Example #1
void MessageBuffer::logBadPacketSize() {
	uint32_t msgSize = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(buffer->buffer.base);
	if(bufferOverflow) {
		    "Packet read/write overflow: id: %d, packet size: %d, buffer size: %d, offset: %d, field: %s\n",
		    uint32_t(p - buffer->buffer.base),
		    bufferOverflow ? getFieldInOverflow().c_str() : "<no overflow>");
	} else if(msgSize != getSize()) {
		    "Packet size is not buffer size: id: %d, packet size: %d, buffer size: %d, offset: %d\n",
		    uint32_t(p - buffer->buffer.base));
	} else if(uint32_t(p - buffer->buffer.base) != msgSize) {
		    "Packet was not fully read/written: id: %d, packet size: %d, buffer size: %d, offset: %d\n",
		    uint32_t(p - buffer->buffer.base));
	} else {
		    "Packet has invalid data: id: %d, packet size: %d, buffer size: %d, offset: %d, field: %s\n",
		    uint32_t(p - buffer->buffer.base),
		    bufferOverflow ? getFieldInOverflow().c_str() : "<no overflow>");
Example #2
bool Packet::parse()
    _packet.messageId = 0;
    _packet.messageLenghtType = 0;
    _packet.messageLength = 0;
    _packet.messageData = nullptr;

    if (_data.bytesAvailable() < sizeof(short))
        return false;

    unsigned short staticHeader = _data.readUShort();
    _packet.messageId = getMessageId(staticHeader);
    _packet.messageLenghtType = getMessageLenghtType(staticHeader);

    if (_data.bytesAvailable() < _packet.messageLenghtType)
        return false;

    _packet.messageLength = readMessageLenght(_packet.messageLenghtType);

    if (_data.bytesAvailable() < _packet.messageLength)
        return false;

    _packet.messageData = _data.readBytes(_packet.messageLength);

    return true;
Example #3
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the router gets input from either the "outside" (a new messgae to route) or from the router (next step for routing)
Model &Dispatcher::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){
	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"external message: "<<msg.value()<<endl;
	if ( this->state() == passive)
		if (msg.port() == msg_in) //putting something in the routing table
			//expecting a message including the peerid and a messageId encoded according to the spec of "complexmessages.h"

			int peer = getPeerId(msg.value());// get originating peer (from value of external msg)
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peer :"<<peer<<endl;
			int qq = getMessageId(msg.value()); // get query (encoded as messageid)
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  query :"<<qq<<endl;

			//generate new message id
			int msgid;
			msgid = id_counter;
			id_counter = (id_counter + 1)%MAXID; //count

			nextOutput_q = buildMessage(msgid, qq);
			nextOutput_p = buildMessage(msgid, peer);


	} //end if state is passive
		cout<<"Dispatcher error: message received while in active state"<<endl;
	// we have an instantaneous change back to the passive state (will output the next output values where relevant)
	holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));

	return *this ;
Example #4
bool Packet::deserialize(ByteArray& buffer)
    _header = 0;
    _id = 0;
    _lengthType = 0;
    _length = 0;

    BinaryReader reader(buffer);
    uint countReadedBytes = 0;

    if (reader.bytesAvailable() < sizeof(_header))
        return false;

    _header = reader.readUShort();
    _id = getMessageId(_header);
    _lengthType = getMessageLengthType(_header);
    countReadedBytes += sizeof(_header);

    if (reader.bytesAvailable() < _lengthType)
        return false;

    _length = getMessageLength(_lengthType, reader);
    countReadedBytes += _lengthType;

    if (reader.bytesAvailable() < _length)
        return false;

    _data = reader.readBytes(_length);
    countReadedBytes += _length;

    buffer.erase(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + countReadedBytes);

    return true;
Example #5
 * Function Name: externalFunction
 * Description: the router gets input from either the "outside" (a new messgae to route) or from the router (next step for routing)
Model &Server::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){
	if(VERBOSE) cout<<endl<<"external message: "<<msg.value()<<endl;
	/*if ( this->state() == passive)
		if (msg.port() == query_in) //putting something in the routing table

