Example #1
//                            CALC INVERSE DYNAMICS
// This algorithm calculates 
//      f = M*udot + C(u) - f_applied 
// in O(N) time, where C(u) are the velocity-dependent coriolis, centrifugal and 
// gyroscopic forces, f_applied are the applied body and joint forces, and udot 
// is given.
// Pass 1 is base to tip and is just a calculation of body accelerations arising
// from udot and the coriolis accelerations. It is embodied in the reusable
// calcBodyAccelerationsFromUdotOutward() method above.
// Pass 2 is tip to base. It takes body accelerations from pass 1 (including coriolis
// accelerations as well as hinge accelerations), and the applied forces,
// and calculates the additional hinge forces that would be necessary to produce 
// the observed accelerations.
// Costs for inverse dynamics include both passes:
//      pass1: 12*dof + 18 flops
//      pass2: 12*dof + 75 flops
//             -----------------
//      total: 24*dof + 93 flops
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
    const SBTreeVelocityCache&  vc,
    const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
    const Real*                 jointForces,
    const SpatialVec*           bodyForces,
    SpatialVec*                 allF,   // temp
    Real*                       allTau) const 
    const Vec<dof>&   myJointForce  = fromU(jointForces);
    const SpatialVec& myBodyForce   = bodyForces[nodeNum];
    const SpatialVec& A_GB          = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       F             = allF[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         tau           = toU(allTau);

    // Start with rigid body force from desired body acceleration and
    // gyroscopic forces due to angular velocity, minus external forces
    // applied directly to this body.
    F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB + getGyroscopicForce(vc) - myBodyForce; // 57 flops

    // Add in forces on children, shifted to this body.
    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        F += phiChild * FChild;         // 18 flops

    // Project body forces into hinge space and subtract any hinge forces already
    // being applied to get the remaining hinge forces needed.
    tau = ~getH(pc)*F - myJointForce;   // 12*dof flops
    void calcInverseDynamicsPass2Inward(
        const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
        const SBTreeVelocityCache&  vc,
        const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
        const Real*                 jointForces,
        const SpatialVec*           bodyForces,
        SpatialVec*                 allF,
        Real*                       allTau) const
        const SpatialVec& myBodyForce   = bodyForces[nodeNum];
        const SpatialVec& A_GB          = allA_GB[nodeNum];
        SpatialVec&       F             = allF[nodeNum];

        // Start with rigid body force from desired body acceleration and
        // gyroscopic forces due to angular velocity, minus external forces
        // applied directly to this body.
        F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB + getGyroscopicForce(vc) - myBodyForce;

        // Add in forces on children, shifted to this body.
        for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
            const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
            const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
            F += phiChild * FChild;

        // no taus.
    void realizeArticulatedBodyInertiasInward
       (const SBInstanceCache&          ic,
        const SBTreePositionCache&      pc,
        SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&  abc) const
        ArticulatedInertia& P = updP(abc);
        P = ArticulatedInertia(getMk_G(pc));
        for (unsigned i=0 ; i<children.size() ; i++) {
            const PhiMatrix&          phiChild   = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
            const ArticulatedInertia& PPlusChild = children[i]->getPPlus(abc);

            P += PPlusChild.shift(phiChild.l());
        updPPlus(abc) = P;
    void multiplyByMPass2Inward(
        const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
        const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
        SpatialVec*                 allF,   // temp
        Real*                       allTau) const
        const SpatialVec& A_GB  = allA_GB[nodeNum];
        SpatialVec&       F     = allF[nodeNum];

        F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB;

        for (int i=0 ; i<(int)children.size() ; i++) {
            const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
            const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
            F += phiChild * FChild;
Example #5
// Call tip to base after calling multiplyByMPass1Outward() for each
// rigid body.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMPass2Inward(
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
    const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
    SpatialVec*                 allF,   // temp
    Real*                       allTau) const 
    const SpatialVec& A_GB  = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       F     = allF[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         tau   = toU(allTau);

    // 45 flops because Mk has a nice structure
    F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB; 

