void WiredTigerOplogManager::waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible(
    const WiredTigerRecordStore* oplogRecordStore, OperationContext* opCtx) {
    invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isNoop() || !opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork());

    // In order to reliably detect rollback situations, we need to fetch the latestVisibleTimestamp
    // prior to querying the end of the oplog.
    auto currentLatestVisibleTimestamp = getOplogReadTimestamp();

    // Procedure: issue a read on a reverse cursor (which is not subject to the oplog visibility
    // rules), see what is last, and wait for that to become visible.
    std::unique_ptr<SeekableRecordCursor> cursor =
        oplogRecordStore->getCursor(opCtx, false /* false = reverse cursor */);
    auto lastRecord = cursor->next();
    if (!lastRecord) {
        LOG(2) << "Trying to query an empty oplog";
    const auto waitingFor = lastRecord->id;
    // Close transaction before we wait.

    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_oplogVisibilityStateMutex);

    // Prevent any scheduled journal flushes from being delayed and blocking this wait excessively.
    invariant(_opsWaitingForVisibility > 0);
    auto exitGuard = MakeGuard([&] { _opsWaitingForVisibility--; });

    opCtx->waitForConditionOrInterrupt(_opsBecameVisibleCV, lk, [&] {
        auto newLatestVisibleTimestamp = getOplogReadTimestamp();
        if (newLatestVisibleTimestamp < currentLatestVisibleTimestamp) {
            LOG(1) << "oplog latest visible timestamp went backwards";
            // If the visibility went backwards, this means a rollback occurred.
            // Thus, we are finished waiting.
            return true;
        currentLatestVisibleTimestamp = newLatestVisibleTimestamp;
        RecordId latestVisible = RecordId(currentLatestVisibleTimestamp);
        if (latestVisible < waitingFor) {
            LOG(2) << "Operation is waiting for " << waitingFor << "; latestVisible is "
                   << currentLatestVisibleTimestamp;
        return latestVisible >= waitingFor;
void WiredTigerOplogManager::waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible(
    const WiredTigerRecordStore* oplogRecordStore, OperationContext* opCtx) const {
    invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isNoop() || !opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork());

    // In order to reliably detect rollback situations, we need to fetch the latestVisibleTimestamp
    // prior to querying the end of the oplog.
    auto currentLatestVisibleTimestamp = getOplogReadTimestamp();

    // Procedure: issue a read on a reverse cursor (which is not subject to the oplog visibility
    // rules), see what is last, and wait for that to become visible.
    std::unique_ptr<SeekableRecordCursor> cursor =
        oplogRecordStore->getCursor(opCtx, false /* false = reverse cursor */);
    auto lastRecord = cursor->next();
    if (!lastRecord) {
        LOG(2) << "Trying to query an empty oplog";
    const auto waitingFor = lastRecord->id;
    // Close transaction before we wait.

    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_oplogVisibilityStateMutex);
    opCtx->waitForConditionOrInterrupt(_opsBecameVisibleCV, lk, [&] {
        auto newLatestVisibleTimestamp = getOplogReadTimestamp();
        if (newLatestVisibleTimestamp < currentLatestVisibleTimestamp) {
            LOG(1) << "oplog latest visible timestamp went backwards";
            // If the visibility went backwards, this means a rollback occurred.
            // Thus, we are finished waiting.
            return true;
        currentLatestVisibleTimestamp = newLatestVisibleTimestamp;

        // currentLatestVisibleTimestamp might be Timestamp "1" if there are no oplog documents
        // inserted since the last mongod restart.  In this case, we need to simulate what timestamp
        // the last oplog document had when it was written, which is the _oplogMaxAtStartup value.
        RecordId latestVisible =
            std::max(RecordId(currentLatestVisibleTimestamp), _oplogMaxAtStartup);
        if (latestVisible < waitingFor) {
            LOG(2) << "Operation is waiting for " << waitingFor << "; latestVisible is "
                   << currentLatestVisibleTimestamp << " oplogMaxAtStartup is "
                   << _oplogMaxAtStartup;
        return latestVisible >= waitingFor;
void WiredTigerOplogManager::_oplogJournalThreadLoop(WiredTigerSessionCache* sessionCache,
                                                     WiredTigerRecordStore* oplogRecordStore,
                                                     const bool updateOldestTimestamp) noexcept {

    // This thread updates the oplog read timestamp, the timestamp used to read from the oplog with
    // forward cursors.  The timestamp is used to hide oplog entries that might be committed but
    // have uncommitted entries ahead of them.
    while (true) {
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_oplogVisibilityStateMutex);
                                         [&] { return _shuttingDown || _opsWaitingForJournal; });

            // If we're not shutting down and nobody is actively waiting for the oplog to become
            // durable, delay journaling a bit to reduce the sync rate.
            auto journalDelay = Milliseconds(storageGlobalParams.journalCommitIntervalMs.load());
            if (journalDelay == Milliseconds(0)) {
                journalDelay = Milliseconds(WiredTigerKVEngine::kDefaultJournalDelayMillis);
            auto now = Date_t::now();
            auto deadline = now + journalDelay;
            auto shouldSyncOpsWaitingForJournal = [&] {
                return _shuttingDown || _opsWaitingForVisibility ||

            // Eventually it would be more optimal to merge this with the normal journal flushing
            // and block for either oplog tailers or operations waiting for oplog visibility. For
            // now this loop will poll once a millisecond up to the journalDelay to see if we have
            // any waiters yet. This reduces sync-related I/O on the primary when secondaries are
            // lagged, but will avoid significant delays in confirming majority writes on replica
            // sets with infrequent writes.
            // Callers of waitForAllEarlierOplogWritesToBeVisible() like causally consistent reads
            // will preempt this delay.
            while (now < deadline &&
                       lk, now.toSystemTimePoint(), shouldSyncOpsWaitingForJournal)) {
                now += Milliseconds(1);

        while (!_shuttingDown && MONGO_FAIL_POINT(WTPausePrimaryOplogDurabilityLoop)) {

        if (_shuttingDown) {
            log() << "oplog journal thread loop shutting down";
        _opsWaitingForJournal = false;

        const uint64_t newTimestamp = fetchAllCommittedValue(sessionCache->conn());

        // The newTimestamp may actually go backward during secondary batch application,
        // where we commit data file changes separately from oplog changes, so ignore
        // a non-incrementing timestamp.
        if (newTimestamp <= _oplogReadTimestamp.load()) {
            LOG(2) << "no new oplog entries were made visible: " << newTimestamp;

        // In order to avoid oplog holes after an unclean shutdown, we must ensure this proposed
        // oplog read timestamp's documents are durable before publishing that timestamp.
        sessionCache->waitUntilDurable(/*forceCheckpoint=*/false, false);

        // Publish the new timestamp value.  Avoid going backward.
        auto oldTimestamp = getOplogReadTimestamp();
        if (newTimestamp > oldTimestamp) {
            _setOplogReadTimestamp(lk, newTimestamp);

        if (updateOldestTimestamp) {
            const bool force = false;
            sessionCache->getKVEngine()->setOldestTimestamp(Timestamp(newTimestamp), force);

        // Wake up any await_data cursors and tell them more data might be visible now.