Example #1
int ServerMap::getSurface(v3s16 basepos, int searchup, bool walkable_only) {

	s16 max = MYMIN(searchup + basepos.Y, 0x7FFF);

	MapNode last_node = getNodeNoEx(basepos);
	MapNode node = last_node;
	v3s16 runpos = basepos;
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	bool last_was_walkable = nodemgr->get(node).walkable;

	while ((runpos.Y < max) && (node.param0 != CONTENT_AIR)) {
		runpos.Y += 1;
		last_node = node;
		node = getNodeNoEx(runpos);

		if (!walkable_only) {
			if ((last_node.param0 != CONTENT_AIR) &&
			        (last_node.param0 != CONTENT_IGNORE) &&
			        (node.param0 == CONTENT_AIR)) {
				return runpos.Y;
		} else {
			bool is_walkable = nodemgr->get(node).walkable;

			if (last_was_walkable && (!is_walkable)) {
				return runpos.Y;
			last_was_walkable = is_walkable;

	return basepos.Y - 1;
Example #2
void ClientMap::renderPostFx()
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	// Sadly ISceneManager has no "post effects" render pass, in that case we
	// could just register for that and handle it in renderMap().

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;

	MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(camera_position, BS));

	// - If the player is in a solid node, make everything black.
	// - If the player is in liquid, draw a semi-transparent overlay.
	const ContentFeatures& features = nodemgr->get(n);
	video::SColor post_effect_color = features.post_effect_color;
	if(features.solidness == 2 && !(g_settings->getBool("noclip") && m_gamedef->checkLocalPrivilege("noclip")))
		post_effect_color = video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0);
	if (post_effect_color.getAlpha() != 0)
		// Draw a full-screen rectangle
		video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
		v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize();
		core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y);
		driver->draw2DRectangle(post_effect_color, rect);
Example #3
void ClientMap::renderPostFx(CameraMode cam_mode)
	// Sadly ISceneManager has no "post effects" render pass, in that case we
	// could just register for that and handle it in renderMap().

	MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS));

	// - If the player is in a solid node, make everything black.
	// - If the player is in liquid, draw a semi-transparent overlay.
	// - Do not if player is in third person mode
	const ContentFeatures& features = m_nodedef->get(n);
	video::SColor post_effect_color = features.post_effect_color;
	if(features.solidness == 2 && !(g_settings->getBool("noclip") &&
			m_client->checkLocalPrivilege("noclip")) &&
			cam_mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)
		post_effect_color = video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0);
	if (post_effect_color.getAlpha() != 0)
		// Draw a full-screen rectangle
		video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
		v2u32 ss = driver->getScreenSize();
		core::rect<s32> rect(0,0, ss.X, ss.Y);
		driver->draw2DRectangle(post_effect_color, rect);
Example #4
int ClientMap::getBackgroundBrightness(float max_d, u32 daylight_factor,
		int oldvalue, bool *sunlight_seen_result)
	const bool debugprint = false;
	INodeDefManager *ndef = m_gamedef->ndef();
	static v3f z_directions[50] = {
		v3f(-100, 0, 0)
	static f32 z_offsets[sizeof(z_directions)/sizeof(*z_directions)] = {
	if(z_directions[0].X < -99){
		for(u32 i=0; i<sizeof(z_directions)/sizeof(*z_directions); i++){
			z_directions[i] = v3f(
				0.01 * myrand_range(-100, 100),
				0.01 * myrand_range(-100, 100)
			z_offsets[i] = 0.01 * myrand_range(0,100);
		std::cerr<<"In goes "<<PP(m_camera_direction)<<", out comes ";
	int sunlight_seen_count = 0;
	float sunlight_min_d = max_d*0.8;
	if(sunlight_min_d > 35*BS)
		sunlight_min_d = 35*BS;
	std::vector<int> values;
	for(u32 i=0; i<sizeof(z_directions)/sizeof(*z_directions); i++){
		v3f z_dir = z_directions[i];
		core::CMatrix4<f32> a;
		a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,1,0), z_dir);
		v3f dir = m_camera_direction;
		int br = 0;
		float step = BS*1.5;
		if(max_d > 35*BS)
			step = max_d / 35 * 1.5;
		float off = step * z_offsets[i];
		bool sunlight_seen_now = false;
		bool ok = getVisibleBrightness(this, m_camera_position, dir,
				step, 1.0, max_d*0.6+off, max_d, ndef, daylight_factor,
				&br, &sunlight_seen_now);
		// Don't try too much if being in the sun is clear
		if(sunlight_seen_count >= 20)
	int brightness_sum = 0;
	int brightness_count = 0;
	std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
	u32 num_values_to_use = values.size();
	if(num_values_to_use >= 10)
		num_values_to_use -= num_values_to_use/2;
	else if(num_values_to_use >= 7)
		num_values_to_use -= num_values_to_use/3;
	u32 first_value_i = (values.size() - num_values_to_use) / 2;
		for(u32 i=0; i < first_value_i; i++)
			std::cerr<<values[i]<<" ";
	for(u32 i=first_value_i; i < first_value_i+num_values_to_use; i++){
			std::cerr<<values[i]<<" ";
		brightness_sum += values[i];
		for(u32 i=first_value_i+num_values_to_use; i < values.size(); i++)
			std::cerr<<values[i]<<" ";
	int ret = 0;
	if(brightness_count == 0){
		MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(m_camera_position, BS));
		if(ndef->get(n).param_type == CPT_LIGHT){
			ret = decode_light(n.getLightBlend(daylight_factor, ndef));
		} else {
			ret = oldvalue;
			//ret = blend_light(255, 0, daylight_factor);
	} else {
		/*float pre = (float)brightness_sum / (float)brightness_count;
		float tmp = pre;
		const float d = 0.2;
		pre *= 1.0 + d*2;
		pre -= tmp * d;
		int preint = pre;
		ret = MYMAX(0, MYMIN(255, preint));*/
		ret = brightness_sum / brightness_count;
		std::cerr<<"Result: "<<ret<<" sunlight_seen_count="
	*sunlight_seen_result = (sunlight_seen_count > 0);
	return ret;
Example #5
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	for(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator
			i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i)
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);
	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;
	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;

