AREXPORT void ArActionDesired::log(void) const
  // all those maxes and movement parameters
  if (getMaxVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tMaxTransVel %.0f", getMaxVel());
  if (getMaxNegVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tMaxTransNegVel %.0f", 
  if (getTransAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tTransAccel %.0f", getTransAccel());
  if (getTransDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tTransDecel %.0f", getTransDecel());
  if (getMaxRotVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tMaxRotVel %.0f", "",
  if (getRotAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotAccel %.0f", "",
  if (getRotDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotDecel %.0f", "",

  if (getMaxLeftLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tMaxLeftLatVel %.0f", "",
  if (getMaxRightLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tMaxRightLatVel %.0f", "",
  if (getLatAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatAccel %.0f", "",
  if (getLatDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatDecel %.0f", "",
  // the actual movement part
  if (getVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tVel %.0f", getVel());
  if (getHeadingStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tHeading %.0f", "", 
  if (getDeltaHeadingStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tDeltaHeading %.0f", "", 
  if (getRotVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotVel %.0f", "", 
  if (getLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH)
    ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatVel %.0f", "", 
   // Do the main part of my calculations.  This function fills in the array
   // of times in each of the 7 possible sub-segments.
   void CalcTimes( void )
      double Ve = velEnd;
      double Vs = getVelStart();
      double P = length;
      double A = getMaxAcc();
      double D = getMaxDec();
      double V = getMaxVel();
      double J = getMaxJrk();

      // We start out assuming that we will hit the max velocity.
      // If this calculation is successful, then we're done
      if( CalcForVel( V ) )

      // Make a quick check here for a zero length segment.  
      if( P <= 0.0 )
         for( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) SegT[i] = 0;

      // OK, we aren't going to hit the velocity limit in this move.  
      // I'll try running at the accel & decel limits only
      double ta = ( sqrt( 8*A*D*J*J*P*(A+D) + 
                          4*J*J*(Vs*Vs*D*D + (Vs*Vs+Ve*Ve)*A*D + Ve*Ve*A*A) -
                          4*A*D*J*(Ve*D*D + (Vs+Ve)*A*D + Vs*A*A) + 
                          A*A*D*D*( D*D + 2*A*D + A*A )
                    -2*J*Vs*(A+D) -A*D*D -3*A*A*D - 2*A*A*A
                  / ( 2*A*J*(A+D) );

      double tj = A/J;
      double tk = D/J;
      double td = (Vs - Ve + J*tj*ta + J*tj*tj - J*tk*tk)/(J*tk);

      // If both of these times came out positive, we're done
      if( (ta >= 0.0) && (td >= 0.0) )
         SegT[0] = tj;
         SegT[1] = ta;
         SegT[2] = tj;
         SegT[3] = 0;
         SegT[4] = tk;
         SegT[5] = td;
         SegT[6] = tk;

      // We can't reach both the accel & decel limits.
      // There isn't a simple formulat for calculating out the optimal times
      // in this case, so I'll itterate with various maximum velocities until
      // I find one that will work.
      double Vup, Vdn;

      // I'll find the max velocity that I'd use without jerk limiting as an
      // initial upper limit
      Vup = SegV[1];

      // For my lower limit, I'll pick the higher of the starting or ending velocity
      Vdn = (Vs>Ve) ? Vs : Ve;

      // First calculation uses the lower velocity limit.  
      // This should never fail.
      CalcForVel( Vdn, true );

      // Itterate as many as 10 times to try to get a faster move.
      // I'll quit when my constant velocity segment is less then
      // 1 millisecond long.
      for( int i=0; (i<10) && (SegT[3] > MIN_PVT_TIME); i++ )
         V = (Vup+Vdn)/2;
         if( CalcForVel( V ) )
            Vdn = V;
            Vup = V;

   // Calculate run times with no jerk limits.  This is quicker & simpler
   // then the full blown calculations that include jerk limits.
   virtual void CalcNoJrk( void )
      double ve = velEnd;
      double vs = getVelStart();
      double P = length;
      double A = getMaxAcc();
      double D = getMaxDec();
      double V = getMaxVel();

