void State_selectPart::updateStats() { partConsole->clear(); partConsole->setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::white); if (parttype == 'c') getProfile(refToFleet.captain.cannonInventory[selector], 1); if (parttype == 's') getProfile(refToFleet.captain.sailInventory[selector], 1); if (parttype == 'a') getProfile(refToFleet.captain.armorInventory[selector], 1); partConsole->setDefaultForeground(MabinogiBrown); partConsole->printFrame(0, 0, console->getWidth(), console->getHeight(), false); }
void dynpm(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data){ char **cards = getCards((char*) DEFAULT_DRM_DIR); if (cards == NULL) { g_printerr("Card list is empty.\n"); return; } int idx = 0; while (cards[idx] != NULL) { g_print("Found card: %s\n", cards[idx]); if (canModifyPM()) { g_print("Setting dynpm\n"); setMethod(cards[idx], DYNPM); g_print("method = %d\n", getMethod(cards[idx])); if (getMethod(cards[idx]) != METHOD_UNKNOWN) { g_print("profile = %d\n", getProfile(cards[idx])); } } else { g_print("Insufficient permission to modify PM method\n"); } idx++; } freeCards(cards); }
EditPersonalInfosWidget::EditPersonalInfosWidget(QWidget* parent,const LinQedInClient* cl):EditInfosWidget(parent, tr("Modifica informazioni personali"), cl), infos(getProfile().getPersonalInformations()){ setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose,true); formWidget=new QWidget; infosLayout=new QFormLayout; name=new QLineEdit; surname=new QLineEdit; birthplace=new QLineEdit; birthState=new QLineEdit; connect(name,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); connect(surname,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); connect(birthplace,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); connect(birthState,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Nome: "),name); infosLayout->setAlignment(name,Qt::AlignCenter); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Cognome: "),surname); infosLayout->setAlignment(surname,Qt::AlignCenter); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Luogo di Nascita: "),birthplace); infosLayout->setAlignment(birthplace,Qt::AlignCenter); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Paese di Nascita: "),birthState); infosLayout->setAlignment(birthState,Qt::AlignCenter); initRadioButtons(); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Sesso: "),genderBox); infosLayout->setAlignment(genderBox,Qt::AlignCenter); calendar=new QCalendarWidget; calendar->setGridVisible(true); calendar->setMinimumDate(QDate(1950,1,1)); calendar->setMaximumDate(QDate::currentDate().addYears(-16)); //dai 16 anni in su calendar->setVerticalHeaderFormat(QCalendarWidget::NoVerticalHeader); infosLayout->addRow(tr("Data di Nascita"),calendar); formWidget->setObjectName("form"); formWidget->setStyleSheet("#form{"+GUIStyle::borderStyle()+"}"); formWidget->setContentsMargins(10,10,10,10); formWidget->setLayout(infosLayout); addWidgetToMainLayout(formWidget,Qt::AlignCenter); initButtons(); writeDefaultValues(); }//EditPersonalInfosWidget
//##ModelId=4C32C8AB0148 void fluid::glExtension::btGLShaderModel_4_0::createGeometryShader(const char* path, const char* entry,btGLBufferBundle *bundle) { if(hasGeometry) cgDestroyProgram(geometryShader); if(path == NULL) hasGeometry=false; geometryShader=cgCreateProgramFromFile(context,CG_SOURCE,path,getProfile(CG_GL_GEOMETRY),entry,NULL); if(bundle != NULL) { //search for bindable uniform GLint max; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_BINDABLE_UNIFORMS_EXT,&max); char uniformBufferName[256]; for(int i=0;i < max;i++) { sprintf_s(uniformBufferName,256,"geometry_bindable_uniform_%d",i); if(bundle->existsName(uniformBufferName)) { CGbuffer buf=bundle->getBindableUniformBufferIdForName(uniformBufferName); cgSetProgramBuffer(geometryShader,i,buf); } } } cgGLLoadProgram(geometryShader); hasGeometry=true; }
void EditStudiesInfosWidget::saveRequest(){ Studies s(getInformationText(highSchool),getInformationText(qualification)); bool stopped=false; int r=0; for(;r<model->rowCount() && !stopped;r++){ stopped=(model->item(r,university)->text()=="" || model->item(r,course)->text()=="" || model->item(r,situation)->text()==""); ((model->item(r,3)->text().contains(" e lode"))? s.addDegree(Degree(model->item(r,university)->text(), model->item(r,course)->text(), model->item(r,situation)->text().mid(0,model->item(r,situation)->text().size()-7).toInt(), true)): s.addDegree(Degree(model->item(r,university)->text(), model->item(r,course)->text(), ((model->item(r,situation)->text()=="In corso")?0: model->item(r,situation)->text().toInt()) ))); }//for if(stopped){ noDegree->setText("Informazioni mancanti nell'inserimento di una laurea."); noDegree->setVisible(true); }//if else if(r==0) cancel(); else{ Profile prof=getProfile(); prof.updateInformationsBySectionName(Studies::getIDString(),s); emit save(prof); }//else }//saveRequest