	for(std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator
			si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si)
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();
		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| sp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		std::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks;
			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;
		std::list< MapBlock * >::iterator i;
		for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++)
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->mesh == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;


		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if(blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Example #6
	Propagates sunlight down through the block.
	Doesn't modify nodes that are not affected by sunlight.

	Returns false if sunlight at bottom block is invalid.
	Returns true if sunlight at bottom block is valid.
	Returns true if bottom block doesn't exist.

	If there is a block above, continues from it.
	If there is no block above, assumes there is sunlight, unless
	is_underground is set or highest node is water.

	All sunlighted nodes are added to light_sources.

	if remove_light==true, sets non-sunlighted nodes black.

	if black_air_left!=NULL, it is set to true if non-sunlighted
	air is left in block.
bool MapBlock::propagateSunlight(std::set<v3s16> & light_sources,
		bool remove_light, bool *black_air_left)
	auto lock = lock_unique_rec();

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	// Whether the sunlight at the top of the bottom block is valid
	bool block_below_is_valid = true;

	v3s16 pos_relative = getPosRelative();

	for(s16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++)
		for(s16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++)
#if 1
			bool no_sunlight = false;
			//bool no_top_block = false;

			// Check if node above block has sunlight

			bool is_valid_position;
			MapNode n = getNodeParent(v3s16(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, z),
			if (n)
				if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, m_gamedef->ndef()) != LIGHT_SUN)
					no_sunlight = true;
				//no_top_block = true;

				// NOTE: This makes over-ground roofed places sunlighted
				// Assume sunlight, unless is_underground==true
					no_sunlight = true;
					MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(v3s16(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1, z));
					if(n && m_gamedef->ndef()->get(n).sunlight_propagates == false)
						no_sunlight = true;
				// NOTE: As of now, this just would make everything dark.
				// No sunlight here
				//no_sunlight = true;
#if 0 // Doesn't work; nothing gets light.
			bool no_sunlight = true;
			bool no_top_block = false;
			// Check if node above block has sunlight
				MapNode n = getNodeParent(v3s16(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, z));
				if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN)
					no_sunlight = false;
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
				no_top_block = true;

			/*std::cout<<"("<<x<<","<<z<<"): "
					<<", is_underground="<<is_underground
					<<", no_sunlight="<<no_sunlight

			s16 y = MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1;

			// This makes difference to diminishing in water.
			bool stopped_to_solid_object = false;

			u8 current_light = no_sunlight ? 0 : LIGHT_SUN;

			for(; y >= 0; y--)
				v3s16 pos(x, y, z);
				MapNode &n = getNodeRef(pos);

				if(current_light == 0)
					// Do nothing
				else if(current_light == LIGHT_SUN && nodemgr->get(n).sunlight_propagates)
					// Do nothing: Sunlight is continued
				else if(nodemgr->get(n).light_propagates == false)
					// A solid object is on the way.
					stopped_to_solid_object = true;

					// Light stops.
					current_light = 0;
					// Diminish light
					current_light = diminish_light(current_light);

				u8 old_light = n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr);

				if(current_light > old_light || remove_light)
					n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, current_light, nodemgr);

				if(diminish_light(current_light) != 0)
					light_sources.insert(pos_relative + pos);

				if(current_light == 0 && stopped_to_solid_object)
						*black_air_left = true;

			// Whether or not the block below should see LIGHT_SUN
			bool sunlight_should_go_down = (current_light == LIGHT_SUN);

				If the block below hasn't already been marked invalid:

				Check if the node below the block has proper sunlight at top.
				If not, the block below is invalid.

				Ignore non-transparent nodes as they always have no light

				MapNode n = getNodeParent(v3s16(x, -1, z), &is_valid_position);
				if (n) {
						if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr) == LIGHT_SUN
								&& sunlight_should_go_down == false)
							block_below_is_valid = false;
						else if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr) != LIGHT_SUN
								&& sunlight_should_go_down == true)
							block_below_is_valid = false;
					/*std::cout<<"InvalidBlockException for bottom block node"
					// Just no block below, no need to panic.

	return block_below_is_valid;
Example #7
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver, float dtime, unsigned int max_cycle_ms)
    ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
    //g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);
    TimeTaker timer_step("ClientMap::updateDrawList");

    INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

    if (!m_drawlist_last)
        m_drawlist_current = !m_drawlist_current;
    auto & drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? m_drawlist_1 : m_drawlist_0;

    if (!max_cycle_ms)
        max_cycle_ms = 300/getControl().fps_wanted;

    v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
    f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;
    //v3s16 camera_offset = m_camera_offset;

    // Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
    // Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
    // Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
    camera_fov *= 1.2;

    v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
    v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);
    v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
    v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;
    // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
    // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
    v3s16 p_blocks_min(
        p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
        p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
        p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
    v3s16 p_blocks_max(
        p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
        p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
        p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);

    // Number of blocks in rendering range
    u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
    // Number of blocks occlusion culled
    u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
    // Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
    u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
    // Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
    // rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
    u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
    // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
    u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
    // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
    //u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
    // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
    //u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
    // Distance to farthest drawn block
    float farthest_drawn = 0;
    int m_mesh_queued = 0;

    bool free_move = g_settings->getBool("free_move");

    float range_max = 100000 * BS;
    if(m_control.range_all == false)
        range_max = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

    if (draw_nearest.empty()) {
        //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList() make list", SPT_AVG);
        TimeTaker timer_step("ClientMap::updateDrawList make list");

        auto lock = m_blocks.try_lock_shared_rec();
        if (!lock->owns_lock())


        for(auto & ir : m_blocks) {
            auto bp = ir.first;

            if(m_control.range_all == false)
                if(bp.X < p_blocks_min.X
                        || bp.X > p_blocks_max.X
                        || bp.Z > p_blocks_max.Z
                        || bp.Z < p_blocks_min.Z
                        || bp.Y < p_blocks_min.Y
                        || bp.Y > p_blocks_max.Y)

            v3s16 blockpos_nodes = bp * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
            // Block center position
            v3f blockpos(
                ((float)blockpos_nodes.X + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS,
                ((float)blockpos_nodes.Y + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS,
                ((float)blockpos_nodes.Z + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS

            f32 d = radius_box(blockpos, camera_position); //blockpos_relative.getLength();
            if (d> range_max)
            int range = d / (MAP_BLOCKSIZE * BS);
            draw_nearest.emplace_back(std::make_pair(bp, range));

    const int maxq = 1000;

    // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
    // inside ground
    bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
    if(free_move) {
        MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
        if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
                nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
            occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

    u32 calls = 0, end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + u32(max_cycle_ms);

    std::unordered_map<v3POS, bool, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> occlude_cache;

    while (!draw_nearest.empty()) {
        auto ir = draw_nearest.back();

        auto bp = ir.first;
        int range = ir.second;

        //auto block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(bp);
        auto block = m_blocks.get(bp);
        if (!block)

        int mesh_step = getFarmeshStep(m_control, getNodeBlockPos(cam_pos_nodes), bp);
        	Compare block position to camera position, skip
        	if not seen on display

        auto mesh = block->getMesh(mesh_step);
        if (mesh)


        auto smesh_size = block->mesh_size;
        	Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
            if(!mesh) {
                if (m_mesh_queued < maxq || range <= 2) {
                    m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(bp, false);
            if(mesh_step == mesh->step && block->getTimestamp() <= mesh->timestamp && !smesh_size) {

        	Occlusion culling

        v3s16 cpn = bp * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
        cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2);

        float step = BS*1;
        float stepfac = 1.2;
        float startoff = BS*1;
        float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE; //*1.42; //*1.42;
        v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
        s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
        u32 needed_count = 1;
        if( range > 1 && smesh_size &&
                occlusion_culling_enabled &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
                isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
                           step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache)

        // This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

        // Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
        			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
        					&& m_control.range_all == false
        					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

        if (mesh_step != mesh->step && (m_mesh_queued < maxq*1.2 || range <= 2)) {
        if (block->getTimestamp() > mesh->timestamp + (smesh_size ? 0 : range >= 1 ? 60 : 5) && (m_mesh_queued < maxq*1.5 || range <= 2)) {



        // Add to set
        drawlist.set(bp, block);


        if(range * MAP_BLOCKSIZE > farthest_drawn)
            farthest_drawn = range * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

        if (farthest_drawn > m_control.farthest_drawn)
            m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

        if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) {

    m_drawlist_last = draw_nearest.size();

    //if (m_drawlist_last) infostream<<"breaked UDL "<<m_drawlist_last<<" collected="<<drawlist.size()<<" calls="<<calls<<" s="<<m_blocks.size()<<" maxms="<<max_cycle_ms<<" fw="<<getControl().fps_wanted<<" morems="<<porting::getTimeMs() - end_ms<< " meshq="<<m_mesh_queued<<" occache="<<occlude_cache.size()<<std::endl;

    if (m_drawlist_last)

    //for (auto & ir : *m_drawlist)
    //	ir.second->refDrop();

    auto m_drawlist_old = !m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0;
    m_drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0;

    m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
    m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
    m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

    g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks total", m_blocks.size());
    g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
    g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
    if(blocks_in_range != 0)
        g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
    g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
    g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
    g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Example #8
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	for (std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) {
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 p_blocks_min;
	v3s16 p_blocks_max;
	getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max);

	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	for (std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si) {
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();

		if (m_control.range_all == false) {
			if (sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X ||
					sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		MapBlockVect sectorblocks;

			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;

		for (MapBlockVect::iterator i = sectorblocks.begin();
				i != sectorblocks.end(); ++i) {
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display

			if (block->mesh != NULL)

			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if (m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if (!isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d))

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)


				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//MutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if (block->mesh == NULL) {