      // Assume for the moment that we will hit our accel & decel limits.
      double ta = (V-vs) / A;
      double td = (V-ve) / D;
      double tv;
      double remain = P - (vs*ta + ta*ta*A/2) - (ve*td + td*td*D/2);

      if( remain >= 0 )
         tv = remain / V;

         ta = sqrt( (A+D)*(D*vs*vs + A*ve*ve + 2*A*D*P) ) / (A*(A+D)) - vs/A;
         td = (A*ta+vs-ve)/D;
         tv = 0.0;

      // Set the times for each sub-segment
      SegT[0] = 0.0;
      SegT[1] = ta;
      SegT[2] = 0.0;
      SegT[3] = tv;
      SegT[4] = 0.0;
      SegT[5] = td;
      SegT[6] = 0.0;

      // Set the acceleration at the end of each sub-segment
      SegA[0] = A;
      SegA[1] = 0;
      SegA[2] = 0;
      SegA[3] = 0;
      SegA[4] = -D;
      SegA[5] = 0;
      SegA[6] = 0;

      // Fill in the position, and velocity for 
      // the end of each of the sub-segments.
      double p = 0;
      double v = getVelStart();

      SegP[0] = 0;
      SegV[0] = v;
      for( int i=1; i<7; i+=2 )
         double t = SegT[i];
         double a = SegA[i-1];

         p += v*t + a*t*t/2;
         v += a*t;

         SegP[i] = SegP[i+1] = p;
         SegV[i] = SegV[i+1] = v;

   // Return the maximum velocity increase possible for this segment
   // based on the length of the segment and it's limits.
   // We assume some known starting velocity.
   // @param Vs starting velocity to use
   // @param A Acceleration limit to use
   // @return Maximum ending velocity
   virtual double getMaxVelInc( double Vs, double A )
      double P = getLength();
      double Vmax = getMaxVel();

      // If we aren't using jerk limiting, then this is 
      // simply the starting velocity plus the amount that we
      // can accelerate during this segment.
      if( !usingJerkLimits() )
         double v = sqrt( Vs*Vs + 2*A*P );
         if( v > Vmax ) v = Vmax;
         return v;

      // If we are using jerk limits, this is considerably more complex.
      // Note that we are assuming that acceleration is zero between 
      // segments to keep things from getting too hairy.
      // First, see what our max veloctiy would be if we only used
      // the jerk and position limits.
      // P = 2*Vs*t + J*t^3
      //   Vs = starting velocity
      //   P  = total segment length
      //   J  = jerk limit
      //   t  = half time for segment
      // solve this for t:
      double J = getMaxJrk();
      double M = pow( sqrt( (32*Vs*Vs*Vs+27*J*P*P)/(108*J*J*J) )+P/(2*J), 1.0/3.0);
      double t = M -(2*Vs)/(3*J*M);

      // The peak acceleration would be at time t.  Make sure this doesn't
      // exceed my limit.
      if( J*t <= A )
         // OK, we didn't exceed the accel limit, so find the max ending
         // velocity.  If this is over my maximum then just return the max.
         double v = Vs + J * t * t;
         if( v > Vmax ) v = Vmax;
         return v;

      // We exceeded the accel limit, so I'll recalculate using that limit
      // as well as my jerk limit.  Basically, I'll split the segment into
      // three parts, two parts will run at the jerk limits and one will
      // run at the accel limit

      // Find the time it will take to run at the jerk limit
      double tj = A/J;

      // Find the time at the accel limit
      double AA = A*A;
      double AAAA = AA*AA;
      double JJ = J*J;
      double ta = (sqrt(8*A*JJ*P + 4*Vs*Vs*JJ - 4*Vs*AA*J + AAAA) - 2*Vs*J - 3*AA)/(2*A*J);

      // Find the velocity at the end of those times
      double v = Vs + A*(tj+ta);

      // Limit based on our max
      if( v > Vmax ) v = Vmax;
      return v;
Example #5
//Do the interpolation calculations
bool SIM_SnowSolver::solveGasSubclass(SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, SIM_Time framerate){