EditStudiesInfosWidget::EditStudiesInfosWidget(const LinQedInClient* cl,QWidget* parent):EditInfosWidget(parent, tr("Modifica informazioni di studio"), cl){ setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); try{ infos=dynamic_cast<const Studies*>(&getProfile().getInformationsBySectionName(Studies::getIDString())); }catch(const NoInfoException&){infos=0;} formWidget=new QFrame; form=new QFormLayout; highSchool=new QLineEdit; qualification=new QLineEdit; connect(highSchool,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); connect(qualification,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(saveRequest())); form->addRow(tr("Scuola Superiore: "),highSchool); form->setAlignment(highSchool,Qt::AlignCenter); form->addRow(tr("Qualificazione Professionale: "),qualification); form->setAlignment(qualification,Qt::AlignCenter); initDegrees(); noDegree=new QLabel(noDegreeS); noDegree->setStyleSheet(GUIStyle::errorLabelStyle()); form->addWidget(noDegree); form->setAlignment(noDegree,Qt::AlignCenter); addDegree=new QPushButton(tr("Aggiungi Laurea")); addDegree->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); form->addWidget(addDegree); form->setAlignment(addDegree,Qt::AlignCenter); connect(addDegree,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(addRow())); formWidget->setLayout(form); addWidgetToMainLayout(formWidget,Qt::AlignCenter); initButtons(); formWidget->setObjectName("form"); formWidget->setStyleSheet("#form{"+GUIStyle::borderStyle()+"padding-left:10px;padding-top:10px;}"); writeDefaultValues(); }//EditStudiesInfosWidget
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void BaseExtraTechnique::addExtraTechniqueChildParameter ( const String& profileName, const String& childName, const String& paramName, const String &value, const String ¶mSid ) { // Get the current Profile from the map or create a new one. Profile& profile = getProfile ( profileName ); // Get the list of child elements of the current profile ChildElementsMap& childElements = profile.mChildElements; // Get the current childElement from the map or create a new one. Parameters& childParameters = getChildParameters ( childElements, childName ); // Create the value ParamData paramValue; paramValue.sid = paramSid; paramValue.stringValue = value; paramValue.paramType = STRING; // Add the given parameter into the parameter list of the child element childParameters.insert ( Parameter ( paramName, paramValue ) ); }
void vfs::CProfileStack::pushProfile(CVirtualProfile* pProfile) { if(!getProfile(pProfile->cName)) { if(pProfile->cWritable) { m_profiles.push_front(pProfile); } else { t_profiles::iterator pit = m_profiles.begin(); while(pit != m_profiles.end() && (*pit)->cWritable) { pit++; } //if(pit != m_profiles.end()) { m_profiles.insert(pit,pProfile); } //else //{ // m_profiles.push_front(pProfile); //} } return; } VFS_THROW(L"A profile with this name already exists"); }
Boolean DVVideoStreamFramer::getFrameParameters(unsigned& frameSize, double& frameDuration) { if (fOurProfile == NULL) getProfile(); if (fOurProfile == NULL) return False; frameSize = ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->dvFrameSize; frameDuration = ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->frameDuration; return True; }
void SFXSound::onRemove() { SFXProfile* profile = getProfile(); if( profile != NULL ) profile->getChangedSignal().remove( this, &SFXSound::_onProfileChanged ); Parent::onRemove(); }
int LoadDatabaseModule(void) { TCHAR szProfile[MAX_PATH]; PathToAbsoluteT(_T("."), szProfile); _tchdir(szProfile); szProfile[0] = 0; LoadDatabaseServices(); // find out which profile to load if (!getProfile(szProfile, SIZEOF(szProfile))) return 1; EnsureCheckerLoaded(false); // unload dbchecker if (arDbPlugins.getCount() == 0) { TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile, '\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), TranslateT("Miranda is unable to open '%s' because you do not have any profile plugins installed.\nYou need to install dbx_mmap.dll"), p ? ++p : szProfile); MessageBox(0, buf, TranslateT("No profile support installed!"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } // find a driver to support the given profile bool retry; int rc; do { retry = false; if ( _taccess(szProfile, 0) && shouldAutoCreate(szProfile)) rc = tryCreateDatabase(szProfile); else rc = tryOpenDatabase(szProfile); if (rc > 0) { // if there were drivers but they all failed cos the file is locked, try and find the miranda which locked it if (fileExist(szProfile)) { // file isn't locked, just no driver could open it. TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile, '\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), TranslateT("Miranda was unable to open '%s', it's in an unknown format.