			//expecting a message including the peerid and a messageId encoded according to the spec of "complexmessages.h"

/*			int payload = getPeerId(msg.value());// we encode the msg payload instead of the peerid
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<" query: "<<payload<<endl;
			int id = getMessageId(msg.value()); // get message id
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id: "<<id<<endl;

			//create "mapping entry" list. The message ids are float values (that way we can generate them using a random function)
			// to create an empty list I use the default constructor, throught the shortcut of calling the [] operator.
			routingTable[id]=payload; //associates peerid to id in routing table.
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  RoutingTable id: "<<id<<endl << endl;//" associated with query: "<<routingTable[id]<<endl;

			int payload = getPeerId(msg.value());// we encode the msg payload instead of the peerid
			int identifier = getMessageId(msg.value());
			if(VERBOSE) cout<< endl <<" query: "<<payload<<endl;

			set<int> docsFromQuery;
			docsFromQuery = serverdoc -> getDocsFromQuery(payload); // set of documents associated with query
			int docsLeft = docsFromQuery.size();

			set<int>::iterator documents;

			if(VERBOSE) cout << "document(s) associated with query: "<<endl;
			if(docsFromQuery.size() > 0){
				for(documents = docsFromQuery.begin() ; documents != docsFromQuery.end(); documents++){
					if(VERBOSE) cout<< *documents<<"  Identifier: "<<identifier<<endl;
				if(VERBOSE) cout << "none"<<endl;

		else if (msg.port() ==  peer_in){

			//expecting value = TTL * 100 + peerid + id, where id is the decimal part (<1)
			//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"Message: a query reaches a peer... "<<msg.value()<<"\n";
			long inval = msg.value();

			//extract our 3 values using static functions from complexmessages.h
			//HACK : the msg payload will be encoded in the space meant for the peerId
			int inpeer = getPeerId(inval);
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peer :"<<inpeer<<endl;
			int id = getMessageId(inval);
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id: "<<id<<endl;

			//check for already visited peer : search for "peerid" in set mapped to id in routing table
			int query = routingTable[id]; // get the query associated wityh this id
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  query: "<<query<<endl;
			//TODO : what does this return if the msgid is not in the table ?

			//TODO : query the peerdoc table, the querydoc table, enqueue all results for output
			//set<int> docsFromPeer;       //documents associated with peer
			set<int> docsFromQuery;        //documents associated with the query
			docsFromQuery = serverdoc -> getDocsFromQuery(query);

			//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"intersection of document sets: ";
			set<int>::iterator doc;
			//if(docsFromPeer.size() > 0){
			//	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"peer has: ";

			if(VERBOSE) cout << "document(s) associated with query: ";
			for(doc = docsFromQuery.begin() ; doc != docsFromQuery.end(); doc++){
				if(VERBOSE) cout <<endl<< *doc << " which also links to: ";

				set<int> linkeddocs;
				linkeddocs = serverdoc->getDocsFromLink(*doc);   //set of all the documents connected to by *doc (doesn't work atm)
				set<int>::iterator docs;
				if(linkeddocs.size() == 0){
					if(VERBOSE) cout << "none";
				for(docs = linkeddocs.begin(); docs != linkeddocs.end();docs++){
					if(VERBOSE) cout << *docs;
			if(VERBOSE) cout << endl << endl;



/* Original stuff

			for ( doc=docsFromPeer.begin() ; doc != docsFromPeer.end(); doc++ ){ // loop through docs stored by peer
				if(VERBOSE) cout<<"peer has : "<<*doc;
				if(docsFromQuery.count(*doc)==1) {// if the considered doc matches the query
					if(VERBOSE) cout<<" (hit!); ";
					QueryhitQ.push(buildMessage(id,*doc, inpeer)); //enqueue a message made from the queryId and the queryhit document

