FileCaptureInterface::FramePair FileCaptureInterface::getFrame() { FramePair result; string name0 = getImageFileName(mCount, 0); string name1 = getImageFileName(mCount, 1); if (mVerbose) { printf("Grabbing frame from file: %s\n", name0.c_str()); } result.bufferLeft = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadG12Bitmap(name0); if (result.bufferLeft) { if (mVerbose) { printf("Grabbing frame from file: %s\n", name1.c_str()); } result.bufferRight = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadG12Bitmap(name1); } if (!result.bufferLeft || !result.bufferRight) { result.freeBuffers(); if (mVerbose) { printf("File not found, resetting to first image in the sequence.\n"); } resetImageFileCounter(); return getFrame(); } increaseImageFileCounter(); return result; }
FileCaptureInterface::FramePair FileCaptureInterface::getFrame() { FramePair result; string name0 = getImageFileName(mCount, 0); string name1 = getImageFileName(mCount, 1); mVerbose = true; if (mVerbose) { printf("Grabbing frame from file: %s (%s)\n" , name0.c_str() , mIsRgb ? "rgb" : "gray"); } if (mIsRgb) { result.rgbBufferLeft = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadRGB24Bitmap(name0); result.bufferLeft = result.rgbBufferLeft->toG12Buffer(); result.rgbBufferRight = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadRGB24Bitmap(name1); result.bufferRight = result.rgbBufferRight->toG12Buffer(); } else { result.bufferLeft = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadG12Bitmap(name0); result.bufferRight = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadG12Bitmap(name1); } /* if (result.bufferLeft) { if (mVerbose) { printf("Grabbing frame from file: %s\n", name1.c_str()); } result.bufferRight = BufferFactory::getInstance()->loadG12Bitmap(name1); }*/ if (result.bufferLeft == NULL && result.bufferRight == NULL) { result.freeBuffers(); if (mVerbose) { printf("Files not found, resetting to first image in the sequence.\n"); } resetImageFileCounter(); return getFrame(); } increaseImageFileCounter(); return result; }
void ossimQtIcpDialog::outputImagePressed() { if (!theOutputImageField) { return; } QString qs = theOutputImageField->text(); // Make sure output filename is not the same as input. QString source_file = getImageFileName(); if (source_file == qs) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "Output file cannot be the same as input file."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); theOutputImageField->setText(""); return; } theOutputImageField->setText(qs); }
void captureSingleFrame(int) { int num = findUniqueFileName(); XnChar csImageFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csDepthFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csIRFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; getImageFileName(num, csImageFileName); getDepthFileName(num, csDepthFileName); getIRFileName(num, csIRFileName); const ImageMetaData* pImageMD = getImageMetaData(); if (pImageMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csImageFileName, pImageMD->Data(), pImageMD->DataSize()); } const IRMetaData* pIRMD = getIRMetaData(); if (pIRMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csIRFileName, pIRMD->Data(), pIRMD->DataSize()); } const DepthMetaData* pDepthMD = getDepthMetaData(); if (pDepthMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csDepthFileName, pDepthMD->Data(), pDepthMD->DataSize()); } g_Capture.nCapturedFrameUniqueID = num + 1; // displayMessage("Frames saved with ID %d", num); printf("Frames saved with ID %d\n", num); }
QString FileInfo::getDebugInfo() const { const QString str = "\n\tContainer: " + getContainerPath() + "\n\tPath: " + getPath() + "\n\tImageFileName: " + getImageFileName() + "\n\tZipPath: " + getArchiveContainerPath() + "\n\tIsInArchive: " + (isInArchive() ? "true" : "false") + "\n\tContainer Name: " + getContainerName(); return str; }
