Model* RenderableModelEntityItem::getModel(EntityTreeRenderer* renderer) {
    Model* result = NULL;

    // make sure our renderer is setup
    if (!_myRenderer) {
        _myRenderer = renderer;
    assert(_myRenderer == renderer); // you should only ever render on one renderer
    _needsModelReload = false; // this is the reload

    // if we have a URL, then we will want to end up returning a model...
    if (!getModelURL().isEmpty()) {
        // if we have a previously allocated model, but it's URL doesn't match
        // then we need to let our renderer update our model for us.
        if (_model && QUrl(getModelURL()) != _model->getURL()) {
            result = _model = _myRenderer->updateModel(_model, getModelURL());
            _needsInitialSimulation = true;
        } else if (!_model) { // if we don't yet have a model, then we want our renderer to allocate one
            result = _model = _myRenderer->allocateModel(getModelURL());
            _needsInitialSimulation = true;
        } else { // we already have the model we want...
            result = _model;
    } else { // if our desired URL is empty, we may need to delete our existing model
        if (_model) {
            result = _model = NULL;
            _needsInitialSimulation = true;
    return result;
ModelPointer RenderableModelEntityItem::getModel(EntityTreeRenderer* renderer) {
    if (!renderer) {
        return nullptr;

    // make sure our renderer is setup
    if (!_myRenderer) {
        _myRenderer = renderer;
    assert(_myRenderer == renderer); // you should only ever render on one renderer
    if (!_myRenderer || QThread::currentThread() != _myRenderer->thread()) {
        return _model;
    _needsModelReload = false; // this is the reload

    // If we have a URL, then we will want to end up returning a model...
    if (!getModelURL().isEmpty()) {
        // If we don't have a model, allocate one *immediately*
        if (!_model) {
            _model = _myRenderer->allocateModel(getModelURL(), getCompoundShapeURL());
            _needsInitialSimulation = true;
        // If we need to change URLs, update it *after rendering* (to avoid access violations)
        } else if ((QUrl(getModelURL()) != _model->getURL() || QUrl(getCompoundShapeURL()) != _model->getCollisionURL())) {
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_myRenderer, "updateModel", Qt::QueuedConnection,
                Q_ARG(ModelPointer, _model),
                Q_ARG(const QString&, getModelURL()),
                Q_ARG(const QString&, getCompoundShapeURL()));
            _needsInitialSimulation = true;
        // Else we can just return the _model
    // If we have no URL, then we can delete any model we do have...
    } else if (_model) {
bool RenderableModelEntityItem::setProperties(const EntityItemProperties& properties, bool forceCopy) {
    QString oldModelURL = getModelURL();
    bool somethingChanged = ModelEntityItem::setProperties(properties, forceCopy);
    if (somethingChanged && oldModelURL != getModelURL()) {
        _needsModelReload = true;
    return somethingChanged;
int RenderableModelEntityItem::readEntitySubclassDataFromBuffer(const unsigned char* data, int bytesLeftToRead, 
                                                ReadBitstreamToTreeParams& args,
                                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertyFlags, bool overwriteLocalData) {
    QString oldModelURL = getModelURL();
    int bytesRead = ModelEntityItem::readEntitySubclassDataFromBuffer(data, bytesLeftToRead, 
                                                                        args, propertyFlags, overwriteLocalData);
    if (oldModelURL != getModelURL()) {
        _needsModelReload = true;
    return bytesRead;
Example #5
void ModelEntityItem::setAnimationSettings(const QString& value) {
    // the animations setting is a JSON string that may contain various animation settings.
    // if it includes fps, currentFrame, or running, those values will be parsed out and
    // will over ride the regular animation settings

    QJsonDocument settingsAsJson = QJsonDocument::fromJson(value.toUtf8());
    QJsonObject settingsAsJsonObject = settingsAsJson.object();
    QVariantMap settingsMap = settingsAsJsonObject.toVariantMap();
    if (settingsMap.contains("fps")) {
        float fps = settingsMap["fps"].toFloat();

    // old settings used frameIndex
    if (settingsMap.contains("frameIndex")) {
        float currentFrame = settingsMap["frameIndex"].toFloat();
        if (isAnimatingSomething()) {
            qCDebug(entities) << "ModelEntityItem::setAnimationSettings() calling setAnimationFrameIndex()...";
            qCDebug(entities) << "    model URL:" << getModelURL();
            qCDebug(entities) << "    animation URL:" << getAnimationURL();
            qCDebug(entities) << "    settings:" << value;
            qCDebug(entities) << "    settingsMap[frameIndex]:" << settingsMap["frameIndex"];
            qCDebug(entities"    currentFrame: %20.5f", currentFrame);


    if (settingsMap.contains("running")) {
        bool running = settingsMap["running"].toBool();
        if (running != getAnimationIsPlaying()) {

    if (settingsMap.contains("firstFrame")) {
        float firstFrame = settingsMap["firstFrame"].toFloat();

    if (settingsMap.contains("lastFrame")) {
        float lastFrame = settingsMap["lastFrame"].toFloat();

    if (settingsMap.contains("loop")) {
        bool loop = settingsMap["loop"].toBool();

    if (settingsMap.contains("hold")) {
        bool hold = settingsMap["hold"].toBool();

