Example #1
int CEdgeContamination::getEdgeContamination(int x, int y){

    int iNextX, iNextY;
	int iEdgeContamination;

	if (x <= 1 || y <= 1 || x >= Get_NX() - 2 || y >= Get_NY() - 2){
		iEdgeContamination = 1;
		iEdgeContamination = 0;
	for (int i = -1; i<2; i++){
		for (int j = -1; j<2; j++){
			if (!(i == 0) || !(j == 0)) {
				getNextCell(m_pDEM, x + i, y + j, iNextX, iNextY);
				if (iNextY == y && iNextX == x) {
					if (m_pEdgeContamination->asInt(x+i,y+j)!=NOT_VISITED){
						iEdgeContamination += m_pEdgeContamination->asInt(x+i,y+j);
						iEdgeContamination += getEdgeContamination(x+i,y+j);
				}// if				

	m_pEdgeContamination->Set_Value(x, y, iEdgeContamination);

	return iEdgeContamination;

Example #2
void CSinuosity::writeDistOut(
        int iX1,
        int iY1,
        int iX2,
        int iY2) {
    int iNextX, iNextY;
	double dDist = 1;
	if (iX1 < 0 || iX1 >= m_pDEM->Get_NX() || iY1 < 0 || iY1 >= m_pDEM->Get_NY()
            || m_pDEM->asFloat(iX1,iY1) == m_pDEM->Get_NoData_Value()) {        
    }// if
	else {				

		dDist = sqrt(pow((double)iX1-iX2,2)+pow((double)iY1-iY2,2))*m_pSinuosity->Get_Cellsize();
		m_pSinuosity->Set_Value(iX1,iY1,m_pSinuosity->asDouble(iX2,iY2) + dDist);        

		for (int i = -1; i<2; i++){
			for (int j = -1; j<2; j++){
				if (!(i == 0) || !(j == 0)) {
					getNextCell(m_pDEM, iX1 + i, iY1 + j, iNextX, iNextY);
					if (iNextY == iY1 && iNextX == iX1) {
						writeDistOut(iX1 + i, iY1 + j, iX1, iY1);
					}// if				

    }// else

}// method
Example #3
// Solves function for the sudoku class.
// Basic algorithm is implemented here. Doesn't need to be overloaded.
bool Sudoku::solve() {
	// If there is no empty cells, a solution is found.
	// (Note that there can be more than one solutions.)
	// Also get the next cell to explore and increase the depth by 1.
	short r, c;
	vector<unsigned char> values;
	if (!getNextCell(r, c, values)) // r, c & values are returned here.
		return true; // No more empty cell.

	// For all possible values for the given cell.
	for (short i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
		// If there is no conflict with the given value.
		if (!board.ifAnyConflict(r, c, values[i])) {
			// Set the cell's value temporarily.
			board.set(r, c, values[i]);
			// Keep going to the next cell recursively
			// until the given value doesn't work out.
			if (solve()) return true;
			// Comes here if the value didn't work,
			// so reset the cell as empty and try another value.
			board.makeEmpty(r, c);
			depth--; // decrease the depth by 1.
	// If there is no possible value, or all possible values didn't 
	// work out, triggers the backtracking.
	return false; 
Example #4
spAspCell_t AspCellList::getCell(int id) {
   AspCellMap::iterator ci;
   spAspCell_t cell;
   int i;
   for (cell= getFirstCell(ci), i=0; cell != nullAspCell; cell= getNextCell(ci), i++) {
        if(i == id) return cell;
   return nullAspCell;
void CLeastCostPathProfile_Points::Set_Profile(int iX, int iY, CSG_Shapes *pPoints, CSG_Shapes *pLine)
	int		iNextX, iNextY;

	iNextX	= iX;
	iNextY	= iY;
		iX	= iNextX;
		iY	= iNextY;
		getNextCell(m_pDEM, iX, iY, iNextX, iNextY);
	while( Add_Point(iX, iY, pPoints, pLine) && (iX != iNextX || iY != iNextY) );
Example #6
double FlowDistance(CSG_Grid *pDEM,
					CSG_Grid *pBasinGrid,
					int iBasin,
				    int iX,
				    int iY,
				    int iX2,
				    int iY2){// result in m, coords in grid coords. Returns 0 if no distance is calculated.
    bool bIsInBasin;
	double dDist = 1;
	int iNextX = iX;
	int iNextY = iY;      