\nThis profile might also be damaged, please run DbChecker which should be installed."), p ? ++p : szProfile); MessageBox(0, buf, TranslateT("Miranda can't understand that profile"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } else if (!FindMirandaForProfile(szProfile)) { TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile, '\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), TranslateT("Miranda was unable to open '%s'\nIt's inaccessible or used by other application or Miranda instance"), p ? ++p : szProfile); retry = MessageBox(0, buf, TranslateT("Miranda can't open that profile"), MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR) == IDRETRY; } } } while (retry); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { InitIni(); return 0; } return rc; }
//----------------------------------------// // Main //----------------------------------------// void CompareVP() { // Specify the the files const int nFiles = 2; TFile* files[nFiles]; files[0] = new TFile("rootfiles/beam40MeV_100000Prim.root"); files[1] = new TFile("rootfiles/beam100e3MeV_40Prim.root"); // Specify the plot names for legend TString fnames[nFiles]; fnames[0] = "E_{e-}^{prim}=40 MeV, x10^{4}"; fnames[1] = "E_{e-}^{prim}=100 GeV, x40"; // Colors int colors[] = {kBlue, kRed}; int markers[] = {20, 25}; // Specify the hist name and the labels TString pname = "VP_avg"; TString xtitle = "time [ns]"; TString ytitle = "|RA(#theta_{C},t)| [Vs]"; // Make Canvas TCanvas* c = makeCanvas("c"); c->SetLogy(); // Make legend TLegend* leg = makeLegend(0.15,0.3,0.8,0.9); // Specify the minimum and maximum for x-range float xmin = -1; // ns float xmax = 1; // ns // Loop over and plot profiles TProfile* profs[nFiles]; float maximum = -999; for(int f=0; f<nFiles; ++f){ profs[f] = getProfile(files[f],pname,xtitle,ytitle,colors[f],markers[f]); leg->AddEntry(profs[f], fnames[f].Data(), "lep"); if( maximum < profs[f]->GetMaximum() ) maximum = profs[f]->GetMaximum(); profs[f]->GetXaxis()->SetRange( profs[f]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xmin), profs[f]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xmax)); } // Set maximum and draw profs[0]->SetMaximum(maximum*10); profs[0]->Draw(); for(int f=1; f<nFiles; ++f) profs[f]->Draw("same"); leg->Draw("same"); c->SaveAs((savedir+"EnergyNParticleComp.png").Data()); }
/** * * @param widget * @param data */ static void print_hello(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { char **cards = getCards((char*) DEFAULT_DRM_DIR); if (cards == NULL) { g_printerr("Card list is empty.\n"); return; } int idx = 0; while (cards[idx] != NULL) { g_print("Found card: %s\n", cards[idx]); g_print("method = %d\n", getMethod(cards[idx])); if (getMethod(cards[idx]) != METHOD_UNKNOWN) { g_print("profile = %d\n", getProfile(cards[idx])); } if (canModifyPM()) { g_print("Setting dynpm\n"); setMethod(cards[idx], DYNPM); g_print("method = %d\n", getMethod(cards[idx])); if (getMethod(cards[idx]) != METHOD_UNKNOWN) { g_print("profile = %d\n", getProfile(cards[idx])); } g_print("Setting low profile\n"); setMethod(cards[idx], PROFILE); setProfile(cards[idx], LOW); g_print("method = %d\n", getMethod(cards[idx])); if (getMethod(cards[idx]) != METHOD_UNKNOWN) { g_print("profile = %d\n", getProfile(cards[idx])); } } g_print("Current temperature: %d\n", getTemperature(cards[idx])); idx++; } freeCards(cards); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void BaseExtraTechnique::addExtraTechniqueTextblock ( const String& profileName, const String& text ) { // Get the current Profile from the map or create a new one. Profile& profile = getProfile ( profileName ); // Set the textblock. profile.mText = text; }
void EditPersonalInfosWidget::saveRequest(){ Personal p((name->text()=="")?name->placeholderText():name->text(), (surname->text()=="")?surname->placeholderText():surname->text(), getInformationText(birthplace), getInformationText(birthState), calendar->selectedDate(), (male->isChecked())?Personal::M:Personal::F); Profile prof=getProfile(); prof.updateInformationsBySectionName(Personal::getIDString(),p); emit save(prof); }//saveRequest