	/// STEP #0: Retrieve all data objects from Houdini

	//Scalar params
	freal particle_mass = getPMass();
	freal YOUNGS_MODULUS = getYoungsModulus();
	freal POISSONS_RATIO = getPoissonsRatio();
	freal CRIT_COMPRESS = getCritComp();
	freal CRIT_STRETCH = getCritStretch();
	freal FLIP_PERCENT = getFlipPercent();
	freal HARDENING = getHardening();
	freal CFL = getCfl();
	freal COF = getCof();
	freal division_size = getDivSize();
	freal max_vel = getMaxVel();
	//Vector params
	vector3 GRAVITY = getGravity();
	vector3 bbox_min_limit = getBboxMin();
	vector3 bbox_max_limit = getBboxMax();

	//Particle params
	UT_String s_p, s_vol, s_den, s_vel, s_fe, s_fp;

	SIM_Geometry* geometry = (SIM_Geometry*) obj->getNamedSubData(s_p);
	if (!geometry) return true;
	//Get particle data
	//Do we use the attribute name???
	// GU_DetailHandle gdh = geometry->getGeometry().getWriteableCopy();
	GU_DetailHandle gdh = geometry->getOwnGeometry();
	const GU_Detail* gdp_in = gdh.readLock(); // Must unlock later
	GU_Detail* gdp_out = gdh.writeLock();

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_position = gdp_out->findPointAttribute("P");
	GA_RWHandleT<vector3> p_position(p_ref_position.getAttribute());

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_volume = gdp_out->findPointAttribute(s_vol);
	GA_RWHandleT<freal> p_volume(p_ref_volume.getAttribute());

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_density = gdp_out->findPointAttribute(s_den);
	GA_RWHandleT<freal> p_density(p_ref_density.getAttribute());

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_vel = gdp_out->findPointAttribute(s_vel);
	GA_RWHandleT<vector3> p_vel(p_ref_vel.getAttribute());

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_Fe = gdp_out->findPointAttribute(s_fe);
	GA_RWHandleT<matrix3> p_Fe(p_ref_Fe.getAttribute());

	GA_RWAttributeRef p_ref_Fp = gdp_out->findPointAttribute(s_fp);
	GA_RWHandleT<matrix3> p_Fp(p_ref_Fp.getAttribute());


	//Get grid data
	SIM_ScalarField *g_mass_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_mass_data;
	getMatchingData(g_mass_data, obj, MPM_G_MASS);	
	g_mass_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_mass_data(0), SIM_ScalarField);

	SIM_VectorField *g_nvel_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_nvel_data;
	getMatchingData(g_nvel_data, obj, MPM_G_NVEL);
	g_nvel_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_nvel_data(0), SIM_VectorField);

	SIM_VectorField *g_ovel_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_ovel_data;
	getMatchingData(g_ovel_data, obj, MPM_G_OVEL);
	g_ovel_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_ovel_data(0), SIM_VectorField);

	SIM_ScalarField *g_active_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_active_data;
	getMatchingData(g_active_data, obj, MPM_G_ACTIVE);	
	g_active_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_active_data(0), SIM_ScalarField);

	SIM_ScalarField *g_density_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_density_data;
	getMatchingData(g_density_data, obj, MPM_G_DENSITY);	
	g_density_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_density_data(0), SIM_ScalarField);

	SIM_ScalarField *g_col_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_col_data;
	getMatchingData(g_col_data, obj, MPM_G_COL);	
	g_col_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_col_data(0), SIM_ScalarField);

	SIM_VectorField *g_colVel_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_colVel_data;
	getMatchingData(g_colVel_data, obj, MPM_G_COLVEL);	
	g_colVel_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_colVel_data(0), SIM_VectorField);

	SIM_VectorField *g_extForce_field;
	SIM_DataArray g_extForce_data;
	getMatchingData(g_extForce_data, obj, MPM_G_EXTFORCE);	
	g_extForce_field = SIM_DATA_CAST(g_extForce_data(0), SIM_VectorField);
		*g_mass = g_mass_field->getField()->fieldNC(),
		*g_nvelX = g_nvel_field->getField(0)->fieldNC(),
		*g_nvelY = g_nvel_field->getField(1)->fieldNC(),
		*g_nvelZ = g_nvel_field->getField(2)->fieldNC(),
		*g_ovelX = g_ovel_field->getField(0)->fieldNC(),
		*g_ovelY = g_ovel_field->getField(1)->fieldNC(),
		*g_ovelZ = g_ovel_field->getField(2)->fieldNC(),
		*g_colVelX = g_colVel_field->getField(0)->fieldNC(),
		*g_colVelY = g_colVel_field->getField(1)->fieldNC(),
		*g_colVelZ = g_colVel_field->getField(2)->fieldNC(),
		*g_extForceX = g_extForce_field->getField(0)->fieldNC(),
		*g_extForceY = g_extForce_field->getField(1)->fieldNC(),
		*g_extForceZ = g_extForce_field->getField(2)->fieldNC(),
		*g_col = g_col_field->getField()->fieldNC(),
		*g_active = g_active_field->getField()->fieldNC();