				}else {
					if(VERBOSE) cout<<" (no match); ";


			int docID = getPeerId(msg.value());
			int identifier = getMessageId(msg.value());
			if(VERBOSE) cout<< endl <<" document: "<<docID<<endl;

			set<int> docLinks; // set of documents associated with query
			docLinks = serverdoc -> getDocsFromLink(docID);

			set<int>::iterator docs;
			int docsLeft = docLinks.size();

			if(VERBOSE) cout << "This document links to: "<<endl;
			if(docLinks.size() > 0){
				for(docs = docLinks.begin() ; docs != docLinks.end(); docs++){
					if(VERBOSE) cout << *docs << "  identifier: " << identifier <<endl;
				if(VERBOSE) cout << "none"<<endl;

		////////////////DATA OPERATIONS : publish, remove //////////////////
	//	else if (msg.port() == publish){

			//extract message content using static functions from complexmessages.h

////add query doc-link
//			int query = getPeerId(msg.value());
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peer :"<<peer<<endl;
//			int doc = getMessageId(msg.value());
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id:"<<doc<<endl;
//			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"Query "<<query<<" associated with document "<<doc <<"\n";

//			serverdoc->querydoclink(query,doc); //store in the graph

//Peer publishing documents

			int peer = getPeerId(msg.value());
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peer :"<<peer<<endl;
			int doc = getMessageId(msg.value());
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id:"<<doc<<endl;
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"peer "<<peer<<" publishes document "<<doc <<"\n";

			peerdoc->publish(peer,doc); //store in the graph


			// all below is out of date
			//if the peer or the document are not in the matrix, we need to add the peer / doc to the graph
			/*if(peerdoc->find(peer)==peerdoc->end()){ // peer not found in graph
				if(VERBOSE) cout<<"new peer"<<endl;
			} else
				if(VERBOSE) cout<<"found peer:"<<*(peerdoc->find(peer))<<endl;;

			if(peerdoc->find(doc)==peerdoc->end()){ // doc not found in graph
				if(VERBOSE) cout<<"new doc"<<endl;
			} else
				if(VERBOSE) cout<<"found doc:"<<*(peerdoc->find(peer))<<endl;;

			if(VERBOSE) peerdoc->write(cout);*/

/*		else if (msg.port() == remove){
			//extract message content using static functions from complexmessages.h
			int peer = getPeerId(msg.value());
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peer : "<<peer<<endl;
			int doc = getMessageId(msg.value());
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id: "<<doc<<endl;
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"peer "<<peer<<" removes document "<<doc <<"\n";

			peerdoc->remove(peer,doc); // this is the appropriate disconnection, not removal of nodes


	/*} //end if state is passive
		cout<<"DB error: message received while in active state"<<endl;

		if ( this->state() == passive) {
			holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,2));//pause for 20 milliseconds
	/*/Any responses to output ?
	if (!QueryhitQ.empty()) { // if we were or now are in the process of routing messages
		holdIn( active, Time(0.01f)); // we wait 0.01s to dequeue
	} else {
		holdIn( active, Time(0.00f)); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this ;
Example #6
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the Network gets input from outside
Model &LTSNetwork::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){

	if (msg.port() == peer_online)

		thegraph->online(msg.value());   //adds a node to the graph with the given value
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" inserted\n";
		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_offline){
		int inpeer = msg.value();

		//get all the connected nodes a disconnect them, plus let them know they've been disconnected
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);
		set<int>::iterator sit;
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){
			thegraph->disconnect(inpeer, *sit); //disconnect them
			DisconnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(*sit, inpeer)); //enqueue a message saying peer "inpeer" disconnects from "*sit"


		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" removed\n";
		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_connect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"connecting "<<from<<" to "<< to<<"\n";

			ConnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(to, from, 1)); // enqueue a connection message : adding the TTL makes it different from a disconnect message, further down the road

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_disconnect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"disconnecting "<<from<<" and "<< to<<"\n";

		if(thegraph->disconnect(from, to))
			DisconnectionQueue.push(twonumbers); // enqueue the original message to be re-output as confirmation that connection took place

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == inroute){
		int inpeer, TTL, messageId;
		inpeer = getPeerId(msg.value());
		TTL= getTTL(msg.value());
		messageId = getMessageId(msg.value());

		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"about to route a message from"<<inpeer<<"\n";

		//get all the connected nodes and enqueue the "arrival of the message" event for all these new nodes
		//find the nodes connected to this one
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);

