BOOL LLParcel::allowModifyBy(const LLUUID &agent_id, const LLUUID &group_id) const
    if (agent_id == LLUUID::null)
        // system always can enter
        return TRUE;
    else if (isPublic())
        return TRUE;
    else if (agent_id == mOwnerID)
        // owner can always perform operations
        return TRUE;
    else if (mParcelFlags & PF_CREATE_OBJECTS)
        return TRUE;
    else if ((mParcelFlags & PF_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS)
             && group_id.notNull() )
        return (getGroupID() == group_id);
    return FALSE;
Example #2
	// Get whether entity is in group
	bool GroupManager::isInGroup(const EntityInfo& e, std::string group)
		// Get group ID
		int groupID = getGroupID(group);

		return e._groupMask[groupID];
Example #3
	// Get entities by group
	const std::vector<Entity>& GroupManager::getEntitiesByGroup(std::string group)
		// Get group ID
		int groupID = getGroupID(group);

		return _entitiesByGroup[groupID];
Example #4
// Assumes we are in a block "ParcelData"
void LLParcel::packMessage(LLSD& msg)
	msg["local_id"] = getLocalID();
	msg["parcel_flags"] = ll_sd_from_U32(getParcelFlags());
	msg["sale_price"] = getSalePrice();
	msg["name"] = getName();
	msg["description"] = getDesc();
	msg["music_url"] = getMusicURL();
	msg["media_url"] = getMediaURL();
	msg["media_desc"] = getMediaDesc();
	msg["media_type"] = getMediaType();
	msg["media_width"] = getMediaWidth();
	msg["media_height"] = getMediaHeight();
	msg["auto_scale"] = getMediaAutoScale();
	msg["media_loop"] = getMediaLoop();
	msg["obscure_media"] = getObscureMedia();
	msg["obscure_music"] = getObscureMusic();
	msg["media_id"] = getMediaID();
	msg["group_id"] = getGroupID();
	msg["pass_price"] = mPassPrice;
	msg["pass_hours"] = mPassHours;
	msg["category"] = (U8)mCategory;
	msg["auth_buyer_id"] = mAuthBuyerID;
	msg["snapshot_id"] = mSnapshotID;
	msg["snapshot_id"] = mSnapshotID;
	msg["user_location"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(mUserLocation);
	msg["user_look_at"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(mUserLookAt);
	msg["landing_type"] = (U8)mLandingType;

Example #5
void GroupCommand::init(float globalOrder)
    _globalOrder = globalOrder;
    auto manager = Director::getInstance()->getRenderer()->getGroupCommandManager();
    _renderQueueID = manager->getGroupID();
void LLPanelGroupExperiences::activate()
	if (getGroupID() == LLUUID::null)

	// search for experiences owned by the current group
	std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("GroupExperiences"); 
	if (!url.empty())
		url += "?" + getGroupID().asString();
		LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLGroupExperienceResponder(getDerivedHandle<LLPanelGroupExperiences>()));
Example #7
// writes the shape data to XML. xml's cursor is already pushed into the right <shape> tag.
// return success state
bool basicShape::saveToXML(ofxXmlSettings &xml){
	// create position tag
	xml.addValue("X", getPositionUnaltered()->x);
	xml.addValue("Y", getPositionUnaltered()->y);
	xml.addValue("shapeType", getShapeType() );
	xml.addValue("groupID", getGroupID() );
	xml.addValue("shapeName", shapeName );
	return true;
Example #8
FhgfsOpsErr LookupIntentMsgEx::create(EntryInfo* parentInfo,
   std::string& entryName, EntryInfo *outEntryInfo, FileInodeStoreData* outInodeData)
   const int umask = isMsgHeaderFeatureFlagSet(LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_UMASK)
      ? getUmask()
      : 0000;

   MkFileDetails mkDetails(entryName, getUserID(), getGroupID(), getMode(), umask );

   UInt16List preferredTargets;

   return MsgHelperMkFile::mkFile(parentInfo, &mkDetails, &preferredTargets, 0, 0,
      outEntryInfo, outInodeData);
Example #9
bool LCDbWorkEntry::createRecord( LQuery cQuery, const String & reason )
	cQuery.setSQL( "Insert into c_buddy_worklist"
			" (machine_cid, barcode, test_cid, group_id, category_id, sample_id, range_set,"
			"  min_value, max_value, project_cid, profile_id, profile_name, buddy_read,"
			"  time_stamp, in_date, trigger_id, lower_trigger_limit, upper_trigger_limit,"
			"  buddy_result_id, private_result, status, diluent)"
			" values ( :mid, :bar, :tid, :grp, :cat, :sid, :rs, :mnv, :mxv, :proj, :pfid,"
					" :pnm, 'N', 'now', :ind, :trid, :ltl, :utl, :rid, :prv, 'Q', :dil)" );

	cQuery.setParam( "bar", getBarcode() );
	cQuery.setParam( "grp", getGroupID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "cat", getCategoryID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "pfid", getProfileID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "pnm", reason );
	cQuery.setParam( "dil", diluent );
	cQuery.setParam( "ind", getInDate() );
	cQuery.setParam( "rid", getResultID() );

	std::pair< int, int > specimen = getSpecimen();
	cQuery.setParam( "proj", specimen.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "sid", specimen.second );
	cQuery.setParam( "tid", limits.getID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "mid", limits.getAnalyserID() );

	std::pair< double, double > range = limits.getRange().asDoubles();
	if( range.first == 0 && range.second == 0 )
		cQuery.setParam( "rs", 'N' );
		cQuery.setParam( "rs", 'Y' );
	cQuery.setParam( "mnv", range.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "mxv", range.second );

	range = limits.getTriggerLimits().asDoubles();
	cQuery.setParam( "trid", limits.getTriggerProfile() );
	cQuery.setParam( "ltl", range.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "utl", range.second );
	cQuery.setParam( "prv", limits.isPrivate() ? 'Y' : 'N' );
	return cQuery.execSQL() == 1;

