  Return the number of loops of one particular polygon.

  An \c EIndexError exception is thrown if \a poly is out of range.
int PolyhedronGeom::getNumLoops(int poly) const 
  if ((poly<0) || (poly>=getNumPolys()))
      throw EIndexError("Poly index out of range.");

  return polys[poly]->size(); 
  Set the number of loops for one particular poly.

  An \c EIndexError exception is thrown if \a poly is out of range.
void PolyhedronGeom::setNumLoops(int poly, int num) 
  if ((poly<0) || (poly>=getNumPolys()))
      throw EIndexError("Poly index out of range.");
  if (num<0)

  Poly* polygon = polys[poly];
  // Number of loops before the modification
  int prevsize = polygon->size();
  // Number of vertices removed (this number is used to adjust the constraint
  // size for facevarying variables)
  int lostverts = 0;
  int i;

  // Delete loops if the number of loops was decreased
  if (num<prevsize)
    for(i=num; i<prevsize; i++)
      // Add the number of verts in the loop
      lostverts += (*polygon)[i]->size();
      // Delete the loop
      delete (*polygon)[i];

  // Resize loop list

  // Allocate new loops...
  // (the new loops have no verts, so lostverts doesn't have to be modified)
  for(i=prevsize; i<num; i++)
    (*polygon)[i] = new VertexLoop();

  // Update the size constraint for facevarying variables...
  // Todo: This probably shouldn't be done for every single modification
  // again and again...
  UserSizeConstraint* usc = dynamic_cast<UserSizeConstraint*>(faceVaryingSizeConstraint.get());
  //  std::cout<<"LOSTVERTS: "<<lostverts<<std::endl;
  if (usc!=0)
  Convert to TriMesh
void PolyhedronGeom::convert(GeomObject* target)
  TriMeshGeom* tm = dynamic_cast<TriMeshGeom*>(target);
  vec3d* vertsptr = verts.dataPtr();
  // Index of the corresponding facevarying (or facevertex) variable
  int facevarindex = 0;
  int i, j;

  // Check if the target geom is really a TriMesh
  if (tm==0)
    throw ENotImplementedError("Conversion not supported by the PolyhedronGeom");

  // No tesselation object allocated yet? Then do so once and for all...
  if (tess==0)
    tess = gluNewTess();
    if (tess==0)

  PolyTriangulation polyTriangulation(*this);

  // Remove any existing variable in the trimesh...


  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA, (TessCallback)(&onTessBegin_triangulation));
  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_END_DATA, (TessCallback)(&onTessEnd_triangulation));
  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, (TessCallback)(&onTessVertex_triangulation));
  gluTessProperty(tess, GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY, GL_FALSE);
  gluTessProperty(tess, GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE, 0);

  // Iterate over all polygons...
  for(i=0; i<getNumPolys(); i++)

    gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, &polyTriangulation);
    // Iterate over all loops of polygon i...
    for(j=0; j<getNumLoops(i); j++)
      LoopIterator it = loopBegin(i, j);
      LoopIterator itend = loopEnd(i, j);
      vec3d* v;
      for( ; it!=itend; it++)
	int vidx = (*it);
	v = vertsptr + vidx;
	GLdouble* loc = (GLdouble*)dataMemManager.newDataPtr();
	loc[0] = v->x;
	loc[1] = v->y;
	loc[2] = v->z;
	int* data = (int*)(loc+3);
	data[0] = vidx;  // Vertex index
	data[1] = facevarindex;  // facevarying variable index
	gluTessVertex(tess, loc, data);


  Draw the polyhedron.
void PolyhedronGeom::drawGL()
  // No tesselation object allocated yet? Then do so once and for all...
  if (tess==0)
    tess = gluNewTess();
    if (tess==0)