		//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"loop for enqueuing nodes :"<<connected.size()<<" nodes to enqueue";
		set<int>::iterator sit;

		//if(VERBOSE) cout << "connected nodes contains:";
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){
			//    if(VERBOSE) cout<<"bang!  "<<*sit<<"\n";
			EvQ.push(makeNetworkEvent(messageId, *sit, TTL, 0.0f)); //enqueue a network event with the "*sit" peer (the other parts are not used for now)

			//holdIn( active, Time(0.01f));

	// TEST : no external transition unless we're passive
	if (this->state()==passive){
		holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,120)); //wait 120ms before doing something

	return *this ;
Example #7
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the Network gets input from outside
Model &LTSNetwork::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){
		//advance my internal time
	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"External Transition :"<<endl<<"time: "<<msg.time().asMsecs()<<endl;
	currenttimefloat = msg.time().asMsecs();

	if (msg.port() == peer_online)
		thegraph->online(msg.value());   //adds a node to the graph with the given value
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" inserted\n";

	else if (msg.port() == peer_offline){
		int inpeer = msg.value();

		//get all the connected nodes a disconnect them, plus let them know they've been disconnected
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);
		set<int>::iterator sit;
		int count = 0;
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){
			thegraph->disconnect(inpeer, *sit); //disconnect them
			EvQ.push(makeDisConnectEvent(inpeer, *sit,currenttimefloat+count)); // enqueue messages to be output with just 1 millisecond delay
			//DisconnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(*sit, inpeer)); //enqueue a message saying peer "inpeer" disconnects from "*sit"


		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" removed\n";
		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_connect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"connecting "<<from<<" to "<< to<<"\n";

			EvQ.push(makeConnectEvent(from, to,currenttimefloat+1)); // enqueue message to be output with just 1 millisecond delay
			//ConnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(to, from, 1)); // enqueue a connection message : adding the TTL makes it different from a disconnect message, further down the road

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_disconnect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"disconnecting "<<from<<" and "<< to<<"\n";

		if(thegraph->disconnect(from, to))
			EvQ.push(makeDisConnectEvent(from, to,currenttimefloat+1));//DisconnectionQueue.push(twonumbers); // enqueue the original message to be re-output as confirmation that connection took place

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == inroute){
		int inpeer, TTL, messageId;
		inpeer = getPeerId(msg.value());
		TTL= getTTL(msg.value());
		messageId = getMessageId(msg.value());

		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"about to route a message from"<<inpeer<<"\n";

		//get all the connected nodes and enqueue the "arrival of the message" event for all these new nodes
		//find the nodes connected to this one
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);

		//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"loop for enqueuing nodes :"<<connected.size()<<" nodes to enqueue";
		set<int>::iterator sit;

		//if(VERBOSE) cout << "connected nodes contains:";
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){

			//generate a random network delay:
			float delay = static_cast<float>(distribution().get());
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"enqueueing event for time = "<<currenttimefloat +delay*1000<<"\n";  //delay in milliseconds !
			EvQ.push(makeNetworkEvent(messageId, *sit, TTL, currenttimefloat + (delay*1000))); //enqueue a network event with the "*sit" peer (the other parts are not used for now)

			//holdIn( active, Time(0.01f));


	if (EvQ.empty()){ // this transition didn't enqueue anything
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"LTS:Event queue is empty. Passivating."<<endl;
	} else {
	//calculate time until next scheduled change :

	float remainingdelay = EvQ.top().time - currenttimefloat; //EvQ.top() is the next NetworkEvent to be output

	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"next change at (ms):"<<EvQ.top().time<<"time until next change (s):"<<remainingdelay/1000<<endl;
	// hold until then
	holdIn(active, Time(remainingdelay/1000)); // time remaining until next scheduled change
	//then it will be time for an internal transition...