void ossimQtIgenController::updateOutputFilenameFromWriter() { if (!theDialog || !theDialog->theOutputFileLineEdit || !theWriter) { return; } ossimFilename writersOutputFile = theWriter->getFilename(); if (writersOutputFile.empty()) { return; } QString fileName = writersOutputFile.c_str(); if (fileName == getOutputFile()) { return; } // Make sure output filename is not the same as input. #if 0 QString source_file = getImageFileName(); if (source_file == fileName) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "Output file cannot be the same as input file."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } #endif // Check to see if file exist and prompt user for overwrite. if (writersOutputFile.exists()) { QString caption("Question:"); QString text = "Overwrite existing file: "; text += fileName; int answer = QMessageBox::question( theDialog, caption, text, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); if (answer == QMessageBox::No) { theDialog->theOutputFileLineEdit->setText(""); return; } } theDialog->theOutputFileLineEdit->setText(fileName); }
bool Ally::init() { if (Sprite::initWithFile(getImageFileName())) { return true; } else { return false; } }
int findUniqueFileName() { xnOSCreateDirectory(CAPTURED_FRAMES_DIR_NAME); int num = g_Capture.nCapturedFrameUniqueID; XnBool bExist = FALSE; XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; XnChar csImageFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csDepthFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csIRFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; while (true) { // check image getImageFileName(num, csImageFileName); nRetVal = xnOSDoesFileExist(csImageFileName, &bExist); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK) break; if (!bExist) { // check depth getDepthFileName(num, csDepthFileName); nRetVal = xnOSDoesFileExist(csDepthFileName, &bExist); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK || !bExist) break; } if (!bExist) { // check IR getIRFileName(num, csIRFileName); nRetVal = xnOSDoesFileExist(csIRFileName, &bExist); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK || !bExist) break; } ++num; } return num; }
void ossimQtIcpDialog::outputImageClicked() { if (!theOutputImageField) { return; } QFileDialog* fd = new QFileDialog( this, "file dialog", TRUE ); fd->setMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile ); QString fileName; if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { fileName = fd->selectedFile(); } delete fd; fd = NULL; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { return; } // Make sure output filename is not the same as input. QString source_file = getImageFileName(); if (source_file == fileName) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "Output file cannot be the same as input file."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); theOutputImageField->setText(""); return; } theOutputImageField->setText(fileName); }
void ossimQtIcpDialog::updateOutputFilenameFromWriter() { if (!theOutputImageField || !theWriter) { return; } ossimFilename writersOutputFile = theWriter->getFilename(); if (writersOutputFile.empty()) { return; } QString fileName = writersOutputFile.c_str(); if (fileName == theOutputImageField->text()) { return; } // Make sure output filename is not the same as input. QString source_file = getImageFileName(); if (source_file == fileName) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "Output file cannot be the same as input file."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); theOutputImageField->setText(""); return; } theOutputImageField->setText(fileName); }
void ossimQtIcpDialog::saveClicked() { if ( !theOutputImageField || !theWriter || !theChain ) { return; } // Make sure the output rectangle is up to date. if (updateOuputRect() == false) { return; } // Make sure output file is not empty. QString output_file = theOutputImageField->text(); if (output_file.isEmpty()) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "You must set an output file name."