); response.Reset(); /* * The inputs of the receiver in G_OT, C_OT and R_OT are the same. The only difference is the version * variable that has to match the version of the sender. */ #ifndef BATCH cout << getProt(m_eProt) << " Receiver performing " << numOTs << " " << getSndFlavor(stype) << " / " << getRecFlavor(rtype) << " extensions on " << bitlength << " bit elements with " << m_nNumOTThreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(m_eFType) << " and" << (m_bUseMinEntCorAssumption ? "": " no" ) << " min-ent-corr-robustness " << runs << " times" << endl; #endif for(uint32_t i = 0; i < runs; i++) { ObliviouslyReceive(choices, response, numOTs, bitlength, stype, rtype, crypt); } } //Cleanup(); delete crypt; return 1; }
SkFieldType SkAnimator::getFieldType(const char* id, const char* fieldID) { const SkMemberInfo* field = getField(id, fieldID); return getFieldType(field); }
void CVRMLFieldData::print(int indent) { FILE *fp = CX3DParser::getDebugLogFp(); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%s]", CVRMLFieldData::getFieldTypeName(getFieldType())); switch (getFieldType()) { case BOOLEAN_DATA: { CVRMLBooleanData *boolData = (CVRMLBooleanData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", boolData->getValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } break; case INT_DATA: { CVRMLIntData *intData = (CVRMLIntData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", intData->getValue()); } break; case FLOAT_DATA: { CVRMLFloatData *floatData = (CVRMLFloatData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%f\n", floatData->getValue()); } break; case DOUBLE_DATA: { CVRMLDoubleData *doubleData = (CVRMLDoubleData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%f\n", doubleData->getValue()); } break; case STRING_DATA: { CVRMLStringData *stringData = (CVRMLStringData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", stringData->getValue()); } break; case NODE_DATA: { CVRMLNodeData *nodeData = (CVRMLNodeData *)this; fprintf(fp, "\n"); jobject vrmlNode = ((CVRMLNodeData *)nodeData)->getValue(); CX3DNode *node = CX3DNodeFactory::createNode(vrmlNode); if (node) { node->print(indent+1); delete node; } else { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "NULL\n"); } } break; case BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLBooleanArrayData *boolArrayData = (CVRMLBooleanArrayData *)this; int n = boolArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%d] %s\n", i, boolArrayData->getValue(i) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } } break; case INT_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLIntArrayData *intArrayData = (CVRMLIntArrayData *)this; int n = intArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%d] %d\n", i, intArrayData->getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } } break; case FLOAT_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLFloatArrayData *floatArrayData = (CVRMLFloatArrayData *)this; int n = floatArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%d] %f\n", i, floatArrayData->getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } } break; case DOUBLE_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLDoubleArrayData *doubleArrayData = (CVRMLDoubleArrayData *)this; int n = doubleArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%d] %f\n", i, doubleArrayData->getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } } break; case STRING_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLStringArrayData *stringArrayData = (CVRMLStringArrayData *)this; int n = stringArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); int nMax = CX3DParser::getMaxPrintElemsForMFField(); bool bPartialPrint = false; if ((nMax > 0) && (n > nMax)) { n = nMax; bPartialPrint = true; } for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "[%d] %s\n", i, stringArrayData->getValue(i)); } if (bPartialPrint) { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent); fprintf(fp, "...\n"); } } break; case NODE_ARRAY_DATA: { CVRMLNodeArrayData *nodeArrayData = (CVRMLNodeArrayData *)this; int n = nodeArrayData->count(); fprintf(fp, " (n=%d)\n", n); for (int i=0; i<nodeArrayData->count(); i++) { jobject vrmlNode = nodeArrayData->getValue(i); CX3DNode *node = CX3DNodeFactory::createNode(vrmlNode); if (node) { node->print(indent+1); delete node; } else { CX3DParser::printIndent(indent+1); fprintf(fp, "NULL\n"); } } } break; } }
