    void getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
        destData.setSize (sizeof (float) * getNumParameters());
        destData.fillWith (0);

        float* const p = (float*) ((char*) destData.getData());
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumParameters(); ++i)
            p[i] = getParameter(i);
Example #2
    void calcDerivative(const Differentiator::DifferentiatorRep& diff, Differentiator::Method m,
                        Real y0, const Real* fy0p, Real& dfdy) const override
        if (getNumFunctions() != 1 || getNumParameters() != 1)
                "calcDerivative", "1x1", "JacobianFunction", getNumFunctions(), getNumParameters());

        const Vector y0v(1, y0);
        Vector fy0v(1);
        if (fy0p) fy0v[0] = *fy0p;
        else {diff.nCallsToUserFunction++; call(y0v, fy0v);}
        Matrix dfdym(1,1, &dfdy); // refers to dfdy directly as data
Example #3
    void calcDerivative(const Differentiator::DifferentiatorRep& diff, Differentiator::Method m,
                        Real y0, const Real* fy0p, Real& dfdy) const override
        if (getNumParameters() != 1)
                "calcDerivative", "1x1", "GradientFunction", 1, getNumParameters());

        const Vector y0v(1, y0);
        Real fy0;
        if (fy0p) fy0 = *fy0p; 
        else {diff.nCallsToUserFunction++; call(y0v, fy0);}
        Vector dfdyv(1, &dfdy); // refers to dfdy data directly
Example #4
bool CParameterObject::operator == (CParameters &parameterObject)
	std::map<string, double>::iterator it = parameters->begin();

	if (parameterObject.getNumParameters() != getNumParameters())
		return false;

	for (int i = 0 ;it != parameters->end(); it++, i++)
		if (parameterObject.getParameterIndex((*it).first) >= 0)
			//if (adaptiveParameters->find((*it).first) == adaptiveParameters->end() && fabs((*it).second - parameterObject.getParameter((*it).first)) > 0.00001)
			if (fabs((*it).second - parameterObject.getParameter((*it).first)) > 0.00001)
				//printf("Different Param Values for Parameter %s, %f %f\n", (*it).first.c_str(), (*it).second, parameterObject.getParameter((*it).first));
				return false;
			return false;
	return true;
bool DMPPolicy::computeControlCosts(const std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd>& control_cost_matrices,
                                    const std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> >& parameters,
                                    const double weight,
                                    std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd>& control_costs)
    int num_dimensions = control_cost_matrices.size();
    int num_time_steps = parameters[0].size();

    std::vector<int> num_parameters(num_dimensions);

    // initialize output vector if necessary:
    if (int(control_costs.size()) != num_dimensions)
        for (int d = 0; d < num_dimensions; ++d)

    // compute the costs
    for (int d = 0; d < num_dimensions; ++d)
        for (int t = 0; t < num_time_steps; ++t)
            control_costs[d](t) = weight * parameters[d][t].dot(control_cost_matrices[d] * parameters[d][t]);

    return true;
void MLPluginProcessor::setDefaultParameters()
	if (mEngine.getCompileStatus() == MLProc::OK)
		// set default for each parameter.
		const unsigned numParams = getNumParameters();
		for(unsigned i=0; i<numParams; ++i)
			MLPublishedParamPtr paramPtr = getParameterPtr(i);
			MLSymbol paramType = paramPtr->getType();
			if(paramType == "float")
				float defaultVal = getParameterDefaultValue(i);
				setPropertyImmediate(getParameterAlias(i), defaultVal);
			else if (paramType == "string")
				// unimplemented
			else if (paramType == "signal")
				const MLProperty& p = getProperty(getParameterAlias(i));
				if (p.getType() == MLProperty::kSignalProperty)
					// TODO set up defaults for signal params once we are loading from JSON
					// right now we clear to zero
					MLSignal defaultSignal(p.getSignalValue());
					setPropertyImmediate(getParameterAlias(i), defaultSignal);
    void prepareToPlay (double newSampleRate, int samplesPerBlockExpected)
        setPlayConfigDetails (inputs.size(), outputs.size(),
                              newSampleRate, samplesPerBlockExpected);

        setLatencySamples (0);


        if (initialised)
            tempBuffer.setSize (jmax (1, outputs.size()), samplesPerBlockExpected);