	/*/ TEST : no external transition unless we're passive
	if (this->state()==passive){
		holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,120)); //wait 120ms before doing something

	return *this ;
Example #8
void MqttBridge::setError(QString error){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),"data/mediaservice/error",error.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #9
void MqttBridge::setPlaybackStatus(QString playbackstatus){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaStateData,playbackstatus.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #10
void MqttBridge::setLoopStatus(QString loopstatus){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaRepeatData,loopstatus.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #11
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the Network gets input from outside
Model &LTSNetwork::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){
	//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"coucou\n";
 // if ( this->state() == passive) // in fact all this should happen whatever the state ! TODO !!
 // {
    if (msg.port() == peer_online)

       thegraph->online(msg.value());   //adds a node to the graph with the given value
       if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" inserted\n";
       //holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
    else if (msg.port() == peer_offline){

    	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" removed\n";
    	//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
    else if (msg.port() == peer_connect){
        	int twonumbers, from, to;
        	twonumbers = msg.value();
        	from = floor(twonumbers /1000);
        	to = twonumbers%1000;
        	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"connecting "<<from<<" to "<< to<<"\n";


        	//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
    else if (msg.port() == peer_disconnect){
            	int twonumbers, from, to;
            	twonumbers = msg.value();
            	from = floor(twonumbers /1000);
            	to = twonumbers%1000;
            	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"disconnecting "<<from<<" and "<< to<<"\n";

            	thegraph->disconnect(from, to);

            	//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
    else if (msg.port() == inroute){
    	int inpeer, TTL, messageId;
    	inpeer = getPeerId(msg.value());
    	TTL= getTTL(msg.value());
    	messageId = getMessageId(msg.value());

    	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"LTS --- about to route a message from "<<inpeer<<"\n";

    	//get all the connected nodes and enqueue the "arrival of the message" event for all these new nodes
    	//find the nodes connected to this one
    	cout<<"LTS --- about to get Connected peers  : \n";

    	cout<<"getConnectedpeers (1) passed\n about to declare another intbag\n";*/
    	set<int> connected;
    	//cout<<"ok--Intbag Declared----------------\nabout to get connected peers again";
    	connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);
    	//cout<<"ok--after connected peers----------------\n";

    	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"LTS --- loop for enqueuing nodes :"<<connected.size()<<" nodes to enqueue\n";
    	set<int>::iterator sit;

    	  if(VERBOSE) cout << "LTS --- connected nodes contains:";
    	  for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){
    	    if(VERBOSE) cout<<*sit<<";";
    		EvQ.push(makeNetworkEvent(messageId, *sit, TTL, 0.0f)); //enqueue a network event with the "*sit" peer (the other parts are not used for now)

    	//holdIn( active, Time(0.01f));
    	  if(VERBOSE) cout<<endl;


  if (!EvQ.empty()) { // if we were or now are in the process of routing messages

    	holdIn( active, Time(0.03f)); // we wait 0.03s to dequeue

   } else {
    	holdIn( active, Time(0.00f)); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this ;
Example #12
void MqttBridge::setVolume(QString volume){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaVolumeData,volume.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #13
// This is the actual task that is run
static portTASK_FUNCTION( sensorTask, pvParameters )
	uint8_t rxLen, status; // not using status, and rxLen is always maxReceiveBytesForSpecificNumOfSensorSamples (define in .h)
	uint8_t buffer[vtI2CMLen]; // receive message
	uint8_t recvMsgType; // message type of the message put on I2C queue by moveTask (defined in I2CtaskMsgtypes)
	// Get the parameters
	SensorAStruct *sensorT = (SensorAStruct *) pvParameters;
    webServerTaskStruct *webServerData = sensorT->webServerData;
	// Get the I2C device pointer
	vtI2CStruct *i2cDevPtr = sensorT->i2cDev;
	MoveTaskStruct *moveTPtr = sensorT->moveT;
	uint8_t count = 0;

	uint16_t frontBuf[numOfSensorToDebounce] = {0, 0, 0};
	uint16_t sideTopBuf[numOfSensorToDebounce] = {0, 0, 0};
	uint16_t sideBottomBuf[numOfSensorToDebounce] = {0, 0, 0};

