Example #1
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method
void JavaCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration()
    CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument();
    JavaClassifierCodeDocument * javadoc = dynamic_cast<JavaClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc);
    UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation();
    bool isInterface = javadoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface();
    QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars();

    // now, the starting text.
    QString strVis = Uml::Visibility::toString(o->visibility());
    // no return type for constructors
    QString fixedReturn = JavaCodeGenerator::fixTypeName(o->getTypeName());
    QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString() : (fixedReturn + QLatin1String(" "));
    QString methodName = o->name();
    QString paramStr;

    // assemble parameters
    UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList();
    int nrofParam = list.count();
    int paramNum = 0;
    foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list) {
        QString rType = parm->getTypeName();
        QString paramName = parm->name();
        paramStr += rType + QLatin1Char(' ') + paramName;

        if (paramNum != nrofParam)
            paramStr  += QLatin1String(", ");
Example #2
int RubyCodeOperation::lastEditableLine() {
    ClassifierCodeDocument * doc = dynamic_cast<ClassifierCodeDocument*>(getParentDocument());
        return -1; // very last line is NOT editable as its a one-line declaration w/ no body in
    // an interface.
    return 0;
Example #3
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method
void DCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration()
    CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument();
    DClassifierCodeDocument * ddoc = dynamic_cast<DClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc);
    UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation();
    bool isInterface = ddoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface();
    QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars();

     * Member function declaration
     * (visibility) (static | abstract | override) retType name (param1, ..., paramN) (; | {)
     *      a          b         c          d         e      f     g                     h

    QString startText;

    // (a) visibility modifier
    //FIXME: startText += o->getVisibility().toString() + " ";

    // (b) static
    if (o->isStatic()) startText += "static ";

    // (c) abstract

    // (d) override

    // (e) return type
    if (!o->isConstructorOperation()) {
    //FIXME:     startText += DCodeGenerator::fixTypeName(o->getTypeName()) + " ";

    // (f) name
    startText += o->name();

    // (g) params
    startText += '(';

    // assemble parameters
    QString paramStr = QString("");
    UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList();
    int paramNum = list.count();

    foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list ) {
        QString rType = parm->getTypeName();
        QString paramName = parm->name();
        paramStr += rType + ' ' + paramName;

        if (paramNum > 0) paramStr += ", ";
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method
void RubyCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration()
    CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument();
    RubyClassifierCodeDocument * rubydoc = dynamic_cast<RubyClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc);
    UMLClassifier *c = rubydoc->getParentClassifier();
    UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation();
    bool isInterface = rubydoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface();
    QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars();

    // now, the starting text.
    //:UNUSED: QString strVis = o->visibility().toString();
    // no return type for constructors
    QString fixedReturn = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName());
    QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString("") : (fixedReturn + QString(" "));
    QString methodName = o->name();

    QString RubyClassName = rubydoc->getRubyClassName(c->name());

    // Skip destructors, and operator methods which
    // can't be defined in ruby
    if ( methodName.startsWith('~')
         || QRegExp("operator\\s*(=|--|\\+\\+|!=)$").exactMatch(methodName) )

    if (RubyClassName == methodName) {
        methodName = "initialize";

    methodName = methodName.mid(0, 1).toLower() + methodName.mid(1);

    QString paramStr = QString("");
    QStringList commentedParams;

    // assemble parameters
    UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList();
    int nrofParam = list.count();
    int paramNum = 0;
    foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list) {
        QString paramName = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(parm->name());
        paramStr += paramName;
        if (! parm->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) {
            paramStr += QString(" = ") + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(parm->getInitialValue());

        if (paramNum != nrofParam )
            paramStr  += ", ";
 * update the start and end text for this hierarchicalcodeblock.
void CPPHeaderClassDeclarationBlock::updateContent ()
    CPPHeaderCodeDocument *parentDoc = dynamic_cast<CPPHeaderCodeDocument*>(getParentDocument());
    UMLClassifier *c = parentDoc->getParentClassifier();
    QString endLine = UMLApp::app()->commonPolicy()->getNewLineEndingChars();
    bool isInterface = parentDoc->parentIsInterface(); // a little shortcut
    QString CPPHeaderClassName = CodeGenerator::cleanName(c->name());
    bool forceDoc = UMLApp::app()->commonPolicy()->getCodeVerboseDocumentComments();