    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        F += phiChild * FChild; // 18 flops

    tau = ~getH(pc)*F;          // 11*dof flops
Example #6
// Compute articulated body inertia and related quantities for this body B.
// This must be called tip-to-base (inward).
// Given only position-related quantities from the State 
//      Mk  (this body's spatial inertia matrix)
//      Phi (composite body child-to-parent shift matrix)
//      H   (joint transition matrix; sense is transposed from Jain & Schwieters)
// we calculate dynamic quantities 
//      P   (articulated body inertia)
//    PPlus (articulated body inertia as seen through the mobilizer)
// For a prescribed mobilizer, we have PPlus==P. Otherwise we also compute
//      D   (factored mass matrix LDL' diagonal part D=~H*P*H)
//      DI  (inverse of D)
//      G   (P * H * DI)
//    PPlus (P - P * H * DI * ~H * P = P - G * ~H * P)
// and put them in the state cache.
// This is Algorithm 6.1 on page 106 of Jain's 2011 book modified to accommodate
// prescribed motion as described on page 323. Note that although P+ is "as 
// felt" on the inboard side of the mobilizer it is still calculated about 
// Bo just as is P.
// Cost is 93 flops per child plus
//   n^3 + 23*n^2 + 115*n + 12
//   e.g. pin=143, ball=591 (197/dof), free=1746 (291/dof)
// Note that per-child cost is paid just once for each non-base body in
// the whole tree; that is, each body is touched just once.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::
    const SBInstanceCache&          ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&      pc,
    SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&  abc) const 
    ArticulatedInertia& P = updP(abc);

    // Start with the spatial inertia of the current body (in Ground frame).
    P = ArticulatedInertia(getMk_G(pc)); // 12 flops

    // For each child, we previously took its articulated body inertia P and 
    // removed the portion of that inertia that can't be felt from the parent
    // because of the joint mobilities. That is, we calculated 
    // P+ = P - P H DI ~H P, where the second term is the projection of P into
    // the mobility space of the child's inboard mobilizer. Note that if the
    // child's mobilizer is prescribed, then the entire inertia will be felt
    // by the parent so P+ = P in that case. Now we're going to shift P+
    // from child to parent: Pparent += Phi*P+*~Phi.
    // TODO: can this be optimized for the common case where the
    // child is a terminal body and hence its P is an ordinary
    // spatial inertia? (Spatial inertia shift is 37 flops vs. 72 here; not
    // really much help.)
    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&          phiChild   = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const ArticulatedInertia& PPlusChild = children[i]->getPPlus(abc);

        // Apply the articulated body shift.
        // This takes 93 flops (72 for the shift and 21 to add it in).
        // (Note that PPlusChild==PChild if child's mobilizer is prescribed.)
        P += PPlusChild.shift(phiChild.l());

    // Now compute PPlus. P+ = P for a prescribed mobilizer. Otherwise
    // it is P+ = P - P H DI ~H P = P - G*~PH. In the prescribed case
    // we leave G, D, DI untouched -- they should have been set to NaN at
    // Instance stage.
    ArticulatedInertia& PPlus = updPPlus(abc);

    if (isUDotKnown(ic)) {
        PPlus = P;  // prescribed

    // This is a non-prescribed mobilizer. Compute D, DI, G then P+.

    const HType&  H  = getH(pc);
    HType&        G  = updG(abc);
    Mat<dof,dof>& D  = updD(abc);
    Mat<dof,dof>& DI = updDI(abc);

    const HType PH = P*H;   // 66*dof   flops
    D  = ~H * PH;           // 11*dof^2 flops (symmetric result)

    // this will throw an exception if the matrix is ill conditioned
    DI = D.invert();                        // ~dof^3 flops (symmetric)
    G  = PH * DI;                           // 12*dof^2-6*dof flops

    // Want P+ = P - G*~PH. We can do this in about 55*dof flops.
    // These require 9 dot products of length dof. The symmetric ones could
    // be done with 6 dot products instead for a small savings but this gives
    // us a chance to symmetrize and hopefully clean up some numerical errors.
    // The full price for all three is 54*dof-27 flops.
    Mat33 massMoment = G.row(0)*~PH.row(1); // (full)            9*(2*dof-1) flops
    Mat33 mass       = G.row(1)*~PH.row(1); // symmetric result  9*(2*dof-1) flops
    Mat33 inertia    = G.row(0)*~PH.row(0); // symmetric result  9*(2*dof-1) flops
    // These must be symmetrized due to numerical errors for 12 more flops. 
    SymMat33 symMass( mass(0,0), 
                     (mass(1,0)+mass(0,1))/2,  mass(1,1), 
                     (mass(2,0)+mass(0,2))/2, (mass(2,1)+mass(1,2))/2, mass(2,2));
    SymMat33 symInertia( 
        (inertia(1,0)+inertia(0,1))/2,  inertia(1,1), 
        (inertia(2,0)+inertia(0,2))/2, (inertia(2,1)+inertia(1,2))/2, inertia(2,2));
    PPlus = P - ArticulatedInertia(symMass, massMoment, symInertia); // 21 flops