	int point_count = gdp_out->getPointRange().getEntries();
	std::vector<boost::array<freal,64> > p_w(point_count);
	std::vector<boost::array<vector3,64> > p_wgh(point_count);

	//Get world-to-grid conversion ratios
	//Particle's grid position can be found via (pos - grid_origin)/voxel_dims
		voxel_dims = g_mass_field->getVoxelSize(),
		grid_origin = g_mass_field->getOrig(),
		grid_divs = g_mass_field->getDivisions();
	//Houdini uses voxel centers for grid nodes, rather than grid corners
	grid_origin += voxel_dims/2.0;
	freal voxelArea = voxel_dims[0]*voxel_dims[1]*voxel_dims[2];
	//Reset grid
	for(int iX=0; iX < grid_divs[0]; iX++){
		for(int iY=0; iY < grid_divs[1]; iY++){
			for(int iZ=0; iZ < grid_divs[2]; iZ++){

	/// STEP #1: Transfer mass to grid

	if (p_position.isValid()){

		//Iterate through particles
		for (GA_Iterator it(gdp_out->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()){
			int pid = it.getOffset();
			//Get grid position
			vector3 gpos = (p_position.get(pid) - grid_origin)/voxel_dims;
			int p_gridx = (int) gpos[0], p_gridy = (int) gpos[1], p_gridz = (int) gpos[2];
			freal particle_density = p_density.get(pid);
			//Compute weights and transfer mass
			for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz-1, z_end=z+3; z<=z_end; z++){
				//Z-dimension interpolation
				freal z_pos = gpos[2]-z,
					wz = SIM_SnowSolver::bspline(z_pos),
					dz = SIM_SnowSolver::bsplineSlope(z_pos);
				for (int y=p_gridy-1, y_end=y+3; y<=y_end; y++){
					//Y-dimension interpolation
					freal y_pos = gpos[1]-y,
						wy = SIM_SnowSolver::bspline(y_pos),
						dy = SIM_SnowSolver::bsplineSlope(y_pos);
					for (int x=p_gridx-1, x_end=x+3; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
						//X-dimension interpolation
						freal x_pos = gpos[0]-x,
							wx = SIM_SnowSolver::bspline(x_pos),
							dx = SIM_SnowSolver::bsplineSlope(x_pos);
						//Final weight is dyadic product of weights in each dimension
						freal weight = wx*wy*wz;
						p_w[pid-1][idx] = weight;

						//Weight gradient is a vector of partial derivatives
						p_wgh[pid-1][idx] = vector3(dx*wy*wz, wx*dy*wz, wx*wy*dz)/voxel_dims;

						//Interpolate mass
						freal node_mass = g_mass->getValue(x,y,z);
						node_mass += weight*particle_mass;
	/// STEP #2: First timestep only - Estimate particle volumes using grid mass

	if (time == 0.0){
		//Iterate through particles
		for (GA_Iterator it(gdp_out->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()){
			int pid = it.getOffset();
			freal density = 0;

			//Get grid position
			int p_gridx = 0, p_gridy = 0, p_gridz = 0;
			vector3 gpos = (p_position.get(pid) - grid_origin)/voxel_dims;
			int p_gridx = (int) gpos[0], p_gridy = (int) gpos[1], p_gridz = (int) gpos[2];
			//Transfer grid density (within radius) to particles
			for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz-1, z_end=z+3; z<=z_end; z++){
				for (int y=p_gridy-1, y_end=y+3; y<=y_end; y++){
					for (int x=p_gridx-1, x_end=x+3; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
						freal w = p_w[pid-1][idx];
						if (w > EPSILON){
							//Transfer density
							density += w * g_mass->getValue(x,y,z);
			density /= voxelArea;
			p_volume.set(pid, particle_mass/density);
	/// STEP #3: Transfer velocity to grid