    _dirtyFlags |= Simulation::DIRTY_UPDATEABLE;
Example #6
void ModelEntityItem::debugDump() const {
    qCDebug(entities) << "ModelEntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID();
    qCDebug(entities) << "    edited ago:" << getEditedAgo();
    qCDebug(entities) << "    position:" << getPosition();
    qCDebug(entities) << "    dimensions:" << getDimensions();
    qCDebug(entities) << "    model URL:" << getModelURL();
    qCDebug(entities) << "    compound shape URL:" << getCompoundShapeURL();
Example #7
void ModelItem::debugDump() const {
    qDebug("ModelItem id  :%u", _id);
    qDebug(" edited ago:%f", getEditedAgo());
    qDebug(" should die:%s", debug::valueOf(getShouldDie()));
    qDebug(" position:%f,%f,%f", _position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
    qDebug(" radius:%f", getRadius());
    qDebug(" color:%d,%d,%d", _color[0], _color[1], _color[2]);
    qDebug() << " modelURL:" << qPrintable(getModelURL());
Example #8
void ModelEntityItem::appendSubclassData(OctreePacketData* packetData, EncodeBitstreamParams& params, 
                                EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& requestedProperties,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertyFlags,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertiesDidntFit,
                                int& propertyCount, OctreeElement::AppendState& appendState) const {

    bool successPropertyFits = true;

    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_COLOR, appendColor, getColor());
    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_FRAME_INDEX, appendValue, getAnimationFrameIndex());
    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_PLAYING, appendValue, getAnimationIsPlaying());
    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_TEXTURES, appendValue, getTextures());
    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_SETTINGS, appendValue, getAnimationSettings());
Example #9
void ModelEntityItem::appendSubclassData(OctreePacketData* packetData, EncodeBitstreamParams& params,
                                EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& requestedProperties,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertyFlags,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertiesDidntFit,
                                int& propertyCount, OctreeElement::AppendState& appendState) const {

    bool successPropertyFits = true;


    _animationProperties.appendSubclassData(packetData, params, entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData, requestedProperties,
        propertyFlags, propertiesDidntFit, propertyCount, appendState);

    APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_SHAPE_TYPE, (uint32_t)getShapeType());
void RenderableModelEntityItem::update(const quint64& now) {
    if (!_dimensionsInitialized && _model && _model->isActive()) {
        EntityItemProperties properties;
        auto extents = _model->getMeshExtents();
        properties.setDimensions(extents.maximum - extents.minimum);

        qCDebug(entitiesrenderer) << "Autoresizing:" << (!getName().isEmpty() ? getName() : getModelURL());
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(DependencyManager::get<EntityScriptingInterface>().data(), "editEntity",
                                  Q_ARG(QUuid, getEntityItemID()),
                                  Q_ARG(EntityItemProperties, properties));

Example #11
// NOTE: this only renders the "meta" portion of the Model, namely it renders debugging items, and it handles
// the per frame simulation/update that might be required if the models properties changed.
void RenderableModelEntityItem::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    PerformanceTimer perfTimer("RMEIrender");
    assert(getType() == EntityTypes::Model);

    if (hasModel()) {
        if (_model) {
            if (getModelURL() != _model->getURL().toString()) {
                qDebug() << "Updating model URL: " << getModelURL();

            render::ScenePointer scene = AbstractViewStateInterface::instance()->getMain3DScene();

            // check to see if when we added our models to the scene they were ready, if they were not ready, then
            // fix them up in the scene
            if (_model->needsFixupInScene()) {
                render::PendingChanges pendingChanges;

                _model->removeFromScene(scene, pendingChanges);

                render::Item::Status::Getters statusGetters;
                makeEntityItemStatusGetters(this, statusGetters);
                _model->addToScene(scene, pendingChanges, statusGetters);


            // FIXME: this seems like it could be optimized if we tracked our last known visible state in
            //        the renderable item. As it stands now the model checks it's visible/invisible state
            //        so most of the time we don't do anything in this function.
            _model->setVisibleInScene(getVisible(), scene);

            // float alpha = getLocalRenderAlpha();

            if (!_model || _needsModelReload) {
                // TODO: this getModel() appears to be about 3% of model render time. We should optimize
                PerformanceTimer perfTimer("getModel");
                EntityTreeRenderer* renderer = static_cast<EntityTreeRenderer*>(args->_renderer);
            if (_model) {
                // handle animations..
                if (hasAnimation()) {
                    if (!jointsMapped()) {
                        QStringList modelJointNames = _model->getJointNames();

                    if (jointsMapped()) {
                        bool newFrame;
                        QVector<glm::quat> frameDataRotations;
                        QVector<glm::vec3> frameDataTranslations;
                        getAnimationFrame(newFrame, frameDataRotations, frameDataTranslations);
                        assert(frameDataRotations.size() == frameDataTranslations.size());
                        if (newFrame) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < frameDataRotations.size(); i++) {
                                _model->setJointState(i, true, frameDataRotations[i], frameDataTranslations[i], 1.0f);

                bool movingOrAnimating = isMoving() || isAnimatingSomething();
                if ((movingOrAnimating || _needsInitialSimulation) && _model->isActive() && _dimensionsInitialized) {
                    _model->setScaleToFit(true, getDimensions());
                    _model->setSnapModelToRegistrationPoint(true, getRegistrationPoint());
                    // make sure to simulate so everything gets set up correctly for rendering
                        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("_model->simulate");
                    _needsInitialSimulation = false;
    } else {
        glm::vec4 greenColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        RenderableDebugableEntityItem::renderBoundingBox(this, args, 0.0f, greenColor);

    RenderableDebugableEntityItem::render(this, args);