// main visibility determination & render queue filling routine
	// over-ridden from base/default scene manager.  This is *the*
	// main call.
	void PCZSceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam,
											  VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds,
											  bool onlyShadowCasters)
		// clear the render queue

		// if we are re-rendering the scene again with the same camera, we can just use the cache.
		// this helps post processing compositors.
		unsigned long frameCount = Root::getSingleton().getNextFrameNumber();
		if (mLastActiveCamera == cam && mFrameCount == frameCount)
			RenderQueue* queue = getRenderQueue();
			size_t count = mVisible.size();
			for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
					cam, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds);

		// increment the visibility frame counter
		mFrameCount = frameCount;
		mLastActiveCamera = cam;

		// clear the list of visible nodes

		// turn off sky 

		// remove all extra culling planes

		// update the camera

		// get the home zone of the camera
		PCZone* cameraHomeZone = ((PCZSceneNode*)(cam->getParentSceneNode()))->getHomeZone();

		// walk the zones, starting from the camera home zone,
		// adding all visible scene nodes to the mVisibles list
void Scene::getRenderQueue(SceneNode const& sn, std::multimap<int, SceneNode const*>& queue) const
    queue.insert(std::pair<int,SceneNode const*>(sn.getLayer(), &sn));
    std::vector<SceneNode*> const &children = sn.getChildren();
    for (auto& it : children)
        getRenderQueue(*it, queue);
void Scene::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target,sf::RenderStates states) const
    std::multimap<int,SceneNode const*> _renderQueue;
    getRenderQueue(getRootNode(), _renderQueue);

    for (auto& it : _renderQueue)
        target.draw(*it.second, states);
void OctreeSceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Camera * cam, 
    VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds, bool onlyShadowCasters )


    mNumObjects = 0;

    //walk the octree, adding all visible Octreenodes nodes to the render queue.
    walkOctree( static_cast < OctreeCamera * > ( cam ), getRenderQueue(), mOctree, 
                visibleBounds, false, onlyShadowCasters );

    // Show the octree boxes & cull camera if required
    if ( mShowBoxes )
        for ( BoxList::iterator it = mBoxes.begin(); it != mBoxes.end(); ++it )
    void BspSceneManager::processVisibleLeaf(BspNode* leaf, Camera* cam, 
		VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo* visibleBounds, bool onlyShadowCasters)
        MaterialPtr pMat;
        // Skip world geometry if we're only supposed to process shadow casters
        // World is pre-lit
        if (!onlyShadowCasters)
            // Parse the leaf node's faces, add face groups to material map
            int numGroups = leaf->getNumFaceGroups();
            int idx = leaf->getFaceGroupStart();

            while (numGroups--)
                int realIndex = mLevel->mLeafFaceGroups[idx++];
                // Check not already included
                if (mFaceGroupSet.find(realIndex) != mFaceGroupSet.end())
                StaticFaceGroup* faceGroup = mLevel->mFaceGroups + realIndex;
                // Get Material pointer by handle
                pMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByHandle(faceGroup->materialHandle);
                assert (!pMat.isNull());
                // Check normal (manual culling)
                ManualCullingMode cullMode = pMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getManualCullingMode();
                if (cullMode != MANUAL_CULL_NONE)
                    Real dist = faceGroup->plane.getDistance(cam->getDerivedPosition());
                    if ( (dist < 0 && cullMode == MANUAL_CULL_BACK) ||
                        (dist > 0 && cullMode == MANUAL_CULL_FRONT) )
                        continue; // skip
                // Try to insert, will find existing if already there
                std::pair<MaterialFaceGroupMap::iterator, bool> matgrpi;
                matgrpi = mMatFaceGroupMap.insert(
					MaterialFaceGroupMap::value_type(pMat.getPointer(), vector<StaticFaceGroup*>::type())
                // Whatever happened, matgrpi.first is map iterator
                // Need to get second part of that to get vector

                //if (firstTime)
                //    of << "  Emitting faceGroup: index=" << realIndex << ", " << *faceGroup << std::endl;

        // Add movables to render queue, provided it hasn't been seen already
        const BspNode::IntersectingObjectSet& objects = leaf->getObjects();
        BspNode::IntersectingObjectSet::const_iterator oi, oiend;
        oiend = objects.end();
        for (oi = objects.begin(); oi != oiend; ++oi)
            if (mMovablesForRendering.find(*oi) == mMovablesForRendering.end())
                // It hasn't been seen yet
                MovableObject *mov = const_cast<MovableObject*>(*oi); // hacky

				getRenderQueue()->processVisibleObject(mov, cam, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds);

