Example #1
void Rectangle::print() const
    std::cout << "Rectangle:   x: " << getX() << std::endl
              << "             y: " << getY() << std::endl
              << "          area: " << getArea() << std::endl
              << "     perimeter: " << getPerimeter() << std::endl;
float ofPolyline::getIndexAtLength(float length) const {
    if(points.size() < 2) return 0;
    float totalLength = getPerimeter();
    length = ofClamp(length, 0, totalLength);
    int lastPointIndex = isClosed() ? points.size() : points.size()-1;
    int i1 = ofClamp(floor(length / totalLength * lastPointIndex), 0, lengths.size()-2);   // start approximation here
    int leftLimit = 0;
    int rightLimit = lastPointIndex;
    float distAt1, distAt2;
    for(int iterations = 0; iterations < 32; iterations ++) {	// limit iterations
        i1 = ofClamp(i1, 0, lengths.size()-1);
        distAt1 = lengths[i1];
        if(distAt1 <= length) {         // if Length at i1 is less than desired Length (this is good)
            distAt2 = lengths[i1+1];
            if(distAt2 >= length) {
                float t = ofMap(length, distAt1, distAt2, 0, 1);
                return i1 + t;
            } else {
                leftLimit = i1;
        } else {
            rightLimit = i1;
        i1 = (leftLimit + rightLimit)/2;
    return 0;
Example #3
list<pos_t> scanner::scanlistLineOfSight(pos_t center, const pixelshade_map &scanmap, unsigned int radius)
	set<pos_t> cups;
	forward_list<pos_t> perimeter = getPerimeter(center,radius);
	for(auto p:perimeter)
	return move( list<pos_t>( cups.begin(), cups.end() ) );
ofPolyline ofPolyline::getResampledByCount(int count) const {
	float perimeter = getPerimeter();
	if(count < 2) {
		ofLogWarning("ofPolyline") << "getResampledByCount(): requested " << count <<" points, using minimum count of 2 ";
		count = 2;
	return ofPolyline::getResampledBySpacing(perimeter / (count-1));
Example #5
void Triangle::print()
	gout<<setPos(200,405)<<"Shape info Follows for: Triangle"<<endg;
	gout<<setPos(200,420)<<"Point a: ("<<a.getX()<<","<<a.getY()<<")"<<endg;
	gout<<setPos(200,435)<<"Point b: ("<<b.getX()<<","<<b.getY()<<")"<<endg;
	gout<<setPos(200,450)<<"Point c: ("<<c.getX()<<","<<c.getY()<<")"<<endg;
	gout<<setPos(200,465)<<"Perimeter: "<<getPerimeter()<<" "<<"Area: "<<getArea()<<endg;
Example #6
            ostream& Zone::operator<<(ostream &out) const {
                SerializationFactory& sf=SerializationFactory::getInstance();

                core::SharedPointer<Serializer> s = sf.getSerializer(out);

                s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL2('i', 'd') >::RESULT,

                s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL4('n', 'a', 'm', 'e') >::RESULT,

                s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL8('p', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'm', 't', 'e', 'r') >::RESULT,

                uint32_t numberOfConnectors = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_listOfConnectors.size());
                s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL8('n', 'u', 'm', 'c', 'o', 'n', 'n', 's') >::RESULT,

                // Write connectors to stringstream.
                stringstream sstr;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfConnectors; i++) {
                    // Write data to stringstream.
                    sstr << m_listOfConnectors.at(i);

                // Write connectors.
                if (numberOfConnectors > 0) {
                    s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL5('c', 'o', 'n', 'n', 's') >::RESULT,

                uint32_t numberOfSpots = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_listOfSpots.size());
                s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL8('n', 'u', 'm', 's', 'p', 'o', 't', 's') >::RESULT,

                // Write spots to stringstream.
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfSpots; i++) {
                    // Write data to stringstream.
                    sstr << m_listOfSpots.at(i);