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } // Check to see if file exist and prompt user for overrite. ossimFilename f = output_file.ascii(); if (f.exists()) { QString caption("Question:"); QString text = "Overwrite existing file: "; text += output_file; int answer = QMessageBox::question( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); if (answer == QMessageBox::No) { theOutputImageField->setText(""); return; } } // Make sure output filename is not the same as input. QString source_file = getImageFileName(); if (source_file == output_file) { QString caption = "Sorry:"; QString text = "Output file cannot be the same as input file."; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); theOutputImageField->setText(""); return; } // Connect it up to the source. theWriter->connectMyInputTo(0, theChain); // Make a progress dialog. ossimQtProgressDialog* pd = new ossimQtProgressDialog(""); pd->setMinimumDuration(250); // Update 4 times a second. //--- // Connect the progress dialog's signal "canceled()" up to our slot // "saveCanceled()" so that we can tell the writer to abort. //--- connect( pd, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(abortClicked()) ); theWriter->addListener(pd); // Progress dialog listens to writer... // Set up the progress dialog... QString qs = "Processing file "; qs += output_file ; pd->setLabelText(qs); pd->show(); //--- // Process the tile... //--- theWriter->open(output_file.ascii()); theWriter->initialize(); theWriter->setAreaOfInterest(theOutputImageRect); // Process the image... bool exceptionCaught = false; try { theWriter->execute(); } catch(std::exception& e) { pd->close(); QString caption = "Exception caught!\n"; QString text = e.what(); QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); exceptionCaught = true; } catch (...) { pd->close(); QString caption = "Unknown exception caught!\n"; QString text = ""; QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); exceptionCaught = true; } theWriter->close(); if (exceptionCaught) { int status = remove(output_file.ascii()); // 0 == success, -1 failure QString caption = "Processing of file aborted!"; QString text = "File: "; text += output_file; if (status == 0) { text += "\nFile removed successfully..."; } QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); } else if (pd->wasCanceled()) // Check for cancelation. { pd->close(); int status = remove(output_file.ascii()); // 0 == success, -1 failure QString caption = "Processing of file aborted!"; QString text = "File: "; text += output_file; if (status == 0) { text += "\nFile removed successfully..."; } QMessageBox::information( this, caption, text, QMessageBox::Ok ); } theWriter->removeListener(pd); // Cleanup... delete pd; pd = NULL; }
ossimQtIcpDialog::ossimQtIcpDialog(QWidget* parent, ossimImageChain* image_chain) : QDialog(parent, "ossimQtIcpDialog", true, WDestructiveClose), theChain(image_chain), theWriter(NULL), theMainVBox(NULL), theHBox1(NULL), theSourceImageGroupBox(NULL), theSourceImageLabel(NULL), theHBox2(NULL), theStartLineGroupBox(NULL), theStartLineField(NULL), theStopLineGroupBox(NULL), theStopLineField(NULL), theHBox3(NULL), theStartSampleGroupBox(NULL), theStartSampleField(NULL), theStopSampleGroupBox(NULL), theStopSampleField(NULL), theHBox4(NULL), theOutputImageGroupBox(NULL), theOutputImageField(NULL), theOutputImageButton(NULL), theHBox5(NULL), theOutputImageTypeGroupBox(NULL), theOutputImageWriterMenu(NULL), theEditOutputImageWriterButton(NULL), theHBox6(NULL), theSaveButton(NULL), theCloseButton(NULL), theSourceImageRect(), theOutputImageRect() { setCaption("Export Image"); // Main vertical box. theMainVBox = new QVBoxLayout(this); // First row, display source image file name. theHBox1 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theSourceImageGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, "source image", this, "theSourceImageGroupBox"); theSourceImageGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QString s = getImageFileName(); theSourceImageLabel = new QLabel(s, theSourceImageGroupBox, "theSourceImageLabel"); theHBox1->addWidget(theSourceImageGroupBox); // End of first row. // Second row, start line, stop line. theHBox2 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theStartLineGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, "start line", this); theStartLineGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theStartLineField = new QLineEdit(theStartLineGroupBox, "theStartLineField"); theHBox2->addWidget(theStartLineGroupBox); // Make