GFF4Struct::FieldType GFF4Struct::getFieldType(uint32 field) const { bool isList; return getFieldType(field, isList); }
/* EventIn methods */ STDMETHODIMP GvField::getType(int *type) { *type = getFieldType(); return S_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *addr = ""; int port = 7766; if (argc != 2) { cout << "Please call with 0 if acting as server or 1 if acting as client" << endl; return 0; } // Determines whether the program is executed in the sender or receiver role m_nPID = atoi(argv[1]); cout << "Playing as role: " << m_nPID << endl; assert(m_nPID >= 0 && m_nPID <= 1); // The symmetric security parameter (80, 112, 128) uint32_t m_nSecParam = 128; crypto *crypt = new crypto(m_nSecParam, (uint8_t *)m_cConstSeed[m_nPID]); uint32_t m_nBaseOTs = 190; uint32_t m_nChecks = 380; ot_ext_prot lastprot = PROT_LAST; field_type lastfield = FIELD_LAST; if (m_nPID == SERVER_ID) // Play as OT sender { InitSender(addr, port); OTExtSnd *sender = NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nTests; i++) { if (lastprot != tests[i].prot || lastfield != tests[i].ftype) { // if(sender) delete sender; sender = InitOTExtSnd(tests[i].prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, tests[i].usemecr, tests[i].ftype, crypt); lastprot = tests[i].prot; lastfield = tests[i].ftype; } cout << "Test " << i << ": " << getProt(tests[i].prot) << " Sender " << tests[i].numots << " " << getSndFlavor(tests[i].sflavor) << " / " << getRecFlavor(tests[i].rflavor) << " on " << tests[i].bitlen << " bits with " << tests[i].nthreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(tests[i].ftype) << " and" << (tests[i].usemecr ? "" : " no") << " MECR" << endl; run_test_sender(tests[i].numots, tests[i].bitlen, tests[i].sflavor, tests[i].rflavor, tests[i].nthreads, crypt, sender); } delete sender; } else // Play as OT receiver { InitReceiver(addr, port); OTExtRec *receiver = NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nTests; i++) { if (lastprot != tests[i].prot || lastfield != tests[i].ftype) { // if(receiver) delete receiver; receiver = InitOTExtRec(tests[i].prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, tests[i].usemecr, tests[i].ftype, crypt); lastprot = tests[i].prot; lastfield = tests[i].ftype; } cout << "Test " << i << ": " << getProt(tests[i].prot) << " Receiver " << tests[i].numots << " " << getSndFlavor(tests[i].sflavor) << " / " << getRecFlavor(tests[i].rflavor) << " on " << tests[i].bitlen << " bits with " << tests[i].nthreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(tests[i].ftype) << " and" << (tests[i].usemecr ? "" : " no") << " MECR" << endl; run_test_receiver(tests[i].numots, tests[i].bitlen, tests[i].sflavor, tests[i].rflavor, tests[i].nthreads, crypt, receiver); } delete receiver; } Cleanup(); delete crypt; return 1; }
void odkFormReader::extractFields(QDomNode child, QString tableName, TtableDef &parentTable, QString groupCode, QString xmlCode) { QDomElement item; QDomNode node; QDomNode childNode; QString fieldCode; QString fieldName; QString fieldOutput; QString fieldType; QStringList ftypes; QStringList ftsizes; QString sameTable; QString grpCode; QString childName; QString mselptable; QString repeatXMLCode; QString fieldXMLCode; TtableDef table; TtableDef tempTable; int pos; tableIndex++; int tindex; tindex = tableIndex; bool fieldinmselt; TfieldDef fsurveyID; TfieldDef foriginID; if ((tableName.toLower() != parentTable.name.toLower()) || (parentTable.fields.count() == 0)) //We are not processing