                // Write spots.
                if (numberOfSpots > 0) {
                    s->write(CRC32 < OPENDAVINCI_CORE_STRINGLITERAL5('s', 'p', 'o', 't', 's') >::RESULT,

                return out;
ofPolyline ofPolyline::getResampledBySpacing(float spacing) const {
    if(spacing==0 || size() == 0) return *this;
    ofPolyline poly;
    float totalLength = getPerimeter();
    for(float f=0; f<totalLength; f += spacing) {
    if(!isClosed()) {
        if(poly.size() > 0) poly.points.back() = points.back();
    } else {
    return poly;
Example #8
string Shapes::toString() const
    std::ostringstream sout;
    sout << "Shape Information" << "\n-----------------\n";
    sout << "Type of this:\t" << typeid(this).name() << "\n";
    sout << "Type of *this:\t" << typeid(*this).name() << "\n";
    sout << "Generic name:\t" << getGenericName() << "\n";
    sout << "Description:\t" << getDesripName() << "\n";
    sout << "id:\t\t" << myUniqueID << "\n";
    // force derived classes to call members
    sout << "H extent:\t"<< getHorizontalExtend()<< "\n";
    sout << "V extent:\t"<< getVerticalExtend()<< "\n";
    sout << "Scr area:\t"<< getScreenArea()<< "\n";
    sout << "Geo area:\t"<< getArea()<< "\n";
    sout << "Scr perimeter:\t"<< getScreenPerimeter()<< "\n";
    sout << "Geo perimeter:\t"<< getPerimeter()<< "\n";
    return sout.str();
// Print the contents of this Rectangle.
// Override the method to customize it for Square.
// If no ostream parameter is supplied, default will be cout.
void Square::print( ostream & output )
    cout << "--------------------------------\n";
    output << TYPE << "\n";
    cout << "--------------------------------\n";
    output << "Points:\n";
    output << "\tA = " << A << "\n";
    output << "\tB = " << B << "\n";
    output << "\tC = " << C << "\n";
    output << "\tD = " << D << "\n";
    output << "Side Lengths:\n";
    output << "\tAB = " << A.getDistance( B ) << "\n";
    output << "\tBC = " << B.getDistance( C ) << "\n";
    output << "\tCD = " << C.getDistance( D ) << "\n";
    output << "\tDA = " << D.getDistance( A ) << "\n";
    output << "Shape Properties:\n";
    output << "\tlength = " << length << "\n";
    output << "\tPerimeter = " << getPerimeter() << "\n";
    output << "\tArea = " << getArea() << "\n\n";
// Print the contents of this Quadrilateral.
// Override the method to customize it for Trapezoid.
// If no ostream parameter is supplied, default will be cout.
void Trapezoid::print( ostream & output )
    output << "------------------------\n";
    output << TYPE << "\n";
    output << "------------------------\n";
    output << "Points:\n";
    output << "\tA = " << A << "\n";
    output << "\tB = " << B << "\n";
    output << "\tC = " << C << "\n";
    output << "\tD = " << D << "\n";
    output << "Side Lengths:\n";
    output << "\tAB = " << A.getDistance( B ) << "\n";
    output << "\tBC = " << B.getDistance( C ) << "\n";
    output << "\tCD = " << C.getDistance( D ) << "\n";
    output << "\tDA = " << D.getDistance( A ) << "\n";
    output << "Shape Properties:\n";
    output << "\tbase1= " << base1 << "\n";
    output << "\tbase2 = " << base2 << "\n";
    output << "\theight = " << height << "\n";
    output << "\tPerimeter = " << getPerimeter() << "\n";
    output << "\tArea = " << getArea() << "\n\n";
Example #11
ofxPolyline ofxPolyline::getResampledAndVerticesBySpacing(float spacing) {
    // Get resampled points while keeping vertices
    ofxPolyline polyline;
    float totalLength = getPerimeter();
    int currentIndex = 1;
    ofVec2f prevPoint = ofVec2f(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
    for(float f=0; f<totalLength; f += spacing) {
        float index = getIndexAtLength(f);
        while (index > currentIndex) {
            ofVec2f newPoint = (*this)[currentIndex];
            // Don't add if this point is very close to the prev point
            if (!newPoint.match(prevPoint)) {
                prevPoint = newPoint;
        ofVec2f newPoint = getPointAtLength(f);
        // Don't add if this point is very close to the prev point
        if (!newPoint.match(prevPoint)) {
            prevPoint = newPoint;
    if(!isClosed()) {
        if(polyline.size() > 0) {
            polyline[polyline.size()-1] = (*this)[size()-1];
    } else {
    return polyline;
ofPolyline ofPolyline::getResampledByCount(int count) {
	float perimeter = getPerimeter();
	return ofPolyline::getResampledBySpacing(perimeter / count);
Example #13
// Getters private
double Circle::getSegmentWidth()
    return getPerimeter() / segments;
void MarkerDetector::recognizeMarkers(const cv::Mat& grayscale, std::vector<Marker>& detectedMarkers)
    std::vector<Marker> goodMarkers;