the stop line box. theStopLineGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, "stop line", this); theStopLineGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theStopLineField = new QLineEdit(theStopLineGroupBox, "theStopLineField"); theHBox2->addWidget(theStopLineGroupBox); // End of second row. // Third row, start sample, stop sample. theHBox3 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); // Make the start sample box. theStartSampleGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, "start sample", this); theStartSampleGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theStartSampleField = new QLineEdit(theStartSampleGroupBox, "theStartSampleField"); theHBox3->addWidget(theStartSampleGroupBox); // Make the stop sample box. theStopSampleGroupBox = new QGroupBox(1, Qt::Horizontal, "stop sample", this); theStopSampleGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theStopSampleField = new QLineEdit(theStopSampleGroupBox, "theStopSampleField"); theHBox3->addWidget(theStopSampleGroupBox); // End of third row... // Fourth row, output file, file dialog button. theHBox4 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theOutputImageGroupBox = new QHGroupBox("output image", this, "theOutputImageGroupBox"); theOutputImageGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theOutputImageField = new QLineEdit(theOutputImageGroupBox, "theOutputImageField"); theOutputImageButton = new QPushButton( theOutputImageGroupBox, "theOutputImageButton" ); theOutputImageButton->setText( "..." ); theOutputImageButton->setDefault(false); theOutputImageButton->setAutoDefault(false); theHBox4->addWidget(theOutputImageGroupBox); // End of fourth row... // Fifth row. theHBox5 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theOutputImageTypeGroupBox = new QHGroupBox("output image type", this, "theOutputImageTypeGroupBox"); theOutputImageTypeGroupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); theOutputImageWriterMenu = new QComboBox(theOutputImageTypeGroupBox, "theOutputWriterBox"); buildWriterMenu(); theEditOutputImageWriterButton = new QPushButton( theOutputImageTypeGroupBox, "theEditOutputImageWriterButton" ); theEditOutputImageWriterButton->setText( "edit writer" ); theEditOutputImageWriterButton->setDefault(false); theEditOutputImageWriterButton->setAutoDefault(false); theHBox5->addWidget(theOutputImageTypeGroupBox); // Sixth row. theHBox6 = new QHBoxLayout(theMainVBox); theSaveButton = new QPushButton( this, "theSaveButton" ); theSaveButton->setText( "Save" ); theSaveButton->setDefault(false); theSaveButton->setAutoDefault(false); theCloseButton = new QPushButton( this, "theCloseButton" ); theCloseButton->setText( "Close" ); theCloseButton->setDefault(false); theCloseButton->setAutoDefault(false); theHBox6->addWidget(theSaveButton); theHBox6->addWidget(theCloseButton); //--- // Connect all the signals to slots... // // NOTE: // If a push button is set to "default" or "auto default" it will always // call that slot when return is pressed in the dialog. // Since this isn't what I want all defaults are set to off! //--- connect( theStartLineField, SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT ( startLinePressed() ) ); connect( theStopLineField, SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT ( stopLinePressed() ) ); connect( theStartSampleField, SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT ( startSamplePressed() ) ); connect( theStopSampleField, SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT ( stopSamplePressed() ) ); connect( theOutputImageField, SIGNAL ( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT ( outputImagePressed() ) ); connect( theOutputImageButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( outputImageClicked() ) ); connect( theOutputImageWriterMenu, SIGNAL ( activated( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT ( outputImageWriterMenuActivated( const QString& ) ) ); connect( theEditOutputImageWriterButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( editOutputImageWriterClicked() ) ); connect( theSaveButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( saveClicked() ) ); connect( theCloseButton, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( closeClicked() ) ); initializeDialog(); }