int LoadDatabaseModule(void) { TCHAR szProfile[MAX_PATH]; pathToAbsoluteT(_T("."), szProfile, NULL); _tchdir(szProfile); szProfile[0] = 0; // load the older basic services of the db InitUtils(); // find out which profile to load if ( !getProfile( szProfile, SIZEOF( szProfile ))) return 1; PLUGIN_DB_ENUM dbe; dbe.cbSize = sizeof(PLUGIN_DB_ENUM); dbe.lParam = (LPARAM)szProfile; if ( _taccess(szProfile, 0) && shouldAutoCreate( szProfile )) dbe.pfnEnumCallback=( int(*) (const char*,void*,LPARAM) )FindDbPluginAutoCreate; else dbe.pfnEnumCallback=( int(*) (const char*,void*,LPARAM) )FindDbPluginForProfile; // find a driver to support the given profile int rc = CallService(MS_PLUGINS_ENUMDBPLUGINS, 0, (LPARAM)&dbe); switch ( rc ) { case -1: { // no plugins at all TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile,'\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf,SIZEOF(buf),TranslateT("Miranda is unable to open '%s' because you do not have any profile plugins installed.\nYou need to install dbx_3x.dll or equivalent."), p ? ++p : szProfile ); MessageBox(0,buf,TranslateT("No profile support installed!"),MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); break; } case 1: // if there were drivers but they all failed cos the file is locked, try and find the miranda which locked it if (fileExist(szProfile)) { // file isn't locked, just no driver could open it. TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile,'\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf,SIZEOF(buf),TranslateT("Miranda was unable to open '%s', it's in an unknown format.\nThis profile might also be damaged, please run DB-tool which should be installed."), p ? ++p : szProfile); MessageBox(0,buf,TranslateT("Miranda can't understand that profile"),MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } else if (!FindMirandaForProfile(szProfile)) { TCHAR buf[256]; TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(szProfile,'\\'); mir_sntprintf(buf,SIZEOF(buf),TranslateT("Miranda was unable to open '%s'\nIt's inaccessible or used by other application or Miranda instance"), p ? ++p : szProfile); MessageBox(0,buf,TranslateT("Miranda can't open that profile"),MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } break; } return (rc != 0); }
QString Sample::makeToolTipText(const bool withDatasetName) { QStringList ret; if (withDatasetName) { ret << QObject::tr("Sample"); } ret << QObject::tr("Id: %1").arg(getId()) << QObject::tr("Name: %1").arg(getName()) << QObject::tr("Description: %1").arg(getDescription()); if (hasProfile()) { ret << QObject::tr("Profile: %1").arg(getProfile()->getName()); } return ret.join("\n"); }
void SFXSound::_reloadBuffer() { SFXProfile* profile = getProfile(); if( profile != NULL && _releaseVoice() ) { SFXBuffer* buffer = profile->getBuffer(); if( !buffer ) { Con::errorf( "SFXSound::_reloadBuffer() - Could not create device buffer!" ); return; } _setBuffer( buffer ); if( getLastStatus() == SFXStatusPlaying ) SFX->_assignVoice( this ); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void BaseExtraTechnique::addExtraTechniqueParameter ( const String& profileName, const String& paramName, const String& value, const String ¶mSid ) { // Get the current Profile from the map or create a new one. Profile& profile = getProfile ( profileName ); // Create the value ParamData paramValue; paramValue.sid = paramSid; paramValue.stringValue = value; paramValue.paramType = STRING; // Insert the value into the parameters map of the current profile. profile.mParameters.insert ( Parameter ( paramName, paramValue ) ); }
std::string ABST::toPrettyString(uint32_t indent) { std::stringstream r; r << std::string(indent, ' ') << "[abst] Bootstrap Info (" << boxedSize() << ")" << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Version " << (int)getVersion() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "BootstrapinfoVersion " << getBootstrapinfoVersion() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Profile " << (int)getProfile() << std::endl; if (getLive()) { r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Live" << std::endl; } else { r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Recorded" << std::endl; } if (getUpdate()) { r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Update" << std::endl; } else { r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Replacement or new table" << std::endl; } r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "Timescale " << getTimeScale() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "CurrMediaTime " << getCurrentMediaTime() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "SmpteTimeCodeOffset " << getSmpteTimeCodeOffset() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "MovieIdentifier " << getMovieIdentifier() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "ServerEntryTable (" << getServerEntryCount() << ")" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getServerEntryCount(); i++) { r << std::string(indent + 2, ' ') << i << ": " << getServerEntry(i) << std::endl; } r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "QualityEntryTable (" << getQualityEntryCount() << ")" << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getQualityEntryCount(); i++) { r << std::string(indent + 2, ' ') << i << ": " << getQualityEntry(i) << std::endl; } r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "DrmData " << getDrmData() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "MetaData " << getMetaData() << std::endl; r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') << "SegmentRunTableEntries (" << getSegmentRunTableCount() << ")" << std::endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < getSegmentRunTableCount(); i++) { r << ((Box)getSegmentRunTable(i)).toPrettyString(indent + 2); } r << std::string(indent + 1, ' ') + "FragmentRunTableEntries (" << getFragmentRunTableCount() << ")" << std::endl; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < getFragmentRunTableCount(); i++) { r << ((Box)getFragmentRunTable(i)).toPrettyString(indent + 2); } return r.str(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void BaseExtraTechnique::addExtraTechniqueChildParameter ( const String& profileName, const String& childName, const String& paramName, double matrix[][4], const String ¶mSid ) { // Get the current Profile from the map or create a new one. Profile& profile = getProfile ( profileName ); // Get the current childElement from the map or create a new one. Parameters& childParameters = getChildParameters ( profile.mChildElements, childName ); // Create the value ParamData paramValue; paramValue.sid = paramSid; paramValue.matrix = matrix; paramValue.paramType = MATRIX; // Add the given parameter into the parameter list of the child element childParameters.insert ( Parameter ( paramName, paramValue ) ); }
//----------------------------------------// // Plot Two histograms //----------------------------------------// void plot(TFile* f_mix, TFile* f_g4, TString append) { // Make Canvas TCanvas* c = makeCanvas("c"); c->SetLogy(); // Make Legend TLegend* leg = makeLegend(0.7,0.9,0.75,0.92); leg->SetTextSize(0.05); // Some plot particles TString xtitle = "Shower Depth [cm]"; TString ytitle = "<N(e^{-}-e^{+})>"; // Get profile from g4 results //TProfile* p_g4 = getProfile(f_g4,"NPartSum",xtitle,ytitle,kBlack,20); TProfile* p_g4 = getProfile(f_g4,"NPartDiff",xtitle,ytitle,kBlack,20); p_g4->SetMarkerSize(0.75); // Get profile from mixed file int nbins = p_g4->GetNbinsX(); float xmin = p_g4->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); float xmax = p_g4->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TProfile* p_mix = getMixProfile(f_mix,nbins,xmin,xmax,kBlue,25); // Add to legend leg->AddEntry(p_g4,"G4", "lep"); leg->AddEntry(p_mix,"G4 Mixed", "lep"); // Draw //p_g4->Draw(); //p_mix->Draw("same"); //leg->Draw("same"); // Make ratio plot plotRatio(p_mix, p_g4, leg, c, "Mixed/G4", append); }
EditOccupationsInfosWidget::EditOccupationsInfosWidget(const LinQedInClient* cl,QWidget* parent):EditInfosWidget(parent, tr("Modifica esperienze lavorative"), cl), calendar(0){ setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose,true); try{ infos=dynamic_cast<const Occupations*>(&getProfile().getInformationsBySectionName(Occupations::getIDString())); }catch(const NoInfoException&){infos=0;} initJobs(); noJob=new QLabel(noJobS); noJob->setStyleSheet(GUIStyle::errorLabelStyle()); addWidgetToMainLayout(noJob,Qt::AlignCenter); addJob=new QPushButton(tr("Aggiungi Lavoro")); addJob->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); addWidgetToMainLayout(addJob,Qt::AlignCenter); connect(addJob,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(addRow())); initButtons(true,true,true); writeDefaultValues(); }//EditOccupationsInfosWidget
void EditOccupationsInfosWidget::saveRequest(){ Occupations o; bool stopped=false; int r=0; for(;r<model->rowCount() && !stopped;r++){ stopped=(model->item(r,company)->text()=="" || model->item(r,employment)->text()=="" || model->item(r,begin)->text()=="Click"); o.addJob(Job(model->item(r,company)->text(), model->item(r,employment)->text(), QDate::fromString(model->item(r,begin)->text(),"dd/M/yyyy"), (model->item(r,end)->text()=="In corso" || model->item(r,end)->text()<model->item(r,begin)->text())?QDate(0,0,0): QDate::fromString(model->item(r,4)->text(),"dd/M/yyyy"))); }//for if(stopped){ noJob->setText("Informazioni mancanti nell'inserimento di un lavoro."); noJob->setVisible(true); }//if else if(r==0) cancel(); else{ Profile prof=getProfile(); prof.updateInformationsBySectionName(Occupations::getIDString(),o); emit save(prof); }//else }//saveRequest