	//This must happen after transferring mass, to conserve momentum
	//Iterate through particles and transfer
	for (GA_Iterator it(gdp_in->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()){
		int pid = it.getOffset();
		vector3 vel_fac = p_vel.get(pid)*particle_mass;

		//Get grid position
		vector3 gpos = (p_position.get(pid) - grid_origin)/voxel_dims;
		int p_gridx = (int) gpos[0], p_gridy = (int) gpos[1], p_gridz = (int) gpos[2];

		//Transfer to grid nodes within radius
		for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz-1, z_end=z+3; z<=z_end; z++){
			for (int y=p_gridy-1, y_end=y+3; y<=y_end; y++){
				for (int x=p_gridx-1, x_end=x+3; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
					freal w = p_w[pid-1][idx];
					if (w > EPSILON){
						freal nodex_vel = g_ovelX->getValue(x,y,z) + vel_fac[0]*w;
						freal nodey_vel = g_ovelY->getValue(x,y,z) + vel_fac[1]*w;
						freal nodez_vel = g_ovelZ->getValue(x,y,z) + vel_fac[2]*w;
	//Division is slow (maybe?); we only want to do divide by mass once, for each active node
	for(int iX=0; iX < grid_divs[0]; iX++){
		for(int iY=0; iY < grid_divs[1]; iY++){
			for(int iZ=0; iZ < grid_divs[2]; iZ++){
				//Only check nodes that have mass
				if (g_active->getValue(iX,iY,iZ)){
					freal node_mass = 1/(g_mass->getValue(iX,iY,iZ));
	/// STEP #4: Compute new grid velocities

	//Temporary variables for plasticity and force calculation
	//We need one set of variables for each thread that will be running
	eigen_matrix3 def_elastic, def_plastic, energy, svd_u, svd_v;
	Eigen::JacobiSVD<eigen_matrix3, Eigen::NoQRPreconditioner> svd;
	eigen_vector3 svd_e;
	matrix3  HDK_def_plastic, HDK_def_elastic, HDK_energy;
	freal* data_dp =;
	freal* data_de =;
	freal* data_energy =;
	//Map Eigen matrices to HDK matrices
	Eigen::Map<eigen_matrix3> data_dp_map(data_dp);
	Eigen::Map<eigen_matrix3> data_de_map(data_de);
	Eigen::Map<eigen_matrix3> data_energy_map(data_energy);	

	//Compute force at each particle and transfer to Eulerian grid
	//We use "nvel" to hold the grid force, since that variable is not in use
	for (GA_Iterator it(gdp_in->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()){
		int pid = it.getOffset();
		//Apply plasticity to deformation gradient, before computing forces
		//We need to use the Eigen lib to do the SVD; transfer houdini matrices to Eigen matrices
		HDK_def_plastic = p_Fp.get(pid);
		HDK_def_elastic = p_Fe.get(pid);
		def_plastic = Eigen::Map<eigen_matrix3>(data_dp);
		def_elastic = Eigen::Map<eigen_matrix3>(data_de);
		//Compute singular value decomposition (uev*)
		svd.compute(def_elastic, Eigen::ComputeFullV | Eigen::ComputeFullU);
		svd_e = svd.singularValues();
		svd_u = svd.matrixU();
		svd_v = svd.matrixV();
		//Clamp singular values
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
			if (svd_e[i] < CRIT_COMPRESS) 
				svd_e[i] = CRIT_COMPRESS;
			else if (svd_e[i] > CRIT_STRETCH)
				svd_e[i] = CRIT_STRETCH;
		//Put SVD back together for new elastic and plastic gradients
		def_plastic = svd_v * svd_e.asDiagonal().inverse() * svd_u.transpose() * def_elastic * def_plastic;
		def_elastic = svd_u * svd_e.asDiagonal() * svd_v;
		//Now compute the energy partial derivative (which we use to get force at each grid node)
		energy = 2*mu*(def_elastic - svd_u*svd_v)*def_elastic.transpose();
		//Je is the determinant of def_elastic (equivalent to
		freal Je =,
			contour = lambda*Je*(Je-1),
			jp = def_plastic.determinant(),
			particle_vol = p_volume.get(pid);
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
			energy(i,i) += contour;
		energy *=  particle_vol * exp(HARDENING*(1-jp));
		//Transfer Eigen matrices back to HDK
		data_dp_map = def_plastic;
		data_de_map = def_elastic;
		data_energy_map = energy;
		//Transfer energy to surrounding grid nodes
		vector3 gpos = (p_position.get(pid) - grid_origin)/voxel_dims;
		int p_gridx = (int) gpos[0], p_gridy = (int) gpos[1], p_gridz = (int) gpos[2];
		for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz-1, z_end=z+3; z<=z_end; z++){
			for (int y=p_gridy-1, y_end=y+3; y<=y_end; y++){
				for (int x=p_gridx-1, x_end=x+3; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
					freal w = p_w[pid-1][idx];
					if (w > EPSILON){
						vector3 ngrad = p_wgh[pid-1][idx];
						g_nvelX->setValue(x,y,z,g_nvelX->getValue(x,y,z) +[0]));
						g_nvelY->setValue(x,y,z,g_nvelY->getValue(x,y,z) +[1]));
						g_nvelZ->setValue(x,y,z,g_nvelZ->getValue(x,y,z) +[2]));						