    if (iX2 <= 0 || iX2 >= pDEM->Get_NX() || iY2 <= 0 || iY2 >= pDEM->Get_NY() || 
            iX <= 0 || iX >= pDEM->Get_NX() || iY <= 0 || iY >= pDEM->Get_NY() ) {
        return 0;
    }// if
    do {
        iX = iNextX;
		iY = iNextY;
        if (fabs((double)(iX - iNextX + iY - iNextY)) == 1.0) {
            dDist = dDist + pDEM->Get_Cellsize();
        }// if
        else {
            dDist = dDist + 1.414 * pDEM->Get_Cellsize();
        }// else
        if (iX == iX2 && iY == iY2) {
            return dDist;
        }// if
		if (iBasin == GLOBAL_BASIN){
			bIsInBasin = !pBasinGrid->is_NoData(iX,iY);
			bIsInBasin = (pBasinGrid->asInt(iX,iY) == iBasin);
    }while (bIsInBasin
		&&(iX!=iNextX || iY!=iNextY));

    return 0;

}// method
Example #7
bool CFlowDepth::isHeader(int iX, int iY){

    int iNextX, iNextY;
    for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
        for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
			if (m_pCatchArea->is_InGrid(iX+i,iY+j)){
				if (m_pCatchArea->asFloat(iX+i,iY+j) > m_dThreshold && (i!=0 || j!=0)){
					getNextCell(m_pDEM, iX + i, iY + j, iNextX, iNextY);
					if (iNextX == iX && iNextY == iY) {
						return false;
				}// if
        }// for
    }// for

    return true;
}// method
Example #8
void CIsochronesVar::writeTimeOut(
        int iX1,
        int iY1,
        int iX2,
        int iY2) {

    double dDist = 1;
    double dD = 0;
    double dSlope;
    double dSpeed;
    double dQ = 0;
    double dH;
    double dSup;
    double dInf;
    double dAcc;
    double dArea = 0;
    double dPerim;
    double dDif;
    double dManning;
	double dCN;
    double dI = 0;
	int iIter;
	int iNextX, iNextY;

	if (iX1 < 0 || iX1 >= m_pDEM->Get_NX() || iY1 < 0 || iY1 >= m_pDEM->Get_NY()
            || m_pDEM->asFloat(iX1,iY1) == m_pDEM->Get_NoData_Value()) {
    }// if
	else {

		if (m_pCN!=NULL){
			dCN = m_pCN->asDouble(iX1, iY1);
			if (dCN == m_pCN->Get_NoData_Value()) {
                dCN = m_dCN;
			}// if
			dCN = m_dCN;
		dI = Runoff(m_dRainfall, dCN);
		dI /= 3600.0;// in mm/s
        dI /= 1000.0;// m/s of runoff;