	int i = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < numOfSensorToDebounce; i++ )
		frontBuf[i] = 0;
		sideTopBuf[i] = 0;
		sideBottomBuf[i] = 0;
	// Like all good tasks, this should never exit
		// Wait for a message from an I2C operation
		if (vtI2CDeQ(i2cDevPtr, vtI2CMLen,buffer,&rxLen,&recvMsgType,&status) != pdTRUE) {
        //		printf("buffer %x\n", buffer[0]);
        //		uint8_t index = 0;
        //		for (index = 0; index < rxLen; index++)
        //		{
        //		 	printf("buffer %x\n", buffer[index]);
        //		}
			case (sensor1):
			case (sensor2):
				if( rxLen != 0 )
                    // make sure the check sum is ok
					//printf("valid = %d\n", validateMessage(buffer, rxLen));
					if( validateMessage(buffer, rxLen) )
						switch( getMessageId(buffer, rxLen) ) // recognize the msgID
							case RoverWaitingForCommand:
                                 * We need to disable the timer so that the arm doesn't
                                 * retrieve multiple sensor values when the rover is stationary.
                                 * It is important to enable the timer back again so that the
                                 * Arm receives distance values the rover has travelled from the
                                 * last poll.
                                 * Retrieve the sensor distances
                                uint16_t frontDistanceInches = getFrontSensorDistanceInInches(buffer, rxLen);
                                uint16_t topRightDistanceInches = getTopRightSensorDistanceInInches(buffer, rxLen);
                                uint16_t bottomRightDistanceInches = getBottomRightSensorDistanceInInches(buffer, rxLen);

								uint8_t canFront = updateSensorBuf(frontBuf, frontDistanceInches);
								uint8_t canSideT = updateSensorBuf(sideTopBuf, topRightDistanceInches);
								uint8_t canSideB = updateSensorBuf(sideBottomBuf, bottomRightDistanceInches);

								uint8_t rightFeet = getRightFeet(buffer, rxLen);
								uint8_t rightInches = getRightInches(buffer, rxLen);
								uint8_t leftFeet = getLeftFeet(buffer, rxLen);								  
								uint8_t leftInches = getLeftInches(buffer, rxLen);

//								printf("rightF = %d, rightI = %d, leftF = %d, leftI = %d\n", rightFeet, rightInches, leftFeet
//										, leftInches);

								if ( canFront != 1 ||  canSideT != 1 || canSideB != 1){

								sendWheelDistancesOnly(sensorT->mapT, leftFeet, leftInches, rightFeet, rightInches, 0);
                               	printf("Front %d\n", frontDistanceInches);
                                printf("TR %d\n", topRightDistanceInches);
                                printf("BR %d\n", bottomRightDistanceInches);
                                                        topRightDistanceInches,bottomRightDistanceInches, 0);

				performLogic(buffer , rxLen, moveTPtr, sensorT);
							case RoverBusy:
                                 * Simply pass the buffer received from the rover to the MAP Task.
                                 * Since the rover has received the command, we want
                                 * to enable the timer so that we poll rover to receive
                                 * the distance in feet and inches the rover has moved.
							case RoverHitStartFinshLine:
                                 * Simply pass the buffer received from the rover to the MAP Task.
								uint8_t cmd [] = {stop_cmd_ToRover};
								uint8_t t [] = {0};
								uint8_t deg [] = {0};
								uint8_t dist [] = {0,0};
								SendWebServerCommandBuf(webServerData, fillWebServerBuf(cmd[0], t[0], deg[0], dist[0], dist[1]), portMAX_DELAY);
                                //SendStopToRover(moveTPtr, portMAX_DELAY);
								SendStFinNotification(sensorT->mapT, portMAX_DELAY);
								performLogic(buffer , rxLen, moveTPtr, sensorT);
                            case RoverReceiveMoveCommand:
                                 * Since the rover has received the command, we want
                                 * to enable the timer so that we poll rover to receive
                                 * the distance in feet and inches the rover has moved.
							case MessageDrop:
                                // msg wasn't received in time
								SendDroppedNotification(moveTPtr, 0);
						// notify the moveTask that a message was droped or went bad
						SendDroppedNotification(moveTPtr, 0);
                    // message dropped
					SendDroppedNotification(moveTPtr, 0);
			case (cmdSend):
Example #14
void MqttBridge::setAlbumArt(QString art){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaAlbumArtData,art.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #15
void MqttBridge::setPosition(QString position){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaPositionData,position.toStdString().c_str());