    // COMMENT

    //check if class is abstract.. it should have abstract methods
    if(!isInterface && c->isAbstract() && !c->hasAbstractOps())
        getComment()->setText(QLatin1String("******************************* Abstract Class ****************************") + endLine
                              + CPPHeaderClassName + QLatin1String(" does not have any pure virtual methods, but its author") + endLine
                              + QLatin1String("  defined it as an abstract class, so you should not use it directly.") + endLine
                              + QLatin1String("  Inherit from it instead and create only objects from the derived classes") + endLine
                              + QLatin1String("*****************************************************************************"));
    } else {
            getComment()->setText(QLatin1String("Interface ") + CPPHeaderClassName + endLine + c->doc());
            getComment()->setText(QLatin1String("Class ") + CPPHeaderClassName + endLine + c->doc());

    if(forceDoc || !c->doc().isEmpty())

    // Now set START/ENDING Text
    QString startText;


                startText.append(QLatin1String("interface "));
    startText.append(QLatin1String("class "));


    // write inheritances out
    UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->findSuperClassConcepts();
    int nrof_superclasses = superclasses.count();

    // write out inheritance
    int i = 0;
    if(nrof_superclasses >0)
        startText.append(QLatin1String(" : "));
    foreach (UMLClassifier* concept, superclasses) {
        startText.append(Uml::Visibility::toString(concept->visibility()) + QLatin1Char(' ') +
        if(i != (nrof_superclasses-1))
            startText.append(QLatin1String(", "));
Example #6
 // remove methods from parent document
 Q_FOREACH(CodeAccessorMethod *m, m_methodVector)
Example #7
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method
void RubyCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration()

    CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument();
    RubyClassifierCodeDocument * rubydoc = dynamic_cast<RubyClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc);
    UMLClassifier *c = rubydoc->getParentClassifier();
    UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation();
    bool isInterface = rubydoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface();
    QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars();

    // now, the starting text.
    QString strVis = rubydoc->scopeToRubyDecl(o->getVisibility());
    // no return type for constructors
    QString fixedReturn = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName());
    QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString("") : (fixedReturn + QString(" "));
    QString methodName = o->getName();

    QString RubyClassName = rubydoc->getRubyClassName(c->getName());

    // Skip destructors, and operator methods which
    // can't be defined in ruby
    if (    methodName.startsWith("~")
            || QRegExp("operator\\s*(=|--|\\+\\+|!=)$").exactMatch(methodName) )

    if (RubyClassName == methodName) {
        methodName = "initialize";

    methodName.replace(QRegExp("operator\\s*"), "");
    methodName = methodName.mid(0, 1).lower() + methodName.mid(1);

    QString paramStr = QString("");
    QStringList commentedParams;

    // assemble parameters
    UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList();
    int nrofParam = list.count();
    int paramNum = 0;
    for(UMLAttribute* parm = list.first(); parm; parm = list.next())
        QString paramName = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(parm->getName());
        paramStr += paramName;
        if (! parm->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) {
            paramStr += QString(" = ") + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(parm->getInitialValue());

        if (paramNum != nrofParam )
            paramStr  += ", ";

    QString startText;
    if (isInterface) {
        // Assume 'isInterface' means a module in Ruby, so
        // generate module methods
        startText = "def "+ RubyClassName + '.' + methodName + '(' + paramStr +')';
    } else {
        startText = "def "+ methodName + '(' + paramStr +')';

    startText += "";


    // Lastly, for text content generation, we fix the comment on the
    // operation, IF the codeop is autogenerated & currently empty
    QString comment = o->getDoc();

    if (comment.isEmpty()) {
        if (getContentType() == CodeBlock::AutoGenerated) {
            UMLAttributeList parameters = o->getParmList();
            for(UMLAttributeListIt iterator(parameters); iterator.current(); ++iterator) {
                comment += endLine + "* _" + iterator.current()->getName() + "_ ";
                comment += (' ' + iterator.current()->getDoc().replace( QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+[\\t ]*"),
                                                                        endLine + "  " ) );
            // add a returns statement too
            if(!returnType.isEmpty() && !QRegExp("^void\\s*$").exactMatch(returnType))
                comment += endLine + "* _returns_ " + returnType + ' ';
    } else {
        comment.replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+ *"), endLine);
        comment.replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+\\t*"), endLine);

        comment.replace(" m_", " ");
        comment.replace(QRegExp("\\s[npb](?=[A-Z])"), " ");
        QRegExp re_params("@param (\\w)(\\w*)");
        int pos = re_params.search(comment);
        while (pos != -1) {
            comment.replace( re_params.cap(0),
                            QString("@param _") + re_params.cap(1).lower() + re_params.cap(2) + '_' );
            commentedParams.append(re_params.cap(1).lower() + re_params.cap(2));

            pos += re_params.matchedLength() + 3;
            pos = re_params.search(comment, pos);