    // Identify the markers
    for (size_t i=0;i<detectedMarkers.size();i++)
        Marker& marker = detectedMarkers[i];

        // Find the perspective transformation that brings current marker to rectangular form
        //cv::Mat markerTransform = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(marker.points, m_markerCorners2d);
		cv::Mat markerTransform = cv::findHomography(marker.points, m_markerCorners2d);

        // Transform image to get a canonical marker image
        cv::warpPerspective(grayscale, canonicalMarkerImage, markerTransform, cv::Size(markerLength,markerLength));

        int nRotations;
        int id = Marker::getMarkerId(canonicalMarkerImage, nRotations);
        if (id !=- 1)
            marker.id = id;
            //sort the points so that they are always in the same order no matter the camera orientation
            std::rotate(marker.points.begin(), marker.points.begin() + 4 - nRotations, marker.points.end());


    // Refine marker corners using sub pixel accuracy
    if (goodMarkers.size() > 0)
        std::vector<cv::Point2f> preciseCorners(4 * goodMarkers.size());

        for (size_t i=0; i<goodMarkers.size(); i++)
            const Marker& marker = goodMarkers[i];

            for (int c = 0; c <4; c++)
                preciseCorners[i*4 + c] = marker.points[c];
		//cv::TermCriteria termCriteria = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01);
        //cv::TermCriteria termCriteria = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 3, 0.05);
		cv::TermCriteria termCriteria = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01);
        cv::cornerSubPix(grayscale, preciseCorners, cvSize(5,5), cvSize(-1,-1), termCriteria);

        // Copy refined corners position back to markers
        for (size_t i=0; i<goodMarkers.size(); i++)
            Marker& marker = goodMarkers[i];

            for (int c=0;c<4;c++)
                marker.points[c] = preciseCorners[i*4 + c];

	//sort by id
    std::sort ( goodMarkers.begin(),goodMarkers.end() );

	//there might be still the case that a marker is detected twice because of the double border indicated earlier,
    //detect and remove these cases
    std::vector<bool> toRemove ( goodMarkers.size(),false );
    for ( int i=0;i<int ( goodMarkers.size() )-1;i++ )
        if ( goodMarkers[i].id==goodMarkers[i+1].id && !toRemove[i+1] )
			//std::cout<<"remove: "<<goodMarkers[i].id<<std::endl;
            //deletes the one with smaller perimeter
            if ( getPerimeter ( goodMarkers[i].points ) >getPerimeter ( goodMarkers[i+1].points ) ) toRemove[i+1]=true;
            else toRemove[i]=true;

    for (size_t i=0;i<goodMarkers.size();i++)
        if (!toRemove[i])
void MarkerDetector::findCandidates(cv::Mat src, std::vector<Marker>& detectedMarkers, int minPoints, int maxPoints)
	cv::Mat thres2;
	src.copyTo ( thres2 );
	std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy2;
    ContoursVector allContours;
	std::vector<cv::Point> approxCurve;
	std::vector<Marker> possibleMarkers;

    cv::findContours(thres2, allContours,hierarchy2, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    for (size_t i=0; i<allContours.size(); i++)
        int contourSize = allContours[i].size();
		if ( minPoints< contourSize && contourSize<maxPoints  )
			//drawContours( src, allContours, i,  cv::Scalar(0,0,255), CV_FILLED, 8);
			cv::approxPolyDP(allContours[i], approxCurve, double(contourSize * 0.05), true);

			 // Selecting only those with 4 points (corners)
			if (approxCurve.size() != 4)

