Example #1
PluginModuleInfo PluginInfoStore::findPlugin(String& mimeType, const KURL& url)

    // First, check if we can get the plug-in based on its MIME type.
    if (!mimeType.isNull()) {
        PluginModuleInfo plugin = findPluginForMIMEType(mimeType);
        if (!plugin.path.isNull())
            return plugin;

    // Next, check if any plug-ins claim to support the URL extension.
    String extension = pathExtension(url).lower();
    if (!extension.isNull() && mimeType.isEmpty()) {
        PluginModuleInfo plugin = findPluginForExtension(extension, mimeType);
        if (!plugin.path.isNull())
            return plugin;

        // Finally, try to get the MIME type from the extension in a platform specific manner and use that.
        String extensionMimeType = getMIMETypeForExtension(extension);
        if (!extensionMimeType.isNull()) {
            PluginModuleInfo plugin = findPluginForMIMEType(extensionMimeType);
            if (!plugin.path.isNull()) {
                mimeType = extensionMimeType;
                return plugin;

    return PluginModuleInfo();
String MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath(const String& path)
    int pos = path.reverseFind('.');
    if (pos >= 0) {
        String extension = path.substring(pos + 1);
        return getMIMETypeForExtension(extension);
    return "application/octet-stream";
String MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath(const String& path)
    size_t pos = path.reverseFind('.');
    if (pos != notFound) {
        String extension = path.substring(pos + 1);
        String result = getMIMETypeForExtension(extension);
        if (result.length())
            return result;
    return "application/octet-stream";
String MIMETypeRegistry::getMediaMIMETypeForExtension(const String& ext)
    // Check with system specific implementation first.
    String mimeType = getMIMETypeForExtension(ext);
    if (!mimeType.isEmpty())
        return mimeType;

    // No match, look in the static mapping.
    if (!mediaMIMETypeForExtensionMap)
    return mediaMIMETypeForExtensionMap->get(ext);
String MIMETypeRegistry::getMediaMIMETypeForExtension(const String& ext)
    // Look in the system-specific registry first.
    String type = getMIMETypeForExtension(ext);
    if (!type.isEmpty())
        return type;

    Vector<String>* typeList = mediaMIMETypeMap().get(ext);
    if (typeList)
        return (*typeList)[0];
    return String();
String MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath(const String& path)
    int pos = path.reverseFind('.');
    if (pos < 0)
        return "application/octet-stream";
    String extension = path.substring(pos + 1);
    String mimeType = getMIMETypeForExtension(extension);
    if (mimeType.isEmpty()) {
        // If there's no mimetype registered for the extension, check to see
        // if a plugin can handle the extension.
        mimeType = getPluginMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
    return mimeType;
Vector<String> MIMETypeRegistry::getMediaMIMETypesForExtension(const String& ext)
    Vector<String>* typeList = mediaMIMETypeMap().get(ext);
    if (typeList)
        return *typeList;

    // Only need to look in the system-specific registry if mediaMIMETypeMap() doesn't contain
    // the extension at all, because it always contains the system-specific type if the
    // extension is in the static mapping table.
    String type = getMIMETypeForExtension(ext);
    if (!type.isEmpty()) {
        Vector<String> typeList;
        return typeList;
    return Vector<String>();