            // dodgy hack to force some plugins to initialise the sample rate..
            if (getNumParameters() > 0)
                const float old = getParameter (0);
                setParameter (0, (old < 0.5f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
                setParameter (0, old);

            if (plugin->activate != nullptr)
                plugin->activate (handle);
Example #8
XmlElement BiasedDelay::getStateInformation(){
  XmlElement state("BiasedDelayState");
  for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); i++)
    state.setAttribute(String::formatted("parameter%d", i), getParameterValue(i));
  //    state.setAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameterValue(i));
  return state;
Example #9
void PitchedDelayAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
	ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml(getXmlFromBinary(data, sizeInBytes));

	if (xml != 0 && xml->getTagName() == "PitchedDelay")
		const bool extendedsync = xml->hasAttribute("extended");

		for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
			const String paramName(getParameterName(i));

			float val = (float) xml->getDoubleAttribute(paramName, -1000);

			if (! extendedsync && paramName.contains("Sync"))
				val = val*7/9;

			if (! extendedsync && paramName.contains("PitchType"))
				val = val*5/8;			

			if (val > -1000)
				setParameterNotifyingHost(i, val);

		const int curTab = xml->getIntAttribute("currentTab", -1000);
		showTooltips = xml->getIntAttribute("showtooltips") == 1;
		currentTab = curTab > -1000 ? curTab : 0;

Example #10
void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
    // endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
    // calls matched correctly.
    jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
    changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        AudioProcessorListener* l;

            const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
            l = listeners [i];

        if (l != nullptr)
            l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
void DemoJuceFilter::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
    // use this helper function to get the XML from this binary blob..
    XmlElement* const xmlState = getXmlFromBinary (data, sizeInBytes);

    if (xmlState != 0)
        // check that it's the right type of xml..
        if (xmlState->hasTagName (T("XSynthPatch")))
            // ok, now pull out our parameters..
            gain = (float) xmlState->getDoubleAttribute (T("gainLevel"), gain);

            lastUIWidth = xmlState->getIntAttribute (T("uiWidth"), lastUIWidth);
            lastUIHeight = xmlState->getIntAttribute (T("uiHeight"), lastUIHeight);

         for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); i++)
            DBG(String("Loading parameter ") + getParameterXMLName(i) + String(" to ") + String(xmlState->getDoubleAttribute(getParameterXMLName(i))));
               setParameter(i, xmlState->getDoubleAttribute(getParameterXMLName(i)));

            sendChangeMessage (this);

        delete xmlState;
Example #12
    void setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
        const float* p = static_cast <const float*> (data);

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumParameters(); ++i)
            setParameter (i, p[i]);
void DemoJuceFilter::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    // you can store your parameters as binary data if you want to or if you've got
    // a load of binary to put in there, but if you're not doing anything too heavy,
    // XML is a much cleaner way of doing it - here's an example of how to store your
    // params as XML..

    // create an outer XML element..
    XmlElement xmlState (T("XSynthPatch"));

    // add some attributes to it..
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("pluginVersion"), 1);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("gainLevel"), gain);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("uiWidth"), lastUIWidth);
    xmlState.setAttribute (T("uiHeight"), lastUIHeight);

    // you could also add as many child elements as you need to here..
   for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); i++)
      xmlState.setAttribute (getParameterXMLName(i), getParameter(i));
      DBG(String("Saved parameter ") + getParameterXMLName(i) + String(" as ") + String(getParameter(i)));

    // then use this helper function to stuff it into the binary blob and return it..
    copyXmlToBinary (xmlState, destData);
Example #14
/* declares constant = false for any L1 compartment/parameter
 * assigned by a rule
  unsigned int n;
  // parameters and compartments are declared to have constant=true
  // by default. Since in L1 the constant attribute didnt exist 
  // parameters/compartments that are the subjcet of rules must have
  // the value changed

  for ( n = 0; n < getNumParameters(); n++)
    if (getRule(getParameter(n)->getId()) != NULL)