bool SFXSound::_allocVoice( SFXDevice* device ) { // We shouldn't have any existing voice! AssertFatal( !mVoice, "SFXSound::_allocVoice() - Already had a voice!" ); // Must not assign voice to source that isn't playing. AssertFatal( getLastStatus() == SFXStatusPlaying, "SFXSound::_allocVoice() - Source is not playing!" ); // The buffer can be lost when the device is reset // or changed, so initialize it if we have to. If // that fails then we cannot create the voice. if( mBuffer.isNull() ) { SFXProfile* profile = getProfile(); if( profile != NULL ) { SFXBuffer* buffer = profile->getBuffer(); if( buffer ) _setBuffer( buffer ); } if( mBuffer.isNull() ) return false; } // Ask the device for a voice based on this buffer. mVoice = device->createVoice( is3d(), mBuffer ); if( !mVoice ) return false; // Set initial properties. mVoice->setVolume( mPreAttenuatedVolume ); mVoice->setPitch( mEffectivePitch ); mVoice->setPriority( mEffectivePriority ); if( mDescription->mRolloffFactor != -1.f ) mVoice->setRolloffFactor( mDescription->mRolloffFactor ); // Set 3D parameters. if( is3d() ) { // Scatter the position, if requested. Do this only once so // we don't change position when resuming from virtualized // playback. if( !mTransformScattered ) _scatterTransform(); // Set the 3D attributes. setTransform( mTransform ); setVelocity( mVelocity ); _setMinMaxDistance( mMinDistance, mMaxDistance ); _setCone( mConeInsideAngle, mConeOutsideAngle, mConeOutsideVolume ); } // Set reverb, if enabled. if( mDescription->mUseReverb ) mVoice->setReverb( mDescription->mReverb ); // Update the duration... it shouldn't have changed, but // its probably better that we're accurate if it did. mDuration = mBuffer->getDuration(); // If virtualized playback has been started, we transfer its position to the // voice and stop virtualization. const U32 playTime = mPlayTimer.getPosition(); if( playTime > 0 ) { const U32 pos = mBuffer->getFormat().getSampleCount( playTime ); mVoice->setPosition( pos); } mVoice->play( isLooping() ); #ifdef DEBUG_SPEW Platform::outputDebugString( "[SFXSound] allocated voice for source '%i' (pos=%i, 3d=%i, vol=%f)", getId(), playTime, is3d(), mPreAttenuatedVolume ); #endif return true; }
//----------------------------------------// // Plot the peak of a few values //----------------------------------------// void plotPeakComp() { // Make Canvas TCanvas* c = makeCanvas("c"); c->SetLogy(); //c->SetLogx(); // G4 and ZHS plots TString g4pname = "A_AntNum_0_pos_827.371_0_561.656"; TString zhspname = "VP_avg_55.829616"; // Specify the G4 plots TString g4dir = "efieldroot/"; vector<TString> g4files; g4files.push_back(g4dir+"Output_50Evt_1GeV_1Prim_HardCodedAntenna_R1000m_newV.root"); g4files.push_back(g4dir+"Output_50Evt_10GeV_1Prim_HardCodedAntenna_R1000m_newV.root"); g4files.push_back(g4dir+"Output_50Evt_100GeV_1Prim_HardCodedAntenna_R1000m_newV.root"); g4files.push_back(g4dir+"Output_20Evt_1TeV_1Prim_HardCodedAntenna_R1000m_newV.root"); //g4files.push_back(g4dir+"Output_20Evt_10TeV_1Prim_HardCodedAntenna_R1000m_newV.root"); // Specify the G4 plots TString zhsdir = "../ZHS_ELSEnergy/rootfiles/"; vector<TString> zhsfiles; zhsfiles.push_back(zhsdir+"beam1e3MeV_1Prim_50NEvt_Angular.root"); zhsfiles.push_back(zhsdir+"beam10e3MeV_1Prim_50NEvt_Angular.root"); zhsfiles.push_back(zhsdir+"beam100e3MeV_1Prim_50NEvt_Angular.root"); zhsfiles.push_back(zhsdir+"beam1e6MeV_1Prim_20NEvt_Angular.root"); // What energies correspond to file [GeV] vector<double> NRG; NRG.push_back(1); NRG.push_back(10); NRG.push_back(100); NRG.push_back(1000); NRG.push_back(10000); // Specify some histogram shiz TString xtitle = "log(Energy/GeV)"; TString ytitle = "Max(A) [Vm/s]"; TH1F* frame = makeHist("frame",1,-1,5,xtitle,ytitle,kBlack,20); // Now loop over files and get points int npoints = 0; double E[1000]; double g4_max[1000]; double zhs_max[1000]; double maximum = -999; for(unsigned int i=0; i<g4files.size(); ++i){ // Store energy E[i] = log10(NRG.at(i)); // Get G4 result TFile* f_g4 = new TFile(g4files.at(i).Data()); TProfile* prof = getProfile(f_g4, g4pname,"","",kBlack,20); //g4_max[i] = prof->GetMaximum(); g4_max[i] = getMax(prof); if( maximum < g4_max[i] ) maximum = g4_max[i]; // Get G4 result TFile* f_zhs = new TFile(zhsfiles.at(i).Data()); TProfile* prof = getProfile(f_zhs, zhspname,"","",kBlack,20); //zhs_max[i] = prof->GetMaximum() / 1000.; //zhs_max[i] = prof->GetMaximum() /1000. ; zhs_max[i] = getMax(prof) / 1000.; if( maximum < zhs_max[i] ) maximum = zhs_max[i]; // Increment points npoints++; } // Make TGraph TGraph* gr_g4 = new TGraph(npoints, E, g4_max); gr_g4->SetLineWidth(1); gr_g4->SetMarkerSize(1); gr_g4->SetMarkerStyle(20); gr_g4->SetLineColor(kBlue); gr_g4->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); // Make TGraph TGraph* gr_zhs = new TGraph(npoints, E, zhs_max); gr_zhs->SetLineWidth(1); gr_zhs->SetMarkerSize(1); gr_zhs->SetMarkerStyle(20); gr_zhs->SetLineColor(kRed); gr_zhs->SetMarkerColor(kRed); // Draw graph frame->SetMaximum(5*maximum); frame->SetMinimum(1e-5*maximum); frame->Draw(); gr_g4->Draw("samelp"); gr_zhs->Draw("samelp"); // Add some legend TLegend* leg = makeLegend(0.2,0.4,0.8,0.9); leg->AddEntry(gr_g4,"Geant4","lp"); leg->AddEntry(gr_zhs,"ZHS","lp"); leg->Draw("same"); }