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
			if (g_settings->getBool("free_move")) {
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2);
			float step = BS * 1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS * 1;
			// The occlusion search of 'isOccluded()' must stop short of the target
			// point by distance 'endoff' (end offset) to not enter the target mapblock.
			// For the 8 mapblock corners 'endoff' must therefore be the maximum diagonal
			// of a mapblock, because we must consider all view angles.
			// sqrt(1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2) = 1.732
			float endoff = -BS * MAP_BLOCKSIZE * 1.732050807569;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes;
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2 + 1;
			// to reduce the likelihood of falsely occluded blocks
			// require at least two solid blocks
			// this is a HACK, we should think of a more precise algorithm
			u32 needed_count = 2;
			if (occlusion_culling_enabled &&
					// For the central point of the mapblock 'endoff' can be halved
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn,
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff / 2.0f, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)) {

			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if (blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks &&
					!m_control.range_all &&
					d > m_control.wanted_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if (d / BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d / BS;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if (sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if (blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
				(float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh / blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Example #9
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	for (std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) {
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 p_blocks_min;
	v3s16 p_blocks_max;
	getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max);

	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
	// inside ground
	bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
	if (g_settings->getBool("free_move")) {
		MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
		if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
				m_nodedef->get(n).solidness == 2)
			occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

	for (std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si) {
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();

		if (m_control.range_all == false) {
			if (sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X ||
					sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		MapBlockVect sectorblocks;

			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;

		for (MapBlockVect::iterator i = sectorblocks.begin();
				i != sectorblocks.end(); ++i) {
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display

			if (block->mesh)

			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if (!m_control.range_all)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if (!isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d))


				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
			if (!block->mesh) {

				Occlusion culling
			if (occlusion_culling_enabled && isBlockOccluded(block, cam_pos_nodes)) {

			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if (blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks &&
					!m_control.range_all &&
					d > m_control.wanted_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if (d / BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d / BS;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if (sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if (blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
				(float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh / blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Example #10
void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass)
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	//m_dout<<DTIME<<"Rendering map..."<<std::endl;

	bool is_transparent_pass = pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT;
	std::string prefix;
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID)
		prefix = "CM: solid: ";
		prefix = "CM: transparent: ";

		This is called two times per frame, reset on the non-transparent one
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID)

		Get time for measuring timeout.
		Measuring time is very useful for long delays when the
		machine is swapping a lot.
	int time1 = time(0);

		Get animation parameters
	float animation_time = m_client->getAnimationTime();
	int crack = m_client->getCrackLevel();
	u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio();

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

		Get all blocks and draw all visible ones

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);

	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;

	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	u32 vertex_count = 0;
	u32 meshbuffer_count = 0;
	// For limiting number of mesh animations per frame
	u32 mesh_animate_count = 0;
	u32 mesh_animate_count_far = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;

		Collect a set of blocks for drawing
	core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> drawset;

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"collecting blocks for drawing", SPT_AVG);

	for(core::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::Iterator
			si = m_sectors.getIterator();
			si.atEnd() == false; si++)
		MapSector *sector = si.getNode()->getValue();
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();
		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| sp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		core::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks;
			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;
		core::list< MapBlock * >::Iterator i;
		for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++)
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->mesh == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			// Mesh animation
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);
				MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh;
				// Pretty random but this should work somewhat nicely
				bool faraway = d >= BS*50;
				//bool faraway = d >= m_control.wanted_range * BS;
				if(mapBlockMesh->isAnimationForced() ||
						!faraway ||
						mesh_animate_count_far < (m_control.range_all ? 200 : 50))
					bool animated = mapBlockMesh->animate(
					if(animated && faraway)

			// Add to set
			drawset[block->getPos()] = block;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0)
			m_last_drawn_sectors[sp] = true;
	} // ScopeProfiler
		Draw the selected MapBlocks

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"drawing blocks", SPT_AVG);

	int timecheck_counter = 0;
	for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator
			i = drawset.getIterator();
			i.atEnd() == false; i++)
			if(timecheck_counter > 50)
				timecheck_counter = 0;
				int time2 = time(0);
				if(time2 > time1 + 4)
					infostream<<"ClientMap::renderMap(): "
						"Rendering takes ages, returning."
		MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue();

			Draw the faces of the block
			//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

			MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh;

			scene::SMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh();

			u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
			bool stuff_actually_drawn = false;
			for(u32 i=0; i<c; i++)
				scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i);
				const video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial();
				video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd =
				bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent());
				// Render transparent on transparent pass and likewise.
				if(transparent == is_transparent_pass)
					if(buf->getVertexCount() == 0)
						errorstream<<"Block ["<<analyze_block(block)
								<<"] contains an empty meshbuf"<<std::endl;
						This *shouldn't* hurt too much because Irrlicht
						doesn't change opengl textures if the old
						material has the same texture.
					vertex_count += buf->getVertexCount();
					stuff_actually_drawn = true;
	} // ScopeProfiler
	// Log only on solid pass because values are the same
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID){
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
		if(blocks_in_range != 0)
			g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes", mesh_animate_count);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes (far)", mesh_animate_count_far);
	g_profiler->avg(prefix+"vertices drawn", vertex_count);
	if(blocks_had_pass_meshbuf != 0)
		g_profiler->avg(prefix+"meshbuffers per block",
				(float)meshbuffer_count / (float)blocks_had_pass_meshbuf);
	if(blocks_drawn != 0)
		g_profiler->avg(prefix+"empty blocks (frac)",
				(float)blocks_without_stuff / blocks_drawn);

	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;

