Example #1
/** Finds the starting position which is closest to the kart.
 *  \param kart The kart for which a rescue position needs to be determined.
unsigned int OverWorld::getRescuePositionIndex(AbstractKart *kart)
    // find closest point to drop kart on
    const int start_spots_amount = getNumberOfRescuePositions();
    assert(start_spots_amount > 0);

    int closest_id = -1;
    float closest_distance = 999999999.0f;

    for (int n=0; n<start_spots_amount; n++)
        const btTransform &s = getStartTransform(n);
        const Vec3 &v = s.getOrigin();

        float abs_distance = (v - kart->getXYZ()).length();

        if (abs_distance < closest_distance)
            closest_distance = abs_distance;
            closest_id = n;

    assert(closest_id != -1);
    return closest_id;
}   // getRescuePositionIndex
Example #2
/** Waits till each kart is resting on the ground
 * Does simulation steps still all karts reach the ground, i.e. are not
 * moving anymore
void World::resetAllKarts()
    // Reset the physics 'remaining' time to 0 so that the number
    // of timesteps is reproducible if doing a physics-based history run

    // If track checking is requested, check all rescue positions if
    // they are heigh enough.
        // Loop over all karts, in case that some karts are dfferent
        for(unsigned int kart_id=0; kart_id<(unsigned int)m_karts.size(); kart_id++)
            for(unsigned int rescue_pos=0;
                btTransform t = getRescueTransform(rescue_pos);
                // This will print out warnings if there is no terrain under
                // the kart, or the kart is being dropped on a reset texture
                moveKartTo(m_karts[kart_id], t);

            }   // rescue_pos<getNumberOfRescuePositions

            // Reset the karts back to the original start position.
            // This call is a bit of an overkill, but setting the correct
            // transforms, positions, motion state is a bit of a hassle.
        }   // for kart_id<m_karts.size()

    }   // if m_track_debug

    m_schedule_pause = false;
    m_schedule_unpause = false;

    //Project karts onto track from above. This will lower each kart so
    //that at least one of its wheel will be on the surface of the track
    for ( KartList::iterator i=m_karts.begin(); i!=m_karts.end(); i++)
        Vec3 xyz = (*i)->getXYZ();
        //start projection from top of kart
        Vec3 up_offset(0, 0.5f * ((*i)->getKartHeight()), 0);

        bool kart_over_ground = m_track->findGround(*i);

        if (!kart_over_ground)
                       "No valid starting position for kart %d on track %s.",
                        (int)(i-m_karts.begin()), m_track->getIdent().c_str());
            if (UserConfigParams::m_artist_debug_mode)
                Log::warn("World", "Activating fly mode.");

    bool all_finished=false;
    // kart->isInRest() is not fully correct, since it only takes the
    // velocity in count, which might be close to zero when the kart
    // is just hitting the floor, before being pushed up again by
    // the suspension. So we just do a longer initial simulation,
    // which should be long enough for all karts to be firmly on ground.
    for(int i=0; i<60; i++) m_physics->update(1.f/60.f);

    // Stil wait will all karts are in rest (and handle the case that a kart
    // fell through the ground, which can happen if a kart falls for a long
    // time, therefore having a high speed when hitting the ground.
    int count = 0;
        if (count++ > 100)
            Log::error("World", "Infinite loop waiting for all_finished?");
        for ( KartList::iterator i=m_karts.begin(); i!=m_karts.end(); i++)
                Vec3            normal;
                Vec3            hit_point;
                const Material *material;
                // We can't use (*i)->getXYZ(), since this is only defined
                // after update() was called. Instead we have to get the
                // real position of the rigid body.
                btTransform     t;
                // This test can not be done only once before the loop, since
                // it can happen that the kart falls through the track later!
                Vec3 to = t.getOrigin()+Vec3(0, -10000, 0);
                m_track->getTriangleMesh().castRay(t.getOrigin(), to,
                                                   &hit_point, &material,
                               "No valid starting position for kart %d "
                               "on track %s.",
                    if (UserConfigParams::m_artist_debug_mode)
                        Log::warn("World", "Activating fly mode.");
    }   // while

    for ( KartList::iterator i=m_karts.begin(); i!=m_karts.end(); i++)

    // Initialise the cameras, now that the correct kart positions are set
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<Camera::getNumCameras(); i++)
}   // resetAllKarts
Example #3
/** Waits till each kart is resting on the ground
 * Does simulation steps still all karts reach the ground, i.e. are not
 * moving anymore
void World::resetAllKarts()
    // Reset the physics 'remaining' time to 0 so that the number
    // of timesteps is reproducible if doing a physics-based history run

    // If track checking is requested, check all rescue positions if
    // they are high enough.
        // Loop over all karts, in case that some karts are dfferent
        for(unsigned int kart_id=0; kart_id<(unsigned int)m_karts.size(); kart_id++)
            if (m_karts[kart_id]->isGhostKart()) continue;
            for(unsigned int rescue_pos=0;
                btTransform t = getRescueTransform(rescue_pos);
                // This will print out warnings if there is no terrain under
                // the kart, or the kart is being dropped on a reset texture
                moveKartTo(m_karts[kart_id], t);

            }   // rescue_pos<getNumberOfRescuePositions

            // Reset the karts back to the original start position.
            // This call is a bit of an overkill, but setting the correct
            // transforms, positions, motion state is a bit of a hassle.
        }   // for kart_id<m_karts.size()

    }   // if m_track_debug

    m_schedule_pause = false;
    m_schedule_unpause = false;

    //Project karts onto track from above. This will lower each kart so
    //that at least one of its wheel will be on the surface of the track
    for ( KartList::iterator i=m_karts.begin(); i!=m_karts.end(); i++)
        if ((*i)->isGhostKart()) continue;
        Vec3 xyz = (*i)->getXYZ();
        //start projection from top of kart
        Vec3 up_offset = (*i)->getNormal() * (0.5f * ((*i)->getKartHeight()));

        bool kart_over_ground = Track::getCurrentTrack()->findGround(*i);

        if (!kart_over_ground)
                       "No valid starting position for kart %d on track %s.",
                       (int)(i - m_karts.begin()),
            if (UserConfigParams::m_artist_debug_mode)
                Log::warn("World", "Activating fly mode.");

    // Do a longer initial simulation, which should be long enough for all
    // karts to be firmly on ground.
    float g = Track::getCurrentTrack()->getGravity();
    for (KartList::iterator i = m_karts.begin(); i != m_karts.end(); i++)
        if ((*i)->isGhostKart()) continue;
        (*i)->getBody()->setGravity((*i)->getMaterial()->hasGravity() ?
            (*i)->getNormal() * -g : Vec3(0, -g, 0));
    for(int i=0; i<60; i++) Physics::getInstance()->update(1.f/60.f);

    for ( KartList::iterator i=m_karts.begin(); i!=m_karts.end(); i++)

    // Initialise the cameras, now that the correct kart positions are set
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<Camera::getNumCameras(); i++)
}   // resetAllKarts