KeyEntryWindow (KeyMappingEditorComponent& kec)
            : AlertWindow (TRANS("New key-mapping"),
                           TRANS("Please press a key combination now..."),
              owner (kec)
            addButton (TRANS("OK"), 1);
            addButton (TRANS("Cancel"), 0);

            // (avoid return + escape keys getting processed by the buttons..)
            for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                getChildComponent (i)->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);

            setWantsKeyboardFocus (true);
Example #2
void Node::getPinPos (const int index, const bool isInput, float& x, float& y)
    for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents (); ++i)
        Pin* const pin = dynamic_cast<Pin*>(getChildComponent (i));

        if (pin != nullptr &&
            pin->Index == index &&
            isInput == pin->IsInput)
            x = getX () + pin->getX () + pin->getWidth () * 0.5f;
            y = getY () + pin->getY () + pin->getHeight () * 0.5f;
    // Don't delete or remove the resizer components yourself! They're managed by the
    // ResizableWindow, and you should leave them alone! You may have deleted them
    // accidentally by careless use of deleteAllChildren()..?
    jassert (resizableCorner == nullptr || getIndexOfChildComponent (resizableCorner) >= 0);
    jassert (resizableBorder == nullptr || getIndexOfChildComponent (resizableBorder) >= 0);

    resizableCorner = nullptr;
    resizableBorder = nullptr;

    // have you been adding your own components directly to this window..? tut tut tut.
    // Read the instructions for using a ResizableWindow!
    jassert (getNumChildComponents() == 0);
Example #4
    void resized()
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
            PinComponent* const pc = dynamic_cast <PinComponent*> (getChildComponent(i));

            if (pc != nullptr)
                const int total = pc->isInput ? numIns : numOuts;
                const int index = pc->index == FilterGraph::midiChannelNumber ? (total - 1) : pc->index;

                pc->setBounds (proportionOfWidth ((1 + index) / (total + 1.0f)) - pinSize / 2,
                               pc->isInput ? 0 : (getHeight() - pinSize),
                               pinSize, pinSize);
void ComponentLayoutEditor::findLassoItemsInArea (Array <ComponentOverlay*>& results, const Rectangle<int>& area)
    const Rectangle<int> lasso (area);

    for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents() - 1; i++)
        ComponentOverlay* c = (ComponentOverlay*)getChildComponent (i);

        if (c->getBounds().intersects (lasso))
            results.addIfNotAlreadyThere (c);
            selectedComponents.addToSelection (c);
            selectedComponents.deselect (c);
Example #6
ConnectorComponent* GraphEditorPanel::getComponentForConnection (const AudioProcessorGraph::Connection& conn) const
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        ConnectorComponent* const c = dynamic_cast <ConnectorComponent*> (getChildComponent (i));

        if (c != nullptr
             && c->sourceFilterID == conn.sourceNodeId
             && c->destFilterID == conn.destNodeId
             && c->sourceFilterChannel == conn.sourceChannelIndex
             && c->destFilterChannel == conn.destChannelIndex)
            return c;

    return nullptr;
Example #7
void SliderBank::updateBoundsX()
       minBoundX = 1000000;
       maxBoundX = 0;
       for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
               MicronSlider* slider = dynamic_cast<MicronSlider*>(getChildComponent(i));
               if (slider && slider->isVisible())
                       const int sliderLeftEdge = slider->getBounds().getX() - 5;
                       const int sliderRightEdge = slider->getBounds().getRight() + 5;
                       if (sliderLeftEdge < minBoundX)
                               minBoundX = sliderLeftEdge;
                       if (sliderRightEdge > maxBoundX)
                               maxBoundX = sliderRightEdge;
Component* MultiDocumentPanel::getContainerComp (Component* c) const
    if (mode == FloatingWindows)
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
            MultiDocumentPanelWindow* const dw = dynamic_cast <MultiDocumentPanelWindow*> (getChildComponent (i));

            if (dw != nullptr && dw->getContentComponent() == c)
                c = dw;

    return c;
void MultiDocumentPanel::componentNameChanged (Component&)
    if (mode == FloatingWindows)
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
            MultiDocumentPanelWindow* const dw = dynamic_cast <MultiDocumentPanelWindow*> (getChildComponent (i));

