static void jdwp_vm_classes(jdwp_command_packet cmd) { w_int length; w_ubyte *sig; w_string sig_string; w_fifo fifo_of_fifos; w_fifo clazz_fifo; w_fifo one_fifo; w_clazz clazz; woempa(7, "Searching all class loaders for all loaded classes\n"); fifo_of_fifos = forEachClassLoader(getAllLoadedClasses); if (fifo_of_fifos) { woempa(7, "Found %d class loaders\n", occupancyOfFifo(fifo_of_fifos)); clazz_fifo = allocFifo(254); while ((one_fifo = getFifo(fifo_of_fifos))) { woempa(7, "Reading fifo %p\n", one_fifo); while ((clazz = getFifo(one_fifo))) { if (!clazzIsPrimitive(clazz)) { woempa(1, " %K -> clazz_fifo\n", clazz); putFifo(clazz, clazz_fifo); } else { woempa(7, " %K is primitive class, ignoring\n", clazz); } } woempa(7, "Releasing fifo %p\n", one_fifo); releaseFifo(one_fifo); } woempa(7, "Found %d classes\n", occupancyOfFifo(clazz_fifo)); jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, occupancyOfFifo(clazz_fifo)); woempa(7, "Reading clazz_fifo\n"); while ((clazz = getFifo(clazz_fifo))) { jdwp_put_tagged_type(&reply_grobag, clazz); sig_string = clazz2desc(clazz); woempa(1, " %K descriptor %w\n", clazz, sig_string); sig = jdwp_string2UTF8(sig_string, &length); jdwp_put_bytes(&reply_grobag, sig, length + 4); deregisterString(sig_string); releaseMem(sig); jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, clazz2status(clazz)); } woempa(7, "Releasing clazz_fifo\n"); releaseFifo(clazz_fifo); } else { jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, 0); } jdwp_send_reply(cmd->id, &reply_grobag, jdwp_err_none); }
static void jdwp_vm_classes_by_sig(jdwp_command_packet cmd) { w_int length; w_ubyte *sig; w_string sig_string; w_fifo fifo_of_fifos; w_fifo clazz_fifo; w_fifo one_fifo; w_clazz clazz; sig = jdwp_UTF82cstring((w_ubyte*)cmd->data, &length); sig_string = cstring2String((char*)sig, (w_word)length); classname = undescriptifyClassName(sig_string); if (isSet(verbose_flags, VERBOSE_FLAG_JDWP)) { w_printf("JDWP: signature = %w -> classname = %w\n", sig_string, classname); } releaseMem(sig); deregisterString(sig_string); woempa(7, "Searching all class loaders for classes with signature %w\n", classname); fifo_of_fifos = forEachClassLoader(getMatchingClasses); if (fifo_of_fifos) { woempa(7, "Found %d class loaders\n", occupancyOfFifo(fifo_of_fifos)); deregisterString(classname); clazz_fifo = allocFifo(254); while ((one_fifo = getFifo(fifo_of_fifos))) { woempa(7, "Reading fifo %p\n", one_fifo); while ((clazz = getFifo(one_fifo))) { woempa(1, " %K -> clazz_fifo\n", clazz); putFifo(clazz, clazz_fifo); } woempa(7, "Releasing fifo %p\n", one_fifo); releaseFifo(one_fifo); } woempa(7, "Found %d classes\n", occupancyOfFifo(clazz_fifo)); jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, occupancyOfFifo(clazz_fifo)); while ((clazz = getFifo(clazz_fifo))) { woempa(1, " %K\n", clazz); jdwp_put_tagged_type(&reply_grobag, clazz); jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, clazz2status(clazz)); } releaseFifo(clazz_fifo); } else { jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, 0); } jdwp_send_reply(cmd->id, &reply_grobag, jdwp_err_none); }
static void jdwp_vm_threads(jdwp_command_packet cmd) { w_fifo fifo; w_thread thread = NULL; w_int length; /* ** Use a fifo to get all the threads from the thread hashtable. ** Subtract one from the length for the JDWP thread. The debugger ** doesn't need to know about this. */ fifo = ht_list_values(thread_hashtable); length = occupancyOfFifo(fifo) - 1; woempa(7, "We have %d threads (not counting the JDWP thread)\n", length); /* ** Store the number of threads in the reply. */ jdwp_put_u4(&reply_grobag, length); /* ** Go over the entries one by one and put them into the reply packet. */ while((thread = getFifo(fifo)) != NULL) { if(thread != jdwp_thread) { woempa(7, " %t\n", thread); jdwp_put_objectref(&reply_grobag, thread->Thread); } } releaseFifo(fifo); jdwp_send_reply(cmd->id, &reply_grobag, jdwp_err_none); }
bool Session::open(struct event_base* base) { reqFd_ = ::open(getFifo().c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (reqFd_ == -1) return false; ev_ = event_new(base, reqFd_, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, Session::readFromPipe, this); event_add(ev_, NULL); return true; }
/* ** Search the specified classloader for classes matching 'classname'. */ static void *getMatchingClasses(w_instance loader) { w_hashtable ht = getWotsitField(loader, F_ClassLoader_loaded_classes); w_fifo fifo1 = ht_list_values(ht); w_fifo fifo2 = allocFifo(254); w_clazz clazz; while ((clazz = getFifo(fifo1))) { if (matchClassname(clazz, classname)) { woempa(7, "%k matches %w\n", clazz, classname); putFifo(clazz, fifo2); } } woempa(7, "%j has loaded %d classes matching %w\n", loader, occupancyOfFifo(fifo2), classname); releaseFifo(fifo1); if (occupancyOfFifo(fifo2) == 0) { releaseFifo(fifo2); fifo2 = NULL; } return fifo2; }