Example #16
void MqttBridge::setLength(QString length){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaLengthData,length.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #17
void MqttBridge::setTitle(QString title){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaTitleData,title.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

void EthernetSensorBase::addTo(EthernetSensorContainer& map) {
  map.insert(getMessageId(), sensor());
Example #19
void MqttBridge::setShuffle(QString shuffle){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaMixData,shuffle.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);

Example #20
void MqttBridge::setTrackList(QString metadatatracklist){
    QMQTT::Message *message = new QMQTT::Message(getMessageId(),mediaLibraryListData,metadatatracklist.toStdString().c_str(),0,true);
        qDebug()<< metadatatracklist;
Example #21
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the router gets input from either the "outside" (a new messgae to route) or from the router (next step for routing)
Model &Gnutella::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){

	if ( this->state() == passive)
		if (msg.port() == route_in) //new message to route
			//expecting float values looking like 6,123 meaning route from peer 6 with msg id 123 (id<1000)
			//get the peerid, message id, generate new TTL, then put in "to output" variable // not a list ! [id, TTL, peer]
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"Gnutella : new routing message : "<<msg.value()<<endl;
			int peerid = getPeerId(msg.value());// get originating peer (from value of external msg)
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peerid:"<<peerid<<endl;
			int id = getMessageId(msg.value()); // get message id
			if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id:"<<id<<endl;

			//create "seen" list. The message ids are float values (that way we can generate them using a random function)
			// to create an empty list I use the default constructor, throught the shortcut of calling the [] operator.
			routingTable[id]; //creates empty set mapped to id
			routingTable[id].insert(peerid); // the new peer has now been visited (because the first thing will be to send himself the message !)

			// we need to propagate this message to the DB and route it in the network (separate issues)
			hitting = true;
			routing = true;
			//set the output values
			// from right, digits 1-3 are id, digits 4-6 are peerid, digit 7 is TTL exampel value : 6005123 = TTL=6, peerid 5, id = 123
			nextOutputDB =  buildMessage(id, peerid);
			nextOutputR =buildMessage(id, peerid, STANDARDTTL); //standardTTL is a constant defined in the h, should be a model parameter

			//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"next output:"<<nextOutputR<<endl;


		else if (msg.port() ==  in_n){
			//expecting value = TTL * 100 + peerid + id, where id is the decimal part (<1)
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"Gnutella : message from the network routing loop... "<<msg.value()<<"\n";

			long inval = msg.value();

			//extract our 3 values using static functions from complexmessages.h
			int OldTTL = getTTL(inval);
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<"old ttl:"<<OldTTL<<endl;
			int peerid = getPeerId(inval);
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peerid:"<<peerid<<endl;
			int id = getMessageId(inval);
			//if(VERBOSE)cout<<"  message id:"<<id<<endl;

			//check for already visited peer : search for "peerid" in set mapped to id in routing table
			set<long>::iterator finder = routingTable[id].find(peerid);
			if(finder==routingTable[id].end()){ //it's NOT in there
				//the unseen peer must get the message
				if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peerid:"<<peerid<<"unseen by msg id ="<<id<< endl;
				hitting = true;
				nextOutputDB = buildMessage(id, peerid); // we don't put in a TTL
				// the new peer has now been visited : we add him to the set of seen peers

				if(OldTTL>0){ // the unseen peer will also propagate the message because it still has some TTL
					nextOutputR = buildMessage(id, peerid, OldTTL-1); //add the TTL for the routing msg
					if(VERBOSE)cout<<" message will be re-cycled TTL >0 "<< endl;
				else {
					routing = false;
			} else {
				if(VERBOSE)cout<<" peerid:"<<peerid<<"already visited by msg id ="<<id<< endl;
				hitting = false;
				routing = false;


	} //end if state is passive
		cout<<"error: message received while in active state"<<endl;
	// we have an instantaneous change back to the passive state (will output the next output values where relevant)
	holdIn( active, Time(0.01f));

	return *this ;