void Enchantment::applyEnchantment(std::shared_ptr<Object> target) { //Invalid target? if( target->isTerminated() || (!target->isAlive() && !_enchantProfile->_target._stay) ) { Log::get().warn("%s:%d: invalid target\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); requestTerminate(); return; } //Already added to a target? if(_target.lock()) { throw std::logic_error("Enchantment::applyEnchantment() - Already applied\n"); } // do retargeting, if necessary // Should it choose an inhand item? if (_enchantProfile->retarget) { // Left, right, or both are valid if (target->getRightHandItem()) { // Only right hand is valid target = target->getRightHandItem(); } else if (target->getLeftHandItem()) { // Pick left hand target = target->getLeftHandItem(); } else { // No weapons to pick, make it fail Log::get().debug("Enchantment::applyEnchantment() - failed because target has no valid items in hand\n"); requestTerminate(); return; } } //Set our target, stored as a weak_ptr _target = target; // Check damage type, 90% damage resistance is enough to resist the enchant if (_enchantProfile->required_damagetype < DAMAGE_COUNT) { if (target->getDamageReduction(_enchantProfile->required_damagetype) >= 0.90f) { Log::get().debug("Enchantment::applyEnchantment() - failed because the target is immune to the enchant.\n"); requestTerminate(); return; } } // Check if target has the required damage type we need if (_enchantProfile->require_damagetarget_damagetype < DAMAGE_COUNT) { if (target->damagetarget_damagetype != _enchantProfile->require_damagetarget_damagetype) { Log::get().warn("%s:%d: application of enchantment failed because the target not have the right damagetarget_damagetype.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); requestTerminate(); return; } } //modify enchant duration with damage resistance (bad resistance actually *increases* duration!) if ( _lifeTime > 0 && _enchantProfile->required_damagetype < DAMAGE_COUNT && target ) { _lifeTime -= std::ceil(target->getDamageReduction(_enchantProfile->required_damagetype) * _enchantProfile->lifetime); } // Create an overlay character? if (_enchantProfile->spawn_overlay) { std::shared_ptr<Object> overlay = _currentModule->spawnObject(target->getPosition(), _spawnerProfileID, target->team, 0, target->ori.facing_z, "", ObjectRef::Invalid ); if (overlay) { _overlay = overlay; //Kill this character on end... overlay->ai.setTarget(target->getObjRef()); overlay->is_overlay = true; overlay->ai.state = _enchantProfile->spawn_overlay; // ??? WHY DO THIS ??? // Start out with ActionMJ... Object activated int action = overlay->getProfile()->getModel()->getAction(ACTION_MJ); if ( !ACTION_IS_TYPE( action, D ) ) { chr_start_anim( overlay.get(), action, false, true ); } // Assume it's transparent... overlay->setLight(254); overlay->setAlpha(128); } } //Check if this enchant has any set modifiers that conflicts with another enchant _modifiers.remove_if([this, &target](const EnchantModifier &modifier) { //Only set types can conflict if(!Ego::Attribute::isOverrideSetAttribute(modifier._type)) { return false; } //Is there no conflict? if(target->getTempAttributes().find(modifier._type) == target->getTempAttributes().end()) { return false; } //Ok there exist a conflict, so now we have to resolve it somehow //Does this enchant override other enchants? if(getProfile()->_override) { bool conflictResolved = false; //Find the active enchant that conflicts with us for(const std::shared_ptr<Ego::Enchantment> &conflictingEnchant : target->getActiveEnchants()) { conflictingEnchant->_modifiers.remove_if([this, &conflictingEnchant, &modifier, &conflictResolved](const EnchantModifier &otherModifier) { //Is this the one? if(modifier._type == otherModifier._type) { conflictResolved = true; //Remove Enchants that conflict with this one? if(getProfile()->remove_overridden) { conflictingEnchant->requestTerminate(); } return true; } //Nope, keep looking return false; }); //Has it been resolved? if(conflictResolved) { break; } } //We have higher priority than exiting enchants return false; } else { //The existing enchant has higher priority than ours return true; } }); //Now actually apply the values to the target for(const EnchantModifier &modifier : _modifiers) { //These should never occur if(modifier._type == Ego::Attribute::NR_OF_PRIMARY_ATTRIBUTES || modifier._type == Ego::Attribute::NR_OF_ATTRIBUTES) { throw std::logic_error("Enchant.cpp - Invalid enchant type: meta-type as modifier"); } //Morph is special and handled differently than others if(modifier._type == Ego::Attribute::MORPH) { //Store target's original armor target->getTempAttributes()[Ego::Attribute::MORPH] = target->skin; //Transform the object target->polymorphObject(_spawnerProfileID, 0); } //Is it a set type? else if(Ego::Attribute::isOverrideSetAttribute(modifier._type)) { target->getTempAttributes()[modifier._type] = modifier._value; } //It's a cumulative addition else { target->getTempAttributes()[modifier._type] += modifier._value; } } //Finally apply boost values to owner as well std::shared_ptr<Object> owner = _owner.lock(); if(owner != nullptr && !owner->isTerminated()) { owner->getTempAttributes()[Ego::Attribute::MANA_REGEN] += _ownerManaSustain; owner->getTempAttributes()[Ego::Attribute::LIFE_REGEN] += _ownerLifeSustain; } //Insert this enchantment into the Objects list of active enchants target->getActiveEnchants().push_front(shared_from_this()); }
char const* DVVideoStreamFramer::profileName() { if (fOurProfile == NULL) getProfile(); return fOurProfile != NULL ? ((DVVideoProfile const*)fOurProfile)->name : NULL; }
boost::shared_ptr<LocationNode> DESFireChip::getRootLocationNode() { boost::shared_ptr<LocationNode> rootNode; rootNode.reset(new LocationNode()); char tmpName[255]; rootNode->setName("Mifare DESFire"); rootNode->setHasProperties(true); boost::shared_ptr<DESFireLocation> rootLocation = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DESFireLocation>(getProfile()->createLocation()); rootLocation->aid = (unsigned int)-1; rootLocation->file = (unsigned int)-1; rootNode->setLocation(rootLocation); if (getCommands()) { getDESFireCommands()->selectApplication(0); // Try authentication. try { getDESFireCommands()->authenticate(0); } catch(CardException&) { } std::vector<int> aids = getDESFireCommands()->getApplicationIDs(); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator aid = aids.begin(); aid != aids.end(); aid++) { boost::shared_ptr<LocationNode> aidNode; aidNode.reset(new LocationNode()); sprintf(tmpName, "Application ID %u", *aid); aidNode->setName(tmpName); boost::shared_ptr<DESFireLocation> aidLocation = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DESFireLocation>(getProfile()->createLocation()); aidLocation->aid = *aid; aidLocation->file = static_cast<unsigned int>(-1); aidNode->setLocation(aidLocation); if (getDESFireCommands()->selectApplication(*aid)) { // Try authentication. try { getDESFireCommands()->authenticate(0); } catch(CardException&) { } try { std::vector<int> files = getDESFireCommands()->getFileIDs(); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) { boost::shared_ptr<LocationNode> fileNode; fileNode.reset(new LocationNode()); sprintf(tmpName, "File %d", *file); fileNode->setName(tmpName); boost::shared_ptr<DESFireLocation> location = getApplicationLocation(); location->aid = *aid; location->file = *file; location->byte = 0; try { DESFireCommands::FileSetting settings; if (getDESFireCommands()->getFileSettings(*file, settings)) { location->securityLevel = (EncryptionMode)settings.comSett; switch (settings.fileType) { case 0: { size_t fileSize = 0; memcpy(&fileSize, settings.type.dataFile.fileSize, sizeof(settings.type.dataFile.fileSize)); fileNode->setLength(fileSize); } break; case 1: { //TODO: Write something here ? } break; case 2: { size_t recordSize = 0; memcpy(&recordSize, settings.type.recordFile.recordSize, sizeof(settings.type.recordFile.recordSize)); fileNode->setLength(recordSize); } break; } } else { location->securityLevel = CM_ENCRYPT; } } catch(std::exception&) { fileNode->setLength(0); } fileNode->setNeedAuthentication(true); fileNode->setHasProperties(true); fileNode->setLocation(location); fileNode->setParent(aidNode); aidNode->getChildrens().push_back(fileNode); } } catch(std::exception&) { } } aidNode->setHasProperties(true); aidNode->setParent(rootNode); rootNode->getChildrens().push_back(aidNode); } } return rootNode; }
void Enchantment::playEndSound() const { std::shared_ptr<Object> target = _target.lock(); if(target) { const std::shared_ptr<ObjectProfile> &spawnerProfile = ProfileSystem::get().getProfile(_spawnerProfileID); AudioSystem::get().playSound(target->getPosition(), spawnerProfile->getSoundID(getProfile()->endsound_index)); } }