Example #1
void CC3MeshNode::addShadowVolumesForLight( CC3Light* aLight )
	// If I shouldn't cast a shadow, or if I already have a shadow volume, just leave.
	if ( !shouldCastShadows() || getShadowVolumeForLight( aLight ) )

#pragma _NOTE_TODO( "CC3MeshNode::addShadowVolumesForLight( CC3Light* aLight )" )
	//std::string svName = stringWithFormat( "%s-SV-%s", getName().c_str(), aLight->getName().c_str() );
	//CC3Node<CC3ShadowProtocol>* sv = [[self shadowVolumeClass] nodeWithName: svName];

	//// Retain data required to build shadow volume mesh
	//setShouldCacheFaces( true );

	//prewarmForShadowVolumes();		// Force heavy face calcs now instead of lazily during drawing.

	//// Set the active camera to infinite depth of field to accomodate infinite shadow volumes
	//getActiveCamera()->setHasInfiniteDepthOfField( true );

	//aLight->addShadow( sv );			// Add to light before notifying scene a descendant has been added
	//addChild( sv );			// The last thing we do is add the SV to the scene...
	// ...because we might be doing this on a background thread.
	//LogTrace(@"Added shadow volume %@ to %@", sv, self);

	super::addShadowVolumesForLight( aLight );
Example #2
void CC3Billboard::addShadowVolumesForLight( CC3Light* aLight )
	if (!m_pMesh) 

	super::addShadowVolumesForLight( aLight );

	CC3ShadowVolumeMeshNode* sv = getShadowVolumeForLight( aLight );
	if ( sv )
		sv->setShouldShadowBackFaces( true );
		sv->setShadowOffsetUnits( 0 );
		sv->setShadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor( kCC3DefaultShadowVolumeVertexOffsetFactor );