a group { //qDebug() << "Table: " + tableName.toLower() + " Parent: " + parentTable.name.toLower() + ". Fields: " + QString::number(parentTable.fields.count()); if (tableName.toLower() == mTable.toLower()) { table.name = tableName; table.desc = "Main survey Table - Change this description"; table.xmlCode = xmlCode; table.parentTable = "NULL"; /*fsurveyID.name = "surveyid"; fsurveyID.desc = "Survey ID (UUID)"; fsurveyID.type = "varchar"; fsurveyID.size = 80; fsurveyID.decSize = 0; fsurveyID.section = "main"; fsurveyID.rField = ""; fsurveyID.rTable = ""; fsurveyID.key = false; fsurveyID.xmlCode = "NONE"; table.fields.append(fsurveyID); foriginID.name = "originid"; foriginID.desc = "Origin ID: formhub or aggregate"; foriginID.type = "varchar"; foriginID.size = 15; foriginID.decSize = 0; foriginID.section = "main"; foriginID.rField = ""; foriginID.rTable = ""; foriginID.key = false; foriginID.xmlCode = "NONE"; table.fields.append(foriginID);*/ } else { table.name = tableName; table.xmlCode = xmlCode; table.parentTable = parentTable.name; table.desc = "Repeat " + tableName + " - Change this description"; /* //Add the key fields of the parent for (pos = 0; pos <= parentTable.fields.count()-1;pos++) { if (parentTable.fields[pos].key == true) { TfieldDef parentKeyField; parentKeyField.name = parentTable.fields[pos].name; parentKeyField.desc = parentTable.fields[pos].desc; parentKeyField.key = true; parentKeyField.type = parentTable.fields[pos].type; parentKeyField.size = parentTable.fields[pos].size; parentKeyField.decSize = parentTable.fields[pos].decSize; parentKeyField.rTable = parentTable.name; parentKeyField.rField = parentTable.fields[pos].name; parentKeyField.xmlCode = "NONE"; table.fields.append(parentKeyField); } }*/ /*TfieldDef KeyField; KeyField.name = tableName + "_rowid"; KeyField.section = "main"; KeyField.desc = "Unique row ID"; KeyField.key = true; KeyField.type = "int"; KeyField.size = 3; KeyField.decSize = 0; KeyField.rTable = ""; KeyField.rField = ""; KeyField.xmlCode = "NONE"; table.fields.append(KeyField);*/ } } node = child; while (!node.isNull()) { item = node.toElement(); if ((item.tagName() == "input") || (item.tagName() == "select1") || (item.tagName() == "select")) { childNode = item.firstChild(); fieldCode = item.attribute("ref","CodeNotFound!"); fieldName = getItemLabel(childNode); fieldOutput = getItemOutput(childNode); if (fieldOutput != "NONE") { if (getFieldType(fieldOutput) != "Unknown") fieldCode = fieldOutput; } fieldName = fieldName.replace("\r",""); fieldName = fieldName.replace("\n",""); fieldName = fieldName.replace("\t",""); fieldName = fieldName.replace("'",""); fieldName = fieldName.replace(";",""); fieldType = getFieldType(fieldCode); fieldXMLCode = fieldCode.replace("/" + surveyID + "/",""); pos = fieldCode.lastIndexOf("/"); fieldCode = fieldCode.right(fieldCode.length()-pos-1); fieldCode = fieldCode.replace("-","_"); fieldCode = fieldCode.replace("'",""); fieldCode = fieldCode.replace(";",""); //qDebug() << fieldCode; //qDebug() << MainField.toLower(); if (fieldType != "READONLY") { TfieldDef field; field.name = fieldCode; field.xmlCode = fieldXMLCode; field.section = groupCode; field.desc = fieldName; //if (fieldCode.toLower() == MainField.toLower()) // field.key = true; //else field.key = false; ftypes = fieldType.split("|",QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (ftypes.count() > 1) { field.type = ftypes[0]; ftsizes = ftypes[1].split(",",QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (ftsizes.count() > 1) { field.size = ftsizes[0].toInt(); field.decSize = ftsizes[1].toInt(); } else { field.size = ftsizes[0].toInt(); field.decSize = 0; } } else field.type = fieldType; field.rTable = ""; field.rField = ""; fieldinmselt = false; if (item.tagName() == "select1") { if ((isLookUpYesNo(getSelectValues(item)) == false) || ((isLookUpYesNo(getSelectValues(item)) == true) && (ignoreYesNo == false))) { TtableDef