	/*infostream<<"renderMap(): is_transparent_pass="******", rendered "<<vertex_count<<" vertices."<<std::endl;*/
Example #11
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver, float dtime)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	//g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	if (!m_drawlist_last)
		m_drawlist_current = !m_drawlist_current;
	auto & drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? m_drawlist_1 : m_drawlist_0;

	float max_cycle_ms = 0.1/getControl().fps_wanted;
	u32 n = 0, calls = 0, end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;
	v3s16 camera_offset = m_camera_offset;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);
	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;
	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	auto lock = m_blocks.lock_shared_rec();
	for(auto & ir : m_blocks) {

		if (n++ < m_drawlist_last)
			m_drawlist_last = 0;

		MapBlock *block = ir.second;
		auto bp = block->getPos();

		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(bp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| bp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| bp.Z > p_blocks_max.Z
			|| bp.Z < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| bp.Y < p_blocks_min.Y
			|| bp.Y > p_blocks_max.Y)

			int mesh_step = getFarmeshStep(m_control, getNodeBlockPos(cam_pos_nodes).getDistanceFrom(block->getPos()));
				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			if (block->getMesh(mesh_step) != NULL)
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->getMesh(mesh_step) == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			if (m_control.farmesh && mesh_step != block->getMesh(mesh_step)->step) { //&& !block->mesh->transparent
				m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(block->getPos(), false, mesh_step == 1);


			// Add to set
			drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if(d/BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d/BS;

		if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) {
			m_drawlist_last = n;
	if (!calls)
		m_drawlist_last = 0;

	if (m_drawlist_last)

	for (auto & ir : *m_drawlist)

	m_drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0;

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if(blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Example #12
u32 Map::transformLiquidsReal(Server *m_server, unsigned int max_cycle_ms) {

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	//TimeTaker timer("transformLiquidsReal()");
	u32 loopcount = 0;
	u32 initial_size = transforming_liquid_size();

	s32 regenerated = 0;

	bool debug = 1;

	u8 relax = g_settings->getS16("liquid_relax");
	bool fast_flood = g_settings->getS16("liquid_fast_flood");
	int water_level = g_settings->getS16("water_level");
	s16 liquid_pressure = m_server->m_emerge->params.liquid_pressure;
	//g_settings->getS16NoEx("liquid_pressure", liquid_pressure);

	// list of nodes that due to viscosity have not reached their max level height
	//std::unordered_map<v3POS, bool, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> must_reflow, must_reflow_second, must_reflow_third;
	std::list<v3POS> must_reflow, must_reflow_second, must_reflow_third;
	// List of MapBlocks that will require a lighting update (due to lava)
	u16 loop_rand = myrand();

	u32 end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms;

	while (transforming_liquid_size() > 0) {
		// This should be done here so that it is done when continue is used
		if (loopcount >= initial_size * 2 || porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms)
			Get a queued transforming liquid node
		v3POS p0;
			//JMutexAutoLock lock(m_transforming_liquid_mutex);
			p0 = transforming_liquid_pop();
		s16 total_level = 0;
		//u16 level_max = 0;
		// surrounding flowing liquid nodes
		NodeNeighbor neighbors[7] = { { } };
		// current level of every block
		s8 liquid_levels[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
		// target levels
		s8 liquid_levels_want[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
		s8 can_liquid_same_level = 0;
		s8 can_liquid = 0;
		// warning! when MINETEST_PROTO enabled - CONTENT_IGNORE != 0
		content_t liquid_kind = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t liquid_kind_flowing = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t melt_kind = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t melt_kind_flowing = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		//s8 viscosity = 0;
			Collect information about the environment, start from self
		for (u8 e = 0; e < 7; e++) {
			u8 i = liquid_explore_map[e];
			NodeNeighbor & nb = neighbors[i];
			nb.pos = p0 + liquid_flow_dirs[i];
			nb.node = getNodeNoEx(neighbors[i].pos);
			nb.content = nb.node.getContent();
			NeighborType nt = NEIGHBOR_SAME_LEVEL;
			switch (i) {
			case D_TOP:
			case D_BOTTOM:
			nb.type = nt;
			nb.liquid = 0;
			nb.infinity = 0;
			nb.weight = 0;
			nb.drop = 0;

			if (!nb.node) {
				//if (i == D_SELF && (loopcount % 2) && initial_size < m_liquid_step_flow * 3)
				//	must_reflow_third[nb.pos] = 1;
				//	must_reflow_third.push_back(nb.pos);

			auto f = nodemgr->get(nb.content);
			switch (f.liquid_type) {
			case LIQUID_NONE:
				if (nb.content == CONTENT_AIR) {
					liquid_levels[i] = 0;
					nb.liquid = 1;
				//TODO: if (nb.content == CONTENT_AIR || nodemgr->get(nb.node).buildable_to && !nodemgr->get(nb.node).walkable) { // need lua drop api for drop torches
				else if (	melt_kind_flowing != CONTENT_IGNORE &&
				            nb.content == melt_kind_flowing &&
				            nb.type != NEIGHBOR_UPPER &&
				            !(loopcount % 2)) {
					u8 melt_max_level = nb.node.getMaxLevel(nodemgr);
					u8 my_max_level = MapNode(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel(nodemgr);
					liquid_levels[i] = (float)my_max_level / melt_max_level * nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr);
					if (liquid_levels[i])
						nb.liquid = 1;
				} else if (	melt_kind != CONTENT_IGNORE &&
				            nb.content == melt_kind &&
				            nb.type != NEIGHBOR_UPPER &&
				            !(loopcount % 8)) {
					liquid_levels[i] = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel();
					if (liquid_levels[i])
						nb.liquid = 1;
				} else {
					int drop = ((ItemGroupList) f.groups)["drop_by_liquid"];
					if (drop && !(loopcount % drop) ) {
						liquid_levels[i] = 0;
						nb.liquid = 1;
						nb.drop = 1;