	// don't add to cache - Marty's RFPs add record_no and ts_sequence
// Assumes we are in a block "ParcelData"
void LLParcel::packMessage(LLMessageSystem* msg)
    msg->addU32Fast( _PREHASH_ParcelFlags, getParcelFlags() );
    msg->addS32Fast( _PREHASH_SalePrice, getSalePrice() );
    msg->addStringFast( _PREHASH_Name,		 getName() );
    msg->addStringFast( _PREHASH_Desc,		 getDesc() );
    msg->addStringFast( _PREHASH_MusicURL,	 getMusicURL() );
    msg->addStringFast( _PREHASH_MediaURL,	 getMediaURL() );
    msg->addU8 ( "MediaAutoScale", getMediaAutoScale () );
    msg->addUUIDFast( _PREHASH_MediaID,	 getMediaID() );
    msg->addUUIDFast( _PREHASH_GroupID,	 getGroupID() );
    msg->addS32Fast( _PREHASH_PassPrice, mPassPrice );
    msg->addF32Fast( _PREHASH_PassHours, mPassHours );
    msg->addU8Fast(	 _PREHASH_Category,	 (U8)mCategory);
    msg->addUUIDFast( _PREHASH_AuthBuyerID, mAuthBuyerID);
    msg->addUUIDFast( _PREHASH_SnapshotID, mSnapshotID);
    msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_UserLocation, mUserLocation);
    msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_UserLookAt, mUserLookAt);
    msg->addU8Fast(	 _PREHASH_LandingType, (U8)mLandingType);
Example #11
	// Remove entity from group
	void GroupManager::removeGroup(EntityInfo& e, std::string group)
		// Get group ID
		int groupID = getGroupID(group);

		// Get group bitmask
		BitMask groupMask;

		// If entity is in group
		if (!(e._groupMask & groupMask).isZero())
			// Get group
			std::vector<Entity>& group = _entitiesByGroup[groupID];

			// Remove entity
			removeFirst<Entity>(group, e);

			// Update group bitmask
Example #12
	// Add entity to group
	void GroupManager::addGroup(EntityInfo& e, std::string group)
		// Get group ID
		int groupID = getGroupID(group);

		// Get group bitmask
		BitMask groupMask;

		// If entity not already in group
		if ((e._groupMask & groupMask).isZero())
			// Get group
			std::vector<Entity>& group = _entitiesByGroup[groupID];

			// Add entity

			// Update group bitmask
Example #13
// Assumes we are in a block "ParcelData"
void LLParcel::packMessage(LLSD& msg)
	// used in the viewer, the sim uses it's own packer
	msg["local_id"] = getLocalID();
	msg["parcel_flags"] = ll_sd_from_U32(getParcelFlags());
	msg["sale_price"] = getSalePrice();
	msg["name"] = getName();
	msg["description"] = getDesc();
	msg["music_url"] = getMusicURL();
	msg["media_url"] = getMediaURL();
	msg["media_desc"] = getMediaDesc();
	msg["media_type"] = getMediaType();
	msg["media_width"] = getMediaWidth();
	msg["media_height"] = getMediaHeight();
	msg["auto_scale"] = getMediaAutoScale();
	msg["media_loop"] = getMediaLoop();
	msg["media_current_url"] = getMediaCurrentURL();
	msg["obscure_media"] = false; // OBSOLETE - no longer used
	msg["obscure_music"] = false; // OBSOLETE - no longer used
	msg["media_id"] = getMediaID();
	msg["media_allow_navigate"] = getMediaAllowNavigate();
	msg["media_prevent_camera_zoom"] = getMediaPreventCameraZoom();
	msg["media_url_timeout"] = getMediaURLTimeout();
	msg["media_url_filter_enable"] = getMediaURLFilterEnable();
	msg["media_url_filter_list"] = getMediaURLFilterList();
	msg["group_id"] = getGroupID();
	msg["pass_price"] = mPassPrice;
	msg["pass_hours"] = mPassHours;
	msg["category"] = (U8)mCategory;
	msg["auth_buyer_id"] = mAuthBuyerID;
	msg["snapshot_id"] = mSnapshotID;
	msg["user_location"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(mUserLocation);
	msg["user_look_at"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(mUserLookAt);
	msg["landing_type"] = (U8)mLandingType;
	msg["see_avs"] = (LLSD::Boolean) getSeeAVs();
	msg["group_av_sounds"] = (LLSD::Boolean) getAllowGroupAVSounds();
	msg["any_av_sounds"] = (LLSD::Boolean) getAllowAnyAVSounds();