BSONObj LocksType::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder builder; if (_name) builder.append(, getName()); if (_state) builder.append(, getState()); if (_process) builder.append(, getProcess()); if (_lockID) builder.append(, getLockID()); if (_who) builder.append(, getWho()); if (_why) builder.append(, getWhy()); return builder.obj(); }
int ldelete(int ldes) { STATWORD ps; struct lentry *lptr; int pid, lockID; disable(ps); lockID = getLockID(ldes); if( isbadlock(lockID) || (lptr=&locktab[lockID])->lstate == LOCKFREE ) { restore(ps); return(SYSERR); } //lptr = &locktab[ldes]; lptr->lstate = LOCKFREE; lptr->locked = 0; lptr->acquiredby[currpid]=-1; lptr->lockType = DELETED; lptr->lprio=-1; if( nonempty(lptr->lhead) ) { while( (pid=getlast(lptr->lhead)) != EMPTY ) { proctab[pid].waitPriority = -1; proctab[pid].lockID = -1; proctab[pid].procLockType[lockID] = DELETED; proctab[pid].pwaitret = DELETED; ready(pid, RESCHNO); } resched(); } restore(ps); return(OK); }
int lock(int ldes, int type, int priority) //priority here = process wait priority { STATWORD ps; struct lentry *lptr; struct pentry *pptr; int lockNotGivenToRead = 0; int temp = -1; int lockID; disable(ps); pptr = &proctab[currpid]; lockID = getLockID(ldes); //kprintf("\n IN lock: %d...lock des..%d", lockID, ldes); if( isbadlock(lockID) || (lptr=&locktab[lockID])->lstate == LOCKFREE || type == DELETED) { restore(ps); return(SYSERR); } if( lptr->locked == 0 ) { lptr->lstate = LOCKUSED; lptr->locked = 1; //indicates someone has acquired lockID lptr->acquiredby[currpid] = 1; //stores the PID of process which has acquired lockID lptr->lockType = type; lptr->lprio = pptr->pprio; pptr->procLockType[lockID] = type; //indicates type of locking (WRITE or READ) for a process pptr->waitPriority = priority; //sets wait priority of process pptr->lockID = -1; //process not in wait queue so its lock id is -1; restore(ps); return(OK); } else if( lptr->locked != 0 ) { if(lptr->lockType == WRITE) { pptr->pstate = PRWAIT; pptr->lockID = ldes; pptr->procLockType[lockID] = type; //indicates type of locking (WRITE or READ) for a process pptr->waitPriority = priority; //sets wait priority of process pptr->timeInWaiting = ctr1000; rampUpPriority(lockID, pptr->pprio); insert(currpid, lptr->lhead, priority); //pptr->pwaitret = OK; resched(); restore(ps); return(OK); } else if(lptr->lockType == READ ) { if( type == READ ) { //check if incoming process is reader and has wait priority larger than any waiting writer process wait priority temp = lptr->lhead; while( q[temp].qnext != lptr->ltail ) { if( (proctab[q[temp].qnext].procLockType[lockID] == WRITE) && (priority < proctab[q[temp].qnext].waitPriority) ) { lockNotGivenToRead = 1; //1 value indicates the lock should not be given because a writer with larger wait prio than this read is waiting } temp = q[temp].qnext; } if(lockNotGivenToRead == 1) { pptr->pstate = PRWAIT; pptr->lockID = ldes; pptr->procLockType[lockID] = type; //indicates type of locking (WRITE or READ) for a process pptr->waitPriority = priority; //sets wait priority of process rampUpPriority(lockID, pptr->pprio); pptr->timeInWaiting = ctr1000; insert(currpid, lptr->lhead, priority); //pptr->pwaitret = OK; resched(); restore(ps); return(OK); } else if(lockNotGivenToRead != 1) //READER can be given lockID as no writer with wait prio greater than currpid wait prio is there { if( lptr->lprio < pptr->pprio ) { lptr->lprio = pptr->pprio; } lptr->acquiredby[currpid] = 1; pptr->procLockType[lockID] = type; //indicates type of locking (WRITE or READ) for a process pptr->waitPriority = priority; pptr->lockID = -1; restore(ps); return(OK); } } else if( type == WRITE ) { pptr->pstate = PRWAIT; pptr->lockID = ldes; pptr->procLockType[lockID] = type; //indicates type of locking (WRITE or READ) for a process pptr->waitPriority = priority; //sets wait priority of process rampUpPriority(lockID, pptr->pprio); pptr->timeInWaiting = ctr1000; insert(currpid, lptr->lhead, priority); //pptr->pwaitret = OK; resched(); restore(ps); return(OK); } } } restore(ps); return(OK); }