		if (abs(iX1 - iX2 + iY1 - iY2) == 1) {
            dDist = m_pDEM->Get_Cellsize();
        }// if
        else {
            dDist = 1.44 * m_pDEM->Get_Cellsize();
        }// else
		dSlope = m_pSlope->asDouble(iX1,iY1);
		dSlope = fabs(tan(dSlope));
		dSlope = max(0.001, dSlope);
		dAcc = m_pCatchArea->asDouble(iX1,iY1);
        if (dAcc < m_dMixedThresh) {
            dD = sqrt(2.0 * dAcc / 3.14159);
			if (m_pManning!=NULL){
				dManning = m_pManning->asDouble(iX1, iY1);
				if (dManning == m_pManning->Get_NoData_Value()) {
	                dManning = m_dManning;
		        }// if
				dManning = m_dManning;
            dSpeed = max(m_dMinSpeed, pow(dI * dD, 0.4)
                    * pow(dSlope, 0.3) / pow(dManning, 0.6));
        }// if
			if (dAcc < m_dChannelThresh) {
				dManning = 0.06;
				dManning= 0.05;
            dQ = dI * dAcc; // Q m3/s
            dSup = 60;
            dInf = 0;
            dH = 2;
            dArea = dH * dH / m_dChannelSlope;
            dPerim = 2.0 * (dH / m_dChannelSlope + sqrt(dH * dH
					+ pow(dH / m_dChannelSlope, 2.0)));
            dDif = (sqrt(dSlope)
                    * pow(dArea, 5.0 / 3.0)
                    / pow(dPerim, 2.0 / 3.0) / dManning)
                    - dQ;
            iIter = 0;
			do {
                if (dDif > 0) {
                    dSup = dH;
                    dH = (dInf + dH) / 2.0;
                }// if
                else if (dDif < 0) {
                    dInf = dH;
                    dH = (dSup + dH) / 2.0;
                }// else if
                dArea = dH * dH / m_dChannelSlope;
                dPerim = 2.0 * (dH / m_dChannelSlope + sqrt(dH * dH
						+ pow(dH / m_dChannelSlope, 2.0)));
                dDif = (sqrt(dSlope)
                        * pow(dArea, 5.0 / 3.0)
                        / pow(dPerim, 2.0 / 3.0) / dManning)
                        - dQ;
            }while (fabs(dDif) > 0.1);
            dSpeed = max(m_dMinSpeed, dQ / dArea);
        }// else

		m_pTime->Set_Value(iX1,iY1,m_pTime->asDouble(iX2,iY2) + dDist / dSpeed);
		m_pSpeed->Set_Value(iX1,iY1, dSpeed);

		for (int i = -1; i<2; i++){
			for (int j = -1; j<2; j++){
				if (!(i == 0) || !(j == 0)) {
					getNextCell(m_pDEM, iX1 + i, iY1 + j, iNextX, iNextY);
					if (iNextY == iY1 && iNextX == iX1) {
						writeTimeOut(iX1 + i, iY1 + j, iX1, iY1);
					}// if

    }// else

}// method
Example #9
bool CFlowDepth::On_Execute_Position(CSG_Point ptWorld, TSG_Module_Interactive_Mode Mode){	

	int iX, iY;	
	int iNextX, iNextY;
	int x,y;
	int iOutletX, iOutletY;
	double fArea;
	double fDepth, fPreviousDepth = 0;

	if(	Mode != MODULE_INTERACTIVE_LDOWN || !Get_Grid_Pos(iOutletX, iOutletY) )
		return( false );


	fArea = m_pCatchArea->asFloat(iOutletX, iOutletY);
	if (fArea < m_dThreshold * 2.){ //check outlet point
		iNextX = iOutletX;
		iNextY = iOutletY;
			iOutletX = iNextX;
			iOutletY = iNextY;
			getNextCell(m_pDEM, iOutletX, iOutletY, iNextX, iNextY);
		}while (m_pCatchArea->asFloat(iOutletX, iOutletY) < m_dThreshold * 2. &&
				(iOutletX != iNextX || iOutletY != iNextY));
		if (m_pCatchArea->asFloat(iOutletX, iOutletY) < m_dThreshold * 2.){
			Message_Add(_TL("** Error : Wrong outlet point selected **"));
			return false;
		Message_Add(_TL("** Warning : Outlet point was modified **"));

	CalculateBasinGrid(m_pBasinGrid, m_pDEM, iOutletX, iOutletY);

	m_fMaxFlowAcc = m_pCatchArea->asFloat(iOutletX, iOutletY);		
    for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++){		
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++){
			if (m_pCatchArea->asFloat(x,y) > m_dThreshold){
				if (isHeader(x,y)){					
					iNextX = x;
					iNextY = y;
					do {
						iX = iNextX;
						iY = iNextY;
						if (m_pFlowDepth->asFloat(iX,iY) == 0. && m_pBasinGrid->asInt(iX, iY) != 0){
							getNextCell(m_pDEM, iX, iY, iNextX, iNextY);
							fDepth = CalculateFlowDepth(iX,iY);
							if (fDepth == NO_DEPTH){
								m_pFlowDepth->Set_Value(iX,iY, fPreviousDepth);
								fPreviousDepth = fDepth;
					}while ((iX != iOutletX || iY != iOutletY)
							&& (iX != iNextX || iY != iNextY));
	}// for


	return true;