            if (dw != nullptr)
                dw->setName (dw->getContentComponent()->getName());
    else if (tabComponent != nullptr)
        for (int i = tabComponent->getNumTabs(); --i >= 0;)
            tabComponent->setTabName (i, tabComponent->getTabContentComponent (i)->getName());
Example #10
void FilterComponent::resized()
  for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
    if (PinComponent* const pc = dynamic_cast <PinComponent*> (getChildComponent(i)))
      const int total = pc->isInput ? numIns : numOuts;
      const int index = pc->index == PMixDocument::midiChannelNumber ? (total - 1) : pc->index;
      pc->setBounds(PINS_LEFT_OFFSET + (index * OFFSET_BETWEEN_PINS), pc->isInput ? 0 : (getHeight() - pinSize), pinSize, pinSize);
  if (filterName != nullptr)
    filterName->setBounds(0, pinSize, getWidth(), 20);
  if (editor != nullptr)
    editor->setBounds(10, pinSize + filterName->getHeight(), getWidth()-20, getHeight() - pinSize - pinSize - 10 - filterName->getHeight());
Example #11
PinComponent* GraphEditorPanel::findPinAt (const int x, const int y) const
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        FilterComponent* const fc = dynamic_cast <FilterComponent*> (getChildComponent (i));

        if (fc != nullptr)
            PinComponent* const pin
                = dynamic_cast <PinComponent*> (fc->getComponentAt (x - fc->getX(),
                                                                    y - fc->getY()));

            if (pin != nullptr)
                return pin;

    return nullptr;
    void dragKeyHeldDown (const bool isKeyDown)
        if (isSpaceDown != isKeyDown)
            isSpaceDown = isKeyDown;

            if (isSpaceDown)
                auto dc = new DraggerOverlayComp();
                addAndMakeVisible (dc);
                dc->setBounds (getLocalBounds());
                for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                    std::unique_ptr<DraggerOverlayComp> deleter (dynamic_cast<DraggerOverlayComp*> (getChildComponent (i)));
Example #13
        if (owner != nullptr)
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
                ToolbarItemComponent* const tc = dynamic_cast <ToolbarItemComponent*> (getChildComponent (i));

                if (tc != nullptr)
                    tc->setVisible (false);
                    const int index = oldIndexes.remove (i);
                    owner->addChildComponent (tc, index);

Example #14
 //TODO : implement correct version
 void updateFromTransactionsMapForRow(QueryEntry *qe, std::map<String, String> rowUpdates, int row, bool dView, bool edit)
     this->row = row;
     for (int i=0; i<getNumChildComponents(); i++) {
         TextEditor *te = dynamic_cast<TextEditor*>(getChildComponent(i));
         if (te) {
             const StringArray key = (qe != nullptr) ? qe->getFieldFromRow(row, owner.getKeyField()) : StringArray();
             if (key.size() && (rowUpdates.find(te->getName()) != rowUpdates.end())) {
             else {
                 te->setText(qe->getFieldFromRow(row, owner.fieldNames.indexOf(te->getName())));
void PaintRoutineEditor::refreshAllElements()
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        if (PaintElement* const e = dynamic_cast<PaintElement*> (getChildComponent (i)))
            if (! graphics.containsElement (e))
                removeChildComponent (e);

    Component* last = nullptr;

    for (int i = graphics.getNumElements(); --i >= 0;)
        PaintElement* const e = graphics.getElement (i);

        addAndMakeVisible (e);

        if (last != nullptr)
            e->toBehind (last);
            e->toFront (false);

        last = e;


    if (grid.updateFromDesign (document))

    if (currentBackgroundColour != graphics.getBackgroundColour())
        currentBackgroundColour = graphics.getBackgroundColour();

    if (componentOverlayOpacity != document.getComponentOverlayOpacity())
        componentOverlay = Image();
        componentOverlayOpacity = document.getComponentOverlayOpacity();
void MultiDocumentPanel::setLayoutMode (const LayoutMode newLayoutMode)
    if (mode != newLayoutMode)
        mode = newLayoutMode;

        if (mode == FloatingWindows)
            tabComponent = nullptr;
            for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                MultiDocumentPanelWindow* const dw = dynamic_cast <MultiDocumentPanelWindow*> (getChildComponent (i));

                if (dw != nullptr)
                    dw->getContentComponent()->getProperties().set ("mdiDocumentPos_", dw->getWindowStateAsString());
                    delete dw;