			// Selecting only convex polygons
			if (!cv::isContourConvex(cv::Mat(approxCurve)))

			 // Ensure that the distance between consecutive points is large enough
			float minDist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				cv::Point side = approxCurve[i] - approxCurve[(i+1)%4];
				//float squaredSideLength = side.dot(side);
				float squaredSideLength= std::sqrt ( ( float ) ( approxCurve[i].x-approxCurve[ ( i+1 ) %4].x ) * ( approxCurve[i].x-approxCurve[ ( i+1 ) %4].x ) +
												 ( approxCurve[i].y-approxCurve[ ( i+1 ) %4].y ) * ( approxCurve[i].y-approxCurve[ ( i+1 ) %4].y ) );
			   //std::cout<<squaredSideLength<< "    " <<test<<std::endl; 
			   //minDist = std::min(minDist, squaredSideLength);
				if ( squaredSideLength<minDist ) minDist=squaredSideLength;

			// Selecting those whose minimum side length is still greater than the limit
			if (minDist <= 10)

			 // All tests are passed. Save marker candidate:
			Marker m;

			for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
				m.points.push_back( cv::Point2f(approxCurve[i].x,approxCurve[i].y) );

			// Sort the points in anti-clockwise order
			// Trace a line between the first and second point.
			// If the third point is at the right side, then the points are anti-clockwise
			cv::Point v1 = m.points[1] - m.points[0];
			cv::Point v2 = m.points[2] - m.points[0];

			double o = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v1.y * v2.x);

			if (o < 0.0)	//if the third point is in the left side, then sort in anti-clockwise order
				std::swap(m.points[1], m.points[3]);


	// Remove these elements which corners are too close to each other.
    // First detect candidates for removal:
    std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > tooNearCandidates;
    for (size_t i=0;i<possibleMarkers.size();i++)
        const Marker& m1 = possibleMarkers[i];

        //calculate the average distance of each corner to the nearest corner of the other marker candidate
        for (size_t j=i+1;j<possibleMarkers.size();j++)
            const Marker& m2 = possibleMarkers[j];
            float distSquared = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
				distSquared+= sqrt ( ( m1.points[c].x-m2.points[c].x ) * ( m1.points[c].x-m2.points[c].x ) +
								( m1.points[c].y-m2.points[c].y ) * ( m1.points[c].y-m2.points[c].y ) );
				distSquared+= sqrt ( ( possibleMarkers[i].points[c].x-possibleMarkers[j].points[c].x ) * 
										( possibleMarkers[i].points[c].x-possibleMarkers[j].points[c].x ) + 
										( possibleMarkers[i].points[c].y-possibleMarkers[j].points[c].y ) * 
										( possibleMarkers[i].points[c].y-possibleMarkers[j].points[c].y ) );
                //cv::Point v = m1.points[c] - m2.points[c];
                //distSquared2 += v.dot(v);

            distSquared /= 4;

            if (distSquared < 10)

    // Mark for removal the element of the pair with smaller perimeter
    std::vector<bool> removalMask (possibleMarkers.size(), false);

    for (size_t i=0; i<tooNearCandidates.size(); i++)
        float p1 = getPerimeter(possibleMarkers[tooNearCandidates[i].first ].points);
        float p2 = getPerimeter(possibleMarkers[tooNearCandidates[i].second].points);

        size_t removalIndex;
        if (p1 > p2)
            removalIndex = tooNearCandidates[i].second;
            removalIndex = tooNearCandidates[i].first;

        removalMask[removalIndex] = true;

    // Return candidates
    for (size_t i=0;i<possibleMarkers.size();i++)
        if (!removalMask[i])
Example #16
void Castle::generateWall()
Example #17
void Castle::regenerateWall()
Example #18
ofPoint ofPolyline::getPointAtPercent(float f) const {
    float length = getPerimeter();
    return getPointAtLength(f * length);
Example #19
float ofPolyline::getIndexAtPercent(float f) const {
    return getIndexAtLength(f * getPerimeter());
Example #20
 double getArea()
     double halfPerimeter = getPerimeter() / 2;
     return sqrt((halfPerimeter - side1) * (halfPerimeter - side2) * 
                 (halfPerimeter - side3) * halfPerimeter);