  // Set flag to 0 (i.e. no variables are present so far)
  tess_data_flag = 0;
  PrimVarAccess<vec3d> normals(*this, std::string("N"), NORMAL, 1, std::string("Nfaces"));
  PrimVarAccess<double> texcoords(*this, std::string("st"), FLOAT, 2, std::string("stfaces"));
  PrimVarAccess<vec3d> colors(*this, std::string("Cs"), COLOR, 1, std::string("Csfaces"));
  vec3d* N;
  vec3d* Cs;
  GLfloat glcol[4] = {0,0,0,1};
  double* st;
  vec3d* vertsptr = verts.dataPtr();
  int i,j;
  int nfloats=3;

  // Check which variables has to be passed to the vertex callback
  // (this is the case when mode is > 2)
  if (normals.mode>2)
    tess_data_flag |= 0x01;
    nfloats += 3;
  if (texcoords.mode>2)
    tess_data_flag |= 0x02;
    nfloats += 2;
  if (colors.mode>2)
    tess_data_flag |= 0x04;
    nfloats += 3;


  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_BEGIN, (TessCallback)(&onTessBegin));
  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_END, (TessCallback)(&onTessEnd));
  gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX, (TessCallback)(&onTessVertex));
  gluTessProperty(tess, GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY, GL_FALSE);
  gluTessProperty(tess, GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE, 0);

  // Iterate over all polygons...
  for(i=0; i<getNumPolys(); i++)

    // No normals? Then a face normal has to be calculated...
    if (normals.mode==0)
      vec3d Ng;
      computeNormal(i, Ng);
      glNormal3d(Ng.x, Ng.y, Ng.z);      

    // Process uniform variables...
    if (normals.onFace(N))
      glNormal3d(N->x, N->y, N->z);
    if (texcoords.onFace(st))
    if (colors.onFace(Cs))
      glcol[0] = GLfloat(Cs->x);
      glcol[1] = GLfloat(Cs->y);
      glcol[2] = GLfloat(Cs->z);
      glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, glcol);

    gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, 0);
    // Iterate over all loops of polygon i...
    for(j=0; j<getNumLoops(i); j++)
      LoopIterator it = loopBegin(i, j);
      LoopIterator itend = loopEnd(i, j);
      vec3d* v;
      for( ; it!=itend; it++)
	int vidx = (*it);
	v = vertsptr + vidx;
	GLdouble* data = (GLdouble*)dataMemManager.newDataPtr();
	GLdouble* p = data+3;
	data[0] = v->x;
	data[1] = v->y;
	data[2] = v->z;
	if (normals.onVertex(vidx, N))
	  p[0] = N->x;
	  p[1] = N->y;
	  p[2] = N->z;
	  p += 3;
	if (texcoords.onVertex(vidx, st))
	  p[0] = st[0];
	  p[1] = st[1];
	  p += 2;
	if (colors.onVertex(vidx, Cs))
	  p[0] = Cs->x;
	  p[1] = Cs->y;
	  p[2] = Cs->z;
	gluTessVertex(tess, data, data);

  /*  for(i=0; i<getNumPolys(); i++)
    for(j=0; j<getNumLoops(i); j++)
      LoopIterator it = loopBegin(i, j);
      LoopIterator itend = loopEnd(i, j);
      vec3d* v;
      for( ; it!=itend; it++)
	v = vertsptr + (*it);
	glVertex3d(v->x, v->y, v->z);
Example #5
void GA::start(QPixmap *dpix, QPixmap *opix){
    /// Get the right image pixmap to draw on and the left image pixmap to compare to
    drawing = dpix;
    original = opix;

    myPop = new Population(popSize, getDNALength(), getDNAcrossedLength(), getPolyPts(),getNumPolys(), opix, dpix);
    genCount = 0;
    /// Population has now been initialised

    /// Set a time which keeps calling the function update
    /// update stops timer, executes itself, then starts timer again.
    QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(gaUpdate()));
    timer.setInterval(10); /// every 10msec means update() is executed 100 times every second