Example #1
// Draw single sprite frame.
// Drawing accounts for: centering, slowdown, advancing Sprite Frame.
void df::Object::draw(){

	// If sprite not defined, don’t continue further.
	if (p_sprite == NULL)
	int index = getSpriteIndex();

	// Ask graphics manager to draw current frame.
	df::GraphicsManager::getInstance().drawFrame(pos, p_sprite->getFrame(index), sprite_center, p_sprite->getColor());
	// If slowdown is 0, then animation is frozen.
	if (getSpriteSlowdown() == 0)

	// Increment counter.
	int count = getSpriteSlowdownCount();

	// Advance sprite index, if appropriate.
	if (count >= getSpriteSlowdown()){
		count = 0;          // Reset counter.
		index++;     // Advance frame.

		// If at last frame, loop to beginning.
		if (index >= p_sprite->getFrameCount())
			index = 0;

		setSpriteIndex(index);         // Set index for next draw().

	setSpriteSlowdownCount(count); // Set counter for next draw().
Example #2
void Object::draw()
	if (isActive())
		auto& gfxMgr = GraphicsManager::getInstance();
		int index = getSpriteIndex();
		int count = getSpriteSlowdownCount();
		gfxMgr.drawFrame(pos, p_sprite->getFrame(index), isCentered(), getTransparency(), p_sprite->getColor());

		if (sprite_slowdown == 0)
			if (count >= sprite_slowdown)
				count = 0;
				++index %= (p_sprite->getFrameCount());


Example #3
void ThingType::exportImage(std::string fileName)
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export null thingtype");

    if(m_spritesIndex.size() == 0)
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export thingtype without sprites");

    ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width() * m_layers * m_numPatternX, 32 * m_size.height() * m_animationPhases * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ)));
    for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
        for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
            for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                    for(int a = 0; a < m_animationPhases; ++a) {
                        for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                            for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1 + m_size.width() * x + m_size.width() * m_numPatternX * l),
                                                  32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1 + m_size.height() * y + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * a + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * m_animationPhases * z)),
                                            g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, a)]));

Example #4
const TexturePtr& ThingType::getTexture(int animationPhase)
    TexturePtr& animationPhaseTexture = m_textures[animationPhase];
    if(!animationPhaseTexture) {
        bool useCustomImage = false;
        if(animationPhase == 0 && !m_customImage.empty())
            useCustomImage = true;

        // we don't need layers in common items, they will be pre-drawn
        int textureLayers = 1;
        int numLayers = m_layers;
        if(m_category == ThingCategoryCreature && numLayers >= 2) {
             // 5 layers: outfit base, red mask, green mask, blue mask, yellow mask
            textureLayers = 5;
            numLayers = 5;

        int indexSize = textureLayers * m_numPatternX * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ;
        Size textureSize = getBestTextureDimension(m_size.width(), m_size.height(), indexSize);
        ImagePtr fullImage;

            fullImage = Image::load(m_customImage);
            fullImage = ImagePtr(new Image(textureSize * Otc::TILE_PIXELS));


        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < numLayers; ++l) {
                        bool spriteMask = (m_category == ThingCategoryCreature && l > 0);
                        int frameIndex = getTextureIndex(l % textureLayers, x, y, z);
                        Point framePos = Point(frameIndex % (textureSize.width() / m_size.width()) * m_size.width(),
                                               frameIndex / (textureSize.width() / m_size.width()) * m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS;

                        if(!useCustomImage) {
                            for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                                    uint spriteIndex = getSpriteIndex(w, h, spriteMask ? 1 : l, x, y, z, animationPhase);
                                    ImagePtr spriteImage = g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[spriteIndex]);
                                    if(spriteImage) {
                                        if(spriteMask) {
                                            static Color maskColors[] = { Color::red, Color::green, Color::blue, Color::yellow };
                                            spriteImage->overwriteMask(maskColors[l - 1]);
                                        Point spritePos = Point(m_size.width()  - w - 1,
                                                                m_size.height() - h - 1) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS;

                                        fullImage->blit(framePos + spritePos, spriteImage);

                        Rect drawRect(framePos + Point(m_size.width(), m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS - Point(1,1), framePos);
                        for(int x = framePos.x; x < framePos.x + m_size.width() * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; ++x) {
                            for(int y = framePos.y; y < framePos.y + m_size.height() * Otc::TILE_PIXELS; ++y) {
                                uint8 *p = fullImage->getPixel(x,y);
                                if(p[3] != 0x00) {
                                    drawRect.setTop   (std::min<int>(y, (int)drawRect.top()));
                                    drawRect.setLeft  (std::min<int>(x, (int)drawRect.left()));
                                    drawRect.setBottom(std::max<int>(y, (int)drawRect.bottom()));
                                    drawRect.setRight (std::max<int>(x, (int)drawRect.right()));

                        m_texturesFramesRects[animationPhase][frameIndex] = drawRect;
                        m_texturesFramesOriginRects[animationPhase][frameIndex] = Rect(framePos, Size(m_size.width(), m_size.height()) * Otc::TILE_PIXELS);
                        m_texturesFramesOffsets[animationPhase][frameIndex] = drawRect.topLeft() - framePos;
        animationPhaseTexture = TexturePtr(new Texture(fullImage, true));
    return animationPhaseTexture;
Example #5
void ThingType::drawToImage(Point dest, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, ImagePtr image)

    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
        for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w)
            int x = dest.x;
            for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h)
                int y = dest.y;
                int dx = x + 32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1) - 32 * (m_size.width() - 1);
                int dy = y + 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1) - 32 * (m_size.height() - 1);
                if(dx >= 0 && dy >= 0)// todo wieksze
                    image->blit(Point(dx, dy), g_sprites.getSpriteImageCached(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, 0)]));