string EmergenceLog::getImageFilePath(long logLineNum) { return getImagesDirPath() + getImageFileName(logLineNum); }
string ImageFileCaptureInterface::getImageFileName(uint imageNumber, uint channelNumber) { // TODO: How to replace this with C++ construct? I.e. MFC's CString has a method Format() for this, but std::string doesn't. :( char pathName[256]; if (mPathFmt.find("%0.0s") != string::npos) // format comes from GUI with constant pair for debugging { snprintf2buf(pathName, mPathFmt.c_str(), "", channelNumber);// str + int (the way to disable pair switching over series) } else if (mPathFmt.find("%") != string::npos) // format comes from GUI with series processing { // TODO: it would be good here to check that format expects exactly 2 integers snprintf2buf(pathName, mPathFmt.c_str(), imageNumber, channelNumber); // expects 2 ints } else if (!mPathFmt.empty()) // format comes as a ready path, only from some tests { // one exclusion is possible here: when ctor got a direct path to the file! QFileInfo fi(mPathFmt.c_str()); if (fi.isFile() && fi.exists()) { return mPathFmt; // return immediately the initial path as it's not a format } // mPathFmt has a real folder path if (mPathFmt[mPathFmt.length() - 1] != '/') { // append slash at the end if absent mPathFmt += '/'; } mPathFmt += sPgmImageFileFmt; // add default format to the pathFmt return getImageFileName(imageNumber, channelNumber); } if (imageNumber == 1 && mPathPrefix.empty() && !QFile::exists(pathName)) { /** * We're to check correctness of the current directory, but we need a path to "data" folder with image files. * * "../" - Bin directory curDir * "../../" - OpenCL project curDir * "../../../" - MSVC sets curDir to the project dir (= "hostSoft") * * \note But from another side it's dangerously to scan up to 3 levels by trying to find a requested file.\n * especially if there's a special folder structure with different series... * Therefore for Unix it's applied only for one parent as we run from the bin directory, \n * but usually use images by path like this: "data/pair". */ string path(pathName); string prefix; #ifdef WIN32 cuint numRecursiveFoldersToCheck = 3; #else cuint numRecursiveFoldersToCheck = 1; // one check for parent dir is ok or also dangerously? #endif for (unsigned k = 0; k < numRecursiveFoldersToCheck; k++) { path .insert(0, "../"); prefix.insert(0, "../"); // try at folder one step up if (QFile::exists(path.c_str())) { mPathPrefix.assign(prefix); break; } } } return mPathPrefix + pathName; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int status = PV_SUCCESS; PV::PV_Init * pv_init = new PV_Init(&argc, &argv); pv_init -> initialize(argc, argv); // Build the column from the params file PV::ParamGroupHandler * customGroupHandler[1]; customGroupHandler[0] = new PASCALCustomGroupHandler(); PV::HyPerCol * hc = build(argc, argv, pv_init, customGroupHandler, 1); assert(hc->getStartTime()==hc->simulationTime()); double startTime = hc->getStartTime(); double stopTime = hc->getStopTime(); double dt = hc->getDeltaTime(); double displayPeriod = stopTime - startTime; const int rank = hc->columnId(); InterColComm * icComm = hc->icCommunicator(); // // These variables are only used by the root process, but must be defined here // // since they need to persist from one if(rank==0) statement to the next. // char * imageLayerName = NULL; // char * resultLayerName = NULL; // char * resultTextFile = NULL; // char * octaveCommand = NULL; // char * octaveLogFile = NULL; // char * classNames = NULL; // char * evalCategoryIndices = NULL; // char * displayCategoryIndices = NULL; // char * highlightThreshold = NULL; // char * heatMapThreshold = NULL; // char * heatMapMaximum = NULL; // char * drawBoundingBoxes = NULL; // char * boundingBoxThickness = NULL; // char * dbscanEps = NULL; // char * dbscanDensity = NULL; // char * heatMapMontageDir = NULL; // char * displayCommand = NULL; int layerNx, layerNy, layerNf; int imageNx, imageNy, imageNf; int bufferNx, bufferNy, bufferNf; size_t imageBufferSize; uint8_t * imageBuffer; int octavepid = 0; // pid of the child octave process. PV::ImageFromMemoryBuffer * imageLayer = NULL; for (int k=0; k<hc->numberOfLayers(); k++) { PV::HyPerLayer * l = hc->getLayer(k); PV::ImageFromMemoryBuffer * img_buffer_layer = dynamic_cast<PV::ImageFromMemoryBuffer *>(l); if (img_buffer_layer) { if (imageLayer!