lktable; lktable.lkpValues.append(getSelectValues(item)); if (areValuesStrings(lktable.lkpValues)) { //qDebug() << lktable.name; field.type = "varchar"; field.size = getMaxValueLength(lktable.lkpValues); field.decSize = 0; } lktable.name = "lkp" + fieldCode; lktable.desc = "Lookup table [" + fieldName + "]"; lktable.pos = -1; lktable.islookup = true; TfieldDef lkpCode; lkpCode.name = fieldCode + "_cod"; lkpCode.desc = "Code"; lkpCode.key = true; lkpCode.type = field.type; lkpCode.size = field.size; lkpCode.decSize = field.decSize; lktable.fields.append(lkpCode); TfieldDef lkpDesc; lkpDesc.name = fieldCode + "_des"; lkpDesc.desc = "Description"; lkpDesc.key = false; lkpDesc.type = "varchar"; lkpDesc.size = 255; lkpDesc.decSize = 0; lktable.fields.append(lkpDesc); sameTable = isLkpDuplicated(lktable); if (sameTable.isEmpty()) { tables.append(lktable); field.rTable = lktable.name; field.rField = fieldCode + "_cod"; } else { field.rTable = sameTable; field.rField = getKeyField(sameTable); //qDebug() << lktable.name + " = " + sameTable + ". " + sameTable + " used instead"; } } } if (item.tagName() == "select") { //We change the field type to be varchar(255) and add it to the main table so stores values separated by space. The by a separate process we split the values in the child tables. field.type = "varchar"; field.size = 255; field.decSize = 0; if (tableName.toLower() != parentTable.name.toLower()) //If we are not processing a group table.fields.append(field); else parentTable.fields.append(field); //If we are processing a group then the field goes to the parent //Then we change it back to a select type field.type = "int"; field.size = 9; //*********************Creates a new table to store the multiselect in different rows************************** TtableDef mselTable; if (tableName.toLower() != parentTable.name.toLower()) //If we are not processing a group { mselptable = table.name; tempTable = table; } else { mselptable = parentTable.name; tempTable = parentTable; } mselTable.name = mselptable + "_msel_" + fieldCode; mselTable.desc = "Table for multiple select of field " + fieldCode; mselTable.islookup = false; tableIndex++; mselTable.pos = tableIndex; mselTable.xmlCode = "NONE"; //Move the keys to the multi select table for (pos = 0; pos <= tempTable.fields.count()-1;pos++) { if (tempTable.fields[pos].key == true) { TfieldDef mselKeyField; mselKeyField.name = tempTable.fields[pos].name; mselKeyField.desc = tempTable.fields[pos].desc; mselKeyField.key = true; mselKeyField.type = tempTable.fields[pos].type; mselKeyField.size = tempTable.fields[pos].size; mselKeyField.decSize = tempTable.fields[pos].decSize; mselKeyField.rTable = tempTable.name; mselKeyField.rField = tempTable.fields[pos].name; mselTable.fields.append(mselKeyField); } } //************************* Creates the lookup table ********************************* if ((isLookUpYesNo(getSelectValues(item)) == false) || ((isLookUpYesNo(getSelectValues(item)) == true) && (ignoreYesNo == false))) { TtableDef lktable; lktable.lkpValues.append(getSelectValues(item)); if (areValuesStrings(lktable.lkpValues)) { //qDebug() << lktable.name; field.type = "varchar"; field.size = getMaxValueLength(lktable.lkpValues); field.decSize = 0; } lktable.name = "lkp" + fieldCode; lktable.desc = "Lookup table [" + fieldName + "]"; lktable.pos = -1; lktable.islookup = true; TfieldDef lkpCode; lkpCode.name = fieldCode + "_cod"; lkpCode.desc = "Code"; lkpCode.key = true; lkpCode.type = field.type; lkpCode.size = field.size; lkpCode.decSize = field.decSize; lktable.fields.append(lkpCode); TfieldDef lkpDesc; lkpDesc.name = fieldCode + "_des"; lkpDesc.desc = "Description"; lkpDesc.key = false; lkpDesc.type = "varchar"; lkpDesc.size = 255; lkpDesc.decSize = 0; lktable.fields.append(lkpDesc); sameTable = isLkpDuplicated(lktable); if (sameTable.isEmpty()) { tables.append(lktable); field.rTable = lktable.name; field.rField = fieldCode + "_cod"; } else { field.rTable = sameTable; field.rField = getKeyField(sameTable); //qDebug() << lktable.name + " = " + sameTable + ". " + sameTable + " used instead"; } } fieldinmselt = true; field.key = true; mselTable.fields.append(field); tables.append(mselTable); } if (fieldinmselt == false) { if (tableName.toLower() != parentTable.name.toLower()) //If we are not processing a group table.fields.append(field); else parentTable.fields.append(field); //If we are processing a group then the field goes to the parent } } } else { if (item.tagName() == "group") { grpCode = item.attribute("ref","/GRPNotKnown"); pos = grpCode.lastIndexOf("/"); grpCode = grpCode.right(grpCode.length()-pos-1); grpCode = grpCode; //qDebug() << "Group:" + item.attribute("ref","/GRPNotKnown"); //qDebug() << "Group table:" + table.name; if (!table.name.isEmpty()) extractFields(item.firstChild(),table.name,table,grpCode,xmlCode); //Recursive call for group else extractFields(item.firstChild(),parentTable.name,parentTable,grpCode,xmlCode); //Recursive call for group } if (item.tagName() == "repeat") { childName = item.attribute("nodeset","unknowrepeat"); repeatXMLCode = childName.replace("/" + surveyID + "/",""); pos = childName.lastIndexOf("/"); childName = childName.right(childName.length()-pos-1); if (!table.name.isEmpty()) extractFields(item.firstChild(),childName,table,"main",repeatXMLCode); //Recursive call for repeat else extractFields(item.firstChild(),childName,parentTable,"main",repeatXMLCode); //Recursive call for repeat } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if (tableName.toLower() != parentTable.name.toLower()) { table.pos = tindex; table.islookup = false; tables.append(table); } }
static QMap<QString, Field> getFields(QDomElement record, bool* foundStrings = 0) { QDomNodeList types = record.elementsByTagName("type"); QMap<QString, QString> extraTypes; QMap<QString, QString> extraTypesDefaults; for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { QDomElement e = types.at(i).toElement(); extraTypes[e.attribute("name")] = e.attribute("type"); if (e.elementsByTagName("enum").size() > 0) extraTypesDefaults[e.attribute("name")] = e.elementsByTagName("enum").at(0).toElement().attribute("name"); } QDomNodeList fields = record.elementsByTagName("field"); QMap<QString, Field> map; for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { QDomElement e = fields.at(i).toElement(); QString name = e.attribute("name"); if (!name.startsWith("reserved")) { map[name] = Field(name, getFieldType(e.attribute("type"), e.attribute("size").toUInt(), map[name].type, extraTypes)); if (foundStrings && map[name].type == "QString") *foundStrings = true; if (hasParentNode(e, "array")) { map[name].isArray = true; } if (e.elementsByTagName("enum").size() > 0) { map[name].isEnum = true; map[name].type = ucFirst(name); map[name].defaultValue = e.elementsByTagName("enum").at(0).toElement().attribute("name"); } if (extraTypes.contains(e.attribute("type"))) { map[name].isEnum = true; map[name].type = e.attribute("type"); map[name].defaultValue = extraTypesDefaults[e.attribute("type")]; } if (e.hasAttribute("default")) map[name].defaultValue = e.attribute("default"); } } for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { QDomElement e = fields.at(i).toElement(); if (e.hasAttribute("length")) { QString name = e.attribute("length"); if (map.contains(name)) { map[name].isStringLength = true; map[name].lengthFor = e.attribute("name"); } } } QDomNodeList arrays = record.elementsByTagName("array"); for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { QDomElement e = arrays.at(i).toElement(); QString name = e.attribute("length"); if (map.contains(name)) { Field& field = map[name]; field.isArrayLength = true; QDomNodeList afields = e.elementsByTagName("field"); for (int j = 0; j < afields.size(); j++) { QDomElement af = afields.at(j).toElement(); QString fname = af.attribute("name"); if (!fname.startsWith("reserved")) field.arrayFields.append(map[fname]); } } } return map; }