AiInterface::AiInterface(Game &game, int factionIndex, int teamIndex){ this->world= game.getWorld(); this->commander= game.getCommander(); this->console= game.getConsole(); this->factionIndex= factionIndex; this->teamIndex= teamIndex; timer= 0; //init ai ai.init(this); //config logLevel= Config::getInstance().getInt("AiLog"); redir= Config::getInstance().getBool("AiRedir"); //clear log file if(logLevel>0){ FILE *f= fopen(getLogFilename().c_str(), "wt"); if(f==NULL){ throw runtime_error("Can't open file: "+getLogFilename()); } fprintf(f, "%s", "Glest AI log file\n\n"); fclose(f); } }
FILE *openLog(const char *func, const char *file, int line) { char timestamp[TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_LEN]; #ifdef _WIN32 char delimiter = '\\'; SYSTEMTIME now; FILE *log; GetLocalTime(&now); sprintf_s(timestamp, TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_LEN, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", now.wYear, now.wMonth, now.wDay, now.wHour, now.wMinute, now.wSecond, now.wMilliseconds); #else char delimiter = '/'; struct timeval tv; time_t curtime; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); curtime = tv.tv_sec; strftime(timestamp, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %T", localtime(&curtime)); #ifdef __APPLE__ sprintf(timestamp + strlen(timestamp), ".%03i ", tv.tv_usec / 1000); #else sprintf(timestamp + strlen(timestamp), ".%03li ", tv.tv_usec / 1000); #endif #endif #ifndef _WIN32 FILE *log = fopen(getLogFilename(), "a"); #else log = _fsopen(getLogFilename(), "a", _SH_DENYNO); #endif fprintf(log, "%s ", timestamp); if (file) { char *f = strrchr((char *)file, delimiter); if (!f) f = (char *)file; else f++; fprintf(log, "%s() [%s:%i] ", func, f, line); } return log; }
void Settings::logInstructions(int argc, char **args) const { std::ofstream logFile;; if (!logFile) throw std::ios_base::failure("Can't write to " + getLogFilename()); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) logFile << " " << args[i]; logFile << std::endl; logFile.close(); }
void startTest() { TCHAR logFileName[1024]; getLogFilename(logFileName); testLogFile = _tfopen(logFileName, _T("w")); if (!testLogFile) return; int pointTestErr = testPoint(); logHLine(); int vectorTestErr = testVector(); logHLine(); int lineTestErr = testLine(); logHLine(); int planeTestErr = testPlane(); logHLine(); int triangleTestErr = testTriangle(); logHLine(); int basisTestErr = testBasis(); logHLine(); int matrixTestErr = testMatrix(); fclose(testLogFile); testLogFile = NULL; }
void TestOsSysLogListener::endTest(CPPUNIT_NS::Test* test) { // Flush and shutdown logging, so the log file is closed and able to be removed. OsSysLog::flush(); OsSysLog::shutdown(); // Remove the log file if it is an empty one. UtlString testLogFile = getLogFilename(test->getName().c_str()); OsPath testLogFilePath(testLogFile); OsFileInfo tLogFInfo; OsStatus stat = OsFileSystem::getFileInfo(testLogFilePath, tLogFInfo); if (stat == OS_SUCCESS) { unsigned long logSz = 0; stat = tLogFInfo.getSize(logSz); if (stat == OS_SUCCESS && (logSz == 0)) { stat = OsFileSystem::remove(testLogFile, FALSE, TRUE); if (stat != OS_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to remove file %s\n",; } } } }
TestLogger::TestLogger(int thid) { char logFile[64]; getLogFilename(logFile, sizeof(logFile), thid, ".txt"); tid = thid;, ios::out|ios::trunc); assert(ouf && "can't open log file for write!"); }
void AiInterface::printLog(int logLevel, const string &s){ if(this->logLevel>=logLevel){ string logString= "(" + intToStr(factionIndex) + ") " + s; //print log to file FILE *f= fopen(getLogFilename().c_str(), "at"); if(f==NULL){ throw runtime_error("Can't open file: "+getLogFilename()); } fprintf(f, "%s\n", logString.c_str()); fclose(f); //redirect to console if(redir) { console->addLine(logString); } } }