	//Use new forces to solve for new velocities
	for(int iX=0; iX < grid_divs[0]; iX++){
		for(int iY=0; iY < grid_divs[1]; iY++){
			for(int iZ=0; iZ < grid_divs[2]; iZ++){
				//Only compute for active nodes
				if (g_active->getValue(iX,iY,iZ)){
					freal nodex_ovel = g_ovelX->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal nodey_ovel = g_ovelY->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal nodez_ovel = g_ovelZ->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal forcex = g_nvelX->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal forcey = g_nvelY->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal forcez = g_nvelZ->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal node_mass = 1/(g_mass->getValue(iX,iY,iZ));
					freal ext_forceX = GRAVITY[0] + g_extForceX->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal ext_forceY = GRAVITY[1] + g_extForceY->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					freal ext_forceZ = GRAVITY[2] + g_extForceZ->getValue(iX,iY,iZ);
					nodex_ovel += framerate*(ext_forceX - forcex*node_mass);
					nodey_ovel += framerate*(ext_forceY - forcey*node_mass);
					nodez_ovel += framerate*(ext_forceZ - forcez*node_mass);
					//Limit velocity to max_vel
					vector3 g_nvel(nodex_ovel, nodey_ovel, nodez_ovel);
					freal nvelNorm = g_nvel.length();
					if(nvelNorm > max_vel){
						freal velRatio = max_vel/nvelNorm;
						g_nvel*= velRatio;



	/// STEP #5: Grid collision resolution

	vector3 sdf_normal;
	for(int iX=1; iX < grid_divs[0]-1; iX++){
		for(int iY=1; iY < grid_divs[1]-1; iY++){
			for(int iZ=1; iZ < grid_divs[2]-1; iZ++){
				if (g_active->getValue(iX,iY,iZ)){
					if (!computeSDFNormal(g_col, iX, iY, iZ, sdf_normal))

					//Collider velocity
					vector3 vco(
					//Grid velocity
					vector3 v(
					//Skip if bodies are separating
					vector3 vrel = v - vco;
					freal vn =;
					if (vn >= 0) continue;
					//Resolve collisions; also add velocity of collision object to snow velocity
					//Sticks to surface (too slow to overcome static friction)
					vector3 vt = vrel - (sdf_normal*vn);

					freal stick = vn*COF, vt_norm = vt.length();
					if (vt_norm <= -stick)
						vt = vco;
					//Dynamic friction
					else vt += stick*vt/vt_norm + vco;

	/// STEP #6: Transfer grid velocities to particles and integrate
	/// STEP #7: Particle collision resolution

	vector3 pic, flip, col_vel;
	matrix3 vel_grad;
	//Iterate through particles
	for (GA_Iterator it(gdp_in->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()){
		int pid = it.getOffset();
		//Particle position
		vector3 pos(p_position.get(pid));
		//Reset velocity
		pic[0] = 0.0;
		pic[1] = 0.0;
		pic[2] = 0.0;
		flip = p_vel.get(pid);;
		freal density = 0;