        const Array <Component*> tempComps (components);

        for (int i = 0; i < tempComps.size(); ++i)
            Component* const c = tempComps.getUnchecked(i);

            addDocument (c,
                         Colour ((uint32) static_cast <int> (c->getProperties().getWithDefault ("mdiDocumentBkg_", (int) Colours::white.getARGB()))),
                         MultiDocHelpers::shouldDeleteComp (c));
Example #17
MicronSlider* SliderBank::findSliderAtPos(const Point<int>& pos)
	MicronSlider* closestSlider = 0;
	float closestDist = 1e6;
	for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
		MicronSlider* slider = dynamic_cast<MicronSlider*>(getChildComponent(i));
		if (slider && slider->isVisible())
			const int SLIGHT_X_ADJUSTMENT = 2;
			float sliderDist = abs( slider->getBounds().getCentre().getX()+SLIGHT_X_ADJUSTMENT - pos.getX() );
//			if ( slider == prevSlider )
//				sliderDist *= 0.75f;

			if ( sliderDist < closestDist )
				closestDist = sliderDist;
				closestSlider = slider;
	return closestSlider;
ValueTree DrawableComposite::createValueTree (ComponentBuilder::ImageProvider* imageProvider) const
    ValueTree tree (valueTreeType);
    ValueTreeWrapper v (tree);

    v.setID (getComponentID());
    v.setBoundingBox (bounds, nullptr);

    ValueTree childList (v.getChildListCreating (nullptr));

    for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
        const Drawable* const d = dynamic_cast <const Drawable*> (getChildComponent(i));
        jassert (d != nullptr); // You can't save a mix of Drawables and normal components!

        childList.addChild (d->createValueTree (imageProvider), -1, nullptr);

    v.getMarkerListCreating (true, nullptr).readFrom (markersX, nullptr);
    v.getMarkerListCreating (false, nullptr).readFrom (markersY, nullptr);

    return tree;
Example #19
void GenericEditor::switchCollapsedState()

    if (!getProcessor()->isMerger() && !getProcessor()->isSplitter())

        if (isCollapsed)
            // open it up
            desiredWidth = originalWidth;
            isCollapsed = false;

            originalWidth = desiredWidth;
            desiredWidth = 25;
            isCollapsed = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); i++)
            Component* c = getChildComponent(i);

        if (channelSelector != nullptr)
            if (!drawerOpen)


Example #20
SliderBank::SliderBank (MicronauAudioProcessor *owner, MicronauAudioProcessorEditor *parent)
	for (int i = 0; i < 33; ++i)
		const int SLIDER_SPACING = 11;
		const int SLIDER_WIDTH = 11;
		const int SLIDER_HEIGHT = 100;

		ext_slider *newSlider = new ext_slider(owner, 633+i);
		newSlider->setRange (-100, 100, 0.1);
		newSlider->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearVertical);
		newSlider->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
		newSlider->addListener (this);

        sliders[i] = newSlider;
		addAndMakeVisible ( newSlider );

    setSize (400, 300);

	lockedSliderBeingDragged = 0;
	prevSlider = 0;
	resettingValuesToDefault = false;

	// disable any clicks from getting to children.
	setInterceptsMouseClicks (true, false);
	for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
		getChildComponent(i)->setInterceptsMouseClicks(false, false);

bool MultiDocumentPanel::closeDocument (Component* component,
                                        const bool checkItsOkToCloseFirst)
    if (components.contains (component))
        if (checkItsOkToCloseFirst && ! tryToCloseDocument (component))
            return false;

        component->removeComponentListener (this);

        const bool shouldDelete = MultiDocHelpers::shouldDeleteComp (component);
        component->getProperties().remove ("mdiDocumentDelete_");
        component->getProperties().remove ("mdiDocumentBkg_");

        if (mode == FloatingWindows)
            for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                MultiDocumentPanelWindow* const dw = dynamic_cast <MultiDocumentPanelWindow*> (getChildComponent (i));

                if (dw != nullptr && dw->getContentComponent() == component)
                    ScopedPointer<MultiDocumentPanelWindow> (dw)->clearContentComponent();

            if (shouldDelete)
                delete component;

            components.removeValue (component);