StatusWith<DistLockManager::ScopedDistLock> ReplSetDistLockManager::lock( StringData name, StringData whyMessage, milliseconds waitFor, milliseconds lockTryInterval) { Timer timer(_serviceContext->getTickSource()); Timer msgTimer(_serviceContext->getTickSource()); while (waitFor <= milliseconds::zero() || milliseconds(timer.millis()) < waitFor) { OID lockSessionID = OID::gen(); string who = str::stream() << _processID << ":" << getThreadName(); auto lockExpiration = _lockExpiration; MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(setDistLockTimeout, customTimeout) { const BSONObj& data = customTimeout.getData(); lockExpiration = stdx::chrono::milliseconds(data["timeoutMs"].numberInt()); } LOG(1) << "trying to acquire new distributed lock for " << name << " ( lock timeout : " << durationCount<Milliseconds>(lockExpiration) << " ms, ping interval : " << durationCount<Milliseconds>(_pingInterval) << " ms, process : " << _processID << " )" << " with lockSessionID: " << lockSessionID << ", why: " << whyMessage; auto lockResult = _catalog->grabLock(name, lockSessionID, who, _processID, Date_t::now(), whyMessage); auto status = lockResult.getStatus(); if (status.isOK()) { // Lock is acquired since findAndModify was able to successfully modify // the lock document. LOG(0) << "distributed lock '" << name << "' acquired, ts : " << lockSessionID; return ScopedDistLock(lockSessionID, this); } if (status != ErrorCodes::LockStateChangeFailed) { // An error occurred but the write might have actually been applied on the // other side. Schedule an unlock to clean it up just in case. queueUnlock(lockSessionID); return status; } // Get info from current lock and check if we can overtake it. auto getLockStatusResult = _catalog->getLockByName(name); const auto& getLockStatus = getLockStatusResult.getStatus(); if (!getLockStatusResult.isOK() && getLockStatus != ErrorCodes::LockNotFound) { return getLockStatus; } // Note: Only attempt to overtake locks that actually exists. If lock was not // found, use the normal grab lock path to acquire it. if (getLockStatusResult.isOK()) { auto currentLock = getLockStatusResult.getValue(); auto canOvertakeResult = canOvertakeLock(currentLock, lockExpiration); if (!canOvertakeResult.isOK()) { return canOvertakeResult.getStatus(); } if (canOvertakeResult.getValue()) { auto overtakeResult = _catalog->overtakeLock(name, lockSessionID, currentLock.getLockID(), who, _processID, Date_t::now(), whyMessage); const auto& overtakeStatus = overtakeResult.getStatus(); if (overtakeResult.isOK()) { // Lock is acquired since findAndModify was able to successfully modify // the lock document. LOG(0) << "lock '" << name << "' successfully forced"; LOG(0) << "distributed lock '" << name << "' acquired, ts : " << lockSessionID; return ScopedDistLock(lockSessionID, this); } if (overtakeStatus != ErrorCodes::LockStateChangeFailed) { // An error occurred but the write might have actually been applied on the // other side. Schedule an unlock to clean it up just in case. queueUnlock(lockSessionID); return overtakeStatus; } } } LOG(1) << "distributed lock '" << name << "' was not acquired."; if (waitFor == milliseconds::zero()) { break; } // Periodically message for debugging reasons if (msgTimer.seconds() > 10) { LOG(0) << "waited " << timer.seconds() << "s for distributed lock " << name << " for " << whyMessage; msgTimer.reset(); } milliseconds timeRemaining = std::max(milliseconds::zero(), waitFor - milliseconds(timer.millis())); sleepFor(std::min(lockTryInterval, timeRemaining)); } return {ErrorCodes::LockBusy, str::stream() << "timed out waiting for " << name}; }