void TestOsSysLogListener::startTest(CPPUNIT_NS::Test* test) { UtlString testLogFile = getLogFilename(test->getName().c_str()); OsSysLog::initialize(0,"UnitTest"); OsSysLog::setLoggingPriority(PRI_DEBUG); OsFileSystem::remove(testLogFile, FALSE, TRUE); OsSysLog::setOutputFile(0,testLogFile); }
BinLogger::BinLogger(int tid) { char logFile[64]; getLogFilename(logFile, sizeof(logFile), tid, ".bin"); foff = 0; fd = open(logFile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600); dprintf("logFile = %s\n", logFile); assert(fd >= 0 && "can't open log file!"); assert(ftruncate(fd, LOG_SIZE) == 0); buf = NULL; mapLogTrunk(); }
void write_log(const char *func, const char *file, int line, const char *message, ...) { FILE *log; va_list args; if (access(getLogFilename(), W_OK) == -1) { return; } log = openLog(func, file, line); va_start(args, message); vfprintf(log, message, args); va_end(args); fprintf(log, "\n"); fclose(log); }
bool Log_File::init(const char *LogPath, const char *logFile, int perfilesize_M, int maxBackupFiles) { time_t now_time; strncpy(m_Path,LogPath,512); //cout<<" perfilesize_M = "<<perfilesize_M<<endl; m_PerFilesize = perfilesize_M <1000 ? perfilesize_M:1000; m_PerFilesize = m_PerFilesize * 1024 *1024; //cout<<" m_PerFilesize = "<<m_PerFilesize<<endl; m_maxBackupFiles =maxBackupFiles <100?maxBackupFiles:100; if(strlen(m_Path)>0) { while(m_Path[strlen(m_Path) - 1]=='/') m_Path[strlen(m_Path) - 1]='\0'; } for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { if(!Pubc::isPathExist(m_Path)) { char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf,"mkdir -p %s",m_Path); system(buf); } if(!Pubc::isPathExist(m_Path)) strcpy(m_Path,"./logs"); } sprintf(baseName, "%s", logFile); sprintf(linkName, "%s/%s", m_Path, baseName); getLogFilename(baseName, &now_time); last_roll = (now_time + 8*3600)/ secondsOfDay * secondsOfDay; return Pubc::isPathExist(m_Path); }
inline void Log_File::checkLogFile() { //cout<<"m_curSize= "<<m_curSize<<" m_PerFilesize = " <<m_PerFilesize<<endl; time_t now, new_roll; now = time(NULL); new_roll = (now + 8*3600) / secondsOfDay * secondsOfDay; if(m_Fp_Log!=NULL&&m_curSize < m_PerFilesize && (new_roll == last_roll)) return; close(); string logname = getLogFilename(baseName, &now); sprintf(m_FileName, "%s/%s", m_Path, logname.c_str()); last_roll = new_roll; //创建文件 m_Fp_Log=fopen(m_FileName,"wt"); unlink(linkName); symlink(logname.c_str(), linkName); }
#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32") #include "jvm_connection.hpp" #include <Windows.h> #include <winreg.h> #include <jni.h> #include "filesystem.h" #include "timing.h" #include "util.h" static const char* LOG_FOLDER = getLogFolder(); static const char* LOG_FILENAME = getLogFilename(); int JAVA_VERSION = 0; int findLastSeparator( const char* filename ) { for ( int i = strlen( filename ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( filename[i] == '\\' ) return ( i ); } return ( -1 ); } void renameOldLogFile() { //_unlink( LOG_FILENAME ); char* buffer = (char*)malloc( MAX_PATH ); int folderLength = findLastSeparator( LOG_FILENAME );
std::string Trace::getDefaultLogFilename() { return getLogFilename("vle.log"); }
/** * Creates an absolute path like <logDirectory>/<Date>_<Time>_'file'Err.txt * @param file is the suffix for the absolute path. * @return An absolute error log filename. */ std::string getErrLogFilename(const std::string& file) { std::string errFile = file + "Err"; return getLogFilename(errFile); }