				// todo: for erosion add something here..
				// if this node is not (yet) of a liquid type,
				// choose the first liquid type we encounter
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = nodemgr->getId(
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = nb.content;
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = liquid_kind;
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = nodemgr->getId(f.melt);
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing =
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing = melt_kind;
				if (nb.content == liquid_kind) {
					if (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_STABLE_MASK)
					liquid_levels[i] = nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr); //LIQUID_LEVEL_SOURCE;
					nb.liquid = 1;
					nb.infinity = (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_INFINITY_MASK);
				// if this node is not (yet) of a liquid type,
				// choose the first liquid type we encounter
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = nb.content;
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = nodemgr->getId(
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = liquid_kind_flowing;
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing = nodemgr->getId(f.melt);
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = nodemgr->getId(nodemgr->get(nodemgr->getId(
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = melt_kind_flowing;
				if (nb.content == liquid_kind_flowing) {
					if (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_STABLE_MASK)
					liquid_levels[i] = nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr);
					nb.liquid = 1;
					nb.infinity = (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_INFINITY_MASK);

			// only self, top, bottom swap
			if (f.liquid_type && e <= 2) {
				try {
					nb.weight = ((ItemGroupList) f.groups)["weight"];
					if (e == 1 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight && neighbors[D_SELF].weight > neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight) {
						setNode(neighbors[D_SELF].pos, neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node);
						setNode(neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos, neighbors[D_SELF].node);
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_SELF].pos] = 1;
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos] = 1;
						infostream << "Liquid swap1" << neighbors[D_SELF].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_SELF].node).name << neighbors[D_SELF].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_SELF].weight << " VS " << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node).name << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight << std::endl;
						goto NEXT_LIQUID;
					if (e == 2 && neighbors[D_SELF].weight && neighbors[D_TOP].weight > neighbors[D_SELF].weight) {
						setNode(neighbors[D_SELF].pos, neighbors[D_TOP].node);
						setNode(neighbors[D_TOP].pos, neighbors[D_SELF].node);
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_SELF].pos] = 1;
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_TOP].pos] = 1;
						infostream << "Liquid swap2" << neighbors[D_TOP].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_TOP].node).name << neighbors[D_TOP].node  << " w=" << neighbors[D_TOP].weight << " VS " << neighbors[D_SELF].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_SELF].node).name << neighbors[D_SELF].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_SELF].weight << std::endl;
						goto NEXT_LIQUID;
				} catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {
					verbosestream << "transformLiquidsReal: weight: setNode() failed:" << nb.pos << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;
					//goto NEXT_LIQUID;

			if (nb.liquid) {
				liquid_levels_want[i] = 0;
				if(nb.type == NEIGHBOR_SAME_LEVEL)
			if (liquid_levels[i] > 0)
				total_level += liquid_levels[i];

			infostream << "get node i=" << (int)i << " " << PP(nb.pos) << " c="
			           << nb.content << " p0=" << (int)nb.node.param0 << " p1="
			           << (int)nb.node.param1 << " p2=" << (int)nb.node.param2 << " lt="
			           << f.liquid_type
			           //<< " lk=" << liquid_kind << " lkf=" << liquid_kind_flowing
			           << " l=" << nb.liquid	<< " inf=" << nb.infinity << " nlevel=" << (int)liquid_levels[i]
			           << " totallevel=" << (int)total_level << " cansame="
			           << (int)can_liquid_same_level << " Lmax=" << (int)nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel() << std::endl;

		if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE || !neighbors[D_SELF].liquid || total_level <= 0)

		s16 level_max = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel();
		s16 level_max_compressed = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel(1);
		s16 pressure = liquid_pressure ? ((ItemGroupList) nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).groups)["pressure"] : 0;
		auto liquid_renewable = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).liquid_renewable;
		s16 total_was = total_level; //debug
		//viscosity = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).viscosity;

		s16 level_avg = total_level / can_liquid;
		if (!pressure && level_avg) {
			level_avg = level_max;

		if (debug)
			infostream << " go: "
			           << nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).name
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level
			           //<<" total_was="<<(int)total_was
			           << " level_max=" << (int)level_max
			           << " level_max_compressed=" << (int)level_max_compressed
			           << " level_avg=" << (int)level_avg
			           << " pressure=" << (int)pressure
			           << " can_liquid=" << (int)can_liquid
			           << " can_liquid_same_level=" << (int)can_liquid_same_level
			           << std::endl;

		// fill bottom block
		if (neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) {
			liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] = level_avg > level_max ? level_avg : total_level > level_max ? level_max : total_level;
			total_level -= liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM];
			//if (pressure && total_level && liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed) {
			//	++liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM];
			//	--total_level;