static void jdwp_vm_disconnect(jdwp_command_packet cmd) { w_fifo fifo = ht_list_values(thread_hashtable); w_thread thread; jdwp_send_reply(cmd->id, &reply_grobag, jdwp_err_none); while((thread = getFifo(fifo)) != NULL) { woempa(7, "Clearing suspend count of %t\n", thread); thread->flags &= ~WT_THREAD_SUSPEND_COUNT_MASK; } while (jdwp_global_suspend_count) { jdwp_internal_resume_all(); } unsetFlag(blocking_all_threads, BLOCKED_BY_JDWP); jdwp_state = jdwp_state_initialised; jdwp_events_enabled = 0; jdwp_clear_all_events(); /* TODO: if garbage collection was disabled, enable it again. */ }
w_instance NativeProperties_init(JNIEnv *env, w_instance classSystem) { w_thread thread = JNIEnv2w_thread(env); char *utf8; w_string s; w_fifo fifo; w_int i; prop_hashtable = ht_create("hashtable:native system properties", 17, ht_stringHash, ht_stringCompare, 0, 0); woempa(1, "Created prop_hashtable\n"); s = cstring2String(UNICODE_SUBSETS, strlen(UNICODE_SUBSETS)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)cstring2String("mika.unicode.subsets", 20), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.unicode.subsets", s); utf8 = getInstallationDir(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.home", 9), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.home", s); utf8 = getExtensionDir(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.ext.dirs", 13), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.ext.dirs", s); utf8 = getLibraryPath(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.library.path", 17), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.library.path", s); s = utf2String(VERSION_STRING, strlen(VERSION_STRING)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.version", 12), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.version", s); s = utf2String(WONKA_INFO, strlen(WONKA_INFO)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.vm.options", 15), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.vm.options", s); s = utf2String(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE, strlen(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.default.heap.size", 22), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.default.heap.size", s); s = utf2String(AWT_INFO, strlen(AWT_INFO)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.awt.options", 16), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.awt.options", s); #ifdef O4P s = utf2String(O4P_INFO, strlen(O4P_INFO)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.o4p.options", 16), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.o4p.options", s); #endif #ifdef OSWALD s = utf2String(OSWALD_INFO, strlen(OSWALD_INFO)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.oswald.options", 19), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.oswald.options", s); #endif s = utf2String(BUILD_HOST, strlen(BUILD_HOST)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("", 15), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "", s); utf8 = __DATE__ " " __TIME__; s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("", 15), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "", s); utf8 = getOSName(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("", 7), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "", s); utf8 = getOSVersion(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.version", 10), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.version", s); utf8 = getOSArch(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.arch", 7), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.arch", s); utf8 = getUserName(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("", 9), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "", s); utf8 = getUserHome(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.home", 9), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.home", s); utf8 = getUserDir(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.dir", 8), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.dir", s); utf8 = getUserLanguage(); s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.language", 13), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.language", s); utf8 = "Mika " VERSION_STRING; s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8)); ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("", 17), (w_word)s); woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "", s); enterUnsafeRegion(thread); keyArray = allocArrayInstance_1d(JNIEnv2w_thread(env), clazzArrayOf_String, prop_hashtable->occupancy); enterSafeRegion(thread); fifo = ht_list_keys_no_lock(prop_hashtable); i = 0; while ((s = (w_string)getFifo(fifo))) { woempa(7, "keyArray[%d] = %w\n", i, s); setArrayReferenceField(keyArray, getStringInstance(s), i); ++i; } return keyArray; }