		 //Get grid position
		vector3 gpos = (pos - grid_origin)/voxel_dims;
		int p_gridx = (int) gpos[0], p_gridy = (int) gpos[1], p_gridz = (int) gpos[2];
		for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz-1, z_end=z+3; z<=z_end; z++){
			for (int y=p_gridy-1, y_end=y+3; y<=y_end; y++){
				for (int x=p_gridx-1, x_end=x+3; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
					freal w = p_w[pid-1][idx];
					if (w > EPSILON){
						const vector3 node_wg = p_wgh[pid-1][idx];
						const vector3 node_nvel(

						//Transfer velocities
						pic += node_nvel*w;	
						flip[0] += (node_nvel[0] - g_ovelX->getValue(x,y,z))*w;	
						flip[1] += (node_nvel[1]- g_ovelY->getValue(x,y,z))*w;	
						flip[2] += (node_nvel[2] - g_ovelZ->getValue(x,y,z))*w;
						//Transfer density
						density += w * g_mass->getValue(x,y,z);
						//Transfer veloctiy gradient
						vel_grad.outerproductUpdate(1.0, node_nvel, node_wg);

		//Finalize velocity update
		vector3 vel = flip*FLIP_PERCENT + pic*(1-FLIP_PERCENT);
		//Reset collision data
		freal col_sdf = 0;
		sdf_normal[0] = 0;
		sdf_normal[1] = 0;
		sdf_normal[2] = 0;
		col_vel[0] = 0;
		col_vel[1] = 0;
		col_vel[2] = 0;
		//Interpolate surrounding nodes' SDF info to the particle (trilinear interpolation)

		for (int idx=0, z=p_gridz, z_end=z+1; z<=z_end; z++){
			freal w_z = gpos[2]-z;
			for (int y=p_gridy, y_end=y+1; y<=y_end; y++){
				freal w_zy = w_z*(gpos[1]-y);
				for (int x=p_gridx, x_end=x+1; x<=x_end; x++, idx++){
					freal weight = fabs(w_zy*(gpos[0]-x));
					//cout << w_zy << "," << (gpos[0]-x) << "," << weight << endl;
					vector3 temp_normal;
					computeSDFNormal(g_col, x, y, z, temp_normal);
						//goto SKIP_PCOLLIDE;
					//cout << g_col->getValue(x, y, z) << endl;
					sdf_normal += temp_normal*weight;
					col_sdf += g_col->getValue(x, y, z)*weight;
					col_vel[0] += g_colVelX->getValue(x, y, z)*weight;
					col_vel[1] += g_colVelY->getValue(x, y, z)*weight;
					col_vel[2] += g_colVelZ->getValue(x, y, z)*weight;

		//Resolve particle collisions	
		//cout << col_sdf << endl;
		if (col_sdf > 0){
			vector3 vrel = vel - col_vel;
			freal vn =;
			//Skip if bodies are separating
			if (vn < 0){
				//Resolve and add velocity of collision object to snow velocity
				//Sticks to surface (too slow to overcome static friction)
				vel = vrel - (sdf_normal*vn);
				freal stick = vn*COF, vel_norm = vel.length();
				if (vel_norm <= -stick)
					vel = col_vel;
				//Dynamic friction
				else vel += stick*vel/vel_norm + col_vel;

		//Finalize density update
		density /= voxelArea;

		//Update particle position
		pos += framerate*vel;
		//Limit particle position
		int mask = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
			if (pos[i] > bbox_max_limit[i]){
				pos[i] = bbox_max_limit[i];
				vel[i] = 0.0;
				mask |= 1 << i;
			else if (pos[i] < bbox_min_limit[i]){
				pos[i] = bbox_min_limit[i];
				vel[i] = 0.0;
				mask |= 1 << i;
		//Slow particle down at bounds (not really necessary...)
		if (mask){
			for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
				if (mask & 0x1)
					vel[i] *= .05;
				mask >>= 1;

		//Update particle deformation gradient
		//Note: plasticity is computed on the next timestep...
		vel_grad *= framerate;
		vel_grad(0,0) += 1;
		vel_grad(1,1) += 1;
		vel_grad(2,2) += 1;
		p_Fe.set(pid, vel_grad*p_Fe.get(pid));

	return true;