		//relax up
		u16 relax_want = level_max * can_liquid_same_level;
		if (	liquid_renewable &&
		        relax &&
		        ((p0.Y == water_level) || (fast_flood && p0.Y <= water_level)) &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM] >= level_max &&
		        total_level >= relax_want - (can_liquid_same_level - relax) &&
		        total_level < relax_want &&
		        can_liquid_same_level >= relax + 1) {
			regenerated += relax_want - total_level;
			infostream << " relax_up: " << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << " to=> " << int(relax_want) << std::endl;
			total_level = relax_want;

		// prevent lakes in air above unloaded blocks
		if (	liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        p0.Y > water_level &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        !neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node &&
		        !(loopcount % 3)) {
			infostream << " above unloaded fix: " << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		// calculate self level 5 blocks
		u16 want_level = level_avg > level_max ? level_avg :
		                 total_level >= level_max * can_liquid_same_level
		                 ? level_max
		                 : total_level / can_liquid_same_level;
		total_level -= want_level * can_liquid_same_level;

				if (pressure && total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +1
					infostream << " bottom1 pressure+1: " << " bottom=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		//relax down
		if (	liquid_renewable &&
		        relax &&
		        p0.Y >= water_level - 1  &&
		        p0.Y <= water_level + 1  &&
		        liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        (total_level <= 1 || !(loopcount % 2)) &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM] >= level_max &&
		        want_level <= 0 &&
		        total_level <= (can_liquid_same_level - relax) &&
		        can_liquid_same_level >= relax + 1) {
			infostream << " relax_down: " << " total_level WAS=" << (int)total_level << " to => 0" << std::endl;
			regenerated -= total_level;
			total_level = 0;

		for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) { // fill only same level
			u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 1) % 4][ir];
			if (!neighbors[ii].liquid)
			liquid_levels_want[ii] = want_level;
			//if (viscosity > 1 && (liquid_levels_want[ii]-liquid_levels[ii]>8-viscosity))
			// randomly place rest of divide
			if (liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max && total_level > 0) {
				if (level_max > LIQUID_LEVEL_SOURCE || loopcount % 3 || liquid_levels[ii] <= 0) {
					if (liquid_levels[ii] > liquid_levels_want[ii]) {
				} else {

		for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) {
			if (total_level < 1)
			u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 2) % 4][ir];
			if (liquid_levels_want[ii] >= 0 &&
			        liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max) {

		// fill top block if can
		if (neighbors[D_TOP].liquid && total_level > 0) {
			//infostream<<"compressing to top was="<<liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]<<" add="<<total_level<<std::endl;
			//liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = total_level>level_max_compressed?level_max_compressed:total_level;
			liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = total_level > level_max ? level_max : total_level;
			total_level -= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP];

			//if (liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] && total_level && pressure) {
			if (total_level > 0 && pressure) {

								if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +2
				//compressing self level while can
				//for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) {
				for (u16 ir = D_BOTTOM; ir <= D_TOP; ++ir) {
					if (total_level < 1)
					u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 3) % 4][ir];
					if (neighbors[ii].liquid &&
					        liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max_compressed) {

								if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +2
							infostream << " bottom2 pressure+1: " << " bottom=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		if (pressure) {
			if (neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid &&
			        liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed &&
			        liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > 0
			   ) {
				//if (liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] <= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) {
				infostream << " bottom1 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;
			} else if (
			    neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] > level_max
			) {
				if (liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] <= liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]) {
					infostream << " bottom2 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;
			} else if (
			    neighbors[D_TOP].liquid &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] < level_max_compressed &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > level_max
			) {
				if (liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] <= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) {
					infostream << " bottom3 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

			if (liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > level_max && relax && total_level <= 0 && level_avg > level_max && liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] < level_avg) {
				infostream << " top pressure relax: " << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " to=>" << level_avg << std::endl;

				//regenerated += level_avg - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP];
				//liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = level_avg;
				regenerated += 1 ;
				liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] += 1;

		if (total_level > 0)
			infostream << " rest 1: "
			           << " wtop=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_TOP].liquid && liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] < level_max_compressed) {
			s16 add = (total_level > level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) ? level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] : total_level;
			liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] += add;
			total_level -= add;

		if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_SELF].liquid && liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] < level_max_compressed) { // very rare, compressed only
			s16 add = (total_level > level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]) ? level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] : total_level;
			if (total_level > 0)
				infostream << " rest 2: "
				           << " wself=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]
				           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level
				           << " add=" << (int)add
				           << std::endl;

			liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] += add;
			total_level -= add;

		if (total_level > 0)
			infostream << " rest 3: "
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		for (u16 ii = 0; ii < 7; ii++) { // infinity and cave flood optimization
			if (neighbors[ii].infinity && liquid_levels_want[ii] < liquid_levels[ii]) {
				infostream << " infinity: was=" << (int)ii << " = "
				           << (int)liquid_levels_want[ii] << "  to=" << (int)liquid_levels[ii] << std::endl;

				regenerated += liquid_levels[ii] - liquid_levels_want[ii];
				liquid_levels_want[ii] = liquid_levels[ii];
			} else if ( liquid_levels_want[ii] >= 0	&&
			            liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max &&
			            level_max > 1					&&
			            fast_flood					&&
			            p0.Y < water_level			&&
			            initial_size >= 1000			&&
			            ii != D_TOP					&&
			            want_level >= level_max / 4	&&
			            can_liquid_same_level >= 5	&&
			            liquid_levels[D_TOP] >= level_max) {
				infostream << " flood_fast: was=" << (int)ii << " = "
				           << (int)liquid_levels_want[ii] << "  to=" << (int)level_max << std::endl;
				regenerated += level_max - liquid_levels_want[ii];
				liquid_levels_want[ii] = level_max;

		if (total_level != 0) //|| flowed != volume)
			infostream << " AFTER err level=" << (int)total_level
			           //<< " flowed="<<flowed<< " volume=" << volume
			           << " max=" << (int)level_max
			           << " wantsame=" << (int)want_level << " top="
			           << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " topwas="
			           << (int)liquid_levels[D_TOP]
			           << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM]
			           << " botwas=" << (int)liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM]
			           << std::endl;

		s16 flowed = 0; // for debug

		if (debug) infostream << " dpress=" << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << std::endl;

		for (u16 r = 0; r < 7; r++) {
			u16 i = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 4) % 4][r];
			if (liquid_levels_want[i] < 0 || !neighbors[i].liquid)

			if (debug) infostream << " set=" << i << " " << neighbors[i].pos << " want=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[i] << " was=" << (int) liquid_levels[i] << std::endl;

			/* disabled because brokes constant volume of lava
			u8 viscosity = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).liquid_viscosity;
			if (viscosity > 1 && liquid_levels_want[i] != liquid_levels[i]) {
				// amount to gain, limited by viscosity
				// must be at least 1 in absolute value
				s8 level_inc = liquid_levels_want[i] - liquid_levels[i];
				if (level_inc < -viscosity || level_inc > viscosity)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] + level_inc/viscosity;
				else if (level_inc < 0)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] - 1;
				else if (level_inc > 0)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] + 1;
			} else {

			// last level must flow down on stairs
			if (liquid_levels_want[i] != liquid_levels[i] &&
			        liquid_levels[D_TOP] <= 0 && (!neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid || level_max == 1) &&
			        liquid_levels_want[i] >= 1 && liquid_levels_want[i] <= 2) {
				for (u16 ir = D_SELF + 1; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) { // only same level
					u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 5) % 4][ir];
					if (neighbors[ii].liquid)
						must_reflow_second.push_back(neighbors[i].pos + liquid_flow_dirs[ii]);
					//must_reflow_second[neighbors[i].pos + liquid_flow_dirs[ii]] = 1;

			if (liquid_levels_want[i] > 0)
				flowed += liquid_levels_want[i];
			if (liquid_levels[i] == liquid_levels_want[i]) {

			if (neighbors[i].drop) {// && level_max > 1 && total_level >= level_max - 1
				m_server->getEnv().getScriptIface()->node_drop(neighbors[i].pos, 2);

			neighbors[i].node.setLevel(nodemgr, liquid_levels_want[i], 1);

			try {
				setNode(neighbors[i].pos, neighbors[i].node);
			} catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {
				verbosestream << "transformLiquidsReal: setNode() failed:" << neighbors[i].pos << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;

			// If node emits light, MapBlock requires lighting update
			// or if node removed
			v3POS blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(neighbors[i].pos);
			MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos, true); // remove true if light bugs
			if(block != NULL) {
				//modified_blocks[blockpos] = block;
				if(!nodemgr->get(neighbors[i].node).light_propagates || nodemgr->get(neighbors[i].node).light_source) // better to update always
					lighting_modified_blocks.set_try(block->getPos(), block);
			// fmtodo: make here random %2 or..
			if (total_level < level_max * can_liquid)


		//if (total_was != flowed) {
		if (total_was > flowed) {
			infostream << " volume changed!  flowed=" << flowed << " total_was=" << total_was << " want_level=" << want_level;
			for (u16 rr = 0; rr <= 6; rr++) {
				infostream << "  i=" << rr << ",b" << (int)liquid_levels[rr] << ",a" << (int)liquid_levels_want[rr];
			infostream << std::endl;
		/* //for better relax  only same level
		if (changed)  for (u16 ii = D_SELF + 1; ii < D_TOP; ++ii) {
			if (!neighbors[ii].l) continue;
			must_reflow.push_back(p0 + dirs[ii]);
		//g_profiler->graphAdd("liquids", 1);

	u32 ret = loopcount >= initial_size ? 0 : transforming_liquid_size();
	if (ret || loopcount > m_liquid_step_flow)
		m_liquid_step_flow += (m_liquid_step_flow > loopcount ? -1 : 1) * (int)loopcount / 10;
	if (loopcount)
		infostream<<"Map::transformLiquidsReal(): loopcount="<<loopcount<<" initial_size="<<initial_size
		<<" avgflow="<<m_liquid_step_flow
		<<" reflow="<<must_reflow.size()
		<<" reflow_second="<<must_reflow_second.size()
		<<" reflow_third="<<must_reflow_third.size()
		<<" queue="<< transforming_liquid_size()
		<<" per="<< porting::getTimeMs() - (end_ms - max_cycle_ms)
		<<" ret="<<ret<<std::endl;

		//TimeTaker timer13("transformLiquidsReal() reflow");
		//auto lock = m_transforming_liquid.lock_unique_rec();
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_transforming_liquid_mutex);

		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow.begin(), must_reflow.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow)
		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow_second.begin(), must_reflow_second.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow_second)
		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow_third.begin(), must_reflow_third.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow_third)

	g_profiler->add("Server: liquids real processed", loopcount);
	if (regenerated)
		g_profiler->add("Server: liquids regenerated", regenerated);
	if (loopcount < initial_size)
		g_profiler->add("Server: liquids queue", initial_size);

	return loopcount;