=NULL) { if (hc->columnId()==0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s error: More than one ImageFromMemoryBuffer (\"%s\" and \"%s\").\n", argv[0], imageLayer->getName(), img_buffer_layer->getName()); } MPI_Barrier(hc->icCommunicator()->communicator()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { imageLayer = img_buffer_layer; } } } // // BaseLayer * imageBaseLayer = hc->getLayerFromName(imageLayerName); // if (imageBaseLayer==NULL) // { // if (rank==0) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s error: no layer matches imageLayerName = \"%s\"\n", argv[0], imageLayerName); // } // status = PV_FAILURE; // } // ImageFromMemoryBuffer * imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageFromMemoryBuffer *>(imageBaseLayer); // if (imageLayer==NULL) // { // if (rank==0) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s error: imageLayerName = \"%s\" is not an ImageFromMemoryBuffer layer\n", argv[0], imageLayerName); // } // status = PV_FAILURE; // } // // BaseLayer * resultBaseLayer = hc->getLayerFromName(resultLayerName); // if (resultBaseLayer==NULL) // { // if (rank==0) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s error: no layer matches resultLayerName = \"%s\"\n", argv[0], resultLayerName); // } // status = PV_FAILURE; // } // HyPerLayer * resultLayer = dynamic_cast<HyPerLayer *>(resultBaseLayer); // if (resultLayer==NULL) // { // if (rank==0) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s error: resultLayerName = \"%s\" is not a HyPerLayer\n", argv[0], resultLayerName); // } // status = PV_FAILURE; // } if (rank==0) { if (status != PV_SUCCESS) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // // clobber octave logfile and result text file unless starting from a checkpoint // if (hc->getCheckpointReadDir()==NULL) { // FILE * octavefp = fopen(octaveLogFile, "w"); // fclose(octavefp); // if (resultTextFile) { // FILE * resultTextFP = fopen(resultTextFile, "w") // fclose(resultTextFP); // } // } layerNx = imageLayer->getLayerLoc()->nxGlobal; layerNy = imageLayer->getLayerLoc()->nyGlobal; layerNf = imageLayer->getLayerLoc()->nf; imageNx = layerNx; imageNy = layerNy; imageNf = 3; bufferNx = layerNx; bufferNy = layerNy; bufferNf = imageNf; imageBufferSize = (size_t)bufferNx*(size_t)bufferNy*(size_t)bufferNf; imageBuffer = NULL; GDALAllRegister(); // struct stat heatMapMontageStat; // status = stat(heatMapMontageDir, &heatMapMontageStat); // if (status!=0 && errno==ENOENT) { // status = mkdir(heatMapMontageDir, 0770); // if (status!=0) { // fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to make heat map montage directory \"%s\": %s\n", heatMapMontageDir, strerror(errno)); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // status = stat(heatMapMontageDir, &heatMapMontageStat); // } // if (status!=0) { // fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to get status of heat map montage directory \"%s\": %s\n", heatMapMontageDir, strerror(errno)); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // if (!(heatMapMontageStat.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { // fprintf(stderr, "Error: Heat map montage \"%s\" is not a directory\n", heatMapMontageDir); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } } // Main loop: get an image, load it into the image layer, do HyPerCol::run(), lather, rinse, repeat char * imageFile = getImageFileName(icComm); while(imageFile!=NULL && imageFile[0]!='\0') { startTime = hc->simulationTime(); stopTime = startTime + displayPeriod; setImageLayerMemoryBuffer(hc->icCommunicator(), imageFile, imageLayer, &imageBuffer, &imageBufferSize); hc->run(startTime, stopTime, dt); // int numParams = 20; // int params[numParams]; // // char const * imagePvpFile = rank ? 