GtkWidget *createResultPopUp ( void ) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Resultat", (GtkWindow*) app, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); //Create labels GtkWidget *vbox = GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox; gchar power[1024]; sprintf(power, "Effekt: %.2f W", getPower()); GtkWidget *lPower = gtk_label_new(power); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), lPower); gchar totRes[1024]; sprintf(totRes, "Ersättningsresistans: %.2f ohm", getResistance()); GtkWidget *lRes = gtk_label_new(totRes); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), lRes); gchar comp[1024]; sprintf(comp, "Ersättningsresistanser i E12-serien kopplade i serie: %s", getComponentStr()); GtkWidget *lComp = gtk_label_new(comp); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), lComp); gtk_widget_show_all( GTK_WIDGET (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox ) ); return dialog; }
float getTemperatureC(Thermistor *thermistor) { chDbgCheck(initialized, "initialized"); float resistance = getResistance(thermistor); float kelvinTemperature = getKelvinTemperature(resistance, thermistor->config); return convertKelvinToC(kelvinTemperature); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ float calc_resistance(int count, char conn, float *array) { const int ERROR_CODE = -1; if (!validParamsSupplied(count, conn, array)) { return ERROR_CODE; } return getResistance(count, conn, array); }
static void printTemperatureInfo(void) { printThermistor("CLT", &engineConfiguration2->clt); printThermistor("IAT", &engineConfiguration2->iat); float rClt = getResistance(&engineConfiguration2->clt); float rIat = getResistance(&engineConfiguration2->iat); #if EFI_PROD_CODE int cltChannel = engineConfiguration2->; scheduleMsg(&logger, "CLT R=%f on channel %d@%s", rClt, cltChannel, getPinNameByAdcChannel(cltChannel, pinNameBuffer)); int iatChannel = engineConfiguration2->; scheduleMsg(&logger, "IAT R=%f on channel %d@%s", rIat, iatChannel, getPinNameByAdcChannel(iatChannel, pinNameBuffer)); scheduleMsg(&logger, "cranking fuel %fms @ %fC", engineConfiguration->crankingSettings.fuelAtMinTempMs, engineConfiguration->crankingSettings.coolantTempMinC); scheduleMsg(&logger, "cranking fuel %fms @ %fC", engineConfiguration->crankingSettings.fuelAtMaxTempMs, engineConfiguration->crankingSettings.coolantTempMaxC); #endif }
static void printThermistor(char *msg, Thermistor *thermistor) { int adcChannel = thermistor->channel; float voltage = getVoltageDivided(adcChannel); float r = getResistance(thermistor); float t = getTemperatureC(thermistor); scheduleMsg(&logger, "%s v=%f C=%f R=%f on channel %d", msg, voltage, t, r, adcChannel); scheduleMsg(&logger, "bias=%f A=%f B=%f C=%f", thermistor->config->bias_resistor, thermistor->config->s_h_a, thermistor->config->s_h_b, thermistor->config->s_h_c); #if EFI_PROD_CODE scheduleMsg(&logger, "@%s", getPinNameByAdcChannel(adcChannel, pinNameBuffer)); #endif }
static void printThermistor(const char *msg, ThermistorConf *config, ThermistorMath *tm) { thermistor_curve_s * curve = &tm->curve; adc_channel_e adcChannel = config->adcChannel; float voltage = getVoltageDivided("term", adcChannel); float r = getResistance(config); float t = getTemperatureC(config, tm); thermistor_conf_s *tc = &config->config; scheduleMsg(&logger, "%s volts=%f Celsius=%f sensorR=%f on channel %d", msg, voltage, t, r, adcChannel); scheduleMsg(&logger, "@%s", getPinNameByAdcChannel(adcChannel, pinNameBuffer)); scheduleMsg(&logger, "C=%f/R=%f C=%f/R=%f C=%f/R=%f", tc->tempC_1, tc->resistance_1, tc->tempC_2, tc->resistance_2, tc->tempC_3, tc->resistance_3); scheduleMsg(&logger, "bias resistor=%fK A=%..100000f B=%..100000f C=%..100000f", tc->bias_resistor / 1000, curve->s_h_a, curve->s_h_b, curve->s_h_c); scheduleMsg(&logger, "=============================="); }
bool Entity::damage(Entity *Victim, bool PhysicalAttack, long Amount, long DmgClass, long CureClass){ char Text[128]; float Resist; float Range; long DmgAmount; // Error checking if (Victim == NULL) return false; // Can't attack if already dead or being hurt (or not enabled) if ( Victim->Action == CHAR_DIE || Victim->Action == CHAR_HURT) return false; // Adjust for definition if physical attack if (PhysicalAttack == true) { // Random value for less/more damage (-+20%) Range = (float)((rand() % 20) + 90) / 100.0f; DmgAmount = (long)((float)Amount * Range); // Subtract for defense of victim (allow -20% difference) Range = (float)((rand() % 20) + 80) / 100.0f; DmgAmount -= (long)((float)getDefense(Victim) * Range); } else { // Adjust for magical attack Resist = 1.0f - ((float)getResistance(Victim) / 100.0f); DmgAmount = (long)((float)Amount * Resist); } // Bounds check value if (DmgAmount < 0) DmgAmount = 0; // Check for double damage if (Victim->definition.Class == DmgClass) DmgAmount *= 2; // Check for cure damage if (Victim->definition.Class == CureClass) DmgAmount = -(labs(DmgAmount) / 2); // If no physical damage is dealt then randomly deal // 10-20% of damage from the original amount. if (!DmgAmount && PhysicalAttack == true) { Range = (float)((rand() % 10) + 10) / 100.0f; DmgAmount = (long)((float)Amount * Range); } // Subtract damage amount Victim->current_health -= DmgAmount; // Set hurt status and display message if (DmgAmount > 0) { sprintf_s(Text, "-%lu HP", DmgAmount); std::string msg = Victim->getEntityType() + " loss " + std::to_string(DmgAmount) + " HP"; log_message->setString(msg); log_message->setColor(sf::Color::Red); Victim->addMessage(Text, 1000, sf::Color::Red); // Only set hurt if any damage (and idle or moving) if (DmgAmount) { if (Victim->Action == CHAR_MOVE || Victim->Action == CHAR_IDLE) setAction( CHAR_HURT); notify(*Victim, EVENT_HURT); } } // Display cure amount if (DmgAmount < 0) { sprintf_s(Text, "+%lu HP", -DmgAmount); std::string msg = getEntityType() + " gained " + std::to_string(DmgAmount) + " HP" ; log_message->setString(msg); log_message->setColor(sf::Color::Green); addMessage(Text, 1000, sf::Color::Green); } return true; }
float MQ135::getPPM() { return PARA * pow((getResistance()/RZERO), -PARB); }
float MQ135::getCorrectedResistance(float t, float h) { return getResistance()/getCorrectionFactor(t, h); }
float MQ135::getRZero() { return getResistance() * pow((ATMOCO2/PARA), (1./PARB)); }
float MQ135::getPPMNH3() { return NH3PARA * pow((getResistance()/NH3RZERO), -NH3PARB); }
float MQ135::getRZeroNH3() { return getResistance() * pow((ATMONH3/NH3PARA), (1./NH3PARB)); }