Example #1
void ProgressBar::drawInternal(Graphics* const Graphics, Real32 Opacity) const

	//Draw The ProgressBar
    UIDrawObjectCanvasRefPtr DrawObject(getDrawnDrawObject());
    if(DrawObject != NULL)
        if(DrawObject->getPosition() != _ProgressBarPosition)
        if(DrawObject->getSize() != _ProgressBarSize)
	//Draw The Progress String
	if(getEnableProgressString() && getFont() != NULL)
		Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight;
		getInsideBorderBounds(TopLeft, BottomRight);

		//Draw the progress String
		std::string StringToDraw;
		if(getProgressString().compare("") == 0)
			    UInt32 Percent(static_cast<Int32>( osgFloor(getPercentComplete() * 100.0f) ));

			    std::stringstream TempSStream;
			    TempSStream << Percent;

			    StringToDraw = TempSStream.str() + std::string("%");
			StringToDraw = getProgressString();

		//Calculate Alignment
		Pnt2f AlignedPosition;
		Pnt2f TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight;
		getFont()->getBounds(StringToDraw, TextTopLeft, TextBottomRight);

		AlignedPosition = calculateAlignment(TopLeft, (BottomRight-TopLeft), (TextBottomRight - TextTopLeft),getAlignment().y(), getAlignment().x());

		//Draw the Text
		Graphics->drawText(AlignedPosition, StringToDraw, getFont(), getDrawnTextColor(), getOpacity()*Opacity);
Example #2
static void
get_size_full( TorrentCellRenderer * cell,
               GtkWidget           * widget,
               gint                * width,
               gint                * height )
    int w, h;
    int xpad, ypad;
    GdkRectangle icon_area;
    GdkRectangle name_area;
    GdkRectangle stat_area;
    GdkRectangle prog_area;
    const char * name;
    GdkPixbuf * icon;

    struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = cell->priv;
    const tr_torrent * tor = p->tor;
    const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStatCached( (tr_torrent*)tor );
    const tr_info * inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor );
    GString * gstr_prog = p->gstr1;
    GString * gstr_stat = p->gstr2;

    icon = get_icon( tor, FULL_ICON_SIZE, widget );
    name = tr_torrentName( tor );
    g_string_truncate( gstr_stat, 0 );
    getStatusString( gstr_stat, tor, st, p->upload_speed_KBps, p->download_speed_KBps );
    g_string_truncate( gstr_prog, 0 );
    getProgressString( gstr_prog, tor, inf, st );
    gtr_cell_renderer_get_padding( GTK_CELL_RENDERER( cell ), &xpad, &ypad );

    /* get the idealized cell dimensions */
    g_object_set( p->icon_renderer, "pixbuf", icon, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->icon_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    icon_area.width = w;
    icon_area.height = h;
    g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", name, "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, "scale", 1.0, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    name_area.width = w;
    name_area.height = h;
    g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", gstr_prog->str, "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL, "scale", SMALL_SCALE, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    prog_area.width = w;
    prog_area.height = h;
    g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", gstr_stat->str, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    stat_area.width = w;
    stat_area.height = h;

    *** LAYOUT

    if( width != NULL )
        *width = xpad * 2 + icon_area.width + GUI_PAD + MAX3( name_area.width, prog_area.width, stat_area.width );
    if( height != NULL )
        *height = ypad * 2 + name_area.height + prog_area.height + GUI_PAD_SMALL + p->bar_height + GUI_PAD_SMALL + stat_area.height;

    /* cleanup */
    g_object_unref( icon );
static void
get_size_full( TorrentCellRenderer * cell,
               GtkWidget           * widget,
               gint                * width,
               gint                * height )
    int w, h;
    GdkRectangle icon_area;
    GdkRectangle name_area;
    GdkRectangle stat_area;
    GdkRectangle prog_area;
    const char * name;
    char * status;
    char * progress;
    GdkPixbuf * icon;
    GtkCellRenderer * text_renderer;

    struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = cell->priv;
    const tr_torrent * tor = p->tor;
    const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStatCached( (tr_torrent*)tor );
    const tr_info * inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor );

    icon = get_icon( tor, FULL_ICON_SIZE, widget );
    name = inf->name;
    status = getStatusString( tor, st, p->upload_speed, p->download_speed );
    progress = getProgressString( tor, inf, st );