            if (isFullscreenWhenOneDocument() && components.size() == 1)
                for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                    ScopedPointer<MultiDocumentPanelWindow> dw (dynamic_cast <MultiDocumentPanelWindow*> (getChildComponent (i)));

                    if (dw != nullptr)

                addAndMakeVisible (components.getFirst());
            jassert (components.indexOf (component) >= 0);

            if (tabComponent != nullptr)
                for (int i = tabComponent->getNumTabs(); --i >= 0;)
                    if (tabComponent->getTabContentComponent (i) == component)
                        tabComponent->removeTab (i);
                removeChildComponent (component);

            if (shouldDelete)
                delete component;

            if (tabComponent != nullptr && tabComponent->getNumTabs() <= numDocsBeforeTabsUsed)
                tabComponent = nullptr;

            components.removeValue (component);

            if (components.size() > 0 && tabComponent == nullptr)
                addAndMakeVisible (components.getFirst());


    return true;
void PaintRoutineEditor::removeAllElementComps()
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        if (PaintElement* const e = dynamic_cast<PaintElement*> (getChildComponent (i)))
            removeChildComponent (e);
void ComponentLayoutEditor::refreshAllComponents()
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        ScopedPointer<ComponentOverlayComponent> overlay (dynamic_cast <ComponentOverlayComponent*> (getChildComponent (i)));

        if (overlay != nullptr && layout.containsComponent (overlay->target))

    for (int i = subCompHolder->getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        Component* const comp = subCompHolder->getChildComponent (i);

        if (! layout.containsComponent (comp))
            subCompHolder->removeChildComponent (comp);

    Component* lastComp = nullptr;
    Component* lastOverlay = nullptr;

    for (int i = layout.getNumComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        Component* const c = layout.getComponent (i);
        jassert (c != nullptr);

        ComponentOverlayComponent* overlay = getOverlayCompFor (c);

        bool isNewOverlay = false;

        if (overlay == 0)
            ComponentTypeHandler* const handler = ComponentTypeHandler::getHandlerFor (*c);
            jassert (handler != nullptr);

            overlay = handler->createOverlayComponent (c, layout);

            addAndMakeVisible (overlay);
            isNewOverlay = true;

        if (lastOverlay != nullptr)
            overlay->toBehind (lastOverlay);
            overlay->toFront (false);

        lastOverlay = overlay;

        subCompHolder->addAndMakeVisible (c);

        if (lastComp != nullptr)
            c->toBehind (lastComp);
            c->toFront (false);

        lastComp = c;

        c->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
        c->setFocusContainer (true);

        if (isNewOverlay)

    if (grid.updateFromDesign (document))

    subCompHolder->setBounds (getComponentArea());
Example #24
void AlertWindow::updateLayout (const bool onlyIncreaseSize)
    const int titleH = 24;
    const int iconWidth = 80;

    const Font font (getLookAndFeel().getAlertWindowMessageFont());

    const int wid = jmax (font.getStringWidth (text),
                          font.getStringWidth (getName()));

    const int sw = (int) std::sqrt (font.getHeight() * wid);
    int w = jmin (300 + sw * 2, (int) (getParentWidth() * 0.7f));
    const int edgeGap = 10;
    const int labelHeight = 18;
    int iconSpace = 0;

    AttributedString attributedText;
    attributedText.append (getName(), font.withHeight (font.getHeight() * 1.1f).boldened());

    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        attributedText.append ("\n\n" + text, font);

    attributedText.setColour (findColour (textColourId));

    if (alertIconType == NoIcon)
        attributedText.setJustification (Justification::centredTop);
        textLayout.createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (attributedText, (float) w);
        attributedText.setJustification (Justification::topLeft);
        textLayout.createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (attributedText, (float) w);
        iconSpace = iconWidth;

    w = jmax (350, (int) textLayout.getWidth() + iconSpace + edgeGap * 4);
    w = jmin (w, (int) (getParentWidth() * 0.7f));

    const int textLayoutH = (int) textLayout.getHeight();
    const int textBottom = 16 + titleH + textLayoutH;
    int h = textBottom;

    int buttonW = 40;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < buttons.size(); ++i)
        buttonW += 16 + buttons.getUnchecked(i)->getWidth();

    w = jmax (buttonW, w);

    h += (textBoxes.size() + comboBoxes.size() + progressBars.size()) * 50;

    if (buttons.size() > 0)
        h += 20 + buttons.getUnchecked(0)->getHeight();

    for (i = customComps.size(); --i >= 0;)
        Component* c = customComps.getUnchecked(i);
        w = jmax (w, (c->getWidth() * 100) / 80);
        h += 10 + c->getHeight();

        if (c->getName().isNotEmpty())
            h += labelHeight;

    for (i = textBlocks.size(); --i >= 0;)
        const AlertTextComp* const ac = static_cast <const AlertTextComp*> (textBlocks.getUnchecked(i));
        w = jmax (w, ac->getPreferredWidth());

    w = jmin (w, (int) (getParentWidth() * 0.7f));

    for (i = textBlocks.size(); --i >= 0;)
        AlertTextComp* const ac = static_cast <AlertTextComp*> (textBlocks.getUnchecked(i));
        ac->updateLayout ((int) (w * 0.8f));
        h += ac->getHeight() + 10;

    h = jmin (getParentHeight() - 50, h);

    if (onlyIncreaseSize)
        w = jmax (w, getWidth());
        h = jmax (h, getHeight());

    if (! isVisible())
        centreAroundComponent (associatedComponent, w, h);
        const int cx = getX() + getWidth() / 2;
        const int cy = getY() + getHeight() / 2;

        setBounds (cx - w / 2,
                   cy - h / 2,
                   w, h);

    textArea.setBounds (edgeGap, edgeGap, w - (edgeGap * 2), h - edgeGap);

    const int spacer = 16;
    int totalWidth = -spacer;

    for (i = buttons.size(); --i >= 0;)
        totalWidth += buttons.getUnchecked(i)->getWidth() + spacer;

    int x = (w - totalWidth) / 2;
    int y = (int) (getHeight() * 0.95f);

    for (i = 0; i < buttons.size(); ++i)
        TextButton* const c = buttons.getUnchecked(i);
        int ny = proportionOfHeight (0.95f) - c->getHeight();
        c->setTopLeftPosition (x, ny);
        if (ny < y)
            y = ny;

        x += c->getWidth() + spacer;

        c->toFront (false);

    y = textBottom;

    for (i = 0; i < allComps.size(); ++i)
        Component* const c = allComps.getUnchecked(i);
        h = 22;

        const int comboIndex = comboBoxes.indexOf (dynamic_cast <ComboBox*> (c));
        if (comboIndex >= 0 && comboBoxNames [comboIndex].isNotEmpty())
            y += labelHeight;

        const int tbIndex = textBoxes.indexOf (dynamic_cast <TextEditor*> (c));
        if (tbIndex >= 0 && textboxNames[tbIndex].isNotEmpty())
            y += labelHeight;

        if (customComps.contains (c))
            if (c->getName().isNotEmpty())
                y += labelHeight;

            c->setTopLeftPosition (proportionOfWidth (0.1f), y);
            h = c->getHeight();
        else if (textBlocks.contains (c))
            c->setTopLeftPosition ((getWidth() - c->getWidth()) / 2, y);
            h = c->getHeight();
            c->setBounds (proportionOfWidth (0.1f), y, proportionOfWidth (0.8f), h);

        y += h + 10;

    setWantsKeyboardFocus (getNumChildComponents() == 0);
void ComponentLayoutEditor::updateOverlayPositions()
    for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
        if (ComponentOverlayComponent* const overlay = dynamic_cast <ComponentOverlayComponent*> (getChildComponent (i)))
Example #26
int Channels::getNumChannels()
  return getNumChildComponents() - GUI::N_STATIC_CHANNELS_CHILDREN ;
 ~NormalTestComponent() override
     for (int i = getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
         removeChildComponent (i);
Example #28
int Mixer::getNumDynamicMixers()
  return getNumChildComponents() - GUI::N_STATIC_MIXER_CHILDREN ;
Example #29
    void paint (Graphics& g)
        const TwindyTabbedComponent* const t = (const TwindyTabbedComponent*) getParentComponent();

        if (t != 0)
            const Rectangle<int> thisBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
            const Rectangle thisBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
                TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab* const c = (TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab*) getChildComponent (i);

                if (c != (TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab*)t->tabList [t->currentTab])
                    const float indent = 2.0f;

                    float x1 = (float)c->getX();
                    float y1 = (float)c->getY();
                    float x2 = x1 + c->getWidth();
                    float y2 = y1 + c->getHeight();

                    if (c->getBounds().intersects (thisBounds))
                        if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtTop)
                            y1 += indent;
                            y2 += 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtBottom)
                            y2 -= indent;
                            y1 -= 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtLeft)
                            x1 += indent;
                            x2 += 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtRight)
                            x2 -= indent;
                            x1 -= 100.0f;