  for ( n = 0; n < getNumCompartments(); n++)
    if (getRule(getCompartment(n)->getId()) != NULL)
Example #15
void BiasedDelay::setStateInformation(ScopedPointer<XmlElement> state){
  if (state->hasTagName("BiasedDelayState"))
    for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); i++)
      setParameterValue(i, (float)state->getDoubleAttribute(String::formatted("parameter%d", i), getParameterValue(i)));
    //      setParameterValue(i, (float)state->getDoubleAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameterValue(i)));
Example #16
float DemoJuceFilter::getParameter (int index)
	if(index>=0 && index<getNumParameters())
		return mpUI->getNormalizedParameter(index);
	return 0.f;
Example #17
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
Example #18
void DemoJuceFilter::setParameter (int index, float newValue)
	if(index>=0 && index<getNumParameters())
		mpUI->setNormalizedParameter(index, newValue);
		sendChangeMessage (this);
Example #19
const String DemoJuceFilter::getParameterText (int index)
	if(index>=0 && index<getNumParameters())
		return mpUI->getParameterText(index);
	return String::empty;
Example #20
void SuperSpreadAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
    XmlElement xml("STATE");

    for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
        xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameter(i));

    copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
void LuftikusAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
	XmlElement xml("LUFTIKUSDATA");

	for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
		xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i).replace(" ", "_", false).replace(".", "-", false), getParameter(i));

	xml.setAttribute("tooltips", showTooltips ? 1 : 0);
	copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);
Example #22
void SuperSpreadAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
    ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml(getXmlFromBinary(data, sizeInBytes));

    if (xml != nullptr)
        for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
            setParameterNotifyingHost(i, static_cast<float> (xml->getDoubleAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameter(i))));
Example #23
 void calcJacobian(const Differentiator::DifferentiatorRep& diff, Differentiator::Method m,
                   const Vector& y0, const Vector* fy0p, Matrix& dfdy) const override
     assert(!fy0p || (*fy0p).size()==1);
     Real fy0;
     if (fy0p) fy0 = (*fy0p)[0];
     else {diff.nCallsToUserFunction++; call(y0, fy0);}
void AudioProcessor::addParameter (AudioProcessorParameter* p)
    p->processor = this;
    p->parameterIndex = managedParameters.size();
    managedParameters.add (p);

    // if you're using parameter objects, then you must not override the
    // deprecated getNumParameters() method!
    jassert (getNumParameters() == AudioProcessor::getNumParameters());
Example #25
    void calcGradient(const Differentiator::DifferentiatorRep& diff, Differentiator::Method m,
                      const Vector& y0, const Real* fy0p, Vector& gf) const override 
        if (getNumFunctions() != 1)
                "calcGradient", "1xn", "JacobianFunction", getNumFunctions(), getNumParameters());

        Vector fy0v(1);
        if (fy0p) fy0v[0] = *fy0p;
        else {diff.nCallsToUserFunction++; call(y0, fy0v);}
void LuftikusAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
	ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml(getXmlFromBinary(data, sizeInBytes));

	if (xml != nullptr)
		for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
			setParameterNotifyingHost(i, (float) xml->getDoubleAttribute(getParameterName(i).replace(" ", "_", false).replace(".", "-", false)));

		showTooltips = xml->getBoolAttribute("tooltips", true);
Example #27
/* converting to l1 any metaid attributes should be removed */
  unsigned int n, i;

  for (n = 0; n < getNumUnitDefinitions(); n++)
    for (i = 0; i < getUnitDefinition(n)->getNumUnits(); i++)

  for (n = 0; n < getNumCompartments(); n++)

  for (n = 0; n < getNumSpecies(); n++)

  for (n = 0; n < getNumParameters(); n++)

  for (n = 0; n < getNumRules(); n++)

  for (n = 0; n < getNumReactions(); n++)
    for (i = 0; i < getReaction(n)->getNumReactants(); i++)
    for (i = 0; i < getReaction(n)->getNumProducts(); i++)
    if (getReaction(n)->isSetKineticLaw())
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
Example #29
// set default value for each scalar parameter.  needed before loading
// patches, which are only required to store differences from these
// default values.
void MLPluginProcessor::setDefaultParameters()
	if (mEngine.getCompileStatus() == MLProc::OK)
		// set default for each parameter.
		const unsigned numParams = getNumParameters();
		for(unsigned i=0; i<numParams; ++i)
			float defaultVal = getParameterDefault(i);
			setPropertyImmediate(getParameterAlias(i), defaultVal);
Example #30
void PitchedDelayAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
	XmlElement xml("PitchedDelay");

	for (int i=0; i<getNumParameters(); ++i)
		xml.setAttribute(getParameterName(i), getParameter(i));

	xml.setAttribute("currenttab", jmax(0, currentTab));
	xml.setAttribute("showtooltips", showTooltips ? 1 : 0);

	xml.setAttribute("extended", "1");

	copyXmlToBinary(xml, destData);