0 : imageLayer->getOutputStatePath(); // char const * resultPvpFile = rank ? 0 : resultLayer->getOutputStatePath(); // PV_Stream * imagePvpStream = NULL; // PV_Stream * resultPvpStream = NULL; // // if (rank==0) { // imageLayer->flushOutputStateStream(); // imagePvpStream = PV_fopen(imagePvpFile, "r", false/*verifyWrites*/); // } // status = pvp_read_header(imagePvpStream, hc->icCommunicator(), params, &numParams); // if (status!=PV_SUCCESS) // { // fprintf(stderr, "pvp_read_header for imageLayer \"%s\" outputfile \"%s\" failed.\n", imageLayer->getName(), imagePvpFile); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // if (rank==0) { PV_fclose(imagePvpStream); } // assert(numParams==20); // int imageFrameNumber = params[INDEX_NBANDS]; // // if (rank==0) { // resultLayer->flushOutputStateStream(); // resultPvpStream = PV_fopen(resultPvpFile, "r", false/*verifyWrites*/); // } // status = pvp_read_header(resultPvpStream, hc->icCommunicator(), params, &numParams); // if (status!=PV_SUCCESS) // { // fprintf(stderr, "pvp_read_header for resultLayer \"%s\" outputfile \"%s\" failed.\n", resultLayer->getName(), resultPvpFile); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // if (rank==0) { PV_fclose(resultPvpStream); } // assert(numParams==20); // if (rank==0) { // int resultFrameNumber = params[INDEX_NBANDS]; // char * basename = strrchr(imageFile, '/'); // if (basename==NULL) { basename=imageFile; } else { basename++; } // basename = strdup(basename); // char * dot = strrchr(basename, '.'); // if (dot) { *dot = '\0'; } // delete extension // std::stringstream montagePath(""); // montagePath << heatMapMontageDir << "/" << basename << ".png"; // free(basename); // std::cout << "output file is " << montagePath.str() << std::endl; // // if (octavepid>0) // { // int waitstatus; // int waitprocess = waitpid(octavepid, &waitstatus, 0); // if (waitprocess < 0 && errno != ECHILD) // { // fprintf(stderr, "waitpid failed returning %d: %s (%d)\n", waitprocess, strerror(errno), errno); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // octavepid = 0; // } // fflush(stdout); // so that unflushed buffer isn't copied to child process // octavepid = fork(); // if (octavepid < 0) // { // fprintf(stderr, "fork() error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // else if (octavepid==0) { // /* child process */ // std::stringstream octavecommandstream(""); // octavecommandstream << octaveCommand << // " --eval 'load CurrentModel/ConfidenceTables/confidenceTable.mat; heatMapMontage(" << // "\"" << imagePvpFile << "\"" << ", " << // "\"" << resultPvpFile << "\"" << ", " << // "\"" << PV_DIR << "/mlab/util" << "\"" << ", " << // imageFrameNumber << ", " << // resultFrameNumber << ", " << // "confidenceTable, " << // "\"" << classNames << "\"" << ", " << // "\"" << resultTextFile << "\"" << ", " << // evalCategoryIndices << ", " << // displayCategoryIndices << ", " << // highlightThreshold << ", " << // heatMapThreshold << ", " << // heatMapMaximum << ", " << // drawBoundingBoxes << ", " << // boundingBoxThickness << ", " << // dbscanEps << ", " << // dbscanDensity << ", " << // "\"" << montagePath.str() << "\"" << ", " << // "\"" << displayCommand << "\"" << // ");'" << // " >> " << octaveLogFile << " 2>&1"; // std::ofstream octavelogstream; //, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); // octavelogstream << "Calling octave with the command\n"; // octavelogstream << octavecommandstream.str() << "\n"; // octavelogstream.close(); // int systemstatus = system(octavecommandstream.str().c_str()); // Analysis of the result of the current frame //, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); // octavelogstream << "Octave heatMapMontage command returned " << systemstatus << "\n"; // octavelogstream.close(); // // exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* child process exits */ // } // else { // /* parent process */ // } // } // free(imageFile); imageFile = getImageFileName(hc->icCommunicator()); } delete hc; free(imageFile); delete customGroupHandler[0]; delete pv_init; return status==PV_SUCCESS ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }