// This is our callback to handle an incoming message.
    void EffortDisplay::processMessage( const sensor_msgs::JointState::ConstPtr& msg )
        // We are keeping a circular buffer of visual pointers.  This gets
        // the next one, or creates and stores it if the buffer is not full
        boost::shared_ptr<EffortVisual> visual;
        if( visuals_.full() )
                visual = visuals_.front();
                visual.reset(new EffortVisual( context_->getSceneManager(), scene_node_, robot_model_ ));

        V_string joints;
        int joint_num = msg->name.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < joint_num; i++ )
            std::string joint_name = msg->name[i];
            JointInfo* joint_info = getJointInfo(joint_name);
            if ( !joint_info ) continue; // skip joints..

            // set effort

            // update effort property ???
            if ( ros::Time::now() - joint_info->last_update_ > ros::Duration(0.2) ) {
                joint_info->last_update_ = ros::Time::now();

	    const urdf::Joint* joint = robot_model_->getJoint(joint_name).get();
	    int joint_type = joint->type;
	    if ( joint_type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE )
		// we expects that parent_link_name equals to frame_id.
		std::string parent_link_name = joint->child_link_name;
		Ogre::Quaternion orientation;
		Ogre::Vector3 position;

		// Here we call the rviz::FrameManager to get the transform from the
		// fixed frame to the frame in the header of this Effort message.  If
		// it fails, we can't do anything else so we return.
		if( !context_->getFrameManager()->getTransform( parent_link_name,
                                                                //msg->header.stamp, // ???
                                                                position, orientation ))
		    ROS_DEBUG( "Error transforming from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
			       parent_link_name.c_str(), qPrintable( fixed_frame_) );
		tf::Vector3 axis_joint(joint->axis.x, joint->axis.y, joint->axis.z);
		tf::Vector3 axis_z(0,0,1);
		tf::Quaternion axis_rotation(tf::tfCross(axis_joint, axis_z), tf::tfAngle(axis_joint, axis_z));
		if ( std::isnan(axis_rotation.x()) ||
		     std::isnan(axis_rotation.y()) ||
		     std::isnan(axis_rotation.z()) ) axis_rotation = tf::Quaternion::getIdentity();

		tf::Quaternion axis_orientation(orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w);
		tf::Quaternion axis_rot = axis_orientation * axis_rotation;
		Ogre::Quaternion joint_orientation(Ogre::Real(axis_rot.w()), Ogre::Real(axis_rot.x()), Ogre::Real(axis_rot.y()), Ogre::Real(axis_rot.z()));
		visual->setFramePosition( joint_name, position );
		visual->setFrameOrientation( joint_name, joint_orientation );
                visual->setFrameEnabled( joint_name, joint_info->getEnabled() );

	// Now set or update the contents of the chosen visual.
        float scale = scale_property_->getFloat();
        float width = width_property_->getFloat();
        visual->setWidth( width );
        visual->setScale( scale );
	visual->setMessage( msg );

Example #2
std::string HuboDescription::getJointName(size_t joint_index) const
    return std::string(getJointInfo(joint_index).name);