    /* get the idealized cell dimensions */
    g_object_set( p->icon_renderer, "pixbuf", icon, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->icon_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    icon_area.width = w;
    icon_area.height = h;
    text_renderer = get_text_renderer( st, cell );
    g_object_set( text_renderer, "text", name, "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, "scale", 1.0, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    name_area.width = w;
    name_area.height = h;
    g_object_set( text_renderer, "text", progress, "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL, "scale", SMALL_SCALE, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    prog_area.width = w;
    prog_area.height = h;
    g_object_set( text_renderer, "text", status, NULL );
    gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h );
    stat_area.width = w;
    stat_area.height = h;

    *** LAYOUT

    if( width != NULL )
        *width = cell->parent.xpad * 2 + icon_area.width + GUI_PAD + MAX3( name_area.width, prog_area.width, stat_area.width );
    if( height != NULL )
        *height = cell->parent.ypad * 2 + name_area.height + prog_area.height + GUI_PAD_SMALL + p->bar_height + GUI_PAD_SMALL + stat_area.height;

    /* cleanup */
    g_free( status );
    g_free( progress );
    g_object_unref( icon );
static void
torrent_cell_renderer_get_size( GtkCellRenderer * cell,
                                GtkWidget *       widget,
                                GdkRectangle *    cell_area,
                                gint *            x_offset,
                                gint *            y_offset,
                                gint *            width,
                                gint *            height )
    TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( cell );

    if( self && self->priv->tor )
        const tr_torrent *                  tor = self->priv->tor;
        const tr_info *                     info = tr_torrentInfo( tor );
        const char *                        name = info->name;
        const tr_stat *                     torStat =
            tr_torrentStatCached( (tr_torrent*)tor );
        char *                              str;
        int                                 w = 0, h = 0;
        struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = self->priv;
        GtkCellRenderer *                   text_renderer =
            torStat->error != 0
            ? p->
            : p->

        g_object_set( text_renderer, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE,
                      NULL );

        /* above the progressbar */
        if( p->minimal )
            int    w1, w2, h1, h2;
            char * shortStatus = getShortStatusString( torStat );
            g_object_set( text_renderer, "text", name, NULL );
            gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer,
                                        widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 );
            str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "<small>%s</small>", shortStatus );
            g_object_set( text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL );
            gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer,
                                        widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w2, &h2 );
            h += MAX( h1, h2 );
            w = MAX( w, w1 + GUI_PAD_BIG + w2 );
            g_free( str );
            g_free( shortStatus );
            int    w1, h1;
            char * progressString = getProgressString( info, torStat );
            str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "<b>%s</b>\n<small>%s</small>",
                                           name, progressString );
            g_object_set( text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL );
            gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer,
                                        widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 );
            h += h1;
            w = MAX( w, w1 );
            g_free( str );
            g_free( progressString );

        /* below the progressbar */
        if( !p->minimal )
            int    w1, h1;
            char * statusString = getStatusString( torStat );
            str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "<small>%s</small>",
                                           statusString );
            g_object_set( text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL );
            gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( text_renderer,
                                        widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 );
            h += h1;
            w = MAX( w, w1 );
            g_free( str );
            g_free( statusString );

        h += p->bar_height;

        if( cell_area )
            if( x_offset ) *x_offset = 0;
            if( y_offset )
                *y_offset = 0.5 *
                            ( cell_area->height - ( h + ( 2 * cell->ypad ) ) );
                *y_offset = MAX( *y_offset, 0 );

        *width = w + cell->xpad * 2;
        *height = h + cell->ypad * 2;