        UMLAttributeList parameters = o->getParmList();
        for (UMLAttributeListIt iterator(parameters); iterator.current(); ++iterator) {
            // Only write an individual @param entry if one hasn't been found already
            // in the main doc comment
            if (commentedParams.contains(RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(iterator.current()->getName())) == 0) {
                comment += (endLine + "@param _" + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(iterator.current()->getName()) + '_');
                if (iterator.current()->getDoc().isEmpty()) {
                    comment += (' ' + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(iterator.current()->getTypeName()));
                } else {
                    comment += (' ' + iterator.current()->getDoc().replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+[\\t ]*"), endLine + "  "));

        comment.replace("@ref ", "");
        comment.replace("@param", "*");
        comment.replace("@return", "* _returns_");

        // All lines after the first one starting with '*' in the doc comment
        // must be indented correctly. If they aren't a list
        // item starting with '*', then indent the text with
        // two spaces, '  ', to line up with the list item.
        pos = comment.find(endLine + '*');
        if (pos != -1) {
            pos += endLine.length() + 1;
            pos = comment.find(endLine, pos);

        while (pos > 0) {
            pos += endLine.length();
            if (comment[pos] != '*') {
                comment.insert(pos, "  ");
                pos += 2;

            pos = comment.find(endLine, pos);

        QString typeStr = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName());
        if ( !typeStr.isEmpty()
                && !QRegExp("^void\\s*$").exactMatch(typeStr)
                && comment.contains("_returns_") == 0 )
            comment += endLine + "* _returns_ " + typeStr;


    // In Java, for interfaces..we DONT write out non-public
    // method declarations. And for Ruby modules?
    if (isInterface) {
        UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation();
        if(o->getVisibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public)

 * update the start and end text for this ownedhierarchicalcodeblock.
void JavaClassDeclarationBlock::updateContent ( )

    JavaClassifierCodeDocument *parentDoc = dynamic_cast<JavaClassifierCodeDocument*>(getParentDocument());
    UMLClassifier *c = parentDoc->getParentClassifier();
    CodeGenerationPolicy *commonPolicy = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy();
    QString endLine = commonPolicy->getNewLineEndingChars();
    bool isInterface = parentDoc->parentIsInterface(); // a little shortcut
    QString JavaClassName = parentDoc->getJavaClassName(c->getName());

    // COMMENT
        getComment()->setText("Interface "+JavaClassName+endLine+c->getDoc());
        getComment()->setText("Class "+JavaClassName+endLine+c->getDoc());

    bool forceDoc = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy()->getCodeVerboseDocumentComments();
    if(forceDoc || !c->getDoc().isEmpty())

    // Now set START/ENDING Text
    QString startText = "";
    // In Java, we need declare abstract only on classes
    if (c->getAbstract() && !isInterface)
        startText.append("abstract ");

    if (c->getVisibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public) {
        // We should probably emit a warning in here .. java doesn't like to allow
        // private/protected classes. The best we can do (I believe)
        // is to let these declarations default to "package visibility"
        // which is a level between traditional "private" and "protected"
        // scopes. To get this visibility level we just print nothing..
    } else
        startText.append("public ");

        startText.append("interface ");
        startText.append("class ");


    // write inheritances out
    UMLClassifierList superclasses =
    UMLClassifierList superinterfaces =
    int nrof_superclasses = superclasses.count();
    int nrof_superinterfaces = superinterfaces.count();

    // write out inheritance
    int i = 0;
    if(nrof_superclasses >0)
        startText.append(" extends ");
    for (UMLClassifier * concept= superclasses.first(); concept; concept = superclasses.next())
        if(i != (nrof_superclasses-1))
            startText.append(", ");

    // write out what we 'implement'
    i = 0;
    if(nrof_superinterfaces >0)
        // In Java interfaces "extend" other interfaces. Classes "implement" interfaces
            startText.append(" extends ");
            startText.append(" implements ");
    for (UMLClassifier * concept= superinterfaces.first(); concept; concept = superinterfaces.next())
        if(i != (nrof_superinterfaces-1))
            startText.append(", ");

    // Set the header and end text for the hier.codeblock
    setStartText(startText+" {");

    // setEndText("}"); // not needed