                        Path p;
                        p.addRoundedRectangle (x1 + t->normalOutlineThickness,
                                               y1 + t->normalOutlineThickness,
                                               x2 - x1 - t->normalOutlineThickness* 2.0f,
                                               y2 - y1 - t->normalOutlineThickness * 2.0f,

                        g.setColour (t->deselectedTabCol);
                        g.fillPath (p);

                        g.setColour (t->normalOutlineCol);
                        g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (t->normalOutlineThickness));

            AffineTransform trans;
            trans = trans.translated ((float)t->getScreenX() - getScreenX(),
                                      (float)t->getScreenY() - getScreenY());

            g.setColour (t->fillCol);
            g.fillPath (t->outlineShape, trans);

            g.setColour (t->selectedOutlineCol);
            g.fillPath (t->strokedOutline, trans);
void TabbedButtonBar::resized()
    const double minimumScale = 0.7;
    int depth = getWidth();
    int length = getHeight();

    if (orientation == TabsAtTop || orientation == TabsAtBottom)
        swapVariables (depth, length);

    const int overlap = getLookAndFeel().getTabButtonOverlap (depth)
                            + getLookAndFeel().getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage() * 2;

    int i, totalLength = overlap;
    int numVisibleButtons = tabs.size();

    for (i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
        TabBarButton* const tb = dynamic_cast <TabBarButton*> (getChildComponent (i));

        if (tb != 0)
            totalLength += tb->getBestTabLength (depth) - overlap;
            tb->overlapPixels = overlap / 2;

    double scale = 1.0;

    if (totalLength > length)
        scale = jmax (minimumScale, length / (double) totalLength);

    const bool isTooBig = totalLength * scale > length;
    int tabsButtonPos = 0;

    if (isTooBig)
        if (extraTabsButton == 0)
            addAndMakeVisible (extraTabsButton = getLookAndFeel().createTabBarExtrasButton());
            extraTabsButton->addButtonListener (this);
            extraTabsButton->setAlwaysOnTop (true);
            extraTabsButton->setTriggeredOnMouseDown (true);

        const int buttonSize = jmin (proportionOfWidth (0.7f), proportionOfHeight (0.7f));
        extraTabsButton->setSize (buttonSize, buttonSize);

        if (orientation == TabsAtTop || orientation == TabsAtBottom)
            tabsButtonPos = getWidth() - buttonSize / 2 - 1;
            extraTabsButton->setCentrePosition (tabsButtonPos, getHeight() / 2);
            tabsButtonPos = getHeight() - buttonSize / 2 - 1;
            extraTabsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() / 2, tabsButtonPos);

        totalLength = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i)
            TabBarButton* const tb = getTabButton (i);

            if (tb != 0)
                const int newLength = totalLength + tb->getBestTabLength (depth);

                if (i > 0 && newLength * minimumScale > tabsButtonPos)
                    totalLength += overlap;

                numVisibleButtons = i + 1;
                totalLength = newLength - overlap;


        scale = jmax (minimumScale, tabsButtonPos / (double) totalLength);
        deleteAndZero (extraTabsButton);

    int pos = 0;

    TabBarButton* frontTab = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i)
        TabBarButton* const tb = getTabButton (i);

        if (tb != 0)
            const int bestLength = roundToInt (scale * tb->getBestTabLength (depth));

            if (i < numVisibleButtons)
                if (orientation == TabsAtTop || orientation == TabsAtBottom)
                    tb->setBounds (pos, 0, bestLength, getHeight());
                    tb->setBounds (0, pos, getWidth(), bestLength);


                if (tb->tabIndex == currentTabIndex)
                    frontTab = tb;

                tb->setVisible (true);
                tb->setVisible (false);

            pos += bestLength - overlap;

    behindFrontTab->setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    if (frontTab != 0)
        frontTab->toFront (false);
        behindFrontTab->toBehind (frontTab);