Example #1
void UIFont::initText(void)
    // Create the font

    //Check if I have a FilePathAttachment
    const BoostPath* FilePath(FilePathAttachment::getFilePath(UIFontRefPtr(this)));
    if(FilePath != NULL)
        //Create the font from a file
        _face = TextTXFFace::createFromFile(FilePath->string().c_str());
        TextTXFParam param;
        param.size = getGlyphPixelSize();
        param.gap = getGap();
        param.textureWidth = getTextureWidth();

        //Use my Family Field to create font texture
        _face = TextTXFFace::create(getFamily(), static_cast<TextFace::Style>(getStyle()), param);

    TextureObjChunkUnrecPtr TheChunk(TextureObjChunk::create());

    if (_face != NULL)
        ImageRefPtr image = _face->getTexture();

    // We failed to create the font - fallback to the default font
    //if (_face == NULL)
    //    _face = getStatisticsDefaultFont();
    //    getTexture() = getStatisticsDefaultFontTexture();

Example #2
 Residuals(const Problem& problem, const Omega& omega, const Psi& psi)
     : normOfC{problem.c.norm()},
       AXPlusS{problem.A * omega.x + psi.s},
       ATransposeY{problem.A.transpose() * omega.y},
       cTransposeX{problem.c.transpose() * omega.x},
       bTranspoesY{problem.b.transpose() * omega.y},
       primal{getPrimal(problem, omega, psi)},
       dual{getDual(problem, omega)},
       primalDualGap{getGap(problem, omega)},
       unbounded{cTransposeX < 0 ? AXPlusS.norm() * normOfC / -cTransposeX
                                 : NAN},
       infeasible{bTranspoesY < 0 ? ATransposeY.norm() * normOfB / -bTranspoesY
                                  : NAN} {}
bool ItemListSelectUserInterface::processMenuSpecificKeys(InputCode inputCode)
   string inputString = InputCodeManager::inputCodeToPrintableChar(inputCode);

   if(inputString == "")
      return false;

   string mNameSoFarLc = lcase(mNameSoFar);

      mSelectedIndex = getIndexOfNext(mNameSoFarLc.substr(0, 1));

      if(mNameSoFar.size() > 1 && lcase(getMenuItem(mSelectedIndex)->getValue()).substr(0, mNameSoFar.length()) != mNameSoFarLc)
         mNameSoFar = mNameSoFar.substr(0, mNameSoFar.length() - 1);    // Remove final char, the one we just added above
      mSelectedIndex = getIndexOfNext(mNameSoFarLc);

   mItemSelectedWithMouse = false;

   // Move the mouse to the new selection to make things "feel better"
   MenuItemSize size = getMenuItem(mFirstVisibleItem)->getSize();
   S32 y = getYStart();

   for(S32 j = mFirstVisibleItem; j < mSelectedIndex; j++)
      size = getMenuItem(j)->getSize();
      y += getTextSize(size) + getGap(size);

   y += getTextSize(size) / 2;

   // WarpMouse fires a mouse event, which will cause the cursor to become visible, which we don't want.  Therefore,
   // we must resort to the kind of gimicky/hacky method of setting a flag, telling us that we should ignore the
   // next mouse event that comes our way.  It might be better to handle this at the Event level, by creating a custom
   // method called WarpMouse that adds the suppression.  At this point, however, the only place we care about this
   // is here so...  well... this works.
   SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(DisplayManager::getScreenInfo()->sdlWindow, (S32)DisplayManager::getScreenInfo()->getMousePos()->x, y);

   mIgnoreNextMouseEvent = true;

   return true;
Example #4
ble_error_t BLE::shutdown()
    if (initialization_status != INITIALIZED) {

    initialization_status = NOT_INITIALIZED;




    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
Example #5
PySimple1::setTrialStrain (double newy, double yRate)
	// Set trial values for displacement and load in the material
	// based on the last Tangent modulus.
	double dy = newy - Ty;
	double dp = Ttangent * dy;
	TyRate    = yRate;

	// Limit the size of step (dy or dp) that can be imposed. Prevents
	// numerical difficulties upon load reversal at high loads
	// where a soft loading modulus becomes a stiff unloading modulus.
	int numSteps = 1;
	double stepSize = 1.0;
	if(fabs(dp/pult) > 0.5) numSteps = 1 + int(fabs(dp/(0.5*pult)));
	if(fabs(dy/y50)  > 1.0 ) numSteps = 1 + int(fabs(dy/(1.0*y50)));
	stepSize = 1.0/float(numSteps);
	if(numSteps > 100) numSteps = 100;

	dy = stepSize * dy;

	// Main loop over the required number of substeps
	for(int istep=1; istep <= numSteps; istep++)
		Ty = Ty + dy;
		dp = Ttangent * dy;
	// May substep within Gap or NearField element if oscillating, which can happen
	// when they jump from soft to stiff.
		double dy_gap_old = ((Tp + dp) - TGap_p)/TGap_tang;
		double dy_nf_old  = ((Tp + dp) - TNF_p) /TNF_tang;