SYSCALL kill(int pid) { STATWORD ps; struct pentry *pptr; /* points to proc. table for pid*/ int dev, i, callResched, lockID; callResched = RESCHNO; disable(ps); if (isbadpid(pid) || (pptr= &proctab[pid])->pstate==PRFREE) { restore(ps); return(SYSERR); } if (--numproc == 0) xdone(); dev = pptr->pdevs[0]; if (! isbaddev(dev) ) close(dev); dev = pptr->pdevs[1]; if (! isbaddev(dev) ) close(dev); dev = pptr->ppagedev; if (! isbaddev(dev) ) close(dev); for( i=0; i<NLOCKS; i++) { if( locktab[i].acquiredby[pid] == 1) //this process has acquired some lock and holding it, so release it and resched { //kprintf("\n Kill is holding lock %s", proctab[pid].pname); callResched = RESCHYES; relLock(pid, i, 0); } } send(pptr->pnxtkin, pid); freestk(pptr->pbase, pptr->pstklen); switch (pptr->pstate) { case PRCURR: pptr->pstate = PRFREE; /* suicide */ resched(); case PRWAIT: semaph[pptr->psem].semcnt++; //if this proc is in wait queue of any lock i, remove it ... a proc can be in waiting q of any one lock only /* for( i=0; i<NLOCKS; i++) { if( (proctab[pid].procLockType[i]!=DELETED) && (locktab[i].acquiredby[pid]!=1) ) { kprintf("Killed Process %d waiting on lock %d", pid, i); locktab[j].effectOfPriorityInheritance = 1; rampUpPriority(j, proctab[i].pprio); } } */ lockID = getLockID(pptr->lockID); if( !isbadlock(lockID) || locktab[lockID].lstate != LOCKFREE ) { //dequeue(pid); //kprintf("\nKill proc getting called in PRWAIT, releasing wait lock %d..%d", lockID, pid); proctab[pid].pprio = -1; proctab[pid].mainPrio = -1; relLock(pid, lockID, 1); //dequeue(pid); } case PRREADY: dequeue(pid); pptr->pstate = PRFREE; break; case PRSLEEP: case PRTRECV: unsleep(pid); /* fall through */ default: pptr->pstate = PRFREE; } if(callResched) { //kprintf("\n About to call resched"); //indicates that this proc was holding lock and is deleted //in between so now it should release lock and call resched resched(); } restore(ps); return(OK); }
StatusWith<DistLockManager::ScopedDistLock> ReplSetDistLockManager::lock( OperationContext* txn, StringData name, StringData whyMessage, milliseconds waitFor, milliseconds lockTryInterval) { Timer timer(_serviceContext->getTickSource()); Timer msgTimer(_serviceContext->getTickSource()); // Counts how many attempts have been made to grab the lock, which have failed with network // error. This value is reset for each lock acquisition attempt because these are // independent write operations. int networkErrorRetries = 0; // Distributed lock acquisition works by tring to update the state of the lock to 'taken'. If // the lock is currently taken, we will back off and try the acquisition again, repeating this // until the lockTryInterval has been reached. If a network error occurs at each lock // acquisition attempt, the lock acquisition will be retried immediately. while (waitFor <= milliseconds::zero() || milliseconds(timer.millis()) < waitFor) { const OID lockSessionID = OID::gen(); const string who = str::stream() << _processID << ":" << getThreadName(); auto lockExpiration = _lockExpiration; MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(setDistLockTimeout, customTimeout) { const BSONObj& data = customTimeout.getData(); lockExpiration = stdx::chrono::milliseconds(data["timeoutMs"].numberInt()); } LOG(1) << "trying to acquire new distributed lock for " << name << " ( lock timeout : " << durationCount<Milliseconds>(lockExpiration) << " ms, ping interval : " << durationCount<Milliseconds>(_pingInterval) << " ms, process : " << _processID << " )" << " with lockSessionID: " << lockSessionID << ", why: " << whyMessage; auto lockResult = _catalog->grabLock( txn, name, lockSessionID, who, _processID, Date_t::now(), whyMessage); auto status = lockResult.getStatus(); if (status.isOK()) { // Lock is acquired since findAndModify was able to successfully modify // the lock document. log() << "distributed lock '" << name << "' acquired for '" << whyMessage << "', ts : " << lockSessionID; return ScopedDistLock(txn, lockSessionID, this); } // If a network error occurred, unlock the lock synchronously and try again if (ShardRegistry::kAllRetriableErrors.count(status.code()) && networkErrorRetries < kMaxNumLockAcquireRetries) { LOG(1) << "Failed to acquire distributed lock because of retriable error. Retrying " "acquisition by first unlocking the stale entry, which possibly exists now" << causedBy(status); networkErrorRetries++; status = _catalog->unlock(txn, lockSessionID); if (status.isOK()) { // We certainly do not own the lock, so we can retry continue; } // Fall-through to the error checking logic below invariant(status != ErrorCodes::LockStateChangeFailed); LOG(1) << "Failed to retry acqusition of distributed lock. No more attempts will be made" << causedBy(status); } if (status != ErrorCodes::LockStateChangeFailed) { // An error occurred but the write might have actually been applied on the // other side. Schedule an unlock to clean it up just in case. queueUnlock(lockSessionID); return status; } // Get info from current lock and check if we can overtake it. auto getLockStatusResult = _catalog->getLockByName(txn, name); const auto& getLockStatus = getLockStatusResult.getStatus(); if (!getLockStatusResult.isOK() && getLockStatus != ErrorCodes::LockNotFound) { return getLockStatus; } // Note: Only attempt to overtake locks that actually exists. If lock was not // found, use the normal grab lock path to acquire it. if (getLockStatusResult.isOK()) { auto currentLock = getLockStatusResult.getValue(); auto canOvertakeResult = canOvertakeLock(txn, currentLock, lockExpiration); if (!canOvertakeResult.isOK()) { return canOvertakeResult.getStatus(); } if (canOvertakeResult.getValue()) { auto overtakeResult = _catalog->overtakeLock(txn, name, lockSessionID, currentLock.getLockID(), who, _processID, Date_t::now(), whyMessage); const auto& overtakeStatus = overtakeResult.getStatus(); if (overtakeResult.isOK()) { // Lock is acquired since findAndModify was able to successfully modify // the lock document. LOG(0) << "lock '" << name << "' successfully forced"; LOG(0) << "distributed lock '" << name << "' acquired, ts : " << lockSessionID; return ScopedDistLock(txn, lockSessionID, this); } if (overtakeStatus != ErrorCodes::LockStateChangeFailed) { // An error occurred but the write might have actually been applied on the // other side. Schedule an unlock to clean it up just in case. queueUnlock(lockSessionID); return overtakeStatus; } } } LOG(1) << "distributed lock '" << name << "' was not acquired."; if (waitFor == milliseconds::zero()) { break; } // Periodically message for debugging reasons if (msgTimer.seconds() > 10) { LOG(0) << "waited " << timer.seconds() << "s for distributed lock " << name << " for " << whyMessage; msgTimer.reset(); } // A new lock acquisition attempt will begin now (because the previous found the lock to be // busy, so reset the retries counter) networkErrorRetries = 0; const milliseconds timeRemaining = std::max(milliseconds::zero(), waitFor - milliseconds(timer.millis())); sleepFor(std::min(lockTryInterval, timeRemaining)); } return {ErrorCodes::LockBusy, str::stream() << "timed out waiting for " << name}; }