Example #1
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
Example #3
void AudioProcessor::beginParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    // This means you've called beginParameterChangeGesture twice in succession without a matching
    // call to endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to avoid doing it.
    jassert (! changingParams [parameterIndex]);
    changingParams.setBit (parameterIndex);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (this, parameterIndex);
Example #4
void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
    // endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
    // calls matched correctly.
    jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
    changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
void AudioProcessor::beginParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        // This means you've called beginParameterChangeGesture twice in succession without a matching
        // call to endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to avoid doing it.
        jassert (! changingParams [parameterIndex]);
        changingParams.setBit (parameterIndex);

        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (this, parameterIndex);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
        // beginParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
        // calls matched correctly.
        jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
        changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);

        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
void AudioProcessor::updateHostDisplay()
    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorChanged (this);