	// Iterate to distribute displacement among the series components.
	// Use the incremental iterative strain & iterate at this strain.
	for (int j=1; j < PYmaxIterations; j++)
		Tp = Tp + dp;

		// Stress & strain update in Near Field element
		double dy_nf = (Tp - TNF_p)/TNF_tang;
		// Residuals in Near Field element
		double p_unbalance = Tp - TNF_p;
		double yres_nf = (Tp - TNF_p)/TNF_tang;
		dy_nf_old = dy_nf;

		// Stress & strain update in Gap element
		double dy_gap = (Tp - TGap_p)/TGap_tang;

		// Residuals in Gap element
		double p_unbalance2 = Tp - TGap_p;
		double yres_gap = (Tp - TGap_p)/TGap_tang;
		dy_gap_old = dy_gap;

		// Stress & strain update in Far Field element
		double dy_far = (Tp - TFar_p)/TFar_tang;
		TFar_y = TFar_y + dy_far;

		// Residuals in Far Field element
		double p_unbalance3 = Tp - TFar_p;
		double yres_far = (Tp - TFar_p)/TFar_tang;

		// Update the combined tangent modulus
		Ttangent = pow(1.0/TGap_tang + 1.0/TNF_tang + 1.0/TFar_tang, -1.0);

		// Residual deformation across combined element
		double dv = Ty - (TGap_y + yres_gap)
			- (TNF_y + yres_nf) - (TFar_y + yres_far);

		// Residual "p" increment 
		dp = Ttangent * dv;

		// Test for convergence
		double psum = fabs(p_unbalance) + fabs(p_unbalance2) + fabs(p_unbalance3);
		if(psum/pult < PYtolerance) break;

	return 0;
Example #6
QzSimple2::setTrialStrain (double newz, double zRate)
	// Set trial values for displacement and load in the material
	// based on the last Tangent modulus.
	double dz = newz - Tz;
	double dQ = Ttangent * dz;
	TzRate    = zRate;

	// Limit the size of step (dz or dQ) that can be imposed. Prevents
	// numerical difficulties upon load reversal at high loads
	// where a soft loading modulus becomes a stiff unloading modulus.
	int numSteps = 1;
	double stepSize = 1.0;
	if(fabs(dQ/Qult) > 0.5) numSteps = 1 + int(fabs(dQ/(0.5*Qult)));
	if(fabs(dz/z50)  > 1.0 ) numSteps = 1 + int(fabs(dz/(1.0*z50)));
	stepSize = 1.0/float(numSteps);
	if(numSteps > 100) numSteps = 100;

	dz = stepSize * dz;

	// Main loop over the required number of substeps
	for(int istep=1; istep <= numSteps; istep++)
		Tz = Tz + dz;
		dQ = Ttangent * dz;
	// May substep within Gap or NearField element if oscillating, which can happen
	// when they jump from soft to stiff. Initialize history terms here.
		double dz_gap_old = ((TQ + dQ) - TGap_Q)/TGap_tang;
		double dz_nf_old  = ((TQ + dQ) - TNF_Q) /TNF_tang;

	// Iterate to distribute displacement among the series components.
	// Use the incremental iterative strain & iterate at this strain.
	for (int j=1; j < QZmaxIterations; j++)
		TQ = TQ + dQ;
		if(fabs(TQ) >(1.0-QZtolerance)*Qult) TQ=(1.0-QZtolerance)*Qult*(TQ/fabs(TQ));

		// Stress & strain update in Near Field element
		double dz_nf = (TQ - TNF_Q)/TNF_tang;
		// Residuals in Near Field element
		double Q_unbalance = TQ - TNF_Q;
		double zres_nf = (TQ - TNF_Q)/TNF_tang;
		dz_nf_old = dz_nf;

		// Stress & strain update in Gap element
		double dz_gap = (TQ - TGap_Q)/TGap_tang;

		// Residuals in Gap element
		double Q_unbalance2 = TQ - TGap_Q;
		double zres_gap = (TQ - TGap_Q)/TGap_tang;
		dz_gap_old = dz_gap;

		// Stress & strain update in Far Field element
		double dz_far = (TQ - TFar_Q)/TFar_tang;
		TFar_z = TFar_z + dz_far;

		// Residuals in Far Field element
		double Q_unbalance3 = TQ - TFar_Q;
		double zres_far = (TQ - TFar_Q)/TFar_tang;

		// Update the combined tangent modulus
		Ttangent = pow(1.0/TGap_tang + 1.0/TNF_tang + 1.0/TFar_tang, -1.0);

		// Residual deformation across combined element
		double dv = Tz - (TGap_z + zres_gap)
			- (TNF_z + zres_nf) - (TFar_z + zres_far);

		// Residual "Q" increment 
		dQ = Ttangent * dv;

		// Test for convergence
		double Qsum = (fabs(Q_unbalance) + fabs(Q_unbalance2) + fabs(Q_unbalance3))/3.0;
		if(Qsum/